Dr. Paula A. Price #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger charismanews.com
Purveyors of homosexuality are extreme in the function of sex itself. Living without sex is not life-threatening. Utilizing sex organs is an act of the will based on desire, not a life-sustaining necessity. People can control their sexual appetites or inflame them. To treat acts of sex as necessities is extremism.
Medical doctors are part of the extremist legacy. Psychiatrists have removed "religious taboos" to redefine intimacy, family and culture so we accept what is truly bizarre as merely "different." Surgeons cosmetically alter bodies based on gender preference. However, because nature refuses such changes, an endless stream of medications are required to sustain the pretense.
Financial costs for this new "protected" group in now a governmental legacy based on "doing" not "being." Now, people may "try" homosexuality just to cash in on benefits. After their choice is a matter of record, if their sexual desires change, they can still enjoy the benefits. Who will police the bedrooms for the kind of sex occurring? How many homosexual encounters must one have to remain qualified for homosexual benefits? A nation that puts such a burden upon its citizens because a select group wants to practice certain sex acts is troublesome, but for a nation as great as the United States, it is embarrassing.
Societies are responsible to protect citizens from threats and at-risk behaviors. The financial tab for monetizing today's at-risk behavior will continually grow. We will all bear the burden of expensive medical treatments and fraudulent claims for deviant actions, not conditions, which cannot be verified because they are performed in private.