various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia

One of the principal organizers of Dublin’s gay pride parade has decided to add the colors of Ukraine to the LGBTQ rainbow flag, presumably to ensure support for all ‘current things’ are covered.

( @mc_muffin )
Fuck off

Back in the closet

( @The_Real_Blake )
The alphabet people don't realize they are being used as a distraction. If the Marxist agenda is achieved, there will be no more use for them and they will be relegated to the trash heap. The new world order won't have room for people with mental disorders.

( @ravenjams )
Alphabet people are a bunch of mentaly ill people.

( @waronwoke )
At the end of that rainbow there is a massive bomb crater with a dumpster full of burning pedos at the bottom of it.

( @MarinaK )
Another confirmation that Ukraine is NOT the side to be on.



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