Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The time of Jesus was in the early 1500s
The time of Genesis was approximately 500 years earlier

In the 1600s
The Bible became canonized
Being revised form Hebrew and Gnostic sources

The fraud of the historic church was set up
And the control system of religion was institutionalized

The Gnostics believed in the prevalent story of a virgin goddess
Of Sophia giving birth to a divine being without a partner

Except the offspring had a serpent like body
With the head of a lion
Which is the Sphinx
Whom Gnostics call the Demiurge

The Demiurge ruled over his own section of heaven
And needed archons to assist him

Sophia gave birth to the Demiurge after descending to the lower heavens
And Mars became Ruler of the Underworld

Adam and Eve
Like the Demiurge and Sophia
Were Mars and Venus

Venus was born in a shell or lotus blossom
Which was a plasma formation

The Egyptian Coffin Texts say
The beautiful youth
The boy from the womb ascends to the lotus flower
And illuminates the land with his light

In the Mayan Book of Chilam Balam
The sun god is explicitly described as dwelling in the center of a 4 petaled flower

Heracles was brought back to life
By means of a reunion with his divine partner Astarte

Isis saw her child Osiris burning in the fire
This is the baptism by fire
In which newborns were wrapped in swaddling clothes
And moved around right above the flames

The cross and Ceiba tree were the same in Mayan belief
The Ceiba tree had 4 branches each going off in one of the 4 cardinal directions

The cross is called the Yax Chi
Which means the green tree
That was in the center of the cosmos

Just as the Yggdrasil tree in Norse lore was an evergreen tree
On which Thor was hanged

The Tree of life is the Aroura Borealis
When plasma surges up into the sky
And branches outward in electrical filaments

It is on the world tree that Venus set up her green garden
Which was also the holy cross

Jesus carrying his cross
Him falling down under its weight
And being stripped of his garments
Is Mars entering the plasma womb of Venus to be reborn!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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