Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Have you noticed how many companies are now rolling back their woke, tranny-pushing DEI policies since Commander Trump won the election?

Target, McDonald's, Walmart, and Meta are the latest in a long list that includes Harley-Davidson, John Deere, Boeing, Tractor Supply Company, Coors, Nissan, and many more.

All of these companies are hoping you'll forgive and forget them for trying to ruin your life the last four years. They expect you to just let bygones be bygones. They assume you will now return to spending your hard-earned money on their products, because, after all, they're just like you. Don't you dare do it!

We've been forced to endure their hateful and racist rhetoric for four long years; we've been passed over for raises; job promotions, or even getting hired in the first place in favor of unqualified, low-IQ sex deviants and Affirmative Action candidates. We've been denied benefits and scolded in a million different ways over our "racism" and "privilege," and now they want us to be nice and give them our money?

The only reason they're abandoning these policies now is because the presidential candidate of their choice lost.
First, it tells you they're cowards. If they really believed in their woke initiatives and policies, they'd keep them in place. That they're scrapping them now just because Trump won, tells you that all they care about is joining the winning side. That's the sign of a coward. It's also a very feminine characteristic.
And what I said about boycotting the pedophile scum who populate the entertainment industry goes double, triple, quadruple for teachers and school officials.
Now when it comes to family or friends, then obviously you can cut them some slack. The same with your co-workers and neighbors. If your neighbor is like mine, a black pill doomer with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), then you can remain cordial with him. I remain cordial with my neighbor, although I couldn't resist rubbing it in a little when Trump won.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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