Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy

Legion are the lies of Satan's Islamo-Commie-Homo Movement. From Darwinism through Freudianism and Marxism and Islam, they go right on down through Hedonism.

"Islam is peace" is a lie. Islam means "submission". The real meaning of Islam is that there will be no peace until the world is in submission to Islam.

"Communism is Utopia" is a lie. The real meaning of Communism is that there will be no peace until the world is dominated by Communism.

"Homosexuality is Innocent" is a lie. The real meaning of the homosexual movement is that there will be no peace until the whole world is under the domination of anything-goes-hedonism, unlimited satiation of lust and the achievement of sexual, gluttonous, etc., etc., gratification by any means necessary.

The enemy is spending untold millions of dollars in Ohio to lie Ohio Issue One into victory through advertising. Satanic adds insist that Issue One opposes an Ohio radical legal crackdown on abortion - a flagrant lie.
And they push this Satanic lie while claiming they are getting government out of the issue, and giving anti-mothers a choice, rather than bringing government into the issue on the side of Satan to impose abortion on everyone, against the will of the purposely deceived Ohio citizenry.

You cannot count the Satanic lies in political ascendence today.

The whole life-dooming man-caused climate change crisis is a lie.

The whole Wuhan-Covid Mask-Vax-Distance crisis is a lie.

The whole Black Lives Matter/Rainbow Flag crisis is a lie.

The whole Israel is Apartheid is a lie.

The whole Palestinians-are-oppressed-by-Jews is a lie.

The whole Trump and MAGA are criminal usurpers is a lie.

The whole "No Justice, No Peace!" movement is a lie. What the demons mean by "justice" is total submission and subjugation to Islamo-Commie-Homo dictatorship.

In the end its all about self, and self-adulation, self-gratification, self-salvation, self-rule and the end of societies and social orders. Anarchy, in other words. Every self for itself.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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