SonInMe #fundie #homophobia
Homosexuality is NOT a civil rights issue.
Its a moral one. If you want our society to be destroyed so democrats can sew up a voting block...
Just a would not be western civilization if not for the influence of christianity upon these peoples.
What the bible says is good, is good and it is good for every human on the planet. While theocracies are foolish, having a governmental foundation of christian principles will insure good government....ya wanna know why?
What the bible says is good is good for every human on the planet.
Also what the bible says is bad is bad for every human on the planet.
Our free will has only one purpose....its death. To place a value on it, creates an idol.
Homosexuality is a sin. Its a choice. It literally destroys families. There is no love in it. It is a perversion of natural and spiritual principles. It is NOT a minority.
It IS immorality.