VincentVanCock #racist #sexist
[JFL] At this point, whenever i see someone talking about "working on your personality", i can't help but laugh my ass off
Honestly it sounds like a skit or something, it's so blatantly pathetic. Anyone that actually goes outside and isn't a mentally ill tranny, have already realized that the guys who pull the most are exactly the good looking ones with bad or no personality, those freaks keep repeating that meme inside their echo chamber and can't get a grip of reality. This is the reason i like to browse IT, those guys are so delusional and always say the SAME bluepilled shit, it feels like watching a sitcom show episode over and over again. Just work on your personality, go to gym, learn some languages, get rich and become the ubermensch bro, meanwhile becky is fucking 5 chads at once while being alcoholic, crackhead, jobless and having a skinnyfat body.
Notice how its always men that need to "improve themselves" or "step up to womens level" Meanwhile women literally just have to exist. What do women bring to the table other than being resource sucking parasites? Why do you think chad fucks them and throws them away?
It's ridiculous, also if you realize the game is rigged and just stop playing something that you are obviously not going to win, they call you a faggot and say you gave up to easy. Women are literally treated like a reward that you have to earn, they should be treated like a bunch of weak dwarfs that can be kidnapped and abused whenever men wanted to.
This is exactly how they were treated. Right before cumskins normalized womens rights.
The world Will never forgive them for giving those worms rights, literally made it harder for everyone.