WatcherattheGates , notyourfetish & XX_Power #transphobia

RE: Trans celebrity Caitlyn Jenner offers a dose of common sense | Daily Mail Online
(note by submitter: regarding this Daily Mail article: )

( WatcherattheGates )
'The world's gone mad,' [Jenner] says. 'It was never meant to be like this.'

As a former Olympian, she particularly despairs of trans women being allowed to compete alongside biological females in sport.

'I don't think biological boys should compete in women's sports — we have to protect women's sports,' says Caitlyn. 'That's the bottom line.'

Urrgghhhh . . . Jenner helped start all this!

( notyourfetish )
Ikr? I can't stand his ass.

He also thinks gay people shouldn't be married. All TIMs are homophobes like him. It's why they don't give a shit about destroying our spaces and our rights

( XX_Power )
Yes!!!! Crossdressing has insanely homophobic origins and even still a few years ago you'd have crossdressers sticking up their noses at the "gross gays". Only when they realized they could hitch themselves to a winning team did they put their worst homophobia in a drawer and tried to act like they loved them to get into women's spaces.

Imagine telling a crossdresser in the 70s that he'd be allowed, state sanctioned! To intrude not only into spaces where women undress, but even where little girls are??? Beyond their wildest disgusting dreams.

And here we are...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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