
Defend our Homeland #racist stormfront.org

Russia and dare I say it Slavic people have a history of being backward compared with northern White Europeans, they really have not lead the way over the centuries when it comes to advances in knowledge or inventions along with other important areas.

I don't see any reason for cutting them any slack, their bad reputation has been earned and allowing communism to take hold amplified other shortcomings. It would take a lot of audacity to really think the moon missions were staged and that a cover up could possibly be made to last this long.

darklogos #racist stormfront.org

Yet again Britain is awash with violent crimes committed by foreigners. As in the acid attack in Worcester for which people with names like Norbert Pulko, Jan Dudi, Adam Cech, and Jabar Paktia, were arrested. Like the murder committed by Shuayb Mahomud, Abdulqaliq Mohamed and others in Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, all of whom were members of a drug-dealing gang.

Would Britain be a safer, less crime-ridden, less violent, place were it still a country of only White people? I - and I'm sure many other racial nationalists - believe so. For it's not all about non-White Muslims being here but also about other foreigners who are not of English, Scots, Welsh, or Irish ancestry.

Yet in dealing with crime by non-indigenous people the police are increasingly hampered by the multi-cultural principle which condemns "racial profiling" even though front-line police officers know that in certain areas of certain British cities certain races are more involved in the commission of certain crimes than others, as in the drug-dealing gangs who infest parts of London.

What will Britain be like in fifty, in a hundred, years if nothing is done?

Goebbels84 #conspiracy stormfront.org

(This idiot is referring to the moon landings)

I'm not sure I believe it either. You send men on a 480,000 mile round trip, without a test run, on rockets that have never been truly tested, to stay there for three days in 240 degree heat. To then re-connect with the mothership which is orbiting at a speed of 4,000mph (this is like shooting a sparrow in the eyeball as it's flying at full speed, from half a mile away), then re-enter Earth's atmosphere at a speed of 25,000mph, back through the radiation that probably should have killed you, with parachutes stopping you from this 25kmph speed that almost certainly should've just torn and burned. All of this is done in tin can 'space ships'.

Then instead of a raw feed of this stunning feat being broadcast, a hoaky projection of a video (that NASA swears is live) is projected onto a wall at NASA, and the media is allowed to record only those images, hence the awful quality of the video.

All of this, by the way, follows Von Braun declaring the trip to the moon impossible in his book, because he says that only an 800,000 ton craft could even remotely in theory manage it. It also follows a string of mysterious deaths of astronauts who declined to be involved in the 'landings', most through convenient car crashes. One even had his car 'stall' on a railway line before being obliterated with his family, something right out of a bad action/thriller. Of course, the men who did 'go' and agree to be involved were freemasons... those fine upstanding trustworthy members of society.

This farce comes from the same folks who told us about the 6 goriilian and the hot-shot Arab pilots who could thread a jetliner through the eye of a needle, without any training, at a speed of 500mph.

Pensive #racist stormfront.org

Although this news story is a few days old, I am still disturbed by the ignorance of that girl.

Ignorance can be a very dangerous thing. If she were a little more worldly wise, she would understand how much hatred the Afghans have for infidels, and the Western culture.

If she understood the maliciousness they hold, she would refuse to fly on the same aeroplane. Sweden is an overly passive country with no foresight; that is why it's devolving so quickly.

ADAMANT #racist stormfront.org

The miserably failed leftist experiment called "multiculturalism" continues to exact it's toll.

I dream of the day Whites recall when they benevolently ruled and brought civilization to the world, NOT "the world" to civilization...

Arm yourself Whiteman, it's gonna get ugly.

Roo #fundie stormfront.org

Re: Study: Women don't want to date vegetarian men

I have NEVER in my life seen a vegetarian and thought to myself, "Now THERE is a hunk of man I have to throw myself at immediately because I am in a FEVER that only he can quench!" God damn...

They call us (Americans) "Burgers" for a reason.

Well, according to Heinz Linge, Hitler was a sex symbol who constantly got lingerie sent to the Berghof from German women, it became such a problem they didn't know what to do with it. Linge said at one point boxes of underwear were stacked high in the front hall, when Hitler ordered it to be passed to charities.

Hitler was a vegetarian!

Yeah, lots of famous men have this problem, whether they eat meat or not. They don't even have to be very good-looking (see negro basketball players), they just have to be famous. That's also a natural reaction - as I understand it, although there are very, very, very few rich and/or famous men I'd give a second glance - but it comes from a different psychological source.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

All this study really does is reveal the ignorance of those women, and the disturbing prevalence of the modern "soy-boy" image influencing peoples' minds. I say this because I am downright vegan, yet experience none of these issues.
Then again, I'm not like... them. *shudder*

You may take better care of yourself than soyboys do (and if you do, then that's obviously different), but every male vegetarian I've ever met speaks like a woman, walks on legs thinner than mine (which is saying something, because my legs are skinny), and some have an overall greyish pallor I never see on people who eat moderate amounts of meat.

Men like that can't have healthy children, and they wouldn't raise healthy children. Women not being attracted to that are following their natures, not being ignorant. This is like debating one of those types who think there are 279 genders - it goes against basic biology that even animals inherently understand. Like I said, if you are able to maintain yourself, then that's different, but I'll go out on a limb and say that's not the majority of guys who go vegan/vegetarian by a long shot.

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

Being a corrections officer is a dangerous job for a White man especially.

I don't see much point in teaching negroes in prison anything -- especially anything that has equipment that can be used as weapons. Nor do I see any useful point in letting negroes in prison access weight-lifting equipment.

They should be locked in their cell. Period. They can maybe watch tv. If they can read, they can read a book.

Nearly all of imprisoned negroes are primitive apes with IQ's below 80, and a large percentage with IQ's below 70. They simply don't have the intelligence to perform any job in an advanced White civilization -- not even collect trash.

They should be deported -- somewhere nonwhite.

RONA Renegade #racist stormfront.org

The state of israel was created as a jewish state at the expense of The United States by jews who came from Russia, laundered their Capone bootlegging profits, disguised themselves as Democrats and diverted the funds from the U.S. Treasury.

This current measure is a demonstration of jewish power, now that both the U.S. and Russian governments have been thoroughly subverted by jews. Who's going to oppose this measure? Germany?

Britannic Nationalist #racist stormfront.org

Good point. Jews have evolved to be parasitical. The more successfully cunning and subversive Jews were able to have more offspring and the less cunning and subversive were not.

These traits are not going to suddenly disappear because they have a state of their own. On the contrary, these traits have simply magnified to the national level - Israel is the most cunning, subversive and parasitical state in the world by far.

A crucial part of Israel's national security involves having rich and powerful Jews in positions of influence in other countries, particularly the US. They aren't going to abide by a policy of containing all Jews in Israel.

AryaStart #racist stormfront.org

A while back, I was part of a co-ed recreational volleyball team that was all white. Most of the guys were taken, except for this one cute guy that I liked. One of the girls on my team invited an Asian girl onto the team. Immediately, that Asian and the cute guy start hitting it off, and by the end of the season, they were dating.

Anyone else have a story like this? Why do we let Asian women into our social circles when their sole purpose is to steal our men? I'm not sure whether I should be mad at the guy who went after the woman, the Asian, or the girl that brought her onto the team!

I see them everywhere now - they're always on the news as part of an Asian - white pairing. I see them in commercials with a white man, as part of a couple, and even in movies. Seriously, why are we letting them into our media, as if they were white? Just today, I saw an Asian woman with her halfbreed child walking across the street, I wanted to run them over

One of them who thinks I'm her friend even told me that she prefers white men, then I asked her why, and she said she finds white men more attractive. They know that whites are genetically superior, they know that we're the more attractive race, they know that they are inferior, so they purposely target white men, so their children don't have to look like them! But the most ridiculous thing is, I have one friend who is tall, successful and cute and he says he only dates Asians! I ask him why, and says he doesn't even know why, just his preference, "like hair colour"! I'm thinking it's because Asian women are easier than white women, who have some self respect and racial pride. (for good reason I might add)

I live in British Columbia, Canada, and it seems as half the white guys are taken by Asian women. There's no black people here, so it's definitely not the case of white women selling out. I'm not sure what we can do about this unfortunately

Niata #racist stormfront.org

This issue bothers me, too. I have had a White guy tell me that he prefers Asian women; I'll never understand why. I don't find their facial features attractive in the slightest and recognize them as foreigners. Why would you turn down your own women to date a foreigner, someone who doesn't share your history, heritage, or culture? Do you really hate your own people that much?

I figure if they're good enough to date, then they're good enough to live amongst. Let these White men move to Asian countries and forgo the benefits of living in a country created by the White people they've shunned.

various commenters #sexist stormfront.org

Re: First ever transgender woman crowned Miss Universe Spain

Totally disrespectful to women in every way. This is how you truly know that LGBTQetc hates women. [...] hate women. Spain seems to have some real beauties. This is an insult to the entire nation.

(White gold)
The left has been encouraging women to be like men for a long time. Masculinity in women is praised. Now they have someone truly masculine, a real man! and he is praised as the height of womanly beauty!

He can be super skinny, tall and angular. Strong physically. It is what they have wanted in women models. They have the shape of boys anyway, but real women have to become anorexic to get that shape. He naturally has it. Just put fake breasts on him and he is what the fashion industry has said is the perfect female shape for decades.

We have transgender "boys" (girls pumped up with testosterone) and transgender "girls" (biological boys) beating normal girls in high school sports.

Girls are expected to share lockers and showers with transgender "girls" (biological boys).

A (((fashion))) magazine named Bruce Gender as "woman of the year."

Transgender "girls" (biological boys) have been featured as models for cosmetics.

Shows that this tranny BS is the real war on women.

These people are demons. The transgender has a gloating mocking face expression which is showing his feelings of triumphing over women by successfully impersonating them. Calling this behaviour "degeneracy" is not even beginning to express the vileness of the act and the putting down of real women.

An entire religion was formed by men for the purpose of debasing women. Why should we women be surprised that some men can't stand it that there is anything left in women which they cannot take away? We see them being allowed into women's washrooms also, we see women hating Muslims attack and abuse White women, all with the blessing of demonic males in power positions. This is the beginning of the end and goes far beyond just being a scandal.

I predict the Miss Universe contest will give the award to a transgender. Think of all the non-Whites, they've given the award to. Lots of liberal politics involved.

(Britannic Nationalist)
There is no war on women.

There is a war on Western civilisation and the people that built it. Sometimes (most of the time) men are the main victims, occasionally women are the main victims, depending on the specific thing in question. This transgenderism nonsense may result in women getting more of the thick end of the wedge than men but it isn't a 'war on women'. That's not its intent or purpose. It's a war on the very concept of gender, the idea of which is to further undermine Western civilisation.

This is so insulting. He's not a woman. Dressing up in a costume does not make you a woman. He will never know what it feels like to be a woman.

Liberals think blackface is insulting but somehow this deserves reverence?

three in one #racist stormfront.org

Jews have screwed me all my life, because I'm a Christian and they hate Christians. Jews look on Christians as stupid goyim, ripe for the picking, and boy, they know how to do it.

Jews hate me and I hate them right back.

The only way to rid the world of Jewish hatred is to get rid of the Jews!

reynoldsg #fundie stormfront.org

Many in South Korea accuse new arrivals of being economic migrants looking to take advantage of their nation's hard-earned wealth, healthcare and other services. This wouldn't have happened in the North, and shows you exactly what Mussolini meant about democracy in the end. All so-called "democracies" self-destruct in short order, because they allow the minorities to dictate to the majority. That is a direct contradiction of the very meaning and purpose of democracy.

three in one #racist stormfront.org

If America didn't act like Israhell's Big Brother, the yids in Israhell would crumble like a stale cookie.

That's why it's so important to cleanse America by getting rid of the Jews. Then the Arabs could deal with Israhell, and the Jews could make use of those nuclear bombs they've been hoarding.

No Jews, no Arabs. Problem solved!

Ravening Wolf #fundie stormfront.org

Muslim culture is such an abject failure that its adherents must act as parasites, going to successful countries to leech off of them (claiming they are fleeing persecution or poverty in their Muslim homelands), drain their resources, prey upon their women and children, and even try to impose their backward way of life on as many others as they can, spreading carcinogenically ever onward.

Britannic Nationalist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: ONLY Patriarchy Builds Nations * / & other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS

So, what do we do with a woman who is too headstrong and intelligent to cook and clean all day? If your only response is to scream CUCKCUCK!!!! then don't reply. I'm looking for serious discussion.

Sometimes one must look at the bigger picture.

We seemed to manage these issues for thousands of years without terrible trouble and built the most advanced civilisation our species has produced into the bargain. It's only since the 1960s that things have gone south big time in this regard.

Was everyone happy, was there no injustice, was every individual about to fulfill their potential etc, during all this time? No. But that's utopian day dreaming. We can't now either. The problem derives from our societies obsession with individualism, wanting each person to be able to 'fulfill their dreams' even if society as a whole goes to hell in a hand basket.

We need to start seeing the wood and not the trees a bit more. Individuality isn't something to be thrown out wholesale, but it needs to be reigned back in considerably in favour of a more collectivist outlook.

Fulfilling our individuality needs to set within the parameters of what is good for society. This idea that each of us can 'be whatever we want' needs to go. Some people are not suited to certain things and we shouldn't sell pipe dreams to people, especially if those dreams can come true and we all suffer for it.

Individual meritocracy with certain logical restrictions for the good of society. That's basically where it's at.

I also think that people tend to mentally conform to the standards and expectations of their time. For example, peasants in the 1500s were not desiring or aspiring to be Lords or Parliamentarians. They knew it was far beyond their station so they didn't factor it into their calculations. They weren't all day-dreaming about it and becoming depressed that they couldn't become those things. Likewise, women weren't becoming depressed because they couldn't become great warriors or master craftsmen.

The feminist narrative that women have always desired these things and that it was only 'patriarchy' holding them back and oppressing them is false. Patriarchal society was a reflection of the natural gendered differences between us and people, women included, conformed to these norms. They weren't getting depressed because they couldn't be 'shieldmaidens'.

The idea of women being 'liberated' implies they were suddenly able to fulfill the dreams they had been having all along. In reality, it simply meant that the expectations of women changed and they began desiring things they had not seriously desired before - things that would ultimately prove disastrous for society and in many ways not ultimately fulfilling for themselves, because these desires were largely implanted in them by post-1960s society, not natural reflections of their nature. Left to their own devices, without restrictions or prompting from society, women and men overwhelmingly choose things which we would think of as typical traditional pursuits. In Scandinavia, the most gender-free society yet made, women are choosing traditionally female occupations and the same for males at the highest rates, much to the confusion and dismay of feminists and sociologists. And this is still with some promoting from society for women to enter traditional male domains. In some areas, such as with politics, there is huge societal prompting for more women to enter these fields (and sometimes all-women shortlists, I think) so that would explain why there are so many women in some fields. However, where the promoting is much less, such as with engineering, women aren't bothering.

Unfortunately from the 1600s on as political philosophy grew ever more individual-focused it started giving all sorts of people ideas that would ultimately prove detrimental to society as a whole. Factor in the Jewish role later in the 20th century and it went from being a tenuous situation to a suicidal situation.

Dieheimler #racist stormfront.org

I was the same way. I truthfully hadn't ever met/seen a Jew until I left home for New York when I was 18. Before that, I'd lived in a rural farm community with no exposure. I had no real reason to dislike them, but then I started seeing them being absolute scum bags in public, I also started to notice every director/actor is -stein, -berg, etc. I guess I just "got woke" one day after putting everything together and realized they're a much more clever enemy than the negro. The negro is the obvious threat, but the Jew is behind it, and is the root threat.

Combatant 14 #sexist stormfront.org

A nation that makes the unfortunate transition from a strong patriarchal society with pronounced traditional roles, to a matriarchal society with pronounced cultural marxist elements present, is basically a society waiting for a grave plot. By that time it has been overrun, mongrelized, taken over and colonized.

The third wave feminism we see today as a rallying cry for equal rights among the gender binary is nothing more than another -ism located within the leftist political spectrum. It's a root to a very rotten tree. They are not so much about gender equality as they are about gender transcendence. Within this push for a gender role transplant, lies the blueprint for a nations destruction.

Male feminists, white knights, even those on the racial right, can not sit there and tell me that women in power is a good thing. It is never a good thing, because it goes against the natural order. A woman has her sphere of dominion at the soul of the hearth. That's it. That's the limit. They don't belong in the military, they don't belong anywhere else but the core of the hearth.

People will call my above post very misogynistic, to which I would retort with well.. that is what nature intended. Nothing from nature needed political backing. It just is. So why a push for this leftist control?

Destruction of cultural identity and a total data wipe of white civilization. THATS what feminism stands for.

Arodion #racist stormfront.org

At this point, it is completely irrelevant what any of you thinks about Tommy Robinson.

All that really matters is this: He is a White British lad who speaks up against crimes committed by Non-Whites against White Children.

A very large number of average normal White people finally got out of their armchairs, turned off their televisions and got out on the street to protest.

This is a huge potential that we need to use to our advantage.

We finally have a large crowd of people who're speaking up against injustices against Whites - so let's build upon this and use it to the best of our advantage. We should talk to those people and support them as good as we can. There is also no need to immediately turn everybody into a White Nationalist, we can do that in stages, tell people there is more out there than just being Anti-Islam and tell them where they can get more information if they want to learn more about it.

Even if none of them wants to become a WN, it is still a huge win for us because once it becomes socially acceptable to openly talk about Islam and Immigration policies, people will naturally start asking questions and become interested in learning more.

Red #racist stormfront.org

From what I am hearing, they are telling these kids what to say so America is sympathetic to them. It's all B.S. These illegals are using their OWN children to commit a crime, which is coming here!! I love my own before I give two sh.ts about somebody else's drama, we all have our own, I say to hell with them all. It's a doggie dog world and if I have to bite, I sure in the hell will! THIS IS MY COUNTRY, NOT YOURS. These pathetic piece of ****.ts.

WhiteRights #conspiracy stormfront.org

Tommy Robinson is exposing the pedophile-loving government of Britain, which only reluctantly went after Muslim grooming gangs/child rapists when the issue could no longer be ignored. Even then they covered it up putting restrictions on reporting on those trials.

Certain people, instead of focusing on Muslim-run child sex rings and pedophiles in government and supporting Tommy for his brave efforts to expose these, are doing their best to derail the anti-pedophile threads by focusing on Tommy's political attitudes, which we already know are not White Nationalist.

Not everyone who does something good is a White Nationalist. If we limit our threads to only things done by WNs, we won't have much of a forum. The people who keep viciously attacking Alt-Right and Alt-Lite people every time they do something good, seem suspicious at best.

Wulfrick #racist stormfront.org

30 shekels? Jews denounced Jesus. Jesus told them their blood rituals do not buy them favour with god. Jews have been on a mission to destroy the word of Christ ever since.It is simple. Jews can
repent, and they have had 2000 years to do so, or they can be cursed by god to wander the wilderness despised and homeless.

Stealing land off the Palestinians is not a sign from god of their omnipotence. It is a sign they are shameless hustlers. You either believe in Jesus or you don't. There is no halfway house according to scripture. God does not enhance yer luck because you got circumcised. Simple as that. Circumcision is a pagan abomination.

DeGraaf #racist stormfront.org

Tommy Robinson is fighting an existential danger in Europe at the moment, the Muslim invasion orchestrated by the Jews/Establishment and the political correct thought control suppressing speech jews don't approve of. And specifically for England, he keeps bringing up the muslim grooming gangs that the establishments tries to hush to death.

Tommy Robinson is not white nationalist and he may be a zionist and a jew tool. After all, the best way to control the narrative and to move the overton window is to control the extremes of the sides involved. But he is more effective in fighting the immidiate threat of muslim invasion and thought control than "pure and real" white supremacist and white nationalist groups, because he is able to attract a lot of public support, because he's not overtly racist, and because people can't accuse him of being an anti-semite. Tommy is very careful with his words and his actions.

That is why, the establishment had to bend the rules conspicously to harrass and arrest him, and thus compromising themselves to appear very shady and hypocritical. Would you see the same masses of people in England and other European countries, and politicians coming out to question the establishment and standing up for white nationalist fringe groups like the ones that you support?

True White nationalists know that Tommy is probably not a white nationalist and maybe a zionist tool, but he is the one that's having the most success in mobilising people and support from politicians and journalists to fight policor thought control. He even manages to garner support from non-whites to support him in fighting and exposing the establishment media and policor politicians. And through all of this, he is encouraging more and more white people to question the policor thought control and to be more proud of being white.

The important thing now is to keep Europe a majority white continent and to destroy the policor thought control and Tommy's effort is significant in achieving both. That is the big picture that I see. Tommy may not check all the boxes to be qualified as a jew hating, pure white nationalist, but I like what he is achieving.

Peace Through Stormfront #racist stormfront.org

The genocidal anti-white UK government is an anarcho-tyranny and a pro-pedophile pro-gang-rape pro-grooming-gang enabler of paki scum who enjoy nailing the tongues of young white girls to tables and pouring gasoline over the these innocent young women. The pro-pedophile pro-gang-rape pro-grooming-gang genocidal anti-white UK anarcho-tyranny approves of such loathsome genocidal anti-white pedo-worshiping paki filth and can't get enough of them.

Ravening Wolf #racist stormfront.org

You make a lot of nonsensical assumptions about my knowledge of British History. Not only did my mother's family live in the British Empire during the 1930's-1940's, but I heard plenty from her and my grandparents who lived through the Great Depression and WWII.

There you go spouting that Marxist nonsense again about class differences, while trying unsuccessfully to deflect from my statement of fact that even the poorest people in Britain were better off than 90-95% of the people in the world at that time. Perhaps your ancestors would have preferred to live in the Soviet Union, because it was such a paradise on earth.

If I was running the British Empire, I would have found a way to stand up for Poland (Britain honoring her treaty with Poland) without going to war with Germany. I would not have been in debt to the Jews the way Prime Minister Winston Churchill was.

Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists opposed both Communism and Capitalism in theory. Pragmatically, they regarded Jewish Communism as a mortal enemy, with great fear and loathing, for they knew the savagery, cruelty, degeneracy, economic failure, mass murder, internal exiles of whole peoples, and genocide of the Soviet Union and wanted no part of that. At the same time Adolf Hitler and the German National Socialists worked intimately with the great industrial and capitalist enterprises of the time, such as: Thyssen, Krupp, Bayer, IBM, Ford, GM, DuPont, General Electric, Morgan, Rockefeller, National City Bank, Kuhn, Loeb, and Company (Jewish), Standard Oil, I.G. Farben, Brown Brothers Harriman, Union Banking Corporation, Swiss Banks, and Jewish bankers Paul and Max Warburg, among many others.

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

I can NOT listen to Alex Jones for more than 10 minutes max.

Anyway, I got his main points:

1. The jews have put muslims in charge of the police, the judiciary, the local governments, the city of London -- all major society pivot points.

2. The muslims will murder Tommy in prison.

It's now or never, White Britain. Either you fight for your country, for your life, for your women, White man, or accept subjugation by brutal inferior muslims and jews who hate your guts. They will sex-enslave your daughters and girlfriends and wives. They will enslave you, White man.

It's now or never, White Britain. It's fight -- or die as a people forever. You're going to have to fight en masse -- without guns at first -- until the White police and White military join you -- which will happen if they see White Patriots in large numbers actually fighting to retake your homeland from the invaders.

It's physical now. Words aren't working. At least, that's the way it looks from across the Pond.

dirtydog #racist stormfront.org

That's right. And the state pays them benefits to breed us out of existence.

This is why I don't agree with those who think it is wrong for whites to claim welfare. Some, even here, seem to think it is more worthy to pursue a 'career' and that being on welfare is shameful. Because you aren't 'contributing'. Contributing to WHAT? This s..tshow we call our decaying society? The state is our enemy. I don't like it that way, but it has made that choice. Anything you can take from the enemy is fair game. And if that means staying at home and raising a large white family then it's justified, and is contributing a lot more than someone who pursues a pointless 'career' for 'status' and ego.

Having said that, at the same time, the non-whites particularly the Pakistanis breed so fast that we will never out race them. They need to go back. But at least breeding more whites slows down the decline somewhat.

Arodion #racist stormfront.org

For anyone who thinks that we cannot do anything because we don't have the numbers - go ahead and read the first couple of chapters in the 2nd volume of Mein Kampf and you will learn that it has been done before. Back then, in the 1920's Germany was essentially under Jewish Communist rule, but our forefathers still managed to assemble a grassroots movement from zero. If you read Mein Kampf carefully, then you will also notice that while the Führer had very harsh words against those politicians and the very aspect of "democracy", he openly welcomed those Marxist workers to attend their rallies because he was confident in his abilities of educating them and freeing them from their Jewish chains.

National Socialism worked because it considered itself to be an ideology - a way how viewing the world - with the clear and strong ambition of uniting all Aryans under its umbrella. It was not by any means a German movement, but merely a White movement - though there were some misconceptions about the role of the Slavs (probably due to the fact that Germany had to expand to the East, thus inevitably coming into conflict with Slavs). What we should take from this today is that we need to consider all of the Aryan people to be our brethren and sisters - including those who are currently deluded and manipulated to act against us. The Jews managed to get Whites fight each other twice in recent history - we must not ever permit this to happen again.

Strategy-wise, moving forward, we absolutely must retake those institutions and positions of power. This long march through the institutions took the Left about 50 years. However, the more I read and learn about recent history, the more I start to realize how scared those behind it were in the beginning. They took tiny little baby steps in the beginning because they knew they'd be up against a strong and powerful resistance should we ever realize what's going on. And the more they weakened us, the more aggressive they became. They also promoted individualism and degeneracy and used people in favor of these to help advance their cause.

Today, we are looking at a very weak and degenerate society - but we are a group of Aryans warriors who have retained the fighting spirit of our ancestors. And our most powerful strength is our ability of turning at least a couple of those Marxists back into Aryan Warriors. I am very confident that we can do our march through the institutions in less than a decade. Our first priority must be a change of culture - politics will come second - we need to push the narrative that it is not only okay to be White but that it is a good and noble cause to stand up for White interests. Most liberals seem to be individualists who more or less just care about their own self-interest - but they're also very social people who like to have an impact on society. So let them have that - a lasting impact on society - we only need to become "the cool kinds on the block" and they can't really turn their back against us anymore.

Even just getting a small number of those liberals to think oh those White Nationalist, they're really cool guys to hang out with and to learn more about - that'd already be quite a shock for the political establishment. For the ballot box - let's completely abolish this idea of the "magic 51%" as that is not only a false salvation but also very detrimental to our cause. Our goal at the ballot box is not to win elections - at least not in the beginning - but to show our ability to deliver a White Bloc Vote.

Let's pick just a few carefully chosen counties with strong White Nationalist candidates and take those in local elections in a landslide. Instead of winning in a large number of such elections, we should focus on getting the highest possible percentages of the White Vote. Getting some 30% nation wide in the popular vote does nothing to our cause - but let's take a few counties with above 95% of the entire White Population, then possibly take an entire state with a strong 80+% majority. Non-Whites have no problems whatsoever doing that and so should we.

Bonus Points - let's go to a slightly larger county with a university and slightly left-leaning population and focus our entire campaign on just that county alone. We will go from door to door, talk to every single person, listen to their concerns and objectives. Our entire election campaign will be focused on just this single area - an area that our enemies will consider to be theirs for their taking. But we won't go there to win this - we won't even go there to win it in a landslide. No, we will go far beyond of what our enemies might possibly imagine in their worst nightmares - our goal is to take this in a decisive victory and deliver a White Bloc Vote - we will aim for nothing less than 90%.

THIS will write history. It may sound like a crazy dream, but it has been done before. Our ancestors have done it before. Our beloved Führer has done it before. If we can take just one single county with a 90% White Bloc Vote, it will be a devastating shock to the establishment. They will not have a single night of easy rest, fearing the entire state might vote above 60% in favor of a White Nationalist candidate. Such a demonstration of power, of us demonstrating that were are capable of delivering a White Bloc Vote, will also have an effect on those big companies because their executives must realize the imminent threat of possibly losing a large number of their customers.

Apart from the voting process in our election system, we also have a strong influence over those companies with our buying power. No company wants to lose revenue and the driving factor behind all those people getting fired for holding "pro-white" (see my comment on that other thread, I put the word into quotes before for me it includes Cicil Nationalists and many of those people fired were in fact Civil Nationalists) views was their worry of losing buying power from "generation snowflake". This will stop as soon as we demonstrated to those companies that not only we will have the stronger buying power in future, but that there's also a market for alternative companies who hire exclusively White Nationalists.

To conclude, let me emphasize that point again that I made earlier - our strongest weapon is our ability of turning Whites who are currently having anti-white views into Aryan Warriors.

For the Love of Our People.

Hail Victory!

Mikemikev #racist stormfront.org

The motivating factor with hard leftists is and always has been the yids. All of the "equality for women and gays" stuff is just an attack vector. "Islam" is essentially just arab fascism. And the yids feel more racial affiliation with the arabs than whites (perhaps surprisingly) and promote them as a default position. It is enlightening to realise that despite all of the squabbling over Israel, jews and "muslims" (arab fascists. Yes it is possible for non arabs to be arab fascists) are essentially working together to wipe out whites.

My Nation #conspiracy stormfront.org

This is because homosexual liberals run the military plain and simple. ANYONE with ANY percentage of patriotism and nationalism knows that their military is their defense against any threat, and because of that you should safeguard it like you would your own child against any sort of weirdo who seeks to get in with a super strict screening process.

I mean who can't understand that when you're 80 and relegated to the porch you must now blindly trust your current military to protect your country? Then why in the hell would you let any old fool in? I know I wouldn't. Because of this it is painfully obvious to me that their entire intentions are to purposely weaken the nation's defense, plain and simple.

There's NO other reason why anyone would purposely let the weakest examples into their nation's primary protection. They're traitors pure and simple. There just isn't any good reason to let in communists, homosexuals, liberals, Jews, or any other sort of odd ethnicity not naturally born and raised within your own country with loyalty ONLY to your country and NO OTHER. ANYone else is suspect to me.

sickofk2016 #conspiracy stormfront.org

Ever heard of the "Sampson Option"? zio have smuggled in nukes and the UK military is doing nothing about it. It is doing the khazar's work and we suffer at all point. We need to get the truth out from these sub species asap, by any means possible.

dirtydog #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org

Not even just 'jihadists'; Muslims full stop. Islam is more akin to a nationality and not just a 'religion', so having Muslims join the British military makes as much sense as letting (say) Russians join.

It's funny that the same British top brass who would be horrified to let Russians join think it's wonderful when our military becomes more 'diverse' and apparently 'stronger' by letting Muslims, women, trannies etc. join. Either they're dense (possibly) or deliberately undermining it.

lord flints volunteer #racist stormfront.org

HARRY is not ROYAL....His Mother was Diana ,a commoner fond of Wog Cxxk. His Father is Hewitt ,a complete tube... So he is not a direct line to the ROYAL SCUM...So they could care less about who he shags...

Completely unimportant to them... Neither He .nor his kids .will interfere with THEIR Perverted ANTI BRITISH Agenda... Why in the Name of God does anyone care about these scum today... Seriously IF you do... You are a Conservative. Not a Nationalist. And you hate Russia and will support May taking us into a War supporting USA/ISRAEL for no good reason other than you are too lazy to think....

three in one #racist stormfront.org

Sooner or later every right-thinking gentile gets fed up with Jewish behavior. The Jews bring hatred on themselves by their rotten anti-gentile behavior. People have to protect themselves from Jewish filth and moral destruction. The Jews have deserved every thing that's happened to them, and that's hardly enough for that stinking race.

TRUTH TODAY #racist stormfront.org

jews love this moniker "Anti-Semitism". jews are a virus, they make viruses on your computer so you are coerced into buying an "Antivirus" which is a big scam.

Let's be clear. WE DON"T LIKE YOU JEWS! You are scum, selfish garbage, not even capable of basic human kindness to other people.

Forget your stupid "Anti-Semitic". We are sick of jew media monopoly, paid off politicians, American soldiers dying for your stinking country. Get out of the United States, you are a horrible disgusting tribe of filth.

HollyDolly #racist stormfront.org

Jews are hated because they have no traditional sense of morality. They just have a set of interests. “Good” is whatever is good for them, and “Bad” is whatever is bad for them. So they don’t have a rational sense of right and wrong. They just do anything they can to get ahead, and screw everyone else. And, I do believe that Anti Semitism is rising rapidly all over the White World.

Generation Z is supposedly the most JWOKE generation in decades. Anglin over at the Daily Stormer claims to have millions of readers to his website. I know some of that must be Spying Jews and other opposition, but still, if that’s true, then that is very encouraging. A lot of successful, intelligent, and educated young White people with no criminal records hold these views now, and they are scared. It’s not just fat, dumb, and poor uneducated “White Trash” people anymore. It truly is starting to become mainstream.

Mythistory Channel #fundie stormfront.org

[Comment under "SS Dirlewanger Brigade: separating fact from fiction"]

Bayoneting babies, raping nuns, crucifying people blah blah blah victor propaganda rubbish.

The SS are the most demonized order in history. The victors have made it so all the uninformed do not even know a single positive thing about the SS. If you were to ask the usual jew fawning German hater about the accomplishments of the SS they wouldn't be able to give you a single positive attribute...

The SS were the embodiment of the European potential. Their fighting ability was unparalleled in history we could talk about their military successes until I have arthritis in my fingers.

They would have been the glue that held Europe together as it sky rocketed to a new European golden age. An age that would have shown the real potential of humanity.

The SA and SS were responsible for the closures of many of the jewish establishments in Germany in the early 30s. The prostitution rings/sex slavery, money launderers/loan sharks, gangs etc. This earned them the demonization and total hatred of world jewry and thus has led them to a status today that is so sinful to mention anything that could be misconstrued as positive that it can lead to career/social suicide.

This ensures such lies like the Nuremberg Trials to remain as just in the eyes of the uneducated, that Hitler was a madman, that Auschwitz murdered billions of jews... etc

In such circumstances where you can literally be beaten up for saying anything positive about the SS or Adolf Hitler it is no surprise that you would find SS Commander Oscar Dirlewanger to be the embodiment of evil. It is encouraged to hate him and with hate comes lies and slander.

Until the day comes when the jewish power base is toppled and the people of the world are free to research historical events without threat of social/career suicide I will not believe a single "atrocity" committed by the Germans unless it is totally backed up by incontrovertible evidence.

The information given to us after the war was given through thousands of filters of lies by people that were taught to hate the Germans. The fact that Oscar Dirlewanger is targeted for such a specific hatred means he must have done something very very good and with that reminds me of a great quote from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf:

"The man who is not opposed and vilified and slandered in the Jewish Press is not a staunch German and not a true National Socialist. The best rule whereby the sincerity of his convictions, his character and strength of will, can be measured is the hostility which his name arouses among the mortal enemies of our people."

various commenters #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Brazilian fertility clinics look to American Whites

With “jewel-tone eyes,” blond hair and a “smattering of light freckles,” Othello looks nothing like most Brazilians, the majority of whom are black or mixed-race. Yet the “Caucasian” American cashier, described in those terms by the Seattle Sperm Bank and known as Donor 9601, is one of the sperm providers most often requested by wealthy Brazilian women importing the DNA of young U.S. men at unprecedented rates.

Brazilian Fertility Clinics Look to American White Guys | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Demand for American Sperm Is Skyrocketing in Brazil << Economics Job Market Rumors

Hm...it is curious that the female preference for donors of nordic background, is one aspect of racism that seems to never be reported by any mainstream institutional outlet.

Perhaps it has something to do with the awkward conflict between two distinct liberal ideologies that would have to be addressed: Racism vs. women's birth choices/rights.

In perspective, it makes sense that mainstream instutions avoid addressing or reporting on the topic altogether.

White sperm donors are requested in sperm clinics all over the whole world, not just in Brazil. Everyone on earth wants a light skinned child, whether they will actually admit it or not. Skin whitening cosmetics and pills are a huge business in majority non White countries. You don’t see those products on the shelves too much in majority White countries, but everywhere in Africa, South America, India, all Asian countries people are buying and using skin lighteners, even Asians who are already pretty light. Light skinned children are the choice of sex traffickers too, since they will fetch the most money.

When I was little my family took a trip to Mexico, and my parents said that everybody in Mexico fussed over me so much and complimented me that it actually freaked them out, and they ended up flying home early and ending the trip because they were worried somebody was going to try to kidnap me. Always keep a close eye on your kids, especially when traveling to Non White countries!

I like this idea. Yeah it's not perfect or ideal, but it sounds kind of nice for the world to become whiter through using white nordic sperm.
In mexico they look down on brown people and they look up to light skinned people (for very valid reasons!) and the mexican men are crazy about blonde women.

ahnenerbe #fundie stormfront.org

[Comment under "SS Dirlewanger Brigade: separating fact from fiction"]

I feel like I could write a book about this, but I never have the time. I met a man long ago in this brigade and what stories he told. Not a lot is known about this unit and the little that is know is misunderstood or made up. This brigade was raised to fight partisans. The worst of the worst. This unit was formed with the idea of using hunters, and rugged outdoors-men. They received little training and were sent out to combat people who they themselves could be. They fought within the confines of the rules of war as much as their enemies let them. They were very successful and brought down several terrorist cells, killing or capturing the leaders. The fighting was hard and ruthless, so these men had to also be ruthless at times. One anecdote he told me was they were fighting in the Pripet marshes and were sent to hunt a cell who had attacked many civilian and military targets. When they found the area they were in, a big fight broke out and they wiped out the entire enclave that had women and kids shooting at them. A army unit responded and the officer in charge was upset to see dead women and children, which Dirlewanger picked up a ppsh held by a young girl and said "tell her you don't believe in shooting children" meaning she would have shot him.

White Falcon #racist stormfront.org

What you say is true; but the word "Racist" has been given a profoundly negative connotation. The word should be replaced by the more sober, and neutral term: "Racial Consciousness". . . . It should be clear, that Racial Consciousness comes natural to all rational thinking humans!

WhiteRights #racist stormfront.org

Oh come on, White liberals. Prove how multi-cultural you are by feeding your White children into the meat grinder known as the public school system.

Think of all the things your White children will learn from Ghetto Black kids.

P.S. If liberals don't want to feed their kids into the meat grinder, then why the hell did liberals condemn poor White people who wanted to protect their children with Segregation? I guess it's easy to virtue signal when you're only putting other people's children at risk. Liberals are hypocritical scum!!

WhiteCSA #racist stormfront.org

Yes I've noticed this about White Liberals. Many of those people are "Liberals" but have no association with the Ghetto. Not only in terms of education but living. Many people live in the "Country" or rural areas but still be Liberals.

That's because these people only act like Liberals but in reality share our racial views. The difference is we admit being White Nationalist. The White Liberals are pretty much cowards and afraid of being Politically Incorrect and being called a Racist.

That must change because America's changing. The White Race will be a minority in the US in only a few years. I'm not talking about White Conservatives, Liberals, Libertarians, National Socialists, Socialists, Moderates, Communists, Normies, and White Christians. I'm talking about WHITE PEOPLE. We're all in it together. WPWW !

Nationalist1776 #fundie stormfront.org

A Muhammadan once told me that the West is the greatest danger to civilization in the world, and I responded by saying that the West is civilization, and everything else, save a few East Asian countries, is barbarity.

I believe that this is supported by fact: every other "civilization," be it the Muhammadans, Jews, Africans, Aztecs, Incas, Aborigines or Indians are plagued with superstition, irrationality, mutilation practices, low intelligence and various forms of degeneracy.

It was the West that produced the Industrial Revolution, the West that gave women equality, the West that invented the telephone, car, internet, computers, the printing press, and antibiotics.

The only other civilization that has ever been able to compete with the West on any level was East Asian Civilization- exclusively China and Japan who invented paper, firearms and the steam engine, and who were for a brief period more advanced than us until the Industrial Revolution.

It has been a mixture of our race, culture and values that has produced this, and which has made the West worth preserving and defending.

sXe SSkinhead #fundie stormfront.org

Democracy is the erosion of the traditional spirit, and it does give rise to a split in the population politically. It does nothing but separate the people and cause dissidence poltically. A nation should be unified under one “Priest-king” like in the ancient Nordic days, and the Roman Emperor. We need to start worshipping our Divine Leaders once again. That is, once our people are free...

millner #racist stormfront.org

Most likely the following generations will be the most damaging of all. Once they get to invade the White women, make their mulattos & they have almost assured themselves first class citizen status in places like Ireland and most of Europe for that matter. It will be the second generation of black/White offspring which will be the one to worry about. As they will be rewarded in leniency from the justice system for their participation in the grand globalist experiment forced on the people of Europe.

millner #racist stormfront.org

(This idiotic racist is referring to Cheddar Man.)

The timing of this new ground shaking revelation is quite curious. Might it have something to do with the fact Prince Harry is about to dip his toe in the mud & his chosen one is not a Snow White by any stretch of the imagination.

Me begins to wonder if Miss Markle could be a rather innocuous seeming thing at the start just like Obama when he broke into the WH & did he ever get to work fast in undermining everything around him. Miss Markle will have much needed counsel in the form of Barack and Michelle Obama to guide her on the path of burn and destroy all vestiges of White values and traditions at the palace.

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