“At its foundation feminism has taught the male, That he is not the leader of his home”
Well, no, it’s a partnership. So that’s a plus.
“That he is not solely responsible for his home, wife and children”
Another plus. If i was solely responsible, she’d have had a HELL of a time when i was deployed at sea.
“That he should not use his inner desire to be strong for his family unit”
Inner desire to be strong? Oh! You mean men don’t cry or show weakness. Yes, i suppose the commitment to feminism allows me to dump toxic masculinity. And i cried for my dad’s death. Still do, from time to time.
“That he should not be dominant”
Um, that’s not feminism. That’s my wife’s wicked right cross that taught me that.
“That he is not be the provider of the home”
Oh, bullshit. I’m not SOLE provider, but i do provide. There have been times i made more money than she did, but not enough more to tell her to quit.
“How then should men act in this brave new world?”
Like part of a family, not the head of a working party.
“How do they be who they were created to be when everything about them is challenged?”
YOu either meet the challenge, or you think about it and maybe decide that you don’t want to meet the challenge. MAYBE being a stoic asshole isn’t the best way to shepherd myself and my sons through life.