
philster #fundie blog.wired.com

All of those who object to the teaching of creationism as a viable alternative to evolution are NOT being scientific or objective. The fact of the matter is that nobody alive today was present when the earth and the species on it came into existence by whatever means - so all of our opinions are based upon examination of evidence. The evidence can be (and has been) formatted and presented to support both cases.

If we can engineer plant and animal DNA now, then how can we assume that a higher intelligence couldn't have done a better job millions of years ago? To reject this possibility is to assume that we're currently the most advanced organisms in existence for the entire history of time.

I guess the same people that would exclude creationism as an explanation to our existence would also teach that given enough time, all of the metal, glass, rubber, paint, etc. in an automobile would spontaneously be drawn up from the earth and create a functional machine. We are biological machines, we've been designed, so therefore - there's a engineer/designer. Just as it's never been proven that macro evolution (as opposed to micro variations in species) has ever produced a living thing. Think again - a living animal spontaneously arising out of the dirt. That's not very scientific.

I think the bigger issue is that those who oppose teaching creation simply don't want to acknowledge that there's an authority/creator other or higher than themselves. That's a presumptuous, arrogant, ignorant, and absurd position for any true scientist to logically hold.

IndianaRedneck #fundie blog.wired.com

"Big Bang" and its subset "Evolution" has the exact same problem. With a belief in God, we at least have an answer for where the stuff came from - God created it. You may not like the answer, but it's a lot better than yours...

Where did your stuff come from? That little ol' pineapple 14.7 billion years ago - where did it come from? What about the puddle of snot that got struck by lightning and formed life? "It's always been there." Nice try, but that doesn't answer the question.

Brian #fundie blog.wired.com

Yes, God forbid alternatives are taught. So much for "tolerance."

I love how Darwinists want to ban all mention of alternate ideas, while ID people are perfectly fine with evolution being taught. Funny who ends up being open-minded.

Dissident #fundie blog.wired.com

I teach my kids about Darwin. I teach them that he is the dead leader of a massive cult whose influence pervades our education system and, thereby, our society in a way that his contemporary L. Ron Hubbard could have only dreamed.

Ed #conspiracy blog.wired.com

[In at article about Obama's choice of John Holdren as a science advisor]

More time and money wasted on a totally fraudulent non-problem. AGW, as most true scientist (i.e., non political scientist looking to use the falsehood of CO2 as a "pollutant" instead of the essential trace gas that it is)now know, is a non-existant IPCC/Al Gore fraud cooked up as a tool to destroy America and thus usher in the NWO and one world government. Pray that they fail...

lordmorgul #fundie blog.wired.com

All of which does absolutely nothing to argue against the possibility that Creation occurred and natural selection has had a minor effect on species afterward.

Science CANNOT prove that creation never happened, and it never will. The reason this is true is very simple and irrefutable: you cannot observe it.

Assume for a second God is capable of creating something. If he can create something from nothing, then he can create that something in ANY INITIAL CONDITION. Given that fact, he could have created a universe in partially expanded condition which appears to originate with the Big Bang. He could have created fossils within his created planet earth which appear to have aged millions of years (all he had to do was add the right ratio of carbon isotopes). If he could create, then it is logical to assume he considered initial condition of his creation.

To assert with any certainty that creation could not have happened is to display your ignorance, because you simply cannot know this.

To say you do not believe it happened, and you instead choose to believe scientific data which SUGGESTS something else, is perfectly valid and logical. That does not make it fact.

Keep your minds open people (and not just the one type of 'open' that really means closed to anything but liberal propaganda).

Matt #fundie blog.wired.com

Horrible article for all the holes and misleading statements already covered. I never heard any "creation-based" teaching in my corn-fed Iowa education. By 17, I had decided that knowledge and understanding were genetic (because I knew a lot when I shouldn't have and didn't know why) and that education simply "unlocked" info I already had inside. School was boring because I took personal responsibility in my own understanding of things. I had also nearly destroyed my own life believing I was the only thing that mattered.

Science failed me socially. I failed me socially. I still believe evolution is a possibility and a component of things we (the human race) are not smart enough to understand.

Don't expect others to be responsible for your personal understanding of things. Read for yourself.

Three things to consider:

Big Bang - First described in Genesis
The Earth is Round - First mentioned in Isaiah 40:22. Made Columbus check it out.
The Universe has more stars that we can count - Hebrews 11:12

Modern Science has not figured everything out. Even Darwin knew that.

"Science without Religion is lame. Religion without Science is blind." - Albert Einstein

tahos #fundie blog.wired.com

I have a BS in Biology.

I spent a few years in academic research funded by NIH grants at Children's Hospital, Boston studying bone and cartilage development in embryonic systems.

Spent more years in biotech developing recombinant therapies in oncology and endocrinology.

I have papers published as co-author.

I am religious and am a creationist. Go figure.

bill #fundie blog.wired.com

What evidence are you referring to. Because if you show me clear cut evidence of evolution, I might consider thinking my great great grandparents were part ape. Which evidence was that again? I have never seen any evidence to convince me that evolution actually occurs. Bummer, I guess I can just hope for a greater outcome in life than you can.

Chris #fundie blog.wired.com

One thing: unless there is an observed - as in documented by humans currently alive - phenomenon of humans evolving into a different species, then inter-species evolution cannot be referred to as "factually" established because looking at bones buried in the ground doesn't show how monkeys became humans - for all we know they could be deformed monkeys who died within ten days of birth.

Collin #fundie blog.wired.com

Creationists: God made everything and everything was made by God. His name is Jesus, who made Himself a body to become the sacrifice for our sins, that we would not have to be punished for them (our sins) but instead receive everlasting life.

Intelligent Design: Used in archeology when examining artifacts to ascertain the development level of the society in which the artifact was made. Also used in the scientific quest to find evidence of extraterrestrial life. Using the concept of irreducible complexity to ascertain the possibility that an intellegent being had created an artifact. "Observations, Practicums and CONCLUSIONS", boys and girls. REAL SCIECE YOU IDIOTS!

Darwinism: A dogmatic cult of quasi-science based on 19th century science. One of the root causes of the spread of socially destructive movements. The passive role of scientific theory has become the mantra of totalitarian governments that despise God and love the propagada of the "Theory of Evolution". Its yesterday's science, like bleeding to cure a disease, frontal lobotomies to fix mental disorders and forced sterializations.
Get over it!

Jake #fundie blog.wired.com

(on an article about gene tharapy restoring sight)

If God made these people blind, it is a travesty to try to alter His plan. Especially by killing fetuses, that is the ultimate sin against God. Shame on these selfish people.

einstein #conspiracy blog.wired.com

Well you fight fire with fire I always say. They likely created it, they will likely have to destroy it with another creation that will likely be worse. Something on the range of "I dont know why she swallowed the fly" GMO will literally be the death of us, Nano organisms are taking over your life without you even noticing it. Food is scarce without you knowing it, the next great depression is right around the corner, diseases are no longer cured since polio, now you are drugged and sent on your way. Pay no attention, go back in your homes like nice little sheeple. If you try and say anything about anything, you will be different than everyone else and you will be laughed at.

Michael #fundie blog.wired.com

[In response to a scientist who is very close to creating a new form of life.]

For a species that demands control upon it's own life and revels and celebrates the fact that it may possibly be able to create life out of nothing and or basic chemicals. (Which I do not entirely believe) This species in itself would rather feel it was a happenstance occurence out of the primordial ooze than a divine creation. We can believe in all things created by man, but yet we cannot even begin to grasp or understand the very thing that created us.....God. We are an arrogant and prideful race and everyone here regardless of who you think you are, and what alleged intelligence you have...will all have to face the same ending and make the same choices. As your last breath is taken you will not be uttering the names of Darwin or any other scientist, you will desiring heaven and the very God that created you.

mike #racist blog.wired.com

Mixed races deserve no dignity. It's an abortion in the making and should be actively discouraged, at the barrel of a gun if necessary.

[Why shouldn't "races" mix?]

Because it took generations of same-race relations to maintain the whiteness of Obama's mother. Then she pisses it all away for AIDS and a half-breed son. Now for the rest of her future and that of her descendants, there will always be some black in there. It will never go away, no matter how many generations come after this. It's like a virus, only it will be passed down forever.

Much like voting in a half-breed will do. Congratulations America, even less of the world will respect you now.

[So mike,

If your mom and dad are brother and sister, does that make you purer than Obama?

Seriously though, Why is "purity" good? Have you any reason?]

It would be unfair to the kids and their future, to have no choice in who they are or where they come from. They'd be forced into knowing they have something mixed into them, something that should rightly be made fun of by the other kids.

Mixing is for lesser people, or people who have no pride in who they are and where they come from. Again, disgraceful. Tell me why pride in your heritage seems so unimportant to you.

[WOW Im pissed Obama won but man Mike you really need to take a pill or something. Im not Upset he is black. THat has nothing to do with it. Its his policys. Where he wants to go with his dreams and "Spread the Wealth" dream. Just going off with the Nazi Arian Brotherhood banter is no better then people who voted for Obama with "CHANGE". If you voted for him becuase you WANT a Commy state thats your call. But NOT voiting for him because he is black is even worse.]

There's nothing racist with having pride for a pure ancestry. Anyone should take pride in where they've come from, and should strive to continue it as such. Unless they're ashamed of themselves, perhaps with low self-esteem. In which case, you'd end up with half-breeds.

There's no "Nazi Aryan Brotherhood banter" involved in what I say. Nazis are dumb and they failed anyways.

I'm educated on what and who I am, and in my opinion that makes me a better person for it. Too bad some people have to question where they're from, and why their parents had to disgrace themselves by mixing with others.

RC #fundie blog.wired.com

I think you mean evolutionism. You have to have faith to believe in evolution since this is a theory created by Charles Darwin who refused to believe in any God and so he developed the evolutionary theory with no scientific evidence whatsoever. Neanderthal turned out to be a hoax and there is no missing link. Creationism happens to be a very scientifically sound theory that has an explanation for everything. So it should be taught in any science class.

lordmorgul #fundie blog.wired.com

Tony, I would very much appreciate if you posted any link to science which disproves his word. Keep in mind, that is not easy to do. Soil layers have the same problem anything else does, how do you prove it was not created that way.
My main problem with evolution is that it supposes all this mathematical, physical, and scientific complexity was accidental... chaos itself is not really chaos, but all the incredibly complex things science has shown us just happened to end up that way? That sir, is one damn huge leap of faith.

JayWJr #fundie blog.wired.com

Unbelievers do not have a freewill. In fact, unbelievers are dead in their sins and trespasses against God. Jesus said, "You shall know the Truth and the Truth will make you free." Until the point of salvation, unregenerate man has nothing that even approaches freedom and certainly not his will. He can only do the will of his father, the devil. But when a person is saved, then God is in control of the will and it's Gods freewill, not our own that is in control.

levus #racist blog.wired.com

lmao, and the guy above me is stupid, im not worried about offending anyone especially your uptight ass, or niggers, or spicks or jews. its my right as an american to say those things and im damn proud. as for it looking like a "thug" ride, apparently none of you have seen a thug ride. a thug ride is a 94 buick mercury with rust spots. your not a thug if you have enough money to buy a brand new cadillac. btw, where do you live because im sure there are tons of things i could rip on your country.

Palintology #fundie blog.wired.com

Atheists are so dumb, they will believe in all sorts of superstious crap rather than accept the evidence that life could not possibly originate out of a random mix of chemicals, regardless of what you add to it, lightnings, amino acids and whatnot. Yet, they are the first to accuse believers of being superstitious. hahahaha... Sure.
Read the article at edge.org and learn something intelligent for a change, you morons.

DebateThis #fundie blog.wired.com

There is NO fossil evidence for evolution. Not one single shred of fossil evidence exists. Evolution on a small scale does exist as it has been witnessed but species evolving into other species has never been witnessed nor will it ever be witnessed. On the other side of the same coin, there IS archaeological evidence regarding places and people mentioned in the bible. The age of the original biblical manuscripts has been corraborated by such archaeological finds as the dead sea scrolls. What does this mean to me? It means that my faith lies in the physical AND spiritual evidence that I have seen. ID FTW

wow. just wow. #fundie blog.wired.com

It truly makes me sad at how foolish all these Christian-bashers are. So many self-proclaimed "intellectuals" in this thread have repeatedly expressed the wish that all the Christians would go ahead and rapture already so that those left behind can live on without having to think about the reality of God.

All these people who think that they're sooooo smart yet haven't even bothered to realize the simple LOGICAL conclusion that IF the Christians are taken away in the rapture, then it MEANS THAT THE CHRISTIANS WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG. And if the Christians are right all along, you WILL have to deal with the reality of God whether you like it or not.

Lou #fundie blog.wired.com

(On a science article about 12 living fossils)

So random mutations, the primary mechanisms of the origin of species according to that dead bearded guy, have no effect on certain living species? So much for evolution. Living fossils are one of the best proofs against macro evolution.

I knew it. Somebody is playing a dirty little joke on math-challenged Darwinists and shit-for-brains atheists. Hmm. I wonder who could that be. LOL.

Joe K #fundie blog.wired.com

The true colors of pro-choicers: punching unborn children. Give them credit for telling the truth we knew all along.

You don't need to be Christian or moral to disagree with abortion. Just imagine a woman who haunted with her unborn child.

Pro-choicers: I hope all of you (or you're wives) abort your children so your vile lineage will be wiped from the Earth