
T3 #racist stormfront.org

I don't think he claims that they're not White, just that black hair always mean sohttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VSj96ztC-6cme, even if very little, non-White heritage. I think he also annoyed some of the darker Italians with claims that they're indistinguishable from Arabs. Got to love Varg but he's certainly not interesting in pleasing everyone/anyone :-p

Considering that he's a blonde Norwegian, I wouldn't blame him if he wouldn't want to date someone with black hair. I wonder if there are black haired Whites who think in a similar way.

Couldn't find a specific video by him about this but I guess this shows some of his general attitude and may or may not have influenced the comments re black hair.

Hairmixing and eyemixing??? All whites already have below replacement birthrates. The average person already has a long list of expectations for a future spouse. This sounds like a great way to further prevent white babies from being born.


So you think a blonde Scandinavian pairing up with a brown eyed and black and curly haired, brown eyed, darker skinned Italian (possibly with a hook nose :-p), is a good idea? Because there are too many blondes with blue eyes in the world?

No offence to all the Italians who don't look like that. My Italian ex was dark blonde. I did go to school with a Sicilian though who looked as described above. Nice guy but wouldn't have been my first choice for my sister, to be frank. It wouldn't be the end of the world either, of course, though some of these types can be hard to tell apart from a certain kind of Jew.

goodman2 #racist stormfront.org

its not that I hate myself for that, ALSO I wouldnt wanna change it its somehow engraved in my soul...but your kids will definately not so much appreciate it that theyre the priduct of any kind of mixing!!

Come on guys, this is a WN forum and youd expect people here to be more open to the truth but apparently hair-mixing, the number one issue, is a nonissue...yall seen brainwashed!

Perhaps we simply do not understand.

What do you mean by hair mixing?

I think you might mean mixing between distinct groups of White Europeans, such as the English, French, German etc..

Do you consider black hair to be exclusive to a certain White European ethnic group?

Black hair is historically present in each of these populations, so I'm still not sure where you might be trying to go with that either though.

to me two things are important: race and common sense.
To some people on here nationality is all that matters, which I dont understand, they seem stuck in some kind of nationalism-mode. Race is more important. So just go ahead and group people by their looks (-> race) and notice how unnatural it is if you mix these people.
Do you think God approves („would approve“ if your atheist) of hairmixing? I dont think so.

And if God disapproved, well, we've mixed enough hair by now to go straight to the salons of Hell, haven't we?

and youre proud of that? yes you are 100% correct. People who argue like that (your not a tiny bit better than the musharks) WILL go to hell. True words.

Seriously, a White couple where one has black hair and one has blonde hair is as bad as race-mixing in your eyes?

This isn't the first silly post I've seen from you. I'm reasonably certain that you're a troll.

There is no leveling in racemixing. I have a blind eye for all kinds of racemixing and that includes the ones I outlined. For me racemixers, no matter what, are all the same. Its not „as bad“ its even WORSE -> since it happens on a larger scale. You claim I am a troll but you people shoe NO sense of compassion, philosophy, theology or real race-ideology (that is focusing on racial hygiene). I stand by my words and will keep repeating them as long as people arent aware of this. Many here claim to be „woke“, well apparently you‘re not woke enough to grasp the situation.

Why would God be against hair mixing?

He created these many different shades and told us to be fruitful and multiply.
He also created Adam and Eve.
That's only two people.
Even if they each had a different hair color, there are at least three distinct hair and eye colors.
I know! Brunettes must be aliens because we are out of this world.

Sorry, I dont want to get too personal but you‘re God seems to be Satan himself. My God charishes purity of the soul above everything elsr

You can keep repeating yourself all you'd like but that will not make the words become true, logical or meaningful. You’ll actually do the opposite.

‘‘Tis best to keep ones mouth shut and let others think you’re stupid, than to speak and remove all doubt”

Oh really? I think this topic gets ignored too often. Its time someone starts paving the way for lost souls. I dont really understand? You mean I am being to „raycis“?

Eugenicus #racist stormfront.org

I've been around 2 hood blacks who seem to know a great deal about mathematics/ sociology/ science/ etc. They seem to realize well when I am being insincere.

A ton of blacks seem very well learned about many of the issues of human nature.

Being in the hood/ thug life may have given them an edge that makes them beyond manipulation and honestly, with my plans, it scares me.

They're the kind of people who make you think that ANYTHING they do can be ****ed up/ out of this world. Out of the world you know.

It's better to act on behalf of suspicion to empower yourself than to live in security.

14words_of_truth #conspiracy #racist #ufo stormfront.org

Buzz Aldrin says he was evacuated from the South Pole last week because he became short of breath and began showing signs of altitude sickness.

The 86-year-old adventurer, who was the second man to walk on the moon, released details on Sunday of his dramatic medical evacuation from Antarctica. He is continuing to recuperate in a hospital in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Aldrin said in a statement on Sunday he still has some congestion in his lungs and so has been advised to rest in New Zealand until it clears up and to avoid the long flight back to the US for now.

Buzz Aldrin evacuated from Antarctica after showing signs of altitude sickness

The key evidence in what happened in Antarctica was Buzz Aldrin being rushed to New Zealand for treatment of "altitude sickness".

We know he wasn't climbing a mountain, and he wasn't by himself, but no one else got altitude sickness.

The original story was that world leaders (including Trump) other powerful politicians, top religious leaders, and astronaut Buzz Aldrin were all brought to a location below the ice in a large ice cavern to see ruins of a city there built by aliens, thousands of years ago.

But is that true, and how did Buzz Aldrin get a case of altitude sickness visiting alien ruins?

There are elements in the story that are verified by the old history, so yes, that is true.

A whistleblower stated that besides being shown the ruins and alien artifacts, the VIP's were also put on a craft (of the secret space program) and flown to the moon.

And that is where "altitude sickness" comes in!

The Secret Space Program has 3 large bases on the Moon, and the VIP's would have been brought to one of them and possibly shown additional alien artifacts there.

The Moon has an atmosphere which at ground level is about equivalent to Earth's atmosphere at 20,000 feet.

I expect that the old astronaut took his space suit helmet off and breathed the Moon's atmosphere, just because he wanted to do that, this time around. Doing so gave him altitude sickness. It was dangerous but he did not die, and it is just the sort of thing that he would have done.

If you look into the UFO story at all, you will begin hearing a "Peace & Love" message from everyone in the UFO investigation field.

Peace & Love

What has that got to do with White Survival?

There are alien species that have always been at war. From the first time that one of their kind encountered one of the other kind, they have been at war. That has gone on for millions of years!

The Nordic aliens have had huge and terrible wars against their own kind (just like European wars). They have fought wars with the intention of genocide against an ideology (such as communism) and claim to have annihilated the population of an entire planet in such a war.

Peace & Love?

What we need is better, more powerful, advanced weapons!

Peace & Love is what you have when all of your enemies are too afraid of you to attack!

Better living through a massive display of power.

Roo #racist stormfront.org

Re: Is feminism aimed mainly at White women?

It seems that the vast majority of feminists are white women. That's not to say women of other races are never feminists but it seems a lot rarer.

Feminism is a lot more popular among black women and Jewish women than white women. Israel has a much higher concentration of Jewish men in prison on false charges of domestic abuse, etc., than any country in the West. It gets reported in Israeli publications every so often.

With black women, I believe their natural social structure (tribal societies throughout western Africa), has it so that marriage isn't a common occurrence, and even when it is, men have more than one wife, and/or they tend to avoid family domestic living arrangements. So African women are more independent from men on an emotional level. If you combine this characteristic with gibs from the government (welfar and social programs), you get an entire population of women who "don't need no man."

I grew up in a heavily black area, I've seen this phenomenon with my own two eyes. Black women are terrible feminists. If you think white feminists are bad (and they are bad, don't get me wrong)... trust me, just check out some Hotep channels on YouTube if you don't believe me. Black women will eventually take feminism to levels never seen before. I'm not being funny, either.

The whole agenda of feminism is to make white women believe that they have more in common with say black women or Indian women than they have with white men.

Yes, that is very true.

However, only white women think like this, no black or Indian woman would seriously believe they had more in common with a white woman than men of their own race.

Yes, and that is why feminism is such a joke on white women, ultimately.

Linda Sarsour makes a big issue about the oppression of women, or whatever her shtick is, but she would NEVER come out against the sexual assaults on white women by Muslim men in Cologne - ever, ever, ever. She will never do that. But she'll tell white women how awful their men are all the live-long day. And it's not even true, white men top the list of fellas who are GOOD to their women! Western civilization was not built by men born of anguished mothers!

Feminism is a cruel joke on all women, but it's cruelest on white women (and our men).

It seems to me that for the most part only white women buy into this raceless feminist agenda, non-white women may claim to be feminist when it suits them (usually for the purposes of getting preferential treatment over whites) but most of them don't believe it like white women do.

Yes, but that's because we've been systematically deracinated - men, too. White people are deracinated. White feminists are behaving the way deracinated feminists behave, that's all. It's nothing inherent in white women. If you deracinated black women, they'd align themselves with other women before they aligned themselves with their men, too.

This, among many other reasons, is why I've spent a couple of years trying to convince white people that they are a race. We need our identity. I'm pretty confident that once we find that again, most of our problems will get solved in due time.

Poison #racist stormfront.org

Just look at Syria and you might know what I mean...

Syria is a brown cesspool of nonwhites that, in and of itself, has no relevance to the White world. If it wasn't for rapeugees, I wouldn't give a rat's "tail" about what happens to it. I personally find rooting for or aiding one faction of nonwhite browns there as retarded as rooting for the other. Just because Putin is spending White lives and White resources on aiding one faction of the brown riffraff in a brown cesspool doesn't make him better than the Western libs who would like to spend lives and resources in favor of another faction. In fact, the Western WNs can't stop whining and carping about how their countries should stop meddling in the nonwhite world or trying to "help" it at the cost of Whites, and yet they often cheer Putin doing something that is fundamentally the same. Go figure. I mean, when you start lauding support for one group of non-whites there, might as well laud support and/or intervention for Somali, Israel or Bangladesh's benefit - as far as I am concerned, same thing.

Since Putin got involved in Syria, the war didn't end, nor did the stream of rapeugees into Europe (shouldn't be interpreted that I am blaming the entirety of the mess on them two, I am just saying there was/is no change). On the contrary, Assad and Putin have intensified the war there and leveled a few major urban centers, pushing out yet more population. I fail to see what exactly I am supposed to be impressed with. The country itself (Syria) is a nonsensical chimera left in the aftermath of colonialism, where a small ethnic-religious minority (Assad's Alawites) rules over a much larger Sunni majority that's culturally and ethnically distinct. In the ideal world, Whites would self-insulate from that mess and then let it fall apart and sort itself out. In the end, if the natural way of things was allowed to prevail, it would probably fracture into several more homogenous and "natural" states that make more sense - like, a Sunni piece that is aligned with Saudi Arabia and/or Turkey, an Alawite-stan, perhaps some Kurdish statelet etc. Putin's intervention there appears to be playing a losing (in the long term) game of preventing and delaying this natural process and trying to prolong the unnatural life of a non-viable Franken-State, instead of embracing the natural course of events (if, perhaps, shaping it a little for a less destructive path). It's similar to the Soviet strategy in the Afghanistan, when they tried for years to keep a non-viable government on life support. It was "winning" in the short term, but eventually collapsed overnight as soon as Soviets ran out of funds and willingness to dump resources into a brown cesspool. If ever Putin gets tired or loses the Russian public backing for spending Slav lives and resources there, similar fate could await Assad's government and the no longer viable Franken-State concept of "big old Syria under Assad" that they are trying to sustain past it's natural lifespan.

That is what I see when I look at Syria.

POISON it might be all true what you said but still I take PUTIN any day over the 100% kosher Zionist sock-puppets running the West

Talk is cheap. If you really believed that you would be posting it from Putin's wonderful "non Kosher" "White paradise" and not from the "Zionist West". But I bet you aren't, while moving around the globe today is no problem at all. For example, a non-white from Africa, one of those rapeugees, might say something like "I take the comfortable West with all these wonderful free handouts and accessible women over my African sh.ithole homeland any day" and if one of them said it he would really mean it, because they are flooding into the West by all means available, crossing seas and what not, despite that they barely have money. In contrast to that, you say "I take Putin any day" but, at the end of the day, it's just rhetoric without much substance. IF you want to enjoy Putin's so called "nationalistic White paradise" (which actually only exists in fantasies) you easily try it, see where it gets you. Like, for starters, sites like Stormfront are all hosted in the "evil West" - usually in the U.S. A Russian version of Stormfront would have been raided by SWAT years/decades ago and its ownders and/or prominent members would very likely go to prison, as it "incites racial hatred and feelings of racial exclusivity" and much other such "extremist" and "illegal" (in Putin's police state) things.

Heidlerr #racist stormfront.org

Re: When Asian Women Are Harassed for Marrying Non-Asian Men

One interesting thing she said in the article is that she was never attracted to Asian men because, growing up, the only Asians she knew were her relatives. That makes sense in a way but shows what can happen in multiracial societies and why we shouldn't have them.

That's an excuse for self hate. Asian women literally Worship White men like we are Gods. This Asian girl straight up stalked me in High School it was scary, I actually asked her why she wouldn't date her own kind and she made this motion with her fingers and said small cock.

East Asian women are the most self hating women in the World and the men are the most Beta men in the World. 99% of East Asian men don't know how to communicate in a normal way because their T levels are so low they always think about how to be "non confrontational , non offensive they can't even communicate."

Only new one Asian guy who wasn't a Nerd short, weak looking. He was a tall Chinese guy over 6' and lifted weights. He did fairly well with girls and he ended up in Finance.

Most Asian men can't get dates and live alone if they haven't brought wife from the home country or aren't part of a tight knight Ethnic community. I know of several Asian guys that are past 30 and still Single. I check their facebook to see if they are no longer single. Asians must be the group with highest sexless men in America hands down easily.

Her mudshark race traitor race mixing of s husband should be shunned by any sane white person

Mitch is a CUck married to an Ugly Asian woman. Didn't even have children with her. Just a Status seeking 3rd World Whore. There everywhere where I live.

All Ethnic women even Black, want to be with a White guy where I'm from. We are like Gods here. As long as you're over White, 5'10 and not deformed Ethnic women will literally throw themselves at your feet all day.

So I understand why White men sometimes marry Asian. I've seen many White men here married to East Asians or Curries. Not so much Latinas or Blacks because they generally don't go to College and do low status jobs even if they do. East Asians Worship Money and Status so they go well with some White guys.

Where I live the Best looking girls are Jewish because their Father's are Jewish Laywers, Doctors, Politicians, CEOs ect and they get the best looking White women.

I don't find East Asian women very attractive most have flat faces, slits for eyes, and no body. My friend says it's tighter and better and that looks don't matter that much as long as they aren't fat.

Some Jewish, Latinas and Persian girls can be very attractive. I'd prefer a White looking Persian or Latina to a Regular White American girl. Most White AMerican girls are fat and aren't attractive unless they are from the country. But those country folk just have a different culture than me.

Where I live the best looking girls are Jewish. Because their Fathers are Doctors, Laywers, CEOs, Politicians and get the best looking White women who want to marry up for Status.

Ocko #racist stormfront.org

Re: Russia prepares UN resolution recognizing victory over Nazism world heritage

Your lies and smear tactic falls back on you like the Kavanaugh smear on the democrats.

Germans didn't rape or mass kill Russian civilians. That is a blatant lie and exposes you as an agent for anti white's, aka Jews.

If there were anything like you said in your smear attack we would have heard about it in the Nuremberg fake court. They actually had a hard time to find anything to turn into war crimes. There were none. We know today that that infamous propaganda smear on Germans was done by your brothers.

Stalin had an order to have German speaking Russians/Jews to take on German uniforms and go into the German controlled areas and kill Russians to break the ties Russian people (who saw Germans as a liberating force) had with the German army.

The massive killing and raping happened in Germany (and Poland, just asked one of the polish members here) by Russian soldiers who got stirred up by Jewish communist ilk like Ilya Ehrenburg. This scum called the Russian dumbass soldiers to rape, kill and torture Germans, especially the women.

The allies esp. Americans did similar things but on a much lower scale and there it was foremost the negro soldiers. The French did the same with their African troops, for ex. They declared Freiburg in Germany as a lawless town were their savages killed, raped, looted and tortured without any retribution.

You basically made clear to me who you are.

Braveheart #racist stormfront.org

It's a Wonderful Race, After All

by James Bronson (part 2)

"I don't understand. According to my recollections from Geography class, the great pyramids should be near this very spot. We ought to be able to see them from miles away," said George.

"Well, George, I'm sure your professors at the college never told you this, but the ancient Egyptians were not black or brown. They were Caucasians. The anthropologists who examined the Egyptian mummies confirmed this fact. There are no pyramids and no Sphinx either. And the Carthaginians were white too."

George became depressed, but he was determined to prove his beliefs. "What's in Europe?" he asked.

"Europe became populated by Huns and other Asiatic tribes. They've settled down a bit but life is much the same as it is in North America. A nomadic existence based on hunting and food gathering. No great cities, no science, no buildings, no culture, no fine art – just a hard daily struggle against life and the elements of nature. In a Europe without evil Whites, the Roman Empire never existed nor did the Greeks. There was no Renaissance either."

"Take me to Asia then. Surely the great civilizations of Persia, India, China, and Japan will suit me" George said. "Clarence, to the Taj Mahal please."

"The Taj Mahal?" replied the angel. "Don't you know that the ancient Persian and Indian civilizations were established by ancient Indo-European tribes who crossed the Himalayas? They are the ones who civilized India and built the Taj Mahal. Those are the great civilizations that Marco Polo, Columbus, and others were searching for. Did you know that Iran is Persian for "land of the Aryan?"

George said: "Don't tell me that the Indians were White men! That can't be. In the world I came from, I knew many Indians and they were not White!"

Clarence explained: "As the centuries passed, the Indo-Europeans who created Indian civilization intermarried with the native majorities who populated the Indian subcontinent. Gradually there were less and less evil White people until they faded out completely, along with the advanced civilization they had built. You will notice that there are still a few white-skinned and fair-haired Indians and Pakistanis around today -- in the world you came from that is.

George became worried. He knew he could never fit into the harsh primitive world he had been thrust into. Suddenly he thought of Japan. "Japan! I'll show you now Clarence. Take me to Japan. If the Japanese can make TVs and cameras then I'm sure I'll find a decent civilization that I can live in."

Clarence transported George to Japan. George observed that Japanese society was the most orderly, advanced and civil that he had seen, but it seemed as if almost everyone was a rice farmer, a fisherman, or a soldier. There were no cars, no skyscapers, no lights, no stereos, no sciences, no technologies, and no universities. It was a stagnant agricultural society that seemed to have reached its high water mark and was incapable of moving forward. George knew he could not live here either.

Clarence explained to George: "Even the industrious Japanese and Chinese peoples had to rely on the evil Europeans to build the modern Asia that you had in mind. In this world, Japan exists exactly as it did before Commodore Perry's American naval ships arrived in Japan in the 1850s. There's no industry, no technology, no Fuji film, no Sony, no Hitachi, no Panasonic, no Toyota, no Sushi bars, no baseball...none of the trappings or comforts of modern life. These things don't exist in Japan or anywhere else because Europeans weren't there to create them and share them with the rest of the world. Would you care for a bowl of rice George?"

George began to feel sick in both his body and his mind. Not only was he depressed, but exposure to the harsh elements of nature had left him physically ill. "Clarence, I seem to have contracted some type of sickness. I must have some anti-biotics."

"Anti-biotics? There's no...

"Oh shut up already! Then just take me back to the world as it was!"

"Sorry George. I'm not authorized to do that. Only my boss can make that call."

Clarence said to him: "You see George. Your father was right. You really had a wonderful race. Don't you see what a foolish mistake it is to be ashamed and guilty about your own people, and to let them die out? This is what the world would be like without the creative spark of Edison and Ford and Pasteur and Marconi. No great scientists, or mathematicians, or inventors or fine artists. No Archimedes, no Aristotle, no Socrates, no Alexander, no Renaissance, no Newton, no Kepler, no Goddard, no Mendel, no Tesla, no Faraday, no Guttenberg, no Shakespeare, no Dickens, no Twain, no Mozart, no Beethoven, no Davinci, no Michelangelo, no Galileo, no Copernicus. No Venice, no Paris, no Lisbon, no Madrid, no Zurich, no Berlin, no St. Petersburg, no Budapest, no Rome, no Milan, no Vienna, no London, no New York, no Rio, no Sydney. No orchestras, no museums, no universities, no hospitals, no libraries, no theaters, no radio, no books, no television, no electricity, no refrigeration, no heating, no plumbing, no houses, no steel, no stadiums, no vaccines, no cars, no planes, no trains, no ships, no dentists, no surgeons, no computers, no telephones, and most important - there's no creative genius to be found that could create and sustain such a high level of civilization. There's nothing for the people of this world to build upon. It's just a daily struggle for subsistence. It’s a brutal planet where the few people who aren't mired in eternal ignorance and darkness have reached their peak of civilization and are advancing no further."

Clarence went on to lecture the broken and depressed young man for seven days straight. He covered everything. History, science, economics, philosophy, art, literature, fine music, architecture, medicine, politics, agriculture, religion, and all the creations and contributions that the European peoples had made in every conceivable field of human endeavor. George listened closely to every word. He felt like a man who had been reborn.

After his lecture, Clarence the Angel floated away towards heaven. "I hope you have found all this to be educational, and I hope you have learned an important lesson. Enjoy your world, George!" mocked the departing angel.

George began to sob like a baby. It was the year 2003 and he was alone and hungry in a backwards world where Europeans had never existed. He cried out to the stars: "Please God. I see what a fool I've been. I understand now what my father was trying to tell me. I want to go back to the world that I came from. A world where Europeans not only existed, but blessed the rest of humanity world with their unique creative ability. I want to live in a civilized world. Please God!...take me back!...take me back!...Oh God....please."

Suddenly George was transported back to his college dormitory. Drunk with joy, George jumped into the showers before he could even take his clothes off!

Braveheart #racist stormfront.org

It's a Wonderful Race, After All

by James Bronson (part 1)

There once was a college freshman named George who thought he knew it all. One night over dinner, George got into an argument with his father. The argument began when the young student tried to explain to his father that as White people, they should be held accountable for all the evils that they had inflicted upon non-Whites throughout history. George explained: "Because of European racism, we stole the Indians' land, we held blacks in slavery, we persecuted the Jews, and we plundered the environment. We've been oppressive racists for thousands of years so it's only fair that we pay economic reparations for all the harm we've done to the world. I'm pleased to see that we are ending our political and economic domination of the oppressed peoples."

George's dad was shocked to hear such talk. "Who put such commie-pinko nonsense into your head, boy? Did one of your sandal-wearing hippie college professors teach you that?" the father asked.

To which the son replied: "That's the truth dad. My anthropology professor, Dr. Irving Silverstein, says so. He ought to know. Dr. Silverstein is a well-respected Ph.D. People of your generation just don't understand because you were raised in a White supremacist, racist society. That's why I've come to admire Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King as the greatest man in American history. He stood up to the racists of your generation. Because of him, my generation of White kids is completely color blind."

The father angrily replied: "That's bull****! I've always been fair-minded and tolerant of people from all backgrounds and races. I haven't 'oppressed' anybody, and furthermore there's nothing wrong with being proud of one's own people, including the European race of people. Your race is in your blood. It's like an extension of your biological family and you ought to be proud of your European heritage and identity, just like every other racial group in America is proud of its. Why is it OK for them to have a strong sense of racial
identity but it's evil for us Europeans to feel that way?"

The young "intellectual" laughed at his father. "Come on dad, that's the kind of crap Hitler tried to peddle. Those racist attitudes were discredited years ago. There's only one race and that's the human race. Diversity is our greatest strength. Differences in so-called "race" are as insignificant as differences in belly buttons. And besides, UN statistics now show that low White birth rates, along with the fact that we live in an multicultural society, will mean that Europeans and their ethnocentrist and racist culture will have died out by the end of the century," young George said.

Turning red with anger, the father yelled: "You are a walking cliché, you know that, boy? And you think it's a good thing that the European peoples of the world will have faded out and ceased to exist?" Young George replied; "I think it's great! It will mean the end of racism and the end of hate. The oppressed peoples of the world would have been better off if us racist Europeans had never existed to begin with."

Suddenly there was a blast of cold wind, an explosion, and a huge smoke cloud. When the smoke had settled, George found himself alone and lost in a cold open field.

An angel named Clarence then appeared to him and said "Well George, you've got your wish."

George asked: "Where am I? What's going on here? And who are you?"

The angel answered, "George, I'm Clarence the Angel. I was sent here to show you what the world would have been like if Europeans, or Whites, had never existed. You now live in a world where Europeans never existed."

"Oh. That's cool. I'll have no problem adapting because there's not a racist bone in my body. And when I get back to my world, I'll be able to tell my professor and my friends how great this non-racist world was. Say, I'm freezing my ass off out here. Where's the nearest motel?"

"Motel?" replied the angel. "There are no motels here in what was once called North America. But there are some caves up in those mountains where you can find shelter."

"Caves? No way, man. I want a nice warm bed to sleep in."

"I don't think you understand George. There are no buildings here in non-white America because the evil Europeans never came here to build them. Whites never existed, remember? The natives live in tents. Would you like to go meet some local Indians? Perhaps they'll let you stay in a tent."

"A tent? But it's 10 degrees outside?...Oh well. It's better than a cave I suppose. Let's go talk to these Indians...... Wait a second, are these Indians friendly or hostile?"

"Why, George, that's a racist question to ask. Just because some Indians were brutal savages who scalped their victims alive, it doesn't mean they all were", said the angel sarcastically.

"I know that Clarence. And I'm not a racist. I hate racism. Nonetheless, I'd feel safer if I could have a gun to defend myself if they turn out to be violent."

"Gun?" replied the angel. "There are no guns for you to defend yourself with. Firearms were invented by evil Europeans. Though, we could make a spear with those twigs over there—"

"That's too much work. Give me a telephone then. I'll call the Indians to ask if it's OK."

"Telephone"? replied the angel. There are no telephones here. Alexander Graham Bell was another evil white man, so he never existed. No Europeans remember?" "Forget it then," replied George. "I'll sleep in the damn cave."

Upon arriving at the cave, a shivering George asked the angel for a lighter so that he could light a fire. "A lighter?" replied Clarence. "There are no lighters here, and no matches. Those are European gadgets and evil Europeans never existed remember? If you want to get warm, you need to do like the locals do and start rubbing twigs together."

"Oh come on man! You mean to tell me these people still rub sticks together for fire?"

"That's right George. The Indians live exactly as they did before the evil pilgrims arrived from Europe just a few centuries ago." said the angel sarcastically.

"I refuse to stay in this cold cave and I damn sure ain't gonna light a fire with twigs, and I refuse to sleep in a teepee. I'll go to South America. I can make it in a warmer climate and I'll adapt quickly to the great Incan civilization I learned about at college. Since European racists like Columbus, Cortez and Pizzaro never existed, the Incans will still be there... I need a car"

"Car?" replied the angel. "There are no cars here. Daimler and Benz, the evil German inventors of the internal combustion engine, were never born...nor was Henry Ford. There are no paved roads either. This is a world without evil Europeans remember?"

"No cars! Oh. I'll just have to take a train."

"There are no trains in this world either George. Evil Europeans weren't here to build locomotive engines or to discover the many uses of coal, oil and gas, or to build trains or lay tracks. But I'll allow you to cheat just a bit. Grab hold of my magic robe and we'll fly

George touched the angel's robe and they flew south until they arrived in an abandoned mud hut in the midst of Incan territory. George was grateful for the warm weather but it wasn't long until he began to complain about the heat and humidity.

"Clarence, this hut is a little ****hole and I'm sweating up a storm here. Get me an air-conditioner—please!"

"Air-conditioner?" replied the angel. "There are no air-conditioners here. Air conditioning and refrigeration were inventions created by evil White men."

"What?!! You mean to tell me that in the year 2003 these people still haven't figured out a way to keep themselves or their food cool?” a frustrated George asked.

"No George, they haven't. And they never will."

"This is ridiculous. Let's go to the main city to see the Emperor. I can't live like this. Where's a car...oh I forget...no cars! Dammit I'll walk. Let's go."

After walking through the jungle for about an hour or so, it began to get dark. George then asked Clarence to give him a flashlight so that he could see. "Flashlight? Sorry George, but Thomas Edison was an evil White man too...and he was never born. There are some branches over there if you want to make a torch."

"Never mind that!" George shouted back.

By morning time, Clarence and George had arrived at the temple of the Incans. A bloody human sacrifice was in progress. George turned to Clarence and cried, "They're going to butcher that poor soul! Somebody has got to stop this. What horrible murdering beasts! Can't anyone stop them?"

The angel replied "I'm afraid not. Ritual killings are common place here.” Those evil European racists like Columbus, Cortez and Pizzaro never existed so the Incans just continued their brutal ways. In fact, it was the oppressed peoples themselves who made up the bulk of the Spanish armed forces. The people saw the Spaniards as liberators who would rid them of the oppressive Incan and Mayan rulers and give them a better life."

"I can't blame them for helping the Spaniards then. This is a horrible place. Get me out of this ****hole now!" said George.

'Where would you like to go?" Clarence replied.

George said: "Take me to Africa, maybe there's a more advanced and humane civilization there that I can fit into. Where’s the nearest airport?"

"Oh, I forgot...no Wright Brothers." George said. "How about a boat?"

"Boats?" replied the angel. "I'm afraid the most seaworthy rafts available to you won't be of much help in crossing the vast Atlantic Ocean. The great Viking sailors and European navigators never existed. No Phoenicians, no Leif Eriksson, no Henry the Navigator, no Columbus, no Magellan, no Hudson and no Robert Fulton. Even if you could build your own ship, there would be no compass for you to navigate with and no sextant either. I'm afraid you're stuck here George."

"Can I touch your robe and fly to Africa then" asked George.

"You're cheating again George, but all right. Touch my robe and we'll fly to Africa."

When they arrived in Africa, George saw thousands of half-naked African tribesmen being herded along a dirt path. They were guarded by other Africans with spears. "What are they doing to those poor men?" George asked Clarence.

"They are being enslaved by another tribe. Slavery was common in Africa long before the whites arrived," Clarence said. "In fact, most of the slaves who were shipped to the Americas were sold to the slave traders by African tribal leaders."

"That's so sad,” George said. "I want to meet Martin Luther King. Since his White assassin never existed, this great man should still be alive. He's probably a great tribal chief somewhere and leader of an advanced civilization. He will free these slaves from their African masters. Take me to him, Clarence."

Clarence led George to a little hut deep in the heart of Africa. The naked women and children looked at George in wonder. The young men were out on a hunt but the older men stayed behind. George was led to the dingy little hut of the tribal witchdoctor and spiritual leader. There he saw a wild-looking man with a necklace of teeth around his neck and a huge ring pierced through his nose. "What the hell is that?” George asked.

"Meet Witch-doctor Matunbo Lutamba Kinga" Clarence said. He never became Reverend Martin Luther King because there were no universities or seminaries built to educate him. Europeans weren't there to create such opportunities. But he did become the tribe's spiritual leader. He specializes in casting evil spells. Perhaps he can help you?"

The witch doctor gazed in wonder at George. Then he motioned to his henchmen to seize young George. The tribesmen grabbed hold of George and tied him to a nearby tree.

"Stop it! Let me go. What are they going to do to me?" cried George hysterically.

"They're going to perform a ritual killing on you, George. The good doctor King...I mean Kinga -- believes that by cutting your heart out while you are still alive, it will bring good fortune and fertility to his tribe," laughed Clarence.

"Clarence! Clarence! Help me Clarence! Help me!

"But George, you told me that you wanted to go to Africa and to meet your hero Reverend King."

George said: "This part of Africa has not developed yet. I can see that now. Take me to North Africa where Egypt and Carthage established great civilizations. Just get me out of here, please."

Just as the witch doctor's spear was about to carve out George's heart, George vanished into thin air. He then found himself on the banks of the river Nile in Egypt.

"Thank you Clarence. Thank you," George said. "I don't understand it Clarence. Why does so much of the world remain so brutal and primitive? I learned during Black History Month about many talented black inventors and scientists. Garrett Morgan, George Washington Carver, Benjamin Banneker, Granville Woods. Then there's Dr. Carson, the preeminent brain surgeon in all of America. Where are these men?"

Clarence replied: "Don't you understand yet? America, and Africa, exist exactly as they did before the Europeans discovered them. Civilization as you had known it had only been introduced to these people just a few centuries ago by the Europeans. There are no universities, no hospitals, no means of transportation other than animals, no science, no medicine, no machines. In fact, the wheel hasn't even been discovered in Sub-Saharan Africa! Those black scientists, inventors, doctors, athletes, and entertainers you speak of were never given the opportunity to realize their full human potential because Europeans weren't around to introduce higher civilization and learning to them. There are no George Washington Carvers in this non-European world, no Dr. Carsons, no Booker T. Washingtons, no Benjamin Bannekers, no Michael Jordans, no Oprah Winfreys, no Bill Cosbys, no..."

"Stop it! That can't be!" cried George. "Let's walk over to the great pyramids of Egypt right now and I'll show you one of the great wonders of the world ...built by non-Whites"

They walked a few miles before George stopped and asked where the nearest toilet was. "Toilets?" replied the angel. There are no toilets or urinals in this world. Plumbing was developed by evil Europeans. The people in this non-White world still relieve themselves in open fields."

Clarence turned around so George could do his business. "I need some toilet paper." George said.

"Toilet paper?" replied the angel. "There..."

"I know. I know. Toilet paper hasn't been invented yet. Just hand me a rag then".

Clarence obliged and the two of them went on their way.

Nikola Bijeliti #racist stormfront.org

I was going to let it slide, since I was criticized the last time I pointed this out. But, since others are bringing it up, let me join in. We must not use our (((enemy's)) terminology.

Racist and nazi are anti-White slur words. "Feminizi" is a particularly vile term because feminists are the antithesis of National Socialists. We unwittingly promote the (((enemy's))) plan when we use (((their))) terminology.

Aube Blanche #racist stormfront.org

The jews are behind the majority of our problems : christianity, socialism, immigration, collectivism, islam ... We simply can not trust them. When they pretend to be on our side against islam or something like that, it is simply an other lie.

Scarhand #racist stormfront.org

Short story: Reflections on the New Year 2078, A Cautionary Tale

Well, it would be the year 2078 if Christianity still existed. But it was driven into extinction long ago, along with the White Race. In fact, nobody really knows what year it is, since only a handful of Jews can still read.

What do we see in the remains of America? Well, the first thing to notice is the burned out hulks of the cities. In 2078, all American cities look like Detroit did in 2018. After the purge of the Whites, the Negroes and Hispanics turned on each other, then after the Hispanics fled the Negroes killed the Asians, then the Negroes killed each other. The few Negroes who remained found out that it's awfully hard to grow food in a desert, so they fled.

What about the Jews, the ones who had encouraged the purging of the Whites? Well, the first Whites out of the cities attacked the Jew shtetls (homogenous Jew cities set up to preserve the Jew's racial and religious purity), inflicting a number of casualties before being defeated. When the Hispanics started showing up, the Jews realized that they were outnumbered, and fled to the highest mountains, where they built walled fortresses. By the time the Asians showed up, they had blocked off the gates, so as to block the weaknesses in the walls. The Jews are still there, in their fortresses, albeit far fewer of them than there were originally. In the old America, Jews had been bankers and businessmen, growing rich off the labor of the goyim. Walled off from the world in their "masadim", as they call the forts, they had to grow their own food. Most did not know how, and eventually died. The few that remain spend most of their time trying to fend off starvation. Despite the Torah's call for learning, most cannot read even their holy books. They rely on the rebbim, the religious leaders, to tell them what is in the books.

What of the rest of America? Well, the waves of city refugees eventually overwhelmed the farmers and destroyed the farms. Nothing is farmed in America now. There are wandering tribes of Negroes and Negro-Mulattoes, who live off the land. The last guns ceased to function a long time ago; the tribes use bows/arrows and spears to kill their prey, and are lucky to find edible plants here and there. They don't live much better than the Jews, actually.

As for the rest of the world, the sudden collapse of the American Empire caused the human race to turn on each other in a vicious wave of settling scores. The Americans stationed overseas by the US military were quickly done away with, then the locals fought each other. Israel was quickly overrun and destroyed. Russia and China broke up into a zillion little warring fiefdoms. Europe followed the same path as America, only the land there turned out to be so exhausted that no humans live there now. Africa returned to it's natural state. In fact, the Africans are probably the best off people on earth, since they were not that far from their hunter gatherer roots, and simply returned to them.

Nobody really knows, or cares, how many humans exist in 2078. 100 million, maybe. Few can read; the great libraries of Western Civilization were destroyed or fell into ruin long ago. Most of the great technologies invented by Whites have been forgotten too; without Whites to maintain them, they were abandoned. The Jews in their masadim have a few scraps of the old technologies; a solar panel, a wind turbine, that occasionally power an electric LED lightbulb or a two way radio that is occasionally used by the Jews to communicate between the masadim. The Jews also have a little medical knowledge; little things like putting alcohol on a cut to prevent infection. The rest of White Civilization has been utterly forgotten. Trucks and farm machinery are chunks of rust, the structures built by White Civilization are ruins. The wandering tribes of Negroes occasionally find shelter in a ruin of a farmhouse or barn. They lack the mental capacity to do anything as simple as wondering how the structure came to be. Gods built them, is how they describe it.

It took 70 years for Rome to go from empire to ruin, but at least more of Roman Civilization survived than of Western Civilization, and the smart Romans were able to flee beyond the chaos. With Western Civilization, there was nowhere to run, it was the first-and probably the last-true global collapse. By the time that Whites realized that the fate of humanity was in their hands, it was too late, and they were slaughtered to the last man. Without White People, the capacity of humans to build a new civilization sometime in the distant future is likely gone for good.

Sometimes the Jews ask each other, isn't this what the forefathers wanted, the men who lived so long ago and who wished for the final Jewish victory? Is this victory, huddled in brick huts behind thick walls on mountaintops, desperately trying to scratch food out of the rocks? Where is this "Israel" they spoke of, the Third Temple that would be built by the Moshiach? Where is Moshiach, the deity who would vanquish the Goyim? There is no answer, of course, and whenever a young boy asks, he is told to tend to the corn. Even the Jews have given up hope.

three in one #racist stormfront.org

I also hate jews, and any White person who is an enemy of the jews is automatically my friend. I can't stand muslims, but since they are the only ones fighting against the jews at the moment, I'll put up with them. I can't say the muslims are my friends, but I do applaud their anti-jewish activities.

Survivalist866 #fundie stormfront.org

Protecting the children from degenerate influences

You can minimise the chances of them being affected by this by raising them in a disciplined and refined environment while nurturing maximum logical and critical thinking skills. Condemn stupid and disorderly behaviour at every opportunity. Exposing them to the brutal realities of the world (e.g dark world events, threats to child well-being) helps too. Be careful not to excessively expose them, as you do not want to emotionally scar them.

Disable all television channels (modern television is almost entirely manipulative and/or degenerate poison) and restrict their internet activity (especially sites with user-generated content such as YouTube, as many of the contributors on there are degenerates and/or simple-minded).
Try and get them interested in certain video games instead. Particularly ones that focus on survival and/or resistance against aggressors. Anything that helps engender an 'us and them' mentality is desirable. It is not recommended to allow them access to violent video games until they are around eight or nine years old, as they may not yet understand the difference between moral right and wrongs or fantasy from reality, and this could cause serious problems.

What do you think of this method?

NobleWolf14 #racist stormfront.org

THIS fact has made me very disgusted since I first learned of it. This demonstrates the logical fallacy of even those who are open to right wing orientation! Why are they laying flowers for a non-White?! How about we mourn for the real Germans being killed. Our women and children suffer every day and as we slowly sink into the abyss we continue to empathize with those who are not one of us. It's that ancient trap that has rooted our feet and slowed our hands. It's like a prison, the double edged sword of something meant for so much more.

One of the key components in the downfall of our race has been the unholy extension of our inherent altruism to those outside of our racial group. Handed out under the false, fatal and impossible conception that the other races share our special internal characteristics. Our goodness and strength of heart is a gift passed to us from above and we are the only people on this planet who bear it. The other races are empty vessels, they are as different inside as they are without.

The mistake has repeated itself over and over. Now it's happening again. As a consequence of our ignorance the non-Whites are once again turning and rending against the hands of those who foolishly feed them. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and if our forefathers bore the necessary countenance they would have prescribed a purge. Hitler would gag if he saw that this is what it took for German resistance. This is a warning that as things get worse, that internal trap of altruism being extended to those undeserving remains gnawing and gnashing. It can't be overlooked. It is fatal. It is wrong. And if it remains an oversight, it can destroy us in time.

A solid example of why political victory is impossible and physical revolution is strained. Success is only possible through a serious change of heart and collective reflection. A turning back to things that are good and true and a determined "no!" to everything evil and unnatural. A turning back to God. But even though it sometimes can feel like all hope is lost, we have a promise of being saved.

Heidlerr #fundie stormfront.org

Re: China declares Islam an "incurable tumour" and a "poisonous medicine"

With enough brute force you can eliminate religion. By physically eliminating all Adult adherents you assure that Religion doesn't spread. Religion is a thing of the past. Science is the future, Islam like Judaism and Islam will one day be seen as a laughable myth.

Darwinism is superior to religion and the Chinese are Darwinists who believe in force, and not an outside undefinable "Spiritual agency".

In Totalitarian societies "The Cult of the Leader" replaces "God". The need for "God" or "Gods" is a Primitive need hard wired into human beings. At some point in our Evolutionary past it was advantageous.

Christianity is a religion for the weak and dying. As soon as Europe became Christian it sealed it's fate. Christianity worships weakness and degeneracy, taken to it's logical conclusion it is a death cult.

Religion is for Primitive people who operate on instinct not people of average intelligence who operate on logic. Sadly, most of White America is still Christian and willing donate to their corrupt Pastors and the Zionist cause of White Racial Genocide.

I was raised a Christian and became a free thinker in High School. However it took me years to break free of the accursed Death Cult which excels at Brain washing and exploiting human psychology weaknesses. The Chief of which is Death. Christianity is like a Pacifier is to a Baby, it gives us comfort it let's us free ourselves from an all consuming neurotic fear of Death. Death is nothing to fear nor is creating an alternative reality of an afterlife change one's Ultimate fate. It's hard to believe that once the physical mind and body is destroyed their is a Spirit that remains. Experience teaches us otherwise yet many stubbornly hold on to this antiquated ideas out of Fear.

White GeNOcide #racist stormfront.org

The issue is White Genocide, not IQ and crime statistics.

I agree with #1 (but I'm too obsessed to stop quite yet), but as for Don, judging from yesterday's radio program he's doing okay.

It blows my mind that Derek apparently based both his pro-whitism and his more recent anti-whitism on crime statistics, IQ studies, and other concerns that are completely irrelevant to the white struggle against being blended out of existence with other races.

The issue is White Genocide. When are pro-whites going to get that straight and give up slogging through one irrelevant swamp after another?

If out of the flood of non-whites let into your country, with whom you've been forced by law and propaganda to integrate and assimilate to be blended out of existence, you pick a non-white mate who is as smart as you or smarter, and who has no criminal record, will that make your baby come out white?

Kitty0812 #racist stormfront.org

I have been single for over two years now. The reason I have done so is I won't give up my views so I am not alone. I do wish to find a man who accepts me for me and that includes accepting my pro-White views. Believe me, I wish I could find someone who I can spend my life with and we fulfill those desires of love and respect toward one another. But I will NOT give up who I am for a man who does not at LEAST believes in only dating other Whites.

Some men have "ran to the hills" bc they have felt I am abit extreme in my views. I don't hide who I am or what I believe. For instance, I began speaking with this man who is an attorney via text. He wanted to see other photos of me and I told him until we get to know one another better, I am limited in what we talk...he was taken back when I said, "how do I know in reality you are not a black guy, you are who you are in your photo?" I figured he has my profile photo, but I was not going to send him anything that reveals where I live and other photos...I am cautious. He said, "it is fine if you don't date black men, but that comment was a abit racist". He then said, "I was not calling you a racist, just that comment was". I was fired up by then bc he was persistent about me sending a photo, not responding to his messages "fast enough". I finally said, "I know you weren't calling me that, but I AM". He didn't get it, so I told him, "I AM a racist by what society labels me as, but in reality, I am a WN. A racist is a term given to those who are proud of their race and associating and identifying with your own race, You, as an attorney should be smart enough to know how manipulative individuals can be. But I am not trying to manipulate you by letting you know up front I am a WN and you or not anyone else is going to change me".

I have lost opportunities in YEARS because I am pro-White and I don't hide it. Some may say I should "first rope them in" THEN telling them. I DISAGREE. If someone is shocked to learn what I believe, then he obviously does NOT have pro-White beliefs. I have met men whom I tell them up front what I believe and they tell me what a breath of fresh air it is to hear a woman who does not date blacks and is not a liberal.

Bulldog789 #racist stormfront.org

The Jews made up that 5h1t about the world being controlled by a bloke who lives somewhere up in the sky and them being that bloke's chosen people (magical thinking + narcissism). The Jews made that ridiculous decision to completely ignore the fact that human beings are one of the most highly territorial species on the planet, spread themselves across an alien continent (Europe) infiltrating other peoples' territories in their millions without a by your leave, and when the inevitable backlash occurred (which they refer to as the 'holocaust'), instead of admitting they'd made a mistake, explained it by inventing a fictitious illness called 'antisemitism'.

Habitually making things up and refusing to accept responsibility for the consequences of one's own mistakes are traits that are usually associated with psychopaths. Jews mutilate their baby sons' penises. They have an irrational fear of eating pork. It's blatantly obvious that the Jews are a tribe of mentally ill people. It's so F'ing obvious, I can't believe it isn't more widely acknowledged.

The existence in the world of a tribe of mentally ill people doesn't have to be a problem. It's only a problem if you allow them to infiltrate your civilisation, take it over then set about destroying it. That's exactly what we've allowed them to do. I'll never understand why. Pandering to mentally ill people isn't an act of kindness, it's an act of cruelty. When Jews first started trying to infiltrate European countries, kind and compassionate European leaders would have said 'No, we're not letting you infiltrate our territory. If we do that, it's guaranteed to end badly for you'.

Of course, that isn't what happened. That tribe of mentally ill people were given enough rope to hang themselves. They made good use of it. Anyone agree/disagree with this analysis? I welcome feedback on my posts, in agreement or otherwise.

cosmicgirl #racist stormfront.org

Conversely, females of the brown and black species-races can't stop putting out and crapping litters of goblins. Anyway, i think that Jewish population hovers at 2 percent per region, is because this helps to keep the jew network in place, and helps to keep them 'obscure' and seen as 'merely harmless little jew oddkins', while also ensuring that their reach of influence is as global as possible. If jews completely hemmed themselves into one ethnostate, then it could easily be surrounded, and another 'loller cost' would inevitably happen (allegedly). Also, if they remain spread out (and/or also stealth about who is and isn't a jew) then it is likely that, in the event that we whites wake up and defend ourselves as a species-race, then there is less chance of them being entirely rooted out and done away with, both in terms of species-race, and in terms of reach of power and influence.

After all, if one is not able to be readily pegged as a jew by anyone else, but one knows that oneself is a jew anyway, then once the pieces stop falling, the process of infiltration and long-spanning shenanigans can begin, all over again. This allows them to (to a degree) hide out in white or mildly arabic nations, and foist the consequences of their actions onto the host populace (usually whites) within the region. White inborn ideology and nobility is also exploited, and words are arranged to distract and imp-lie what the jew wishes to misconstrue or make happen. The Jew in modern times is a big fan of things like political discourse, psycho-ology, and ed-jew-cation, because with these arcane things, the jew now knows that they can speak spells of implication, and make white people do their bidding, take their blame, and even become geno-suicidal. This now frees up alot of effort on the part of jews, and allows them to think up, and enact even greater vile actions of ruination upon their hated blood enemy, we Whites.

Imagine it from the jewish perspective (viciously disgusting, i know, but, just for a minute ?); you have no morality, no higher purpose other than wanton revenge, and to rule the world right back into the ground it was built on, and suddenly, circa ww1 and ww2, after thousands of years of getting (inexplicably and repeatedly) one-upped, you discover that your enemies Big Magic, also works on him, even more so than you or the brown and black races. Suddenly, with your enemies grimoires of education and development, he is at your complete mercy; make him dance funny, sing your race's songs and poems, and yes, even make him throw himself on his own sword. All it takes, is the right sorts of words, to cast his own spells upon him. What sort of devilish fun would jew-you have, now that your most intractably hated foe, has become your most entertainingly useful newest minion ?

Nikola Bijeliti #racist stormfront.org

Who cares. Superman was never White to begin with. His ancestors came from Krypton, not Europe. He is an illegal alien, quite literally. The whole point of Superman is that White people can't solve their own problems, that they need an alien to come and solve their problems for them. Besides, superman was created by Jews Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Superman was specifically created to corrupt White thinking by getting young, impressionable children to worship a superhero of an alien race.

In addition, the idea of a hero with a dual identity, one heroic and one mild mannered, was stolen from Johnston McCulley's character Zorro. Zorro is a true White heroic character. He is also a true Hispanic heroic character (albeit created by an Irishman), as Hispanics were originally White, and some still are.

WhiteCSA #racist stormfront.org

The Jews only care about money. Literally. The Jews had Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans. The Jews had no interest in following Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn't interested in money. He was only interested in souls. Getting people saved. The Jews had no interest in being saved.

The Jews love money. The Jews focus 100% on money and power. Just look at the central and international banking system. Now many White People act like money loving Jews. We change that by focusing on the collective. The whole individual liberty, social liberal, and libertarian thing did nothing but turn our race into a bunch of greedy capitalist pigs. We should realize that Christianity is morality and it will help save the White Race. Deo Vindice !

dirtydog #racist stormfront.org

Most people tend to only notice what is pointed and spelled out to them.

When the media is leading people by the nose to believe that Corbyn is this hate-filled racist anti-semite threat to the very existence of Jews... that is what most people will believe. Most people pay little attention to politics until the media thrusts it in front of them and says 'look at this, and think this'.

Nonetheless, I think this still represents the best opportunity to red pill people about how the Jews operate. I don't have much idea about how to reach the masses to spell it out though. Newspaper comments sections are usually moderated pretty tightly on this issue, unsurprisingly.

Britannic Nationalist #racist stormfront.org

Once the standard parliamentary and party procedures failed to oust Corbyn, they are now upping it a gear.

I firmly believe this is a coordinated attempt by wealthy and influential Jewish figures to topple Corbyn. Unfortunately they seem to be winning. Corbyn hasn't completely caved into them but hasn't been a rock of resistance either.

Corbyn has the party membership behind him. Providing he surrounds himself with loyal people he could purge the party without too much trouble.

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org


Given that all White nations are now infested with subhuman apes and many of us live among them -- what LESSONS can we take away from this event.

1. Don't live among subhuman apes. Location - Location - Location. While predominantly White areas in your country exist, live there. That means, if you aren't there now, MOVE THERE -- and take your loved ones (if you love them) with you. Location is more important than your job or your loved ones' job -- or just about anything else.

2. Unless you are prepared (and able) to fight for your life, DON'T GET INTO ARGUMENTS WITH SUBHUMAN APES.

3. The boyfriend (and all White men of all ages) had better toughen up -- get stronger and learn how to fight -- so that you are capable of protecting your woman and yourself against the apes. A WAR is being waged against the White Race. White men had better become again what they once were -- WARRIORS.

millner #racist stormfront.org

For a people widely regarded as natural enemies of the jews, these muslims with their innate idiocy are the greatest gift to jews everywhere.

Just to think , ISIS, a joint CIA/Mossad backed operation, disguised as an Islamic state armed forces, has never been exposed by muslims for the fraud that it is. The muslims were instead fixated on how Obama would address the ISIS organization, would it be ISIL or Daesh .....& would be ever say Muslim Extermists ?. Can just imagine the muslims around their televisions taking in every last word, at the same time the IDF is training some ISIS units in the next house over.

The jews have their poor hapless muslim cousins around their little fingers.

Matematik #conspiracy stormfront.org

I see the concept of Britishness as an artificial identity created to dillute and eventually replace English identity. The concept of Britishness was created to benefit the royals and the elite, it works against the native English. It also significantly furthers the mass immigration agenda as anyone can be "British", whereas only native English people can really be English.

In fact, for the most part it's only English people who even identify as British. Most Scottish, Welsh and NI people do not, some may claim to when it suits them, but generally they will always identify first and foremost as Scottish, Welsh or Ulster/Irish. Most of them do not feel strongly British at all, and if a foreigner claimed they were "British" I have no doubt that most of them would quickly correct them.

Reich Force #racist stormfront.org

It was the typically perverted Japanese who introduced these life-like sex dolls to the world. This fact has been discussed repeatedly on Stormfront over the years. In Japan, they also sell used underwear in vending machines and kiddie-porn comics and cartoons are extremely popular.

SkullCracker #racist stormfront.org

I'll give the Jew credit. If you wanted to make white people extinct, they're doing a good job. The Jew twisted the role of men and women into something perverse. A lot of white men and women don't even want relationships anymore due to this twisted brainwashing. But there's still a biological need for sex.

The Jew with their insidious propaganda tries to make non whites more desirable to whites. And of course, this is working to a certain extent. But the Jew really wants to hit the nail on the head and eliminate white people totally. So they're making sex dolls mainstream. With sex dolls you can enjoy all the artificial sex you want without the possibility of creating life. This is a big win for the Jew. Even with non whites our DNA will survive to a certain extent. With sex dolls we will fade into oblivion.

TheAxis #racist stormfront.org

You are 100% correct. They are too ignorant to understand that ALL public utilities, and the entire infrastructure needs to be maintained. Once whites leave, the maintenance does not happen and everything that is worth a cent will be removed and sold as scrap. Every time the peace corps build a public well, or latrines in Africa (to benefit the local indigenous species) the minute the peace corps leaves everything is dismantled and sold as scrap. 'Future' is not a word the negro understands, thus whites should not have to provide a 'future' for them.

Bergvagabunden #racist stormfront.org

Ah well now, since the McPherson report (which said that the British police were "institutionally racist" ) the Old Bill, the Met especially, have been trying to recruit pakis and coons and fat birds, to aid its diversity.

Headed by a childless lesbian hag, it has become a willing tool of the great replacement.

It is no longer the job of the filth to pursue vibrant Dindus on their stolen mopeds, black hands grasping mobile phones, wallets, carving knives etc.

No, the pigs now spend their time investigating 'hate crimes', and trawling the internet for 'the threat of the far right'......

LoveTheWhites #fundie stormfront.org

Agree with the homosexuality thing. Perverts are placed in all positions and it hinders cultural development. Who wants to be in programs if there is always going to be some creepy molester there? For example, do you want a child to do scouts or the arts or the clergy knowing that there is going to be some potential homosexual pedophile there that the institution is going to cover for? It makes people not want to participate in activities. Think of all the talented people we never got to see because they would not get on the zio casting couch.

Also, I would say it is not healthy when every overpaid sports and entertainment figure hates the country, hates the anthem, hates the flag, is foul-mouthed and vulgar and in a perpetual state of protesting the very country and people that made the location what it is. It's actually a buzzkill. It's become shameful and embarrassing to see most media and entertainment in the country. It is not something anyone can really be proud of. Especially, having to know that so many positions are just given away based on quotas for psyop purposes.

One could say the very same thing for the schools. If students are showing up just to hear their people being called racist, misogynistic, anti-semitic, you know, the whole Hillary list= a “basket of deplorables” made up of “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” people, then why bother even having a school if you hate the American people so much? In fact, instead of "progress," it seems the list of things to hate Americans for has only grown longer from the left.

WhiteMansBurden82 #racist stormfront.org

To each his own. To me, Mahmoud looks like a filthy, fecal-hued, smelly little Muzrat midget( probably because he is in fact a filthy, fecal-hued, smelly little Muzrat midget).

I don't buy into the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" fallacy that so many here unfortunately do. And I'm not gonna give a White hating, fecal hued Muzrat/dune coon a free pass, simply because he hates Israel.

Are you aware that when that smelly sand-nog Mahmoud was "president" of Iran( which is a joke in and of itself, as the Ayatollah of Iran has to power to override anything the Iranian "president" does...), he gave a vehemently hypocritical, anti-White speech to the UN - condemning Western Civilization for our history of slavery and alleged genocide?

Yeah, because we all know Muslim countries have never had anything to do with slavery and genocide. Oh wait, that's right - Islamic countries have actually had a HUGE history of slavery and mass genocide, and many Islamic countries still continue their legacy of slavery and genocide into the present period of time.

But according to good old Muzrat Midget Mahmoud, ONLY Whites need to feel guilty about slavery and alleged genocide from hundreds of years ago. Yet for some reason, Muslims don't need to feel guilty for the huge amount of slavery and genocide they were responsible for in the past, that many of them still perpetuate to this very day.

Defend our Homeland #racist stormfront.org

Even if the Negro anti-gun forces don't succeed this time they are still on the war path towards doing everything they can to make things miserable for Whites. I really think that White people in South Africa have no choice but to get the heck out of there while they still can given the animal behavior of those Black Apes.

ADAMANT #racist stormfront.org

ALL of them do, because these days you just don't reach the national stage without being "jew approved"! This time the zioscum won...last time with OBAMAGOD, cultural marxiscum won.

We have a ways to go but remember, just sixty or so years ago many real men called out jews for their perfidious nature right on the floor of Congress!

It will happen again.

diane1 #racist stormfront.org

Exactly. But most of what’s going on now days is unbelievably insulting to the white race. We have filthy, obnoxious negroes not only taking over our white neighborhoods but either destroying white history or approrpriating it for themselves.

Mindless baboons without a shred of inteligence or refinement trying to make themselves more important than white people. The negro thinks that the more white ‘stuff’ he can appropriate for himself the more important that makes him.

In itself a negro is without intelligence, without refinement and genetically a completely unevolved animal with average IQ of 76. He needs white stuff to make him feel like he’s the superior one. Ah yes, everything white now belongs to negroes, now that they’re engaged in doing what they do best and that is STEAL FROM WHITIE.

Huginn ok Muninn #racist stormfront.org

To anti-white communists, the death of European peoples and their cultures is "progress." This is why they call themselves "progressives."

Saying "it's time" is "progressive-speak" for "we have made enough PROGRESS in eliminating whiteys that we can now destroy this little piece of their culture."

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

Re: New movement: Blonde Men Mass Impregnate Women

The first goal of the jew is to exterminate the Blond Aryan Race. And that is exactly what they are doing. There's probably only one more generation of significant blondism left in the world.

Message to naturally blonde White women. If you don't want the blond race to die out and if you want beautiful blond children, marry blond men and have their babies.

The article encourages blonde men to impregnate Arabs and Turks

Whose the retard pushing this

This "movement" -- as described in the article -- will quicken the extinction of blonds. Probably the article was intended to be Anti-White. It is no accident of nature that this White female preference for dark haired men has been happening. Black haired jews control the media. ALL of their movies and advertising and every other possible means of promotion under their control place the blonde woman with the dark haired man. Jews know EXACTLY what they are doing. Women are completely suggestible and easy to manipulate through such subtle emotional tactics.

It's no accident. Nor is it natural.

Had Hitler won Jew War II, the world would be filled with blonds -- and women would be specifically seeking blond men (as was the case in Hitler's Germany) -- because blond men and blondness would be publicized as favored by those in power.

powerelite #racist stormfront.org

I tried posting on the homemaking forum, but didn't receive a lot of feedback and I've seen more and more commercials for phony services like ancestry.com on tv lately and I am so fed up with this narrative. These services reinforce the progressive agenda, making white people BELIEVE they are other races than they are. I seriously doubt that results of these things are even valid, their sole purpose is reinforcing liberals ideas. Thoughts?

richie #racist stormfront.org

The NYT never, ever saw a war for Israel they didn't like.

Judith Miller, one of their star reporters lied thru her Jewish teeth, in order to get America to invade Iraq.

For that crime, alone, the NYT deserves to die a slow painful death.

RXSSR #fundie stormfront.org

I notice that many liberals tend to come in large numbers. They tend to be highly connected. Having lots of connections increases stress, which increases conditions such as high blood pressure, stress issues, anxiety, depression, and other conditions which can result in a heart attack or stroke. And these things would make one want to do drugs to cope with these social struggles. Hence, most of these connected liberals do a lot of drugs. They want to legalize harmful drugs such as heroin, LSD, ecstasy, or marijuana.

Liberals tend to have lots of friends in grade school. They tend to have more followers, friends, likes, and subscribers on social media. Even on political websites such as NationStates, the liberals on there come in large numbers. Isn't being highly connected like that ruling your life? Like if a lot of people knew a lot of stuff about my personal life, I would freak out and not sleep due to always worrying about what all of these people would think of me. I don't understand why (or how - Probably drugs) liberals would come in large numbers.

Hippies have lots of sexual partners. Hippies are all about friends and family. Hippies have a lot of gaining on social media nowadays. Yet, hippies are all drugged up, they're probably doing drugs to cope with this. Liberals complain about slavery, yet they all follow each other through peer pressure, and enforcing capitalist values onto each other. If one doesn't do what the crowd does under peer pressure, then they are kicked out of the crowd. One liberal can't sit at a table with potheads if they're not a pothead. Liberals following each other like this is a form of slavery, except there is no official ruler, and that it is "equal."

I'm not a really connected person. I like my social privacy, my quietness, my own space, my own personal social freedom, and not worrying about what others think of me. Liberals are not like this, yet they are all drugged up to cope with this liberal struggle they put themselves into because they are degenerate sheep.

dirtydog #racist stormfront.org

I would probably vote Labour right now. I know this will be heresy to some here. But it would be for a few reasons. One, it would wind up the whining Jews, and of course we'd soon see that actually, Corbyn isn't going to round them up into concentration camps, make them wear yellow stars, and smash up their businesses after all. So everyone would see that the Jews had cried wolf. He'd also recognise Palestine which would piss off the Zionists and Israel, and he'd be a major thorn in the side of the ZOG establishment. Who wouldn't enjoy seeing that?

Also, as another member said recently - Britannic Nationalist, I believe - it is arguably better if things get worse economically and in society, to wake more of our people up. Many of our people are too comfortable and focused on their 'career' while society falls apart around them, which they are oblivious to in their bubble. If Labour mess things up with the likes of Diane Abbott in power, maybe that's a good thing in the long run.

And it isn't like the Tories are better is it? Nor is there any nationalist party to vote for (not with any chance of even electing a single MP anyway). So yep... Tories out, Corbyn in. Oh and he supports old Labour / national socialist type policies of nationalising our utilities and public services, and buying British first - which is heresy to the capitalists in the Tory party. Bring it on!

50YearsFromNow #racist stormfront.org

At this stage not being a victim of black criminality = racist.

It really puts a very sinister edge on the whole "ban guns" outcry from liberals and blacks. Since whites are the main legal gun owners it comes across like they are just trying to make us softer targets.

Lord Jim #racist stormfront.org

Forced diversity brought three crime-prone negro knuckle-draggers into the realm of a century owned business. Negroes, embolden by liberal's forgiving of their actions, feel free to steal.

A century of ups, downs, depression, war, and it is gone all because arrogant, evil, hippie mentality...diversity is strength.

Once again we see Whites build and Negroes ruin.

wunddrin & davidm #racist stormfront.org

Re: NYT hires female Korean editor who absolutely hates "dumbass...White people"

This is coming from someone whose people are allowed in this country almost just by asking even though we've been protecting them from their own people to the north every day for over half a century. I guess that's not good enough. Like so many other little parasites, they want what we built. They certainly do make themselves at home here...they're so comfortable, they can even denigrate their great benefactor as they please. We never needed or wanted even one of them here. I hope the Japanese eventually eat them all up. No one would miss them. What little land they have should go to the service of a superior culture anyway (i.e., anyone else).

What's left of those cannibals in Korea could be let overrun by China and Japan.
Korea would also be a great strategic location for a New White Nation where one has never before existed !!! We already have thousands of personnel stationed there in position for Global Multicultural exchange of people !!!
Our soldiers should just bang any of their smart and/or good looking females to create offspring for our next wave of soldiers and construction workers to bang in the next generation thereby slowly creating a White Nation through successive waves of this soft gene therapy.
That is what is currently happening to all of Western Civilization due to feminized docile and naive altruistic White civilizations.
Time to once again move outward starting within our own borders taking along with us everyone who is useful even of other races to some extent and sweep the planet with White gene flow worldwide.
Successive waves of advancing business communities and work camps will slowly replace other populations with soft gene-therapy through direct contact.

Assertive , well mannered when possible , White People should move out and impregnate the planet in advance of the future waves of White emigrant s who will follow in decades to come.

We can heal the planet.

Nikola Bijeliti #racist stormfront.org

Away in the Ostmark, on Deutschland's doorstep,
The little Adolf Hitler lay down his sweet head.
With Germany's troubles a-coming real soon,
The little Adopf Hitler, asleep in his room.

The sun is now rising, the baby awakes,
But little Adolf Hitler no crying he makes.
All the evils of this world he will one day see,
The little Adolf Hitler, our Fuehrer-to-be.

Be near us, our Fuehrer, we ask you to stay
Close by us forever, and lead us the way.
I love you, my Fuehrer; look down from Valhalla
And lead us to victory against the Pantalla.

WhiteMansBurden82 #racist stormfront.org

Exactly what I was thinking. The eerie thing about the article is that it doesn't even really attempt to demonize Whites too much - its beyond that.

The general theme of the article seems to be this - regardless of whether or not "diversity" and "multiculturalism" are actually truly good, Whites have already lost, so disenfranchised Whites just need to act like pathetic, cowardly lemmings/slaves, and accept it.

It's nothing more than Jew/Marxist gloating, and I for one can't wait to see these "journalists" proven wrong. Whites will rise up against this perpetual onslaught of anti-White BS, and we're eventually going to WIN! Sink that into your demonic skulls, Washington Post propagandists..err, I mean ((("journalists"))).

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