Total Imbecile #sexist #psycho

[Serious] My morals are entirely shaped by the fact that I dont have a gf

Essentially anything that makes it harder for me to get a gf = bad, anything that improves my chances = good

For example abortion and free birth control: Im against both because girls being able to sleep carelessly with Chads ruins my chances

If I ever get a gf and she gets preggo and I dont want it then abortion should be legal even at 9 months, if the kid turns out to have autism or is mentally retarded post birth abortion should be legal too in that case

Id do anything for a gf, I would literally kill a toddler with a hammer if thatd guarantee me a gf

Arguing if something is moral or ethical because of some higher reasons = pointless, for me it all boils down to having a gf



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