Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick

The Parthenon in Athens
Was built by the prior culture
And is only hundreds of years old

The Parthenon in Nashville
Was also built by the former culture
And is hundreds of years old
Not recently and magically constructed in 1897

It is beyond the capability
Of 1890’s technology

The 42 foot high statue of Athena in Nashville
Has been refurbished in gold leaf
After the original gold was stolen

There are 46 outer columns
And 23 inner columns
All perfectly carved
And are 40 feet tall

The marble frieze above the pillars
Of the gods and goddesses
Is exquisitely designed
Again beyond 1890’s technology

There are two bronze doors
8 feet thick
And 24 feet tall

The floor is red white and blue granite
Infused with quartz crystal
That helped produce electricity

Athena is the Greek Venus
Also known as the Queen of Heaven
Who is the rebirth or reincarnation of Eve

The giant serpent rising at the feet of Athena
Is symbolic of the electrical conduit
That rapped around the celestial polar axis

The celestial pole
Shined brilliantly in the former age
And is represented by the rod or staff of Athena

It was the universal energy force

The staff of Athena
Was originally made
As an electrical transmitter
And also an antennae

It was positive frequency generator
Receiving electrical power
And sending messages heavenward



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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