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[From “America Is Babylon”]

The United States has taken the mantle from the prior torchbearers of Babylon. We are now the legacy of Babylon[…]
The Tower of Babel tells the story of God’s desire for separate nations[…]
This desire for “unification” (dominance) continued in the same region (Babylon) and continues to today[…]
Babylon fell. But just like its relation to the Tower of Babel, it had a spiritual successor. The next would be the empires declared by Daniel, ending with the Roman Empire[…]
This then progressed to further spiritual successors of Babylon. There have been a lot of Babylons throughout history, with Rome to The Mohammedans to Mongolia to England, to us[…]
Just like how Babylon and Muhammed wanted to conquer the world, unite it under one faith and government, so too does the modern United States[…]
God states that Babylon will fall, so there must be a Babylon that exists to fall. Which means Babylon must have not just endured, but strengthened over time to reach its necessary position of influence in the End Times[…]
Babylon is simply the continuation of the empire trying to unite and control the whole world[…]
Babylon is, by its nature, globalist[…]
We are degenerate, decadent, evil, and immoral. We are trying to create a unipolar world order where everyone is “united” under our boot. We sacrifice our own children, have lived practically our entire existence at war, and are now even mutilating our children because of “transgender tolerance”. We are importing millions of culturally non-similar peoples and exporting our cultural subversion to every nation that is under our influence. We actively encourage one world government organizations[…]
This includes the open borders and “everything revolves around the merchant economy” libertarians. This also includes the “tolerate all evil” and race-integrationalism leftists. Without a doubt, it also includes the pro-war and pro-hegemony neocons. The true uniparty is the Babylonian party



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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