
various commenters #wingnut msn.com

(William Jordan)
Shows great confidence in themselves, myself, a boomer, have paid off my house completely, just yearly taxes and up-keep, and all major loans are paid except for the truck I drive. and all within the last 20years and half of that was on retirement payments. Yeah, not accruing lifelong debt an paying off all the major bills has led to a relatively good end of life results where I can live without having to worry if I'll have a home. That being said the biggest drain I have is the current state of the economy, which slow hands joe and the socialist democrats increased everyday goods and services by as much a 3 times what it was in 2020, go figure.

(Mr. Cool)
Gen Z are a bunch of entitled brats.

(Tito Miller)
Perhaps schools need to put more effort into informing & coaching students about responsible finances instead of their feeligns & how to hide them from their parents!

(Mr Jones)
Z has no sense of personal responsibility, always the fault of another and debt is just another example

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com



pete s #moonbat msn.com

@ T Pierce
Defenders of whose democracy.
The U.S version of it?
No country has the same type of democracy. Every country has its own rules so why should the U.S dictate what type of democracy is used?
Plenty or articles online.
What Is Democracy? Definition and Examples
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations
How The Western Press Lied About The 2014 Coup In Ukraine, Pretending That It Was Instead A Real Democratic Revolution
America's flawed democracy: the five key areas where it is failing
China's democracy represents people while Western-style democracy serves the interests of monopoly capitalism
Police shootings and voter suppression underscore abysmal human rights in US
Oh and talking about taking over. The U.S occupies, illegally, Syria and Iraq and sanctions dozens of countries all in the name of democracy?

Jeff Brown and Shane Rain #wingnut #conspiracy #racist msn.com

(Jeff Brown)
The race baiters want you to think it was one race enslaving another in the US...
but that wasn't what was going on...
For the most part, it was the wealthy elite that held slaves in the US...
The vestiges of slavery aren't now tied to the nonsense that the race baiters will argue...
The vestiges of slavery are NOW the exploitation of undocumented workers....
largely cajoled, incited and "sanctuaried" by the same party that fought for slavery all those years ago...

(shane rain)
cuz they were fighting to keep the south, which technically should have been able to secede it would seem- if they democratically decided to leave, like texas wants to, take away their nukes an good riddance... so they made it about slavery. Lincoln was actually a big0t

Rick Bland #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

@Amber Beale

Various Commenters #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

(Jim Rolfe)
No one is imposing religious dogma or taking away a womans healthcare choices away. Lots of people to this day believe the last Federal election was subjected to a lot of fraud and that the results arent valid. You dont have to agree with them but it doesnt help that those concerns essentially were swept under the rug and ignored.
(Jeff Carlson)
There is nothing liberal about the left-wing activists of today. The do not support free speech, freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, freedom of association, rule of law, equal treatment under the law, or any other of the traditional liberal positions.
(terry lunsford)
@Kyle Wagstafk
these so called Libs are joined at the hip with the establishment. That's why they hated a non establishment President that wasn't part of the D.C. establishment so bad. They also ban and censor any dissent to the establishment. I am living in an Orwellian society.
(Richard Steinman)
Because they know how to rig the election
(Gerald hartman)
@Sissi Smith
no bigotry from the right
no that is the left trying to dictate our lives. DeSantis is fighting back to protect the most venerable

Jason Alberty and oxforduniversity M #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

(Jason Alberty)
Erdogan allows for fair elections because Turkey is a democracy. Here in the US, we silence and use the FBI/DOJ to after political opponents to the war mongers. The dictatorship is here in the West.

(oxforduniversity M)
Good because remember president Bush and secretary of state James Baker both guaranteed to Russia on March 8, 1991 that NATO would not expand one inch east where they didn't but betrayed Russia by pushing 14 countries instead. See how this works, the US lies and the other align on the right side of history after all thats how wars start, you betray people and your in a hot war. Russia and China said for over 20 years about security guarantees and who says one thing and does the other, Washington does folks

oxforduniversity M #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

14 countries should not be in NATO after the agreement of the US France Germany & Britain not to expand NATO one inch east to Russia on March 8 1991, its written, signed, recorded but who betrayed who, you guessed it Washington. Who controls 30 NATO members, Washington does. 14 countries should be booted from the March 8 1991 agreement

Donald Trump #wingnut msn.com

Virtually everyone is saying that the Indictment is about Election Interference & should not have been brought, except Bill Barr, a “disgruntled former employee” & lazy Attorney General who was weak & totally ineffective. He doesn’t mean what he’s saying, it’s just MISINFORMATION. Barr’s doing it because he hates “TRUMP” for firing him. He was deathly afraid of the Radical Left when they said they would Impeach him. He knows the Indictment is Bull…. Turn off Fox News when that “Gutless Pig” is on!

Tucker Carlson #wingnut #racist msn.com

“Is white supremacy liking white people too much?” he asked with a straight face on “Tucker on Twitter.”

“White supremacists are America’s new child molesters,” he said. “We’ve got zero tolerance for white supremacists.”

After playing a clip of President Joe Biden denouncing white supremacy at Howard University, Carlson said:

“But what is it? That’s the question. Can anyone in authority actually define white supremacy? What is it? Is white supremacy liking white people too much? If so, that’s gonna put those of us with white children in a pretty tough spot.”

He continued in familiar territory:

“Or is white supremacy something much more obviously bad, like trying to expel all nonwhites from America and creating some kind of ethnostate? If that’s Joe Biden’s definition, what exactly is the scope of this threat?”

Jason Graber #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #psycho msn.com

“Any parent that would have their child, would have a transgender surgery done on them, any parent that would do that, they just need to be shot in the back of the head,” Graber said. “They need to be convicted in trial and immediately shot in the back of the head. Okay, and then we can string them up above a bridge so that the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness.”

“And so there should be no excuse to not put these people to death, no excuse whatsoever,” he added.

“These child molesters, that these child butchers, that these faggots, all the LGBTQ people, people that desire strange flesh, that they should all be put to death in a public execution by the government.”

MAGA SUPPORTER #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot msn.com

Keep voting for Demorats if you LOVE:
* Constant coverups of criminal activity.
* Presidential policies than ruin America.
* Higher taxes.
* Higher rampant crime rates.
* Leftist DA's will refuse to prosecute criminals.
* More CONVICTS released into YOUR neighborhood.
* More laws to coddle and encourage criminals.
* Abolish prisons eventually.
* Tons of homeless encampments everywhere.
* Urban plight and decay.
* Open Borders.
* Sanctuary cities and states.
* FREE healthcare for all illegal immigrants.
* Higher gas prices.
* Policies cause highest Inflation since 1970's.
* Mandates to buy an electric vehicle in a few years.
* More Covid mandates,...because THEY SAY SO!
* More business regulations.
* Irrational theory taught to YOUR kindergartner.
* More looting, rioting, and just general lawlessness.
* "Woke" policies in U.S. military.
* Alternative lifestyles exposed to your children in schools.
I can go on & on,...but how ANYONE can vote for Democrats is astounding.
Joe Biden has already beat The Fed to it! He is the WORST wannabee president ever!

MAGA SUPPORTER #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

Joe Biden can't read a teleprompter, yet shakes hands with ghosts. He’s laughed at by third world countries, He can't stay upright generally speaking. His presidency has been constant bank failures. As VP and President he’s covering for Hunter and his own questionable deals. The fentanyl epidemic, unprecedented violence, uncontrolled shoplifting, runaway inflation, toxic train derailments, $100 BILLION squandered on losing proxy war in Ukraine, widespread and conspicuous fires, Afghanistan military defeat, racial strife, worldwide devaluation of the dollar, demolition of the Nordstream II pipeline, depletion of strategic oil reserves, unsecured borders, drag queen story hour, and the woke indoctrination of children continue on under his approval will be his only legacy. Biden will go down in history as absolutely, unquestionably THE WORST president of this country. Period.
If Joe Biden is so great, why did he spend 100 BILLION dollars to help Ukraine keep their borders secure, and now they are losing the war with Russia, but he WON'T DO A THING to secure America's border with Mexico? Joe Biden is a TRAITOR!
Check out NEXT NEWS NETWORK and NEWSMAX on YouTube to get REAL news! Those news outlets expose the lies that Fox, CNN, MSN, etc broadcast and think we will just buy that garbage! They expose the underhanded criminal works of the Democratic Party too!
Handout Joe has been wasting American taxpayer money at an alarming rate! VOTE JOE BIDEN OUT!

MAGA SUPPORTER #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

Joe Biden is the WORST president our country has ever seen! Democrats should be ashamed for voting for him!
Time to WISE UP America! Joe Biden is not out to help Americans! He HAS and WILL CONTINUE TO burden you, destroy America and line his pockets with laundered foreign money! WISE UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
It's VERY evident that Biden voters DID NOTHING to research their choice for president before voting! Look what Democrats GOT for a president! They should be ASHAMED!
I ask this question! Are you better off having Biden as president? Most people, if they are telling the truth, will say NO! Their income doesn't buy nearly as much as it did before Biden took office! Higher food prices, higher gas prices, higher prices for EVERYTHING! Joe Biden and the people who voted for him ARE TO BLAME!
Biden has DESTROYED AMERICA with his astronomically high inflation, worst economy ever, high fuel and food prices! But then, a lot of greedy Americans that can't stop spending more than they earn, are partly to blame too! STOP THE GREED!
Handout Joe will do ANYTHING for a vote! He will let unborn babies perish, give hard earned taxpayer money to those who aren't willing to work, give money to other countries who could care less about him and America!

Norma Utter #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot msn.com

This is the reason America will fail. The debt ceiling has repeatedly been ignored. Unfunded liabilities. They are over 100 trillion dollars. The crisis is real. Every year the dollars owed will be transferred to the national debt. In 10 years we will be paying interest on 53 trillion dollars. Google or Bing, how much are federal unfunded liabilities. You will see for yourself what's in the future of America, each year 2 trillion transferred to the national debt. we need structural change.

Jeff Texas #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

I'm fine with a national divorce.  No civil war, no conflict.  Just separate.  Population divided into conservative states and progressive states and don't allow the progressive to migrate over to conservative states when their society and economies fail.  Stop them at the conservative border and force them back.

Patrick Hartman #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

The democrats on a national level have adopted authoritarianism with elements of fascism and marxism mixed together and can't be compromised with.  They need to be stopped before they finnish destroying America.  I am not familiar with what is going on in Oregon but if the alt left is the same as the  national brethren they need to be stopped too.

MAGA SUPPORTER #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

Joe Biden can't read a teleprompter, yet shakes hands with ghosts. He’s laughed at by third world countries, He can't stay upright generally speaking. His presidency has been constant bank failures. As VP and President he’s covering for Hunter and his own questionable deals. The fentanyl epidemic, unprecedented violence, uncontrolled shoplifting, runaway inflation, toxic train derailments, $100 BILLION squandered on losing proxy war in Ukraine, widespread and conspicuous fires, Afghanistan military defeat, racial strife, worldwide devaluation of the dollar, demolition of the Nordstream II pipeline, depletion of strategic oil reserves, unsecured borders, drag queen story hour, and the woke indoctrination of children continue on under his approval will be his only legacy. Biden will go down in history as absolutely, unquestionably THE WORST president of this country. Period.
Handout Joe has been wasting American taxpayer money at an alarming rate! VOTE JOE BIDEN OUT!
Demorats are really proud of a president (Biden) that can't walk, talk, think on his own and doesn't have a spine. Shows how inept Democratic voters truly are!
America is sick of Joe Biden and the Democrats and their fake Democracy!
Biden's "accomplishments"...Let's see:
*Abandoned Afghanistan,
*Caused gas prices to rise dramatically, caused shortages in imports,
*Increased racial disharmony, responsible for more criminals being let loose on the streets, especially in big cities which brought increased crime statistics, *Brought tremendous inflation,
*Increased joblessness, brought "open borders" to the Southern border states with dramatically increased illegal invasion
Bidoom wants everything to go electric so that we won't depend
on fossil fuels. He is oblivious to realizing that it takes coal and oil
to make electricity! FOSSIL FUELS! AMERICA, don't buy into this propaganda
from the Bidum Cartel! Going electric only profits Jose' Bigoon!

Quentin Holt #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

Old Hitler has been gone now for 78 years. I suspect that you may have gotten a bit rusty on what Hitler was really like. Unlike Hitler and unlike you and other Democrats, Governor DeSantis is a decent human being who is looking out for the people of his state and the people of his nation and his oath of office. The only fault that I find with him is that he is planning on running for President against the Donald.

various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

(Gary A. Anderson)
China just needs to wait and let their mole of a President; Joe Biden break the backs of the American taxpayer. It’s that simple and done way before in secrecy with the idea of forever keeping it unknown to the future.

(Barbara Boxer)
The US should just drop a country that will ignite a nuclear war. Taiwan is that country. What is any other rationale for this to exist. America cannot make a comeback, after nuclear war. Taiwan cannot be trusted. Taiwan has always looked out for Taiwan.

(J P)
There are four sequences that must occur to subjugate another nation: Attack, Invade, Conquer, Govern. Apply these to Russia, and you see none of those have occurred. Apply these to China and you will also see none have occurred. The China threat is manufactured by the Democrats and the media. Russia's 'threat' of over 78 years is also manufactured by the media. The true attacks on America that killed innocent civilians occurred on 9-11, then later in Orlando, and then in San Bernardino, and again in New York. Look to the facts as to who is America's enemy.

(YG Pom)
What agression? Taiwan is part of China, the only aggression in that region is caused by the US who is not even a neighboring country there

Steve null and Carol Epstein #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

(Steve null)
Ad Hominem attack.   This is the way of the left and Democrats.
Devalue and defame the individual, rather than provide facts.  When they have none they can provide, they attack the person.   We see it down the list.
The article provider is just as bad as MSNBC, CNN, NYT, and Wa Post...   just attack arms for the oppressive DNC.
Try looking at reality and the actions of the Democrats.   I know people think that an authoritarian regime ruled by the DNC is better than a Constitutional Republic with a free market society.

(Carol Epstein)
and then reality hits the left. 200 thousand people from blue states up north have moved down here this year alone. I've been a woman for 60 years and I will be voting for him as well as all my female friends. Time to woke up to the lies.

HK K and Bertrand Finklenanny #conspiracy #moonbat #wingnut msn.com

(HK K)
We shouldn't be in Ukraine either... no less handing away tens of billions of taxpayer money to fight a proxy war with Russia and saber-rattling all of Russia's nuclear allies.

(Bertrand Finklenanny)
The only reason they're taking Ukraine is for a buffer zone, for the inevitable NATO invasion of Russia.
Moreover, the Ukrainian Civil War that Victoria Nuland started left a serious mess on Russia's border, so Russia has to intervene now.

Various Commenters #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

(Joe B)
@Bob King
Obama's leadership put us into a recession and the country saw the lowest growth in history.  Unemployment was high.  His spending on stimulus projects only benefited China.  He failed miserably on foreign policy, domestic policy, crime, trade and education.  Biden's presidency is just an extension of Obama's failed policies and it's driving us back into the same place.  
Oh and Bush's recession was mainly a result of Clinton's policies.  Clinton's community reinvestment act was the root cause of the housing crisis and bank collapses of 2008.  His Free Trade agreements with China and the WTO is what drove the offshoring of manufacturing leading to the unemployment crisis.

(Delta Kilo Tango)
@Bob King
Not even close. Trump was one of the best and the welfare of the country when he was in proves it. BTW: Independent.

(drew defilippis)
@Bob King
Obama strengthened the Deep state by politicizing the FBI and DOJ , he also divided America

(Scott Hightower)
I think Biden is actually worse than Carter, can't believe I am saying it as that is scary. But remember that every policy change Biden has done has directly affected our economy and he started on day one. Sad part is that any person with common sense knew what the outcome was going to be.

(R. D.)
All 3 are demoKLANcRATS. What a "coincidence" 'eh?
Don't forget openly racist pro-slavery and pro-Klan demoKLANcRAT POTUS Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren who founded the demoKLANcRAT party, racist demoKLANcRAT James Polk, racist demoKLANcRAT Andrew Johnson, racist demoKLANcRAT Woodrow Wilson, racist demoKLANcRAT Harry Truman, and openly racist demoKLANcRAT POTUS FDR ...just to name a few.

Anthony Radavich #wingnut #conspiracy #racist msn.com

This is actually funny---The CCP has thousands of spies spread and planted across the entire world, with more entering the USA everyday-- joining the thousands already here. Our FBI, CIA, and DOJ are aware of this, but with their close ties with this corrupt Biden administration and being under the thumb and control of the democrat party-- are doing little about it. Hundreds of Chinese nationals are crossing our open southern border--???? how many are spies?

Franklin Werkheiser Jr and patrick savoir #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot msn.com

(Franklin Werkheiser Jr)
But in reality, the facts show that he didn't. The United States would be a Socialist or Communist Country right now had it not be for Manchin. You want to condemn anyone you should be condemning the Rhinos Mcconnell, Romney, Graham, Cheney and all the other Rhinos who got us in to the situation we're in right now. Those Rhinos are the ones that support the liberal's agenda, and the proof is all the Rhinos signatures on the Corrupt Green Bill and all the other bills passed. One should get one's facts straight.
(patrick savoir)
@Christina Melgar
He is a moderate democrat that believes in America and Americans, not far left woke ideals. Democrats destroy anyone that doesn't agree 100% with their agenda, even in their own party.
@Cathi Rice
Manchin and Sinema are the only moderately sane ones in the democrat party, they are not willing to follow the rest of the party down the path of destruction, and they will try to destroy them for it..... there is only one way to think in the new democrat communist party.

various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

(Frederick Camacho)
What I see as what the Republicans rail against simple understanding of American culture and American way of life is. The Left/progressive introduce an unacceptable alternative to our culture. Most of the culture shifts deemed acceptable to the Left, were 15/20 years ago were considered an abomination to civilized people. The Roman Empire traveled down the same path it to crumbled from the weight of wokeness.

(Born Free)
So grateful to be an American, not a Democrat. We protect kids, defend our border, language, and culture, promote true education (pretty sure China, Russia and Japan don't spend their kids' time learning DEI, CRT revisionist history and Core math lol). We defend our individual rights, and know that the more government there is, the fewer rights we each have.

(alienjon jones)
Socialist like all destructive hate groups should be monitored. Unions do not do people any good today. The Republicans are the ones standing up for the Jews. Who was it that moved the embassy to Jerusalem like the past five presidents said they would do? ( oh yeah Pres Trump a Republican)
Which party continues to attack the supreme court? yes Demo
Which party attacks the US Constitution and individual rights? yes demo
Who has practice the same eugenics ideal as Hitler? yes Democrats.
Who has ran beautiful cities into the ground?
Yes demo
Who are the party of racist thugs? yes Demo again.

(J. H.)
Leftists suddenly have an issue with canceling people Yet try to claim Republicans are the Hypocrites. The things being cancelled are being done by trash human being leftists. The Republicans, the good ones anyway, are trying to stop the Degradation of society, and the immoral things being done by the leftists to destroy our country and remove God.

The Wildman and D Lazy #wingnut msn.com

This is not a republican problem. The spending bill was all a demonrat bill with no way to pay for it. Now all the fake news media and other socialist liberal demon rats are blaming the republicans because they will not give the demonrats the money they need to buy votes with and to waste money on their pork that was in the bill. I hope the republicans do not cave. china joe and the demon rats are idiots

(D Lazy)
I hope the Republicans stand their ground. CoVid is over so that spending needs to stop or at least be reallocated. Plus both the Republicans and Democrats have had a spending problem for years and we as a country are reaching a tipping point. This is hopefully the first step in fixing that.
To all those who say it was raised 3 times for Trump no strings attached, need to understand that all 3 times it was bi-partisan and was almost entirely based on CoVid spending.

Daniel Holliday and Bruce Walkinthewoods #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

(Daniel Holliday)
The ignorance of this man is amazing, raising the minimum wage may sound good, but any raise is a raise in production costs which in turn is a raise on consumer prices. Which increases inflation.

(Bruce Walkinthewoods)
Since our students tested 24% proficient in math and 20% in reading. Thanks to Randi Weingarten and the public-school teachers' unions. Just the way democrats want you. Dumb and dependent. Easy to manipulate. Easy to control.

Totally Not Trollin' Award

Long Live China, The Country of Future™

Boogaloo Shrimp #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

we dont have any business in Eastern Europe at all. its russians land to begin with. I say let them fight it out. strongest will survive.
@Steven Hadaegh
yeah... go way back because this is a territory dispute and ukraine should get the brunt of russias attacks... the more the merrier
@Steven Hadaegh
Yeah, No one will count on you to fight for your country. cowards lead from the rear.
@Steven Hadaegh
ok...the USA doesn't have any business in Ukraine. Russia should tacnuke Kiev
inching towards that one world govt. we are all sheep

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut msn.com

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) chewed out the gay president of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, at a House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing yesterday, and Greene went so far as to say that Weingarten, an adoptive mother, is not a mother because she didn’t give birth to her kids.

“Are you a medical doctor?” Greene asked Weingarten. “Are you a mother?”

“What I’d like to talk about is your recommendations to the CDC as not a medical doctor, not a biological mother, um, and really not a teach either,” Greene barked at Weingarten.

“You have no business advising the CDC what the medical guidelines were for school closures,” Greene said, as if the CDC shouldn’t be hearing from the professionals affected by its guidelines. “The problem is, is people like you need to admit that you’re just a political activist, not a teacher, not a mother, and not a medical doctor.”

Stan Svetlov and Nobody’s Business #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

(Stan Svetlov)
Bloody clown zelensky performs on the circus arena! Ukr-facsist cannot offer any 'peace formula' as he and his criminal regime continues murders!
(Nobody's Business)
The green screen hoax Ukraine...Ukraine the money laundering capital of the planet...and 2nd with child trafficking and pathological weapon development. The Cabal infiltrators such as Biden, Obama. Clintons, Schumers, Schiff, Pelosis, and a host of others are swindling the American people on a daily, hourly basis for millions. The WEF is taking the rest while the so called "democracy" leader Zelensky sells off every weapon he can to the terrorist black market for cash to keep up his silver spoon, his drag scene, and his elitest life style. Ukraine is the largest hoax next to Covid this world has ever seen.

various commenters #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

(allen Lawrence)
Biden is succeeding in his ambitions to empower China. It got close with the Hunter Biden fiasco almost exposing his Chinese bribes, but the media was successful in covering that up too. Good job selling out America under it's own nose Biden!
(Realist 6703)
The dollar is supposed to be safe and stable, risk free, economic sanctions on countries around the world changed that. We're getting what we asked for, don't blame anyone else.
(Damon Williams)
At 31 Trillion in debt, the United States is basically using Monopoly money nowdays. You can't continue to print money because then there's nothing backing the dollar other than what people "agree" upon as a value.
(Robert Edwards)
Your can thank our President for that.......this is only the beginning.......
(Secret Affair)
Might as will start flying’ the Chinese flag. It’s over America
(Steven Aman)
Nope, that dollar is not in trouble at all. That's just a right-wing conspiracy theory, right? With India, Brazil, China, Russia (and Europe not far behind) on dismantling US authority by dismantling its currency, the dollar is doomed as is our economy unless we can get leadership who understand the difference between diplomacy and idiocy.
(CASEY Klepzig)
If you do not fully understand this. If you think so what. Remember wars are fought by governments, nasty letters, and closing embassies. But the crucial point in this is the US has a debt of over 120 percent of yearly GNP. It has been propped up by the currency of exchange. When, not if, because China is influencing countries, this expands, and a recession on a worthless dollar will crash over the printed money machine.

Miles Drake #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

You people were prepared for us last time - your police agents lured unarmed citizens into the Capitol, murdered some of them and cast thousands of others into solitary confinement. where their starvation, torture and brutality caused numbers of Capitol Police myrmidons to kill themselves out of remorse. It is we normals and patriots who will be prepared for you when you try to steal the next election, too, and impose a Peoples Republiuc on us.

Konrad and Nancy Langlie #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

Fox is now part of the Big brother Government propaganda machine.. No reason to watch it anymore as it is no different from the rest of the mainstream media.

Another victim of the Garland FBI KGB. Criticizing the Biden dictatorships gets you erased. The biased corrupt Democrat judiciary rigged the case against FOX and sent a m3essage; there is no First Amendment in America anymore and freedom is dead.

China is pulling the strings in this Country on the very day we discovered Biden is giving China billions laundered through a fake UN climate fund.

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