
JudeSuss #racist stormfront.org

This woman is genetically related to the Australian Aborigines who migrated from India. They have a lower IQ than Africans. Low enough to think that they are related to Africans or any others with dark skin. Like the NASA mathematician who had blue eyes and only slightly darker skin than whites as she was only 1/16th African. But that is enough for them to call her black and have a dark eyed black play her part in the movie as thinly veiled anti-white propaganda.

They seem to want to avoid the truth at all costs. It must be embarrassing for them so they try to bully people into denying the truth.Some of these people are jew aware and still think the joos are on their side. Do they have any idea how quickly they will be disposed of if whites are no longer there to protect them? Meanwhile, back in India, life is cheap and there is no punishment for killing or gang raping whites. But she still takes a moral high ground that she or her people have not earned.

M.P.Thompson & WhiteMansBurden82 #conspiracy #wingnut stormfront.org

amnesty for more police state, why am I not too excited???

kick the door down and send em back home. they broke American law, and they are to be rewarded??

rome rules this country, not the jew. that's what those roman symbols to trumps left and right mean.

they want more catholics in this country, and they been pouring in since Reagan.

We've had plenty of Hindus and Muslims pouring in since Reagan as well( well, actually since LBJ), so no, I don't think Rome rules this country - our country is unfortunately very much ruled by Jews and their White traitor allies and acolytes.

I beg to differ my friend. the irish during the civil war era, the Italians during the turn of the century, the Cubans in florida and the unrelenting hoardes coming from the southwest from reagans time to the present day. the muslims are their to justify the presence of the roman loyalists. who will stop the hoardes of muslims if it not be the same people who allowed them in in the first place.

the jews are no friends of ours, but they are not the head of the snake. they are pawns needed for prophectic purposes for rome.

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

Re: Trump plan to offer citizenship to 1.8m undocumented immigrants

This is NOTHING less than a...

despicable betrayal of White America by Trump -- a despicable betrayal of the people who elected him.

Now we know why he has been ALL TALK NO ACTION on immigration. His primary goal has been NOT to protect America -- but to give a "Path to Citizenship" to his chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiildren of DACA (plus the 3.3 MILLION "Dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamers) -- the people he looooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvves.

This is the reason for the one+ year DELAY on building the Wall and on DEPORTING the LOW-IQ nonwhite invaders.

He's been waiting for the right moment when he would be able to "make a deal" with Congress to "save" his DREAMERS, to give them AMNESTY, to give them American CITIZENSHIP.

Hey Trump.
Your WALL means NOTHING unless it includes the CONCURRENT DEPORTATION of the 60 MILLION nonwhite illegal alien invaders PLUS an end to Chain Migration and The Lottery.

AND, Trump, you don't need a "deal" with the traitors in Congress to build the WALL. It is YOUR DUTY to build the wall as President of America because it is YOUR DUTY TO DEFEND America.

Congress can figure out how to pay for it later -- AFTER the wall is built. Or make Mexico pay for it. (We still remember what you said a million times, Trump.)

America is being INVADED.


When the Chinese built their 13,170 MILE LONG WALL OF CHINA -- do you think the Ming Dynasty worried about the cost? Huh? Hell no. The Ming Dynasty was concerned about one thing: protecting their nation China from the Mongolian and Russian Caucasian "barbarians." Because the Ming Dynasty placed China First -- and meant it.

As a POI, by contrast to the Great Wall of China, Trump is now talking about, not even a 2,000 mile wall, but a 700 mile wall. And that wall will no longer be a wall -- but mostly a FENCE.

God, I'm so sick of this ENDLESS CHAIN of lying, FAKE American presidents. (Not to mention the rest of the traitorous government.)

Just do what you said you would do about THE INVASION, Mr. Great "Deal Maker."

If you refuse to STOP and REVERSE the nonwhite invasion of America, every other positive thing you do for the country means NOTHING.


America was Great When It Was White -- BECAUSE it was White.

That's the plain straight TRUTH. And you know it. And so does everyone else.

white_usa_ #racist stormfront.org

Nonwhites are lesser beings

Just a cursory look at nonwhites tells us that they are primitive, retarded, undesirable creatures.

For example, Africans and Aboriginals have unmistakable simian features, due to their genetic proximity to apes.

But even more evolved nonwhites, who are tens of thousands of miles removed from the native habitat of their ape ancestors, such as Amerindians, are profoundly racially inferior.

Evolutionary development does not necessarily result in intellectual advancement. A race or a sub-race can evolve for a long time, yet remain primitive, because its evolutionary path represents the roads to nowhere.

Take for example the natives of South Chile who are, in evolutionary terms, very distant from African apes (just as distant as Europeans).

The ancestors of Chilean Amerindians had to trek from Africa, through South Asia, North Asia, cross the Bering Strait into North America and then migrate from the Arctic Circle almost to Antarctica. Over tens of thousands of years it took them to accomplish their journey, Amerindians have naturally evolved.

But look at the results of an extensive period of their evolutionary development:

The natives of South Chile are primitive, inferior beings, just like Amerindians everywhere. So, how valuable was their evolutionary development?

The evolution has created many dead-ends and awkward features. For example, what’s the purpose of the epicanthic fold, commonly known as slant eyes?

In terms of scenery and weather conditions, North Korea is not much different from Sweden. Yet, Koreans look very different from Swedes (or native European hunter gatherers from Upper Paleolithic). So what’s the purpose of Korean peculiar evolutionary adaptation—slant eyes?

Were Europeans shortchanged by evolution to have avoided developing slant eyes? What are these strange features designed for anyway?

Whites are the only race that has avoided evolutionary paths resulting in (1) stagnation, as is the case with Bushmen, who have not evolved in the last 100,000 years or so, or in (2) “defective” evolution, undergone by mongoloids and all kinds of other sub-races (Dravidians, Polynesians, miniscule Indo-Chinese etc.), which represents a road to nowhere.

Whites have evolved intellectually, which is why they have created our modern civilization. We represent the brain trust of humanity.

Despite current setbacks, Aryan racial superiority will allow our descendants to push back these primitive, disgusting alien races and eventually create prosperous future for our people.

Fortunately, we can easily tell who is white and who is nonwhite based on appearance. This will come in very handy someday, believe me.

14_words_of_truth #racist stormfront.org

Post birth abortions, every leftist supports them, their parents should all perform them.

None of the sick degenerate race mixers have the right to bring a mixed race child into this world! It is not fair to the child, it is not fair to anyone.

Segregationista #racist stormfront.org

A couple of my kids(one in particular) made an observation about mulattos that I hadn't personally considered. I've always thought of halfbreeds as pitiable creatures, because their condition severely marginalized them, from a racial purist perspective. However, my kids observed that mulattoes are socially worse than negroes, because they think they're better than negroes, and are therefore even more inclined than negroes to attempt to associate upwards.

That was something I hadn't really considered before, but seemed glaringly obvious, once it was pointed out. The probable reason I missed that point is that, regardless of my personal feelings on the matter, I don't really want other races to view sticking to their own as a societal restriction, but as their personal best option; because breeding outside your race should be viewed as degrading your race, no matter who you are. Isn't that why halfbreeds are traditionally shunned, in every society, because they're viewed as the other, as outsiders? Therefore, I've always considered a halfbreed's only option to either abstain from breeding entirely(the optimal scenario) or to find another halfbreed, to perpetuate their halfbreed race(a distant second option).

14words_of_truth #racist stormfront.org

By "opposite race" I take that to mean "human" but what they mean is "enemy".

The jewish leadership wants every race to think of us white humans as their enemy.

The jews obviously see us as their prime enemy, which is why they are pushing White Genocide, but not black or brown genocide, not until after we are gone, then jews will push black genocide, because blacks are useless and the browns will be all for that since they hate blacks, then the jews will reduce the brown population down to the number of slaves that they actually require for their purposes to serve them.

Paladino #racist stormfront.org

The Arabs show that incest is horrible, but incest with race-mixing is EVEN WORSE!!!

Why? Because now they don't get dangerous diseases from only one race, but from many more.

They could be used as an great argument against miscigenation.

Nothing is more catastrophic than an inbred mongrel, the jews and arabs prove this.

Wulfrick #racist stormfront.org

Are you a teenager? They prefer blood from pre pubescent children.

This is apparently what happens to the abducted children, they are first raped and then drained. This is where the 'Vampire' myths come from.

Jews have been doing it for centuries. If not a full transfusion, then drinking blood full of adrenalin gets them addicted to the ritual.

Roo #racist stormfront.org

Re: High school bully, 16, fatally stabs girl, 16, she tormented after the victim tried to fight back with pepper spray

I wish white parents understood what they are signing their kids up for when they send them to school with negroes. Now these parents just learned the hard way, but their daughter paid for their ignorance with her life. The children always pay the price for Diversity, while mom and dad get to feel virtuous for sending them off to hell 5 days a week.

And yeah, if that child is a daughter, that makes it exponentially worse. White males are at least still feared, but white females are always fair game. Always. It's pathetic how weak we are compared even with black females. Of course this one overpowered a white girl the same age and killed her! Negroes have more Testosterone, even their women. The girls I went to school with had it all over me and they were well aware of it. I've never been intimidated by white males the way I've been intimidated by black females. It was embarrassing.

ErikTheWhite #racist stormfront.org

[Comment under "Deadly Brooklyn fire may have been caused by Hanukkah menorah]

@Il fascismo per i fascisti

Deadly Brooklyn fire may have been caused by Hanukkah menorah - Israel National News

Itz a miniature holocau$t!!! Ze menorah vas made by eevviill Nazis disguised as jews!!!! Ver ist mein lawyer??? Ve must sue the people who made ze walls, ze cloth zat caught on fire, ze people who made ze matches.........

ZE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just sick as hell of jew deaths getting in the news since (((the owners))) of the media don't report on black on White crimes, etc.

Here in the central Florida area there was another "oh, what a horrible thing" report on the Pulse shooting that happened over two years ago!!!

Fags and jews get the (((pity.))) And, of course, kangs n kweenz!!!

Whites who die in fires or are murdered, either aren't reported on or the White tragedy gets back page (((coverage.)))




AryaStark #racist stormfront.org

A while back, I was part of a co-ed recreational volleyball team that was all white. Most of the guys were taken, except for this one cute guy that I liked. One of the girls on my team invited an Asian girl onto the team. Immediately, that Asian and the cute guy start hitting it off, and by the end of the season, they were dating.

Anyone else have a story like this? Why do we let Asian women into our social circles when their sole purpose is to steal our men? I'm not sure whether I should be mad at the guy who went after the woman, the Asian, or the girl that brought her onto the team!

I see them everywhere now - they're always on the news as part of an Asian - white pairing. I see them in commercials with a white man, as part of a couple, and even in movies. Seriously, why are we letting them into our media, as if they were white? Just today, I saw an Asian woman with her halfbreed child walking across the street, I wanted to run them over

One of them who thinks I'm her friend even told me that she prefers white men, then I asked her why, and she said she finds white men more attractive. They know that whites are genetically superior, they know that we're the more attractive race, they know that they are inferior, so they purposely target white men, so their children don't have to look like them! But the most ridiculous thing is, I have one friend who is tall, successful and cute and he says he only dates Asians! I ask him why, and says he doesn't even know why, just his preference, "like hair colour"! I'm thinking it's because Asian women are easier than white women, who have some self respect and racial pride. (for good reason I might add)

I live in British Columbia, Canada, and it seems as half the white guys are taken by Asian women. There's no black people here, so it's definitely not the case of white women selling out. I'm not sure what we can do about this unfortunately

KT1 #racist stormfront.org

As far as I can make out, the Genie is out of the bottle right? The six million lie debunking is ALL OVER the internet. Its still all over Youtube FFS which is meant to be censored these days. Videos showing the numerous '6 million' references in Jewish owned newspapers pre WW2 and showing its origins in the Talmudic prophecy of 6 million jews to "vanish" before the Messiah can return.

So my question is, as this becomes mainstream outside of Germany first, it then must become mainstream inside Germany despite the Left inspired "Fascist" anti free speech policies currently oppressing those poor German folks. When that happens, how angry will they get? When you think about the MASS guilt, the reparations etc etc etc .... they are going livid right? And rightly so! There is literally going to be HELL to pay for?

If you read Nick Kollerstrom "Breaking The Spell" it's all laid out. ALso these guys seems to be the main scholarly alternative to lie that still dominates the PC conciousness of the current fascist orthodoxy:-

Many of these books I think you can get for free from the site.

So what are people views? Do you agree that this will eventually become mainstream in Germany, and when it does what will happen? How will native Germans react? Apparently the current leftist PC fascist regime in Germany under Jewess Angela Merkel has implemented new rules recently whereby there are colossal fines for anything posted online that isn't inline with the PC thought prison that Germans are now subject to. German men in the vital demographic of 20 - 34 WILL BE A MINORITY under current migration rates. FOLKS, our German Brothers and Sisters need our help NOW, not next month or year, NOW!

14_words_of_truth #racist stormfront.org

Firstly, there weren't any "death camps" those were prison work camps and the prisoners there were criminals. Most of the prisoners were Germans do you believe that Hitler was attempting to round up all the Germans and exterminate them? There were more jews in the German army fighting against the jewish communist Russian army than there were jewish criminals locked away in the prison work camps.

The prisoners were being used as labor, such as in the assembly of assault rifles and other war materials, Hitler wanted those laborers alive to work for him. The death of many prisoners was due to the allied bombing campaign, which caused the starvation of German elderly, women, children, soldiers, and also prisoners, then disease took those weak from starvation.

After the war was over the allies intentionally starved to death about another 2 million Germans, in peace time, after the German military had surrendered-- that is the real genocide (plus the targeting of women and children by allied bombers) in Germany. It is the German people who were the victims of a planned genocide, then the survivors are told that they are guilty for a different genocide which never happened.

SapereAude #fundie stormfront.org

Leftist PC fascist regime? Please. If fascism ruled in Germany the Germans would be free, or almost free. I do not think the deciding factor is whether people know the truth or not. I think the deciding factor is necessity, that is necessity to act to not face immediate death through for example starvation.

If people would die within days or weeks if they do not take action, then most of them would do something. Knowing that their race and people will die out over a long time, is not enough for most people to take action. They need to be immediately threatened on a personal level.

SkullCracker #racist stormfront.org

Who cares about the Holohoax and dead Jews? I'm sick of them. When I pick up the Week magazine (I get it as a gift) there's always something in there about the Holohoax or anti-Semitism. The despicable Jew never shuts up. Always with the poor Jew spiel. And all of us, knowingly or unknowingly pay our Jew tax, after all, our Government gives them billions every year.

Go away Jews. We're sick of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eyzwydopen #racist stormfront.org

(This fundie seriously thinks that Josef Mengele was working to help Jewish people)

He was the reason why there were so many survivors.
Unfortunately the jews needed an evil doctor character for the Auschwitz portion of their epic Holocaust story and he was picked for the roll.
They couldn't pick one of the many many jewish doctors that worked in the camp hospital, it had to be the Gentile doctor or the prophecy of six million jews dying at the hands of the Gentiles falls flat.
Think about it, just about all the German doctors and nurses must have been tied up serving on two fronts patching up their own people.
The concentration camp medical staffs had to be mostly jews.
Doctor Mengele couldn't have worked alone, so if the jews say he was conducting inhuman experiments on people then his jewish doctors had to be involved as well.

vnovak #racist stormfront.org

Re: First White farmer returns to Zimbabwe invited by new government to looted & gutted farm to start over

Surrounded by over a billion hungry, hateful, obnoxious, greedy blacks with a IQ of 70 or less.
All who depise and want White people dead.)

This is the truly remarkable thing. They are so unimaginably stupid, that they are going against their own self-preservation instinct.

If you ask any negro, what is going to happen to negros, if whites were suddenly all gone, they would talk you (as articulated by an American black child): "we ****ed".

They are fully aware of this.

Africa can probably sustain a population of about a million migratory hunter gatherers. Current population of Africa is a billion and a quarter, probably a bit more, because you can't really rely on negroes counting correctly.

With whites all gone, they would immediately be pushed into an economy of subsistence farming, and their lifestyle would for a generation or two remain spiced up with all the leftover firearms they have over there. And with whites gone, the facade of law and order they barely maintain would be gone too, so immediately they would devolve into a society of tribal war bands raiding each other, enslaving each other and when crops fail or when they forget to sow because of a prolonged spring jenkem fest, also eating each other.

So in a generation, the population of Africa would drop from current 1250 million to probably some 50 million.

After that - with whites gone, all educational structure will be gone and the oral transmission of knowledge would become severely disrupted by high mortality rate - they would lose literacy. And after they lose literacy, they would probably lose farming skills in a generation or two, leaving them hunter gatherers.

So in two more generations, population of Africa would drop from 50 million to something around 1 million, all of them illiterate, all of them without any farming skills. While all the scrap metal from the civilized times keeps lying around, they would probably retain some metal working skills, but when that rusts away, they will go straight to Mesolithic level of culture and society.

There you have it. In four or five generations, there will only be a million negros left, living in dung huts, all illiterate, living off of picking bananas and hunting meerkats with spears. That is their future without whites.

And they want it! It is their wish, their desire, their goal!

Isn't it remarkable?i

Jovina74 #racist stormfront.org

Maybe the vile wog will have a crash underneath another underpass?

Every wog is jealous of our white beauty, they desperately want to be like us but they will always be apes because that is exactly what they are; add mixture won't make them human.

DomTxn #racist stormfront.org

Look, lets cut to the point. Jews are taught from childhood to abuse anyone not a Jew. They do not see gentiles as even human. Their religion teaches them that they are above any and all national law.

When you have millionaire Jews controlling the politicians where will the law look? I know some people will call this knee jerk anti-semitism, but all I can say is look for yourself. read the Torah. Go back and study the history of Jews across the world. Then decide for yourself.

Jovina74 #racist stormfront.org

Elizabeth 2 is the traitor and all those beneath her, there is a diseased branch on the royal family tree that bears her rotten fruit, Jews and Negroes.

The family itself must rise up and overthrow this madness, this regression of succession cannot and must not be allowed. If the royal family cannot find a resolution we will find a New King / Queen who we recognise or they must abdicate and create a republic.

Resist miscegenation at every turn, race mixing is bestiality, assured death; no monarch in the right mind would slaughter they subjects till genocide.

This should be a sign that the royal family have fallen, to allow a second hand used Wog in their family and undercover Jews such as Lady Diana Goldsmith is clearly insanity; but then when has a monarch ever been sane?

The royals diet will inevitably change to fried chicken, water melon and grape juice; KFC will ultimately become their god as these cravings for Negro delicacy yearn unsurpassed whilst they merge with these ugly **** chimps.

The Christian church still tortures and slaughters masses of people, they just do it slower, unspoken and unseen yet in the face of the ascendants / descendants.

The completely and utter shame of having a Negro in the family, must be so horrible. Princess Michael should take control and restore things to the way Edward would have wanted them, the queen has betrayed not only her father but also all her future generations to come who will recede into a degenerate genetic soup Judaic wogdom.

w41n4m01n3n #racist stormfront.org

A mulattress divorcée (from a Jew!) isn't really prime real-estate in the monarchical meat market -- but apparently anything goes these days...

I suppose there'll soon be a Muslim member of the royal family (inspired by 'Victoria and Abdul') -- and soon Britain will have a goat prince or princess!

Once the floodgates (read: mudgates) have been opened, there's no easy going back.

I'm appalled by Harry's lack of taste and decorum.

Phoenix1933 #racist stormfront.org

Feminism was created by communist jewish women to help destroy the white race by stopping white women from having children, basically. 99.9% of all feminist leaders have been jewish women.

This news story is just more evidence that feminism is not pro-women. It's a jewish anti-white movement.

It looks like a majority of white women have now come to their senses.

Notice how feminist viewpoints always conform to jewish agendas, such as being in favor of muslim immigration.

It shows you that jews are still in charge of feminism and are controlling what other feminists think.

Roo #racist stormfront.org

Bullcrap. Detroit? Women of color are far more likely to be prostitutes and/or high as a kite at any given moment of the day. Black women, especially, with their high levels of testosterone and desire to have as many children as possible for the welfare gibs, will boink anything with a penis. There's a reason they're always on TV getting paternity tests from a half dozen different men.

I don't need to explain why these can all be very problematic when trying to get to the bottom of a rape case. Semen samples from those test kits probably reveal more than one origin, and at least one of those originators are probably already in jail for armed robbery or something.

As bad as some white women get these days, we will NEVER misbehave to the extent that black women will. It's not even close. Anyone doubting that should go hang out in a majority white town, then spend some time in a majority black town and compare the two. It's no contest. You'd have to hold a white woman against her will and force-feed her opiates to get her anywhere near what black women will do without a lot of coaxing.

eyzwydopen #racist stormfront.org

Re: New York Times: 'Trump, Trump Trump' chant is a 'Racial jeer' against Latinos, Muslims and Blacks

Another fine example of the tribes mastery of propaganda and semantics.
The New York Times didn't object when White people were getting beaten and murdered by mobs of Negros shouting, "Obama,Obama,Obama."
They didn't even raise an eyebrow when Negro children were being organized into paramilitary Obama groups reminiscent of communist youth gangs.
The entire liberal media needs to go.
It needs to be demolished and the rats who run it chased out of the nation.
The whole rotten gang is nothing but a bunch of sexual degenerates, thieves and lairs shoving the agenda of a bigoted religious cult down our throats.

14_words_of_truth #racist stormfront.org

All the White Humans who now live in Europe originated in America. The "official" jewish fake history is that we all came from africa, but that is not true, and there never was any sort of evidence to back that up. The writings of Zoroaster say everyone was created in the mid east, because they had degenerated into savages and lost their history.

The Egyptians came from America. The original white population of the middle east came from America. The Germans, who settled first in the middle east and later migrated to Europe, originally lived in America.

Groups moved around some and that confused things a bit, but the Spartans came directly from America to Sparta, the people of Wales settled there directly from America, the Irish came from America settling first in both Ireland and Scotland, but the settlers in Scotland moved to Ireland due to the Scottish weather. The Scots also settled directly there from America. The Southern Vikings settled in Europe first, from America. The Northern Vikings settled in Scandinavia later, from America.

w41n4m01n3n #racist stormfront.org

Burning books is rarely acceptable. Only Jewish filth and poison and pornography deserves to be burnt.

I think there are basically two paths for any civilization (terrestrial or not). They can become like angels/demigods, or they can choose to become demons. But that is only a description of their nature. For instance, some people are outright demonic, i.e. they behave like demons. It doesn't mean that they actually are demons.

And NS Germany was like a nation of demigods compared to the Negroes in Africa. I own some Hebrew texts that are a few centuries old, but am I going to burn them because they are written by Jews? Of course not!

14_words_of_truth #conspiracy stormfront.org

The greatest tales of aliens come from the Nordic folks, back when they were called "the people who live down by the sea". The tales are from thousands of years ago, just after they set sail from the east coast of America, where they are from, and discovered "the big island" which is now known as "Europe, Africa, and Asia".

The tales are so wild that I did not believe them when they were told to me back when I was a young child, but I remembered them, and when I grew up and learned more about science and technology, I found that the stories are "self evident" which is what my grandfather told me they are-- he was right about everything! The wildest tale involves 5 different alien races who all visited this solar system.

Can't tell you the stories though, it is forbidden for me to do so. The Nordic do and don't have an ancient history. The Nordic folk live among those who do know their ancient history, but the vast majority of the Nordic have no clue. The typical European does not know what the big event was that happened 3,600 years ago which proves how short the common history of typical Europeans is.

The typical European does not know that Venus is a captured object or when it began to orbit our Sun. And even though the typical European was sent to schools for many years of their life, you won't find many that know Venus spins in the opposite direction that all the other planets spin. There was a 50/50 chance that when it was captured it would spin the same way, but it just happened that it does spin the other way, which is some proof right there that it was not originally a part of this solar system.

Here is a huge question which modern science can't answer: Why is Venus so hot? (It is not the "greenhouse effect" which is a truly foolish "theory")

bambam #racist stormfront.org

UFO's, ET's are just more jooish fables.

Just like the Holohoax. Just like global warming.

Just like bigfoot. Just like their "the chosen".

Our entire world is a swamp of jooo lies.

Goebbels84 #conspiracy stormfront.org

These are American craft, invented by the Germans. They're kept hidden because their propulsion uses what is practically speaking, 'free energy', the release of which would destroy the oil industry and gold as a commodity.

various posters #fundie stormfront.org

Feminists gunning for White women

White women scrape the bottom of the Progressive Stack. It goes:

Black people
Mexicans/Puerto Ricans (comes after Muslims because they're Christians and Christianity is NOT a religion of peace, after all)
Disabled people (and where individual disabled folks are in the Stack depends highly on their race and disability)
Jews (they really get to move to various positions within the Stack, depending on several factors, like tombstones falling over, Hindus painting swastika pictures, and whether or not Hollywood has made another Holocost film)
White women


the LGBTQJDITSIORNSUVNTJSOCNRNJGVDXHPJNYFESQLMHBTCKFCG Jewish black woman (just don't assume her gender!) who is in a wheelchair and wears a hijab, niqab, and a burka at the same time - this woman (if she self identifies as a woman) is the most coveted of all. She is the Holy Grail of Victims, and it should never ever be underestimated to the sheer extent the Left will gleefully lie, cheat and steal from each other just to cater to her every conceivable whim. Zher wish is their command, just don't call them racist or they will debase themselves further.


I suppose that if I'm going to be put on such an amazingly retarded list without my express permission or my opinions on the matter, after all I'm merely a woman to these people, and therefor, have not the power of my own authority in a free country to do various things like speak for myself then I should just scrape together what dignity I am allowed, accept my lot in life and be happy that I am, at least, at the bottom of it.

And if the above statement sounds like a pathetic attempt to make lemonade, well, that's because it is. I hope everyone enjoys it - I'm out of sugar.

Better to be at the bottom of the pile than to be a nasty female sellout.

(Hook Nose)
The way I see it they did it to themselves.

White women broke off from the tribe abandoning the role of wife's and mothers in order to gain personal (female) benefits and this had to come at the expense of white mens authority, to give everyone so called equality. They allied themselves with other ''oppressed'' groups like blacks,gays and whatever else to accomplish their goals and effectively become ''anti-racist'' or anti-white and now white men have been completely busted down it only stands to reason that they'll follow because of the choices and allies they made.

Feminism was created by communist jewish women to help destroy the white race by stopping white women from having children, basically. 99.9% of all feminist leaders have been jewish women. This news story is just more evidence that feminism is not pro-women. It's a jewish anti-white movement. It looks like a majority of white women have now come to their senses. Notice how feminist viewpoints always conform to jewish agendas, such as being in favor of muslim immigration. It shows you that jews are still in charge of feminism and are controlling what other feminists think.

What I think happened is this. These third generation feminists have been relentlessly attacking white men for decades now, without success. The only thing they achieved was a certain degree of MGTOW and a concerted middle finger from all half decent people in the world.

So they thought they would find another target, a softer target. So now they are going after white women.

So, what is for us, white nationalists to do? Pull white women into our middle finger waving line, turn our MGTOW course into the WPGTOW (white people go their own way) direction and let them howl their obscenities into the moon. Without white women, the feminist movement is just a bunch of negresses screaming for more handouts. White women are the only ones, who brought at least some brains to the feminist table, when they alienate white women, they will be on the level of that negress with 15 kids, who was on TV blabbering that "sumboy neez to pay fo my keez".

I think this is great. More women taking the red pill, more unity for the white race, stronger opposition to anti-whites.

Eventually we will clean our white lands of all the filth.

(White Falcon)
The LEFT gets bolder by the minute:

They now openly conduct Open Culture War against all Whites everywhere:

They have the balls to equate the American Flag with the Nazi and Confederate flags, and declare that the American flag represents "Genocide"!

The 100 year "Open Borders" policy of the American Republic, combined with the enormous birthrate among Non-Whites, has now produced enough Anti-White foot-soldiers to allow the LEFT to become super-confident in their Open War against White Civilization in North America

All Non-White school children are being taught that "all White People are evil"

Remember all the Anti-Columbus propoganda from last month?


It comes as no surprise that prominent Jewish Feminists are also prominent gun control advocates.

Red pill time!

Hear that, ladies? All you normie ladies who lurk out of curiosity, are you paying attention? They're for our "empowerment" while they disarm us. Makes sense? Of course it doesn't.

Look a little closer and see what else doesn't make any sense. Like at how they have to cut men down, so that we won't notice they're cutting us down as well - ever read a bunch of feminist material without feeling pitiful afterwards? Or angry? Or cheated?

Ever notice that no mater what you do, it's never good enough? If you choose career over family, your selfish - if you're a homemaker, your worthless.

Last November, you were reminded yet again that there's still a glass ceiling over your head, and that it doesn't matter how many panes are broken, it will never go away.

Aren't you tired of it?

Has anyone ever felt empowered by being reminded of their supposed "victimhood"?

My, my, my, it seems to be raining frogs, again.

Bellatrix #racist stormfront.org

The public assembly of things like Antifa and pro-immigration groups certainly deny the rights of Europeans to exist. What about that, you white fools?

Note how Jews declare Israel's right to exist but we're condemned for saying an entire race has a right to exist.

I can't handle the white stupidity anymore.

We need to get non-racial whites out of the way so the adults can get things done. Maybe non-nationalist and non-racialist whites should be treated, by us, like the cattle they are alleged to be.

Just Us #racist stormfront.org

What else would it take then for that jew marionette to wake up about the black on white race war and double standard in this nation and world? Kelsey should be kicked for being a good goyim employee and going along to get along to have his pathetic narcissistic entertainment livelihood. When has he stood with US here????

How loudly would he denounce us if we claimed his support and solidarity??? Do you not think he isn't just.like the Heebs who sign his inflated checks while good white men who he isn't fit to stand next to to pee are breaking their backs in coal mines? Kelsey lives in jew land, works for jews, reads the words the put in his mouth on their mind control thought box, and now forgives a negroe he should want to kill himself over months for what he did to his sister.

Really...the white men on this thread need to grow a pair and stop being emotionally manipulated just because in your moments of boredom you grew an artificial affinity for some damn actor and TV show character. You shouldn't have been watching him or the jew tube to begin with if you were red piled at that point in your life.

Kelsey Grammer gets zero sympathy from me and only contempt in continuing to dance for the jew by making a public spectacle of his misguided forgiveness for the poor downtrodden negros in a last bid to make himself useful to the jew by influencing other stupid goy to give a pass to blacks for raping and killing our women.

I blow more sophisticated thoughgs than that out my rear. Clean out your head white man. Kelsey Grammer is not now and will never be your racial kinsman. The time for the silliness of actors and their bogus livelihood that endear the weak minded amongst us is over. Unplug your TV and tell Kelsey to go to hell for betraying his race with that show of self centered forgiveness.

Any negro that did that to my family or women had better get on a spaceship to get away from me. And that friends and neighbors is the difference between a WHITE MAN and jew employed slime like coke head Kelsey. Let him join SF, donate to Don, and speak at the next summit about the impact of black on white crime and our people.

He wont do that? Then let the buzzards tear the flesh from his traitorous bones.

TheSquattingSlavic #racist stormfront.org

The wigger was born in a dilapidated neighborhood, raised by a dysfunctional or impoverished family, and hung out with only negroes (who if you spoke to you’d predict they’d probably be illiterate) and decided to shift his concentration in musical talent to rap. It isn’t very surprising he’d be releasing tracks that make the Jew rub his hands together in satisfaction. In fact, this mate’s probably the golden boy of the Jews’ agenda.

Adolfa #fundie stormfront.org

If these trannies are so worried about bullying..Why bother going to school if they know you're scum not a girl nor a boy..Freaks,Hate how many are defense of them & call you transphobic or whatever that's suppposed to change my mind of them not my fault they're freaks & lastly it isn't a phobia

WhiteRights #racist stormfront.org

A good Christian should be doing everything he can to prevent horrible crimes that may have happened to his family from happening again to other innocent people. In this case, a good Christian should be demanding that Segregation laws be brought back so that Blacks are not able to prowl White neighborhoods looking for victims.

It's good that he wants this monster kept in jail, but what about the millions of other dangerous Black criminals in America? They're being paroled every day all set to commit more crimes.

Also "forgiving him" for a crime against someone else is (1). not up to Kelsey Grammer because he's not the victim and (2). the Jewish media will run the story all over the world because they want White people to think that they should just "forgive" Black scumbags, who rape and murder White women in their families.

Segregationista #racist stormfront.org

Thanks. I'll watch (listen to) this.

First serial killer I ever heard of was Wayne Williams, the prolific ATL pedophile/murderer. Since then, the Jew's media portrait has been painted of a high IQ, socially awkward, White man, in his mid-30s. It just isn't true. Whites are LESS likely than our population numbers to be ANY type of murderer, including serial murderers. Blacks, however, are several times more likely than their population numbers to be serial killers, as well as EVERY other type of violent criminal.

Although it's a riveting title, there is nothing "new" about this phenomenon, except perhaps that the end of Jim Crow provided them more freedom to act on their impulses. I've explained this to several negroes, and their inability to comprehend simple math is staggering; maybe it's their overwhelming denial, but ignorance and stupidity must play a role in their inability to understand the facts, too. But, of course, it's the low IQs of Blacks that make them such fertile ground for Jewish propaganda.

redd_420_20 #sexist stormfront.org

Woman says young boy is handsome= fine.

Man says young girl is pretty= pervy and creepy.

I think the way women can so easily throw logic and reason right out the window is the main reason why men have so much trouble taking them seriously.

w41n4m01n3n #racist stormfront.org

For which I will NEVER forgive the Jews, and I will see to it that justice is served in the end. I will make it my life's ultimate mission and purpose to destroy Jewish influence wherever and however I can.

The Jew should have no opportunity for respite outside of Israel. None whatsoever. We can act within the law and still make a difference.

But when we WRITE the laws -- THEN the Jews better run! Because I would like to see them tried for all their crimes, for which the only just punishment is hanging in most cases. But don't get me wrong! I'm all for fair trials, and I oppose violence. We must be civilized, even if the Jews are not.

SISwaffen #racist stormfront.org

Look at the timeline of history. Look at the dates of everything. The world wars, the founding of the ADL, NAACP and other Jewish actions. BET is owned by Jews.

You will know them by their actions. Look at the dates of The massive white genocide in Russia and the east.

Then fast forward all the way and look at the media, movies and porn. Look at feminism. Who created it and why. Look at how feminism isn't about women, it's about open borders to people who kill white women. Not a word.

Look at what happens when you elect a white man who says stop the invasion of the USA and Europe. Stop killing yourself, is enough to bring hell upon him. Why are they so concerned about Russia. Why do they want your guns, but want more gangs who use the guns to murder on a mass scale.

It all goes back to 100 years ago when they declared war against whites. Put it all together.

refuse #racist stormfront.org

ZOG implemented hate crime laws. Alot of cops are freemason's so they care more about the fraternal brotherhood oathes then protecting white community's from violent non-white Invaders.

There's a reason why both the Nazi's and KKK were strongly against Freemasonry. They knew law enforcement would put their freemason's oathes above what's best for a white European blooded community.

Il fascismo per i fascisti #racist stormfront.org

You are absolutely wrong. The Jews are the owner's of no land. They steal and pillage the host populous. Almost every formerly white nation is now under Jewish jurisdiction. Even some non-white nations as well. They belong somewhere far away where they cannot ever reach a goyim society ever again.

I believe the Palestinians should have the right to what is theirs. I posted an article not too long ago that the Jewish birthrate was higher in occupied Palestine. Perhaps, because they are being wiped out.

Hitler had great relations with the Palestinian state. Not a scumbag nation full of fanatical Jews.

Little Johnny #racist stormfront.org

The Talmud instructs Jews, 'Whatever the Gentiles create, you shall destroy'.

So whatever nation or industry we build, such as a copper facility or the Syrian nation, Jews come along to destroy them. Syria was one place in the Middle East where Christians and Muslims were living in peace with each other, so doubly it had to be destroyed from a Jewish perspective.

According to the Rabbis, the whole world was made ONLY for the Torah and the Jewish people, and if we do not accept their rule and rules for us to live by, then they must kill us, according to the thinking of their rabbis.

Nitross #racist stormfront.org

He was the only man brave enough to wage an open war against the white race archenemy: the jews. He could save us but the communist turned russia against white themselves. Hitler is the herald of whites. I say IS because he will come back. The war is not over, there never was a final teatry, germany didn't capitulate. The war is latent. But if as a libertarian you prefer to believe Hitler was gay, jewish, of black descent, and also a WOMAN, well, you are a nice recipient for jewish propaganda.

Germanican #racist stormfront.org

The jews want to destroy Christianity since they called Christ. Our churches and fake jew worshin=pping Christians show that they have poisioned the churches. They brought Islam that should destroy Christianity. They brough communism that killed 60 million people.A lot of orthodox Christians. Now they brought globalism where we are all united in a materialistic world. Holocaustianity is their religion.

Let jews run the show and pay billion$$$ in interest to them. Don't hate the jewish parasite but feel sorry for him for something that never happened. Every jew is a Holocaust-survivor because there was no holocaust. Jews did not get gassed or were made extinct. They are everywhere run the show and make billion$$$ on the backs of hard working people whose paychecks get smaller every year while everything gets more expensive.

The Holocaust memorials are just there to celebrate the biggest lie of humanity and make sure the jews stay in power extorting all that tax and interest money ! The victims should feel sorry for the jewish parasite that gets all the money for nothing,Being foreign aide or free weapons to israhell.Billion$$$ to FED banksters or billion$$$ for worthless paper to WAll-Street speculators who make off with our real money. But remember it is all good because of the Holocaust (that never happened)....Crazy !!!

SimpleSide #racist stormfront.org

This is excessive. All the memorials and all the museums just for one big lie.

There thinking is, the more memorials they create and the more museums they create the less likely people are going to believe that it was all just a big lie. How can it be a lie with 6 millions monuments that force everyone to remember it?

Not to mention the schools force feeding it down children's throats before they can even think properly. Many people out there think the second world war was only about jews and that jewish persecution was the main reason for the second world war.

The jews have made so much money from the holocaust industry, a small fraction of that illicit gains they have pumped in to these museums, books, films and monuments and other areas.

Roo #racist stormfront.org

It's interesting, isn't it, how women require brainwashing through media and advertising in order to miscegenate. I could easily pull up at least a dozen different examples of black man/white woman in advertising and tv shows, etc. But many men will do it without nearly as much encouragement. Gosh, it's almost as if... dare I say it... white women instinctively WANT to have white babies!

w41n4m01n3n #racist stormfront.org

It is indeed sad that the campfire and fireplace have been replaced by the Satanic "fire" of the Talmudvision, with each pixel of the LED TV spewing out filth and eroding the Aryan character of our children, youth, and adults alike. Staring into the fire is an atavistic thing, something that we used to do for countless millennia, until television was invented, and then hijacked by (((The Tribe))).

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