Yeah, “savage” things like “Being in the same room with whites.”, “Having the same rights and status as whites.” and “Being regarded as just as intelligent and human as whites.”.
As for savagery… that is rich… because many of your lynchings were straight out of something from a horror film or gore shock site. If you truly weren’t raving savages, you would’ve let them have a fair trial when accused of something and life and prison time if guilty.
Just ask Mr. Washington of Waco Texas, who was in jail for an alleged rape and awaiting trial. Your trials against accused blacks tended to be show trials to begin with so lynching him would’ve been “unnecessary” … but you stormed the place anyway, grabbed him from his cell and committed something in a manner that would’ve made Mexican Drug Cartels proud.
Here’s the results [WARNING: An old - timey B&W photo but still very much NSFL, incredibly graphic and gross. Involves a burnt corpse for those wondering] …
… and you, like the smirky, grinning little punk in the background and that well - to - do jerk in the nice suit and porkpie hat, call yourselves CIVILIZED AND NOT SAVAGES!
What truly gets me about these lynchings is how gruesome they were and that these supposedly normal, average Joes & Janes looked at these stomach - churning atrocities as a big nothing, with not a hint of squeamishness, even turning these things into a big carnival and bring the kids.
I can see that they’re full of hate but to do stuff like… this… in public… and not be the least bit grossed - out or feel the least bit of empathy or misgivings. I can se if it was a solemn garden- variety public execution by hanging which, while horrifying, is usually not a prolonged torture - porn horror show… but THIS? These people, especially these supposedly modern, cosmopolitan, cultured people in what was considered a modern, cosmopolitan, cultured city… in front of City Hall… BLOWS MY MIND!
I don’t understand it at all, how people could do that to another person and treat it like it was nothing and not something gruesome and disgusting (let alone a Hate Crime and murder). It’s like a whole town full of literal clinical psychopath serial killers!
All I could think of is that they had a hatred for black people so severe that it destroyed any sense of humanity, empathy, squeamishness, etc.
I’d imagine they saw blacks on par with livestock and. Many of these folks probably slaughtered and butchered or had someone slaughter and butcher a pig, sheep or cow. As gross as that was it’s something routine that folks do for food. Seeing blacks as just another critter and not human, they probably saw this the same way. It was the old days when average people often butchered their own meat and cruelty against animals was tolerated. Jessie Washington was just another pig, sheep, goat, chicken or cow, in a way.
Otherwise, everyone was like Ted Bundy who took out their murder - boner on the town’s black population.
FOR THOSE WHO SAW THAT PHOTO (There was actually more in the series. Ugh!)…
… I bring you BRAIN BLEACH!