various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist

You know

I'm not convinced Jeffrey Dahmer actually did anything wrong

I mean

All he did was kill a bunch of gay niggas


So what?

@Nature_and_Race He is my favorite faggot.


Yeah....but...he ate them. šŸ¤¢

"Eeeerbody kno dey aint food...well, almost eerbody."

@VolkischWoman -- Blacks eat blacks all the time. No one cares. At least he wasn't letting them go to waste.

@Nature_and_Race He was just doing his part to clean up degeneracy.

Like Rush said, illustrating absurdity by being absurd.


@Nature_and_Race how many lives did he save when you consider those guys wouldn't be able to go on and spread AIDS



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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