Overwatch: Multiplayer shooter game that caters to SJWs and Cultural Marxists by needlessly making a popular character a lesbian, as well as adding in a muscular lesbian when leftists were offended by the game. The story of the game also subtly condemns private business while promoting the left-wing United Nations. In addition, it recently came under fire when Soldier 76, the closest the game had to a conservative character, was turned homosexual for absolutely no reason
"The Last of Us series: Social Justice Warrior-filled propaganda series masquerading as a survival horror series. Although the main version of the first game by itself was neutral, the game's DLC turned one of the main protagonists, Ellie, into a lesbian, after meeting a promiscuous bisexual woman named Dina. "Part II" based on leaks doubles down on the SJW elements: aside from exploring and treating Ellie's homosexuality in a positive light, the main antagonists, the Seraphites, are depicted as Christians who go out and slaughter "sinners", and are treated in a bad light, meaning it intended to push an anti-Christian agenda, and one of the women, Ellie's mother, is depicted as more masculine, hinting at gender confusion, and also hints at anti-male. Part 2 was ultimately given an indefinite delay, with the official reason being the outbreak of COVID-19, and issuing refunds to those who pre-ordered it."
Ellie's mom doesn't make an appearance. Second what is gender confusion? How feminine/masculine does a man/woman have to be?
Also many churches want to execute gays: https://www.google.com/search?q=kill+gays+church+site%3Apatheos.com&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&sxsrf=APq-WBt0EL8GfnrEjjqHrafZNlboaLbZfQ%3A1646343146945&ei=6jMhYraGOeiJggeai6fQBA&oq=kill+gays+church+site%3Apatheos.com&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEANKBAhBGAFQohpYyidgsCpoAHAAeACAAf8DiAH8B5IBBzEuMy41LTGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1
Truth hurts huh?
As far I was aware, there were one gay man and one gay woman in Overwatch. Soldier 76 and Tracer.
As for the former "suddenly becoming" gay, I never got into Overwatch, but isn't it more "when his sexual preference was revealed, Soldier 76 was revealed to be gay" vs him being shown to be straight beforehand?
What Conservapedia would prefer:
- No female characters, obviously. An exception might be made for a pure healer or pure support character with a sufficiently concealing outfit, but definitively no combat characters.
- Also, no characters that are not both American and the Christian. And definitively no non-humans!
- All dialogue consists of Conservative slogans and affirmations of the character’s heterosexuality (but no actual romance scenes because that’s for women and sissies, not manly macho men like us!)
- All characters must wield weapons of gun! Never compromise with the Liberal gun-control agenda!
- No powers that are evocative of witchcraft or liberal claptrap like black holes. Only realistic abilities like godly Christian traumatology… tauopathy… thymeorgy… miracle working and drawing on the wondrous insights of the great Andrew Schlafly!
- Absolutely no restraint in monetisation! None at all! All hail Mammo I mean the Invisible Hand of the Free Market!
(Disclaimer: Since my knowledge of Overwatch is limited to its roster including several female fighters, non-Americans including East Asians, a genius gorilla and a redeemed killer robot, that there are weapons that are not guns and that it was a major normaliser of lootboxes, I do not make any guarantee for this actually being useful as a Conservapedian rewrite.)
Conservapedia: where contributions are based on not understanding what's discussed, spreading ignorance, misimformation, disinformation amd stupidity. EX: the take on Overwatch
@Tilver #116460
IIRC, Overwatch became a big deal to the GamerGate morons because someone decided the artwork focusing on Tracer’s rear end was a bit too revealing, and the GamerGaters jumped on that as “Blizzard bowing to the SJW’s!”
Being able to lift more than you doesn’t make Zarya a lesbian any more than being braver, more charismatic, daring, handsome, and deserving of the respect of others than you was supposed to be an indicator that Jack Morrison (Soldier: 76) was straight.
They didn’t “change” anyone’s sexuality. You shitheads just make your own assumptions and then bitch at the world for correcting you whether it’s characters in fiction or where rain comes from.
Well, what "need" is there for a character to be straight then? Unless the sexuality of a character is openly confirmed as straight before, revealing that they're not straight doesn't mean they've been changed in any way. And straight or non-confirmed characters are still the vast majority.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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