various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
The only way to truly eliminate a disease is to eliminate the source of said disease.
If all you do is run around combatting the individual symptoms, rather than combatting the initial infection, the origin-virus, you'll never be free of the sickness.
If you want to eliminate anti-White racism, then you have to eliminate/remove the source of it. And trust me, it has a source. And without this source, there would be no more anti-White racism.
( @Shturmovik )
@Nature_and_Race No other race will take the supreme “anti white” and power position of Jews if they disappeared.
No other race has such a parasitic grasp powerful and cunning enough to root itself in a White society.
Generally all browns and blacks are anti white, but without Jews, they’re powerless.
( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race The source is the same scum that were expelled from 109 other counties for turning the minority against the White majority.
( @MCharlton )
@Nature_and_Race “Racism” is a Jewish word to remove White in-group preference and diversify White countries until White people no longer exist. The same methodology would never work in a nonwhite nation because nonwhite DNA does not place empathy > existence.
( @shitlord_olafssen )
@MCharlton @Nature_and_Race Agree, though I'm not sure the pathological altruism is in the DNA. I reckon that a lot more of it is due to centuries of Christian subversion in White nations (Christianity being little other than a Jewish deception to create masses of pacifist enemy-loving meek slaves).
( @gemSStoned )
@Nature_and_Race who cares what happened in usa during the slave era, Whites freed nigras, while TODAY, in chyna, africa and arab nations they have millions of slaves, but it is only bad that some Whites had slaves decades ago......