Autocorrect 2.0 #fundie #dunning-kruger

Atheist: Christianity is irrational.

Christian: Why?

A: You believe in the resurrection.

C: Is that a problem?

A: Yes! No one has ever observed a resurrection.

C: I see. So, you have a problem with the idea of an intelligent God restoring life from non-life?

A: Of course!
C: I see. Question: Don't you believe that unintelligent processes created life from non-life?

A: Yes. It's called abiogenesis.

C: Yes, and have you ever observed it?

A: Well, no.

C: And you have no empirical evidence for it, right?

A: Well, no.

C: But you think it's rational?

A: Yes.

Atheism is the ultimate form of cognitive dissonance.



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