zuoki #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com
I am, but I don't speak or can read Japanese. because I grew up in a western country. And yes you can use them. Spread those words. The Chinese are lying and still lying to the world. The Japanese had all the right to liberate China and Asia from western imperialism. The Empire has the right to share their wealth and technology with the rest of Asia. In order to make Asia great agian with the Empire Of Japan at the helm. But nations refused and got crushed. China forms a problem. Without China there would be no North Korea.
There was no Nanking Massacre, there was no UNIT-program, there were no confort woman. The Imperial Japanese Army was a honorble army and liberated Asia from the western powers. The nationalist goverment used Nanking as a story to drag the US into the war, resulting that they cut of 90% of Japanese oil import. As a result the Empire Of Japan had no choice to attack Pearl Harbor/
The Chinese are a bunch of liars. They're rude, uncivil, poo and pee everywhere, have no manners and bully other nations in Asia.
You can blame the downfall of the Empire to China. You can blame Pearl Harbor to China. If it wasn't for the US then China would be in Japanese power. The Japanese are supreme over the Chinese and the Chinese are nothing but dogs who are willing to kill themselves.
Japan is the real victim of WWII, not China!
Even some people here on DA are spreading Chinese lies: