Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

<Bashar is an extraterrestrial being who channeling on the 2024 Election predicted Kamala will lead to full alien disclosure and Trump to WW3. But not who will win.>

While I respect Bashar’s past teachings via Daryl Anka this latest message is very different and needs to be addressed.

We are all co-creating the future from the ‘now’ moment. There aren’t people living in the future or future time travelers.

Because of changing variables even higher beings like Pleiadians can only see a limited distance into the future with accuracy.

Bashar can’t see the future and has no connection to Earth or the Shift. When Bashar says “we’re normally not allowed to comment on such things” he means he’s not allowed by Galactic Federation, and that has never changed.

Channeling can be influenced by a person’s thoughts. We’re sharing telepathy from Pleiadians, not channeling. I believe Daryl Anka’s liberal views are the motivation behind this communication.

Don’t be confused, Kamala Harris is a puppet of warmongers who will do everything possible to destroy America and serve the interests of the s*****c cabal, and Donald Trump promotes peace and is protected by forces of light.

Trust yourself.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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