Debra Mullins #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy
Freedom from religion, redistribution of wealth under the UN principle of sustainability, “science” by consensus (e.g., gender identity), deflected accountability (e.g., guns kill; people don’t), centralized power, sanctuary status, reverse discrimination, slippery cultural norms/ethics, earth servitude over stewardship, tyranny of technocracy, defund police movement, etc.—none of these components of progressivism deliver promised utopia.
Biblical Christianity alone holds the answer. For that reason, the unconstitutional Johnson Amendment intended to muzzle Christians and deny them their First Amendment right to free speech must be resisted and overturned!
Imagine government without Christian influence. For many, 21st-century Seattle comes to mind. When Christians bypass civic duty, the church suffers escalating persecution from without and spiritual deception from within. More often than not, moral relativism trumps biblical mandate. Given misplaced love of money and pleasure, many are preoccupied with materialism. Youth are seduced by scripturally-forbidden, yet culturally-celebrated alternative lifestyles and “oppositions of science, falsely so called”—i.e., gender dysphoria protocols. Young girls are compelled to forgo modesty along with a fair chance at competing in women’s sports.
Even so, while nobody will mistake Washington state for a hotbed of political conservatism, it turns out voters moved ever so slightly to the right—this, according to numbers from the recent November 5 general election. According to the Washington Secretary of State’s Office, Trump garnered 39.01% of the vote in Washington, compared to 38.77% in 2020. That’s a gain of almost one-quarter of a percentage point.
It appears that folks are waking to the query, “Is there not a cause?”