
SonInMe #fundie #homophobia christianchat.com

Homosexuality is NOT a civil rights issue.

Its a moral one. If you want our society to be destroyed so democrats can sew up a voting block...

Just a fyi....it would not be western civilization if not for the influence of christianity upon these peoples.

What the bible says is good, is good and it is good for every human on the planet. While theocracies are foolish, having a governmental foundation of christian principles will insure good government....ya wanna know why?

What the bible says is good is good for every human on the planet.

Also what the bible says is bad is bad for every human on the planet.

Our free will has only one purpose....its death. To place a value on it, creates an idol.

Homosexuality is a sin. Its a choice. It literally destroys families. There is no love in it. It is a perversion of natural and spiritual principles. It is NOT a minority.

It IS immorality.

GM777 #fundie christianchat.com

Is Sex Evil?
I've come to this conclusion in my mind that sex is evil, and that giving into sex is giving into the body instead of the soul. Then I realized that God made us sexual beings and said it is okay to have sex in the confines of your marriage. I know it is essential for single Christians to lead celibate lives before marriage, but how far does that go and does that even include masturbation (wouldn't that involve lustful thoughts at times?) Sometimes I think it does, but then I wonder how Christians who never get married or lose a spouse and never re-marry get by. Do they become asexual for life in the sense that they ignore that temptation for good? I'm wondering because I have convinced myself that sex is an evil, but I often forget that sex in marriage is okay.

little light #fundie christianchat.com

So, if you can't tell by my signature I am a brony.

For those of you who don't know a brony is a male (or female) who is outside the targeted age group (11+) who enjoy the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Yes, it sounds weird but don't knock it till ya try it. There's about 10 mil of us.

Anyways, I was confronted today by an atheist who told me that MLP is satanic. I asked him to elaborate and he tells me that the show is satanic because it supports "magic".

Now, we all know God is against magic, correct? But here's the thing - the magic God refers to is witchcraft. Not the magic that can come out of a unicorn's horn. Evidently, he's not getting that saying that magic is magic and there's no way around it. So, I was wondering what you fellow Christians have to say on his opinion.

Photoss #fundie christianchat.com

[Fundies have been discussing the recent transgender student bill signed into law in California.]
Ah, my home state continues its downhill drive towards the cliff.

I'm pretty sure that when Christianity becomes illegal someday, it'll happen here in California first.

PennEd #fundie christianchat.com

[Another person has stated that "civil rights and liberties should always take precedence over religious perspectives in a pluralistic, free, and politically secular society"]

Do tell,using your logic, what "justification" would prohibit me from marrying my sister, brother, or mother? Or how bout me marrying 70 women at the same time? And if you are against such unions tell us why YOUR"E morality should prevail?

GodIsSalvation #fundie christianchat.com

[On Obama giving a pro-LGBT speech]

Ah we were going over this issue in my Politics class this week.

The crux of the problem is this: Homosexuality is a form of sexual abuse. Therefore, if the government condones the "marriage" of two sodomites, the government is therefore condoning sexual abuse.

Furthermore, in the lens of our Federalist legal system we have to ask ourselves two hard questions.
1. Does the Federal Government have a right to define marriage? This is a social issue which the Constitution leaves up to the state-level governments to decide.
2. Should the state-level government have the power to allow sexual abuse to be decriminalized since the Federal level of government has a reasonable expectation to protect the citizenry?

loveschild #fundie christianchat.com

I've been studing Rebbeca Brown MD books. Shes used by God to help witches and satanist be free from satans claws. She says werwolves are for real. A human being that completely turned their whole soul over to satan to the point where they actually transform in to a wolf like creature.

The witches and satanist are more afraid of this creature than any others.

So that just really threw me off.

I've seen different kinds of demons. Heard a demon screaming so loud " you can't do anything to stop me ". Seen grown men scared half to death hearing this. Just made me mad. I said yha right me and my God can stop you. I was already reading the bible. I just started reading out loud. Till it shut up.

I smell the demons at times.

Besides the demons there are the evil human spirits which we have no control over like we do have with demons. So you must ask God to bind the human spirits.

Theres just lots to keep learning thats for sure.

The Lord has been telling me the demons are going to be showing themselves in physical form much more.

We were created to help God overthrow the demons. And from what I see there isn't many people even aware the war is on.

1still_waters #fundie christianchat.com

Sex between men is extremely dangerous. So dangerous the WHO is suggesting ALL gay men take antiretroviral drugs.
[links to Washington Post article}

This isn't coming from a Christian or right wing hysterical news source. This is WHO. About as secular as you can get.
This is more proof gay sex is extremely dangerous and highly unhealthy.

richie_2uk #fundie christianchat.com

[Fundies are discussing why most scientists are atheists.]
were is there truth? there are always critics, the more scientists pushes God out of the picture, the more scientists are digging the bigger hole for themselves. They are falling into there own believes and try make it look good and evidential and interesting to the world, to blind them from the truth. Sad but true Don't get me wrong there are some scientists are out there for the good. But majority, they are trying to disprove something to big for them to disprove. and they are falling into there own trap.

SonInMe #fundie christianchat.com

We are ''forced'' to uphold christian values all the time.

Do no murder

Do not steal.

What forms our laws is what our nations moral fiber is. Our laws reflect the moral timber of our nation.

What people do is what people do and in a free society they are free to do stupid things. We cannot legislate stupid away...

but we cannot let stupid make our laws either.

To pass gay marriage laws is forcing our society to adopt an immoral practice. This is not about physiological differences some take as social ones. This is about immoral acts with very bad consequences and while we may not legislate against them...

we should NEVER legislate for them.

As I said before this is not a civil rights issue...this is politics. Its energizing a part of your voting block, paying them back for their votes. Its about weakening the moral fiber of the country so a few people can control the majority.

I will go a step further and say that any comparison to the past civil rights struggles to this immoral moral war, is to spit in the face of every death and ever drop of sweat that gave us the freedoms we have today.

Homosexuality is a sin and it hurts everyone who does it and, it will hurt everyone who supports it as well.

God is faithful. To those who are misguided into thinking gays are a persecuted minority, be careful of what you are fighting for. When the truth hits you, its not going to be pretty.