@josefbosch #wingnut gab.com
Someday, the power is going to go out.
Someday, the factory farms will close their doors.
Someday, the WiFi will stop working.
Someday, the tap water will run dry.
Someday, the chaos will outweigh what’s left of order.
If the last two years has taught us anything, it’s this: we are NOT headed for a techno-utopian future with flying cars, food for all, walkable cities, world peace, and prosperity as far as the eye can see.
No, it’s FAR more likely that our nations are headed for darkness and hunger and disease and perpetual conflict.
And, when that day comes, no one will care enough to add a new letter to LGBTQ, no one will send Israel or the Ukraine billions of dollars, no one will sit in third period “Holocaust class,” no one will be there to teach our kids to hate themselves, no one will prance through the streets draped in rainbow flags, no one will march for the “right” to dismember their unborn offspring.
CRT and SPLC and IRS and ADL and LGBTQ and AIPAC and BIPOC and CDC... they all become distant memories when you’re hungry, when you’re thirsty, and when you’re in near permanent danger.
The evils of our day are LUXURY evils.
EVERYTHING these people have centered their lives around disappears when the streetlights fail to come on at dusk.
So, you. You and I will center OUR LIVES on things that will never go away—no matter how dark the darkness gets—faith, family, our people, our community.