If us whites are any better why so many mass shooters, serial killers, and attempts to handwave domestic terrorism? Why are white supremacists responsible for such a staggering amount of white death? Maybe do something about all this white on white crime - or as it's known to most people: just "crime" without some idiot qualifier - before hypocritically limiting the options of others to deal with crime or indeed quite paradoxically live life in accordance with the law themselves.
And bringing up Charlotte is really shooting yourself in the foot there, what with it proving every point I just made and giving me a segue into the fact when racists get to decide when, how, and if the law applies they will just legalize vehicular homicide and criminalize being in a public area as it suits them.
Edit: Or am I thinking of Charlottesville? Or could both apply? Because let's face it: is there anywhere in the western world that actually consistently applies rights and enforces law impartially enough to not have a glaring example in their recent history that would serve as a rebuttal?