dik_snot #sexist #racist #psycho pro-rape.com

[OP of "The War Pill?"

Warpill, War Rape pill, I'm still trying to think of a snappy name for it. It concerns an idea I've posted about in another thread where I suggested we start raping illegal immigrants and muslims who are trying to colonize the West. Rape has long been a tool of demoralization. It's being done to the West in both literal and psychological ways.

I know you've taken the blackpill and turned nihilistic about the future of the West. But you don't need to have any hope for the future. I'm appealing to your immediate interests. This is an opportunity for you to rape and rape and rape a demographic of women who, quite honestly, the silent majority isn't going to feel overly sorry for.

It could also include homosexual rape for any of you who happen to swing that way. It's not my cup of tea, but I'm not judging anyone who wants to rape some goat fuckers. After all, those sandniggers are raping young boys. You could also just sodomize them with baseball bats or force them to have gay sex with each other in front of a camera.

But I'm guessing the majority of people here want to rape female illegals and refugees. Let's talk about some good tactics, where the best hunting grounds are, and enjoy some eye candy while we're at it.

Other comment from dik_snot

The Genghis Pill!

Here are a few more possible targets

[Pictures of non-White women]

Another following comment from dik_snot

Take them as your rightful booty, you valiant soldiers of the incel rebellion

[Other pictures of non-White women]



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