Feminists gunning for White women
White women scrape the bottom of the Progressive Stack. It goes:
Black people
Mexicans/Puerto Ricans (comes after Muslims because they're Christians and Christianity is NOT a religion of peace, after all)
Disabled people (and where individual disabled folks are in the Stack depends highly on their race and disability)
Jews (they really get to move to various positions within the Stack, depending on several factors, like tombstones falling over, Hindus painting swastika pictures, and whether or not Hollywood has made another Holocost film)
White women
the LGBTQJDITSIORNSUVNTJSOCNRNJGVDXHPJNYFESQLMHBTCKFCG Jewish black woman (just don't assume her gender!) who is in a wheelchair and wears a hijab, niqab, and a burka at the same time - this woman (if she self identifies as a woman) is the most coveted of all. She is the Holy Grail of Victims, and it should never ever be underestimated to the sheer extent the Left will gleefully lie, cheat and steal from each other just to cater to her every conceivable whim. Zher wish is their command, just don't call them racist or they will debase themselves further.
I suppose that if I'm going to be put on such an amazingly retarded list without my express permission or my opinions on the matter, after all I'm merely a woman to these people, and therefor, have not the power of my own authority in a free country to do various things like speak for myself then I should just scrape together what dignity I am allowed, accept my lot in life and be happy that I am, at least, at the bottom of it.
And if the above statement sounds like a pathetic attempt to make lemonade, well, that's because it is. I hope everyone enjoys it - I'm out of sugar.
Better to be at the bottom of the pile than to be a nasty female sellout.
(Hook Nose)
The way I see it they did it to themselves.
White women broke off from the tribe abandoning the role of wife's and mothers in order to gain personal (female) benefits and this had to come at the expense of white mens authority, to give everyone so called equality. They allied themselves with other ''oppressed'' groups like blacks,gays and whatever else to accomplish their goals and effectively become ''anti-racist'' or anti-white and now white men have been completely busted down it only stands to reason that they'll follow because of the choices and allies they made.
Feminism was created by communist jewish women to help destroy the white race by stopping white women from having children, basically. 99.9% of all feminist leaders have been jewish women. This news story is just more evidence that feminism is not pro-women. It's a jewish anti-white movement. It looks like a majority of white women have now come to their senses. Notice how feminist viewpoints always conform to jewish agendas, such as being in favor of muslim immigration. It shows you that jews are still in charge of feminism and are controlling what other feminists think.
What I think happened is this. These third generation feminists have been relentlessly attacking white men for decades now, without success. The only thing they achieved was a certain degree of MGTOW and a concerted middle finger from all half decent people in the world.
So they thought they would find another target, a softer target. So now they are going after white women.
So, what is for us, white nationalists to do? Pull white women into our middle finger waving line, turn our MGTOW course into the WPGTOW (white people go their own way) direction and let them howl their obscenities into the moon. Without white women, the feminist movement is just a bunch of negresses screaming for more handouts. White women are the only ones, who brought at least some brains to the feminist table, when they alienate white women, they will be on the level of that negress with 15 kids, who was on TV blabbering that "sumboy neez to pay fo my keez".
I think this is great. More women taking the red pill, more unity for the white race, stronger opposition to anti-whites.
Eventually we will clean our white lands of all the filth.
(White Falcon)
The LEFT gets bolder by the minute:
They now openly conduct Open Culture War against all Whites everywhere:
They have the balls to equate the American Flag with the Nazi and Confederate flags, and declare that the American flag represents "Genocide"!
The 100 year "Open Borders" policy of the American Republic, combined with the enormous birthrate among Non-Whites, has now produced enough Anti-White foot-soldiers to allow the LEFT to become super-confident in their Open War against White Civilization in North America
All Non-White school children are being taught that "all White People are evil"
Remember all the Anti-Columbus propoganda from last month?
It comes as no surprise that prominent Jewish Feminists are also prominent gun control advocates.
Red pill time!
Hear that, ladies? All you normie ladies who lurk out of curiosity, are you paying attention? They're for our "empowerment" while they disarm us. Makes sense? Of course it doesn't.
Look a little closer and see what else doesn't make any sense. Like at how they have to cut men down, so that we won't notice they're cutting us down as well - ever read a bunch of feminist material without feeling pitiful afterwards? Or angry? Or cheated?
Ever notice that no mater what you do, it's never good enough? If you choose career over family, your selfish - if you're a homemaker, your worthless.
Last November, you were reminded yet again that there's still a glass ceiling over your head, and that it doesn't matter how many panes are broken, it will never go away.
Aren't you tired of it?
Has anyone ever felt empowered by being reminded of their supposed "victimhood"?
My, my, my, it seems to be raining frogs, again.