Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #racist

How dare I say
There is an intracellular network of bio sensors
That are being programmed by different frequencies
For the purpose of controlling our behavior

How dare I say that the halls of academics
Have become like a prison system designed for regurgitation
Where compliance is demanded and critical thought is punished

That the buildings there of are some of the most highly radiated
So that not only the indoctrination seeps deep into the brain
But the LED lights triggers the bio sensors embedded in the bodily tissues of the students

How dare I say that Atlantis Lemuria Egypt and Mesopotamia
Were defeated by reptilians who knew how to manipulate the magnetic field

And that they are now creepy people who cannot survive without leeching our energy
And doing the worst possible cannibalism

How dare I say
That the American Revolution and Civil War are mostly made up
And are used to explain the eradication of the Tartarian Empire in America

That the USS Maine in the Port of Havana in 1898
Could not have been sunk by someone swimming out with a gigantic bomb
But was an inside job to justify a war on Cuba
That the attack on Pearl Harbor could not have come from a secret attack from the Japanese
Who had an armada of 7 aircraft carriers but escaped detection
And who only blew up old ships scheduled for the scrapyard

That the pictures of piles of bodies used in support of a Holocaust
Was in fact pictures of the dead from the bombing of Dresden
Which was a city full of Tartarian wonders

How dare I say that the Gulf of Tonkin event that started the Vietnam War
Could not have happened since Vietnam did not have a navy

That the story of 9-11 is impossible
And the Pentagon which had 270 cameras
Could only muster up one foggy short video which does not show a 747 crashing into it

That the war in Ukraine is fake also and is a rigged event

How dare I say that the only real government
Is the Swiss Bank Authority in Geneva
Which is a lair of reptilians!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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