Jennifer Bilek #transphobia

The Transhumanism in the Middle of the "Gender Identity" Living Room

There is an apparition that is floating around the global institutionalization of “gender identity.” What is it? What is happening? We can see something going on but can’t quite make it out. Why are these changes being catapulted through western cultures, driven by big money and governments? This apparition has a name: Transhumanism. It is the unnamed issue that is sitting in the middle of the “gender identity” living room, which we can’t quite address. All the other tentacles of changes transforming society, wrought in the name of gender, grow out of this apparition, this thing we refuse to name and face.

Transhumanism is the single most important thing to resist if we are to stop the deconstruction of our species. We, as human beings, are sexually dimorphic, and “gender identity” is deconstructing sex. “Gender Identity,” has many different iterations but most of us are looking at the sequences and missing the whole. We need to look at what "gender identity" does and not what it means. It destroys sex as a meaningful category and it is literally desexing children and young people. This is the point of it. This is how it is used by those forcing it into the culture, to normalize our dissociation from our sexed reality.


President Biden recently passed another bill where “gender identity” will override the sex-based rights of women. Our language has already changed to obliterate our sexed reality. Is it plausible Biden doesn’t understand what he is doing? Obama, financially assisted into office by the Pritzkers, who Biden served as vice president, became the first president to use the word “transgender” in a state of the union address. Obama called a special meeting for “transgender” students at the White House, in 2015, earning him the title of “Trans President.”


This forced evolution of our species is upon us. We must understand that gender is a façade to normalize the desexing of our species toward a more complex melding with technology than we have seen thus far. We must be brave enough to face the transhumanism in the middle of the “gender identity” living room or be changed forever.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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