various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy

( Torreflor )
Before this madness, didn’t women used to talk to each other about health and safety?
How much of this gender madness is just a plot to prevent women from talking to each other about birth control, dating men, safety, while dating men, herbal ways of dealing with periods and pregnancy and childbirth. I’ve heard of folk magic and folk healing from my Appalachian ancestors and my African ancestors.women would give each other tips like drinking okra water before childbirth so that you don’t have tearing or straining. How much of that knowledge and wisdom will be lost if we literally cannot speak to each other privately?

( pennygadget )
I honestly think this is part of the reason men are spreading this trans dogma. If we cannot gather without male supervision, we cannot compare notes. We cannot have "whisper networks". We cannot share information and organize politically. We cannot share tips for protecting ourselves. And we cannot speak out against false information like "anyone can get pregnant"

This is being done on purpose

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Men have got nothing to lose from Trans ideology. They all know who the women are, and who are just cosplaying.

( samsdat )
I agree that there is an element of purpose in all of this. The whole thing might have started as a fetish in a few people’s perverted brains, but someone is taking advantage of it.

( freeradicalwoman )
Women have always had their women only gatherings disrupted my men's agendas. There are some oasis of female community but should women start "getting ideas" men would put a stop to it. The trans madness is just the latest version of disrupt and disorient all female communities and keep us isolated and not talking to each other.



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