
Britannic Nationalist #racist stormfront.org

Jewish men are notoriously effeminate. They seem to compensate for this either by mocking/degrading the concept of masculinity (as this article does) or fantasise about it, like they do with Superman and other comic-book heroes. They want something they just don't possess, so they deal with it by deriding it and fantasising about it.

Turning white men into effeminate creatures also seems to be related to this. Just like Jewish women have sought to shape white women to be more like themselves in behaviour (hawkish/overbearing/promiscuous etc - all the stereotypes of Jewish women).

It's no coincidence that white people in the West today have become more like the stereotypes of Jews of old.

w41n4m01n3n #racist stormfront.org

Watching any film that has anything to do with Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, or Seth Rogen will expose the pervertedness of the Jewish psyche -- and you don't really need a very discerning eye to notice it! All one needs is the knowledge of who's Jewish and who's not, and the patterns of Jewish depravity stand out like Christmas trees in the night!

Ratatat #racist stormfront.org

It's a shame we even have to ask this question...it is such disgusting behavior for children to be repeatedly assaulting an elder and one who is their teacher no less.

Statistics don't lie and statistically speaking there is no hope for these negroid children. No matter how much money you throw at the education system the results will always be the same: the negroes will always perform at lower levels than whites. Even in experiments where negro children were adopted by white parents when they were infants and received all the same "privileges" that a white child would receive for literally their entire life, even then the negro children always turned out to be an inferior product than the white children. It's a matter of genetics.

The victims here are the white children who are having their education disrupted and the white teachers who spent years in college getting advanced degrees only to walk into a career where they have to try to do their jobs in a hostile environment.

The perpetrators are the jews.

Billy123 #racist stormfront.org

Hard to imagine blacks getting worse, but wait until the next generation's get older. They have been taught whitey is their number one enemy since birth. Throw in the way Jews rib them up that whitey causes all their problems and it will finally be open war. No way around it.

various stormfronters #sexist stormfront.org

(Note: Comments in reaction to article "Women Are Nature’s Greatest Nationalists", submitted right before this.)

Basically, in the face of invading organisms, women are(due to evolution) more prone to subconciously grasp the danger, and they warn their men to take action and protect them. As in Eastern Europe.

If the men dont heed the call, and the wind changes in favor of the invaders, then the women are changing sides, and betray their tribe. Exactly what is happening in the westernized European nations.

Bottom line: Men failed to heed their Female's call for help. Females betray them for afroasian invader males.

Worth discussing.

Well, we have two options:

A) Accept the observable reality that humans behave like refined social animals, where males must protect females, and in failing doing so, females will betray them in the blink of an eye.

B) Accept that humans are refined social animals with something else in their armory: Reason. The weapon that can make a reasonable female stick with her male, despite him being weaker and having some troubles, due to external conditioning. But, this option would entail, that females have higher capacity for reason, instead of sentiment/instinct behavior.

I know which one is true, at least for the vast majority of the population

My opinion differs. The women have the societal power and view other women as competitors and other men as potential upgrades as mates.
Most thought are self involved and do not include the community.
Men are hard wired to be alert and aware of threats as it is our responsibility to protect the women. If the women see a force they think will defeat them then they will betray their tribe. If the women shun those wishing to protect them then they are submitting to the other side already. Part of a man's duty is to protect women from themselves, many women I have spoken to agree with me on this.
Testosterone is what makes us more like our beloved pit bulls. Determined and relentless in battle. Without this we would submit like the ottoman eunuchs.
What is best in life? - To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!
Remember, this is what your enemies are thinking.

I wouldn't call it women betraying men, when men fail them.

When men ignore womens plea for help when the nonwhites invade, it is men who have betrayed women leaving them with no options other than to survive as best they can.

Men are poisoned. They are not acting like they should be. They are sick. Is that a reason for the females to bail on them? Maybe, if we were only animals. If we are only animals, and nothing more, then our females should breed with africans/arabs since they show more agressiveness, a trait highly valued by natural order.

In before this thread turns into a misogynistic cluster$&*% and gets punted

Not intended to do so.

But we must decide: Do we accept ourselves as mere animals with defined behaviors based on evolutionary traits? Or are we something more. Something that can guide these traits using Reason?

If we are the former, then our females have no factual benefit of breeding with us.
If we are the latter, then our females must use reason to combat their inner instincts to seek highly aggressive(but with considerable lower intelligence/ingenuity) males.

AWalsh87 #racist stormfront.org

It does appear that Eastern Europe will remain a predominantly White area of the planet while everywhere else goes to hell.

At the end of WWII, Whites had dominion over 9/10th's of the globe's surface. But they spent the second half of the 20th century throwing away all their colonies that they had previously gained over the course of the previous 4 centuries.

Parrallel to the retreat from former colonies was the retreat in the capitalist West before millions of non-white immigrants. Towns and cities have become completely lost. All this in the space of 72 years.

The dynamic at work is Whites decline in number and give up territory while non-whites explode in number and take territory that Whites flee from. It's all leading toward a non-white planet, a planet devoid of Whites.

My guess is the former capitalist West (North America, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand) will be lost, (America becoming majority Hispanic while Western Europe will be Muslim/African) and Eastern Europe will be where the last stand of the White race takes place. At that point it will be kill or be overrun.

Bellatrix #racist stormfront.org

I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I think it depends on the scale and the intent. Large, permanent colonies -- not such a good idea. That forces a place like Hungary to sacrifice their national entity, and that's not fair. Taken to an extreme, they would cease to exist.

On the other hand, a handful of western European countries are in a crisis and the nationalists in those countries can't seem to make any headway. You either have to change the system from within (staying home) or change it from the outside, and maybe they could achieve something by temporarily going elsewhere? I don't know. Maybe if nationalists leave, that would have the opposite effect of completely handing those countries over to anti-whites. A collapse would eventually follow but once you hand it over, you can't necessarily get the country back. Would the children of these expats even have, say, British citizenship from their parents? Leaving with no legal means for descendants to return down the line is a dreadful thought. And of course the long-term objective should be to get these lands back again to their rightful indigenous owners.

Then there's the danger of assimilation. If children aren't surrounded by a majority of white peers, they are going to race mix. You bet. Unless we come up with something amazing that prevents it. So for those white families who stay in the mire, it's almost certain death by assimilation. Which is of course what our enemies intend. Stay and fight is great, but what does that actually mean? And is it actually working? At what point do we know if it's ever going to work? The ideal situation is a nationalist movement takes hold in western Europe that overthrows current governments. But there's still a massive demographic problem to contend with, even if they were able to pull off that feat.

Really, it's probably not for those in the Western Hemisphere to prescribe what they should do. It's a very different situation in North America because the countries are so large but the cultures are so similar. I moved from a city that was about 50% white to one that is around 90% white, in a different country. I couldn't imagine living long-term in my former city, not to mention raising children there. Yet despite crossing a border, the white culture didn't change because the white nationalities are more or less the same. So nobody is really losing except for my former city maybe, where the whites are pretty happy with race mixing and don't seem to want to be saved anyway.

Ruthless #racist stormfront.org

Even if non-whites self segregate from white communities the problem is they are taking over more and more area that used to belong to the white communities. This is what is causing white people to flee their homelands to other whiter countries. In the USA every single city was majority white just 30 years ago. Now most are a majority mix of every non-white under the sun and the white populations are dwindling. Cities contain the most jobs and the highest concentrations of our populations, far outnumbering the populations in suburbs and rural areas.

The UK losing London to the mudslimes was the worst thing to happen. People in the suburbs and rural areas can turn a blind eye to the city. But when the brown hordes overrun the city they will be spilling out into the suburbs. Then the whites flee to rural areas. Then the brown hordes overrun the suburbs and spill into rural areas and then what??? At some point people have to put their foot down. The suburbs are a good place to start. If you live in an area that is 90% white that has a few non-whites that is when you start promoting pro-white literature and ideas. Not after the town has gone to 75% white.

Another thing that someone pointed out earlier in this thread is that European countries do have their own unique culture and language that should be preserved. No European country should lose their culture to another European culture. Each country should be able to maintain themselves as the majority. The USA really is the only country built for whites from any part of Europe. The USA was a country of white immigrants and a melting pot of European cultures. Ship the non-whites out of the USA and open up their spots to any white European.

whiteuser1 #fundie stormfront.org

Re: Kenya blames gays for gay animals

actually I didn't read the article but it is very plausible.

gay people invite demonic influence if not outright possession.

gayness goes against nature

lions in the wild would have no reason to be gay except by perhaps demonic influence

the gays may have invited over some demons which may have then caused the lions to behave against nature.


also, now that i briefly looked over the article,

the kenyan officials may actually be accurate

behavioral activities are often mimicked by animals

lions in a zoo see humans so much that it is certainly plausible that they are influenced behaviorally

the presense of gays may have introduced, psychologically, unnatural behavioral traits, especially if the gays actually performed gay activities in view of the lions

Britannic Nationalist #racist stormfront.org

These predominantly black cities in the US are actually quite fascinating. They show us what happens when a population is forced to live in a society and civilisation far beyond its evolutionary capacity and treated as equals. These cities are a kind of mid-way point between civilisation and what we see in much of Africa. Once segregation was done away with it was only a matter of time before blacks descended bit by bit into the state they're in now.

That's despite the fact that American blacks have a notable percentage of white blood in them helping prop them up a bit. An enterprising WN type with money and an education behind them could actually go to one of these cities for a year and write a book from an evolutionary/sociobiological perspective about this. Interviewing teachers, police etc.

HenryV #racist stormfront.org

I might be wrong but I remember reading somewhere the front part of the brain is the creative part. I guess MLK, being the plagiarist he was. Whites are the only race capable of creativity worth something.

This is why the ((green-eyed)) have to put out degenerate pieces of 'art'. Whether music, film, novels, architecture and art itself. The old white masters have not and never will be matched in their various mediums of art and architecture.

EndTimez #racist stormfront.org

I believe that there is more of the youth on our side now than in any recent previous generation. They can see the (((programming))). The jews are getting more and more obnoxious with it, I believe, thinking that they've already won, that they've already beaten our time. As far as controlled opposition, it's our job to out beat them in winning the minds and teaching Whites the true enemy #1, the jew. I remain optimistic.

Little Johnny #racist stormfront.org

Good!! Ukraine needs another 'regime change'. The last one was to install military force to attack Russia with in Ukraine, while turning it into another Jewish state. Tear down the World's largest Jewish center there too.

Broken Clock Award

Amadeu #conspiracy stormfront.org

No! Denying the existence of nuclear weapons is more like not believing that six million Jews were killed in gas chambers by the Germans. Or not believing that the Apollo Moon landings happened. There are lots of examples of things which seem impossible or were once called "denial" of "long established facts". Most Normies without special knowledge, will tell you that "there are tens of thousands of witnesses of the alleged gaschamber killings in "Nazi extermination camps". They don't know, that in fact there are only a handful of people who have been called as witnesses, and most of them are/were unbelievable for many reasons.

Most of the photo and film "evidence" of "nuclear explosions" has actually been analyzed and are in many cases very obvious fakery. Do yourself a favor, and just read the very short explanation as to why nuclear explosions don't exist - the physical science aspect. Just as with the holohoax and the moon landings, and 9/11 most of the believers' claims have been rebutted. It's just that the bigger and older the lie the harder it is to escape from the effects of any gigantic brainwashing operation.

I am a cautious person. Even with the holohoax I will say, that I don't know if they eventually will find evidence for millions being gassed, I can only look at the present evidence and explanations.There is a lot of serious material debunking the existance of Atomic bombs. It was basically a propaganda stunt, or they really tried, but could not make it work, and decided that the propaganda was as good as long as they could convince most of the world.

No I'm not a 100% on this, but that the film and photo evidence is fake, that's for sure. Certainly these arguments and explanations deserve attention. Björkman says he will give a million US dollars to anyone who can prove him wrong, or can present a realistic plan for making an A-Bomb.By the way, why would this be unthinkable, after all the other gigantic scams throughout history. Why be surprised about this one. That is the perfect mind control - no one thinks it is even remotely possible. Just like the way Jews rule us. Most people are unable to see it, even if you give them the stats and figures. I don't ask anybody to believe, but just to take a look at the arguments and the facts.

Wulfrick #racist stormfront.org

Well he is right. He was right before and he is right again. 'Israel' is a lost cause. A bottomless pit to throw money down. No amount of cash is going to persuade the jews many enemies that 'Israelis' are peace loving, well intentioned neighbours. The jews are psychopathic meddlers with nothing but 'Israel' on their minds. Stop throwing money down the 'Israel' pit. It is bottomless.

FriendofRPO #racist stormfront.org

Re: The Chinese believe that Jews control America

When I gave talks at the main Taiwanese military academy at Fengshan and its Argentine counterpart []Bienvenido al Colegio Militar de la Nación many moons ago, I was startled by how openly the senior administration openly talked about jew control.

In both places I was asked, rather slyly and in clever ways if I was a Christian, and having established that, later on they independently came up with the same vexing question: How could White men be dominated so by these alien and uncanny jews who get the USA to do so many things against the national interest?

PWR #racist stormfront.org

Before even thinking about forms of government, we must mold ourselves into a true white nation. A nation is PEOPLE. In our case, a people sharing the convictions that we are much better off when left alone to manage our own affairs. We cannot thrive surrounded by mongrels. They suck the life from us. Nation crosses all geographical boundaries We have citizens scattered to the four winds but we are genetically brothers and sisters.

When we reach the tipping point measured in numbers and depth of devotion, we can successfully pursue our own state thus becoming a nation-state. Hats off to our hooked-nose enemy. He was a nation for over two thousand years before becoming a nation-state. That is why he is known as the international Jew. The Jew formed a nation based partly upon race but primarily greed and a conviction of superiority. In his own mind, he is a/the supreme being destined to be master of the universe. He is a parasite which builds nothing but prospers solely from the labour of others.

I certainly do not advocate replicating the Jew model but pointed it out simply to demonstrate that nations are people regardless of geography. Every time I see a white person, I see kinfolk. WHEN we become a fully-functioning nation, we can then begin to contemplate our manner of governance and acquire territory sufficient for our well being. We may choose a monarchy. Who knows? Folk, Nation, and Blood are what it is all about.

Pacufish #racist stormfront.org

Jews do this to garner sympathy. They use this “hate” as sort of a membership card to black events to show them that people hate jews too. My hate is real but I assume 99% of hate graffiti isn’t reAl in the slightest.

JacobFire #fundie stormfront.org

18-year-old girl rapes 13-year-old boy at Church of Christ in Tennessee

Absolute nonsense. Children, preteens, young teens, middle teens will all experiment and explore sexually. I am surprised how many uptight, frigid, rigid, dried up prunes and sexually inert beings exist on this site. Hell has a special place for those who will punish this young woman for her innocent and natural physical love. I cherish the memory of a certain 19 y.o. young woman who "helped me out" when I was 15. I had been hoping for a close encounter for a couple of years.

Rape laws are about protecting women and girls from FORCED sexual intercourse. Other activity should be called something else. This young woman did not rape this boy. There is no such thing as female on male rape. At most She should be shamed for her lustfulness.

So if a 40 year old woman, a friend of the family let's say, goes into a 12 year old boys bedroom one night, quietly performs sexual acts on him while he's asleep, or outright climbs on top of him and performs sexual intercourse, then to you that isn't rape?

Completely different scenario than the case at hand. No it is not rape. A woman cannot rape. Maybe sexual assault. This sounds like Jewish logic to try to use a scenario that happens in real life about as often as pigs flying.

If that isn't rape then what is?

'Natural physical love' sounds like something certain people say to justify thoughts they know they shouldn't have.

There has to be some natural instinct for sexual behavior besides your statute laden bureaucratic gobblygook. Just for the record I don't consider homo's to be natural or rewarded by nature. Forced Sodomy on children should be met with death.

Bergvagabunden #racist #conspiracy stormfront.org

Very funny video ... she never denied the Holocaust happened, just implied that money was to be made from it by telling lies about your involvement and what happened specifically in detail.

As has been mentioned, she's been knobbled under what amount to 'hate crimes', of which anti-semitism is one ( anti semitism in the UK being any criticism of Jews/Israel about anything.)

Who needs to have Holocaust denial laws when we have hate speech laws? They cover everything the (((establishment))) doesn't want to hear....

vnovak #racist stormfront.org

This opioid epidemic is bizzare on so many levels, that it is difficult to believe.

First of all, why does oxycodone (the active ingredient in oxycontin) even exist? It is an opioid. It works just like morphine and heroine. So why is it even legal, if those other two aren't? They are essentially the same thing.

The answer to this question is, that pahmaceuticas are making profit off of it. And furthermore, once a person gets hooked on this stuff, then they sell them substitutes like methadone or buprenorphine, prescribed in abundance by addiction specialists. Any person, who has dealt with an addiction doctor will tell you, that these doctors have no intention of helping anyone beat their addiction. All they do is push substitute drugs for pharmaceuticals, and their intention is to have an addict buy substitute drugs from pharmaceutical companies for the rest of their life.

Opioid drugs are dangerous, and they are especially dangerous when they are illegal. So why are some of them even legal?

To give an analogy here: let's say our beloved ZOG decided that motor vehicles are too dangerous for us and they banned them all. But the letter of the law would not say "all motor vehicles are banned", but it would say something like "vehicles powered by engines fueled by gasoline or diesel or ethanol or biodiesel etc." So a well connected Jew can go out, hire a chemist, that makes an insignificant alteration to the gasoline molecule, patent it, and then have their Jew friends at the ZOG approve this version of gasoline as the only legal fuel for motor vehicles. And all of a sudden every car owner is forced to buy this cosmetically altered gasoline from this Jew at $100 per gallon. This Jew managed to push his cosmetically altered gasoline through the legislation process, which is, as we know, controlled entirely by Jews, so now we all have to buy his hyperpriced gasoline, or we can walk to work.

This is what happened with opioids. Morphine is a very effective pain killer, at least as effective as oxycodone, and just as addictive. Heroine is even more effective, and just as addictive. But if morphine was unregulated, and producers were forced to compete on free market, then the market price of morphine would today would ne next to nothing, every addict would be able to support their addiction at 20 dollars a month. The entire production process of morphine, from sowing seeds to pills on the pharmacy shelf, is about as complicated as production of sugar. Large scale production of morphine with modern technology would make its price go down to the level of sugar (which, BTW, also used to be extremely expensive).

But the Jews don't want that, do they? They want to keep the prices high, so they can reap the high profits off of patients with a lot of pain and then when they get addicted from addicts.

And, of course, it is the Jews who set this situation up, and it is them who are watching massive profits pouring into their purses.

It is not too difficult to curb this opioid epidemic. You simply ban all opioids and *actually enforce the ban*. Initially there would be a panic among addicts, most of them would switch to heroin or something like that, and eventually they would end up using one of the substitutes, be it methadone or buprenorphine or whatever it may be. But with no opioids around for new addicts to get hooked on, there would be no new users. So the Jews don't want that. They want this illegal trade to continue. They want doctors to overperscribe oxycodone, so that people can get hooked and then live as slaves to pharmaceutical companies for the rest of their lives.

Jews, who else could it be.

Coldstar #racist stormfront.org

The sins of the European Jewnion are bad.

The Germans had the saying that those who will not work cannot eat. This saying was upheld by all of my Catholic family. I would visit my relatives on the farm during School vacation and was always put to work and worked hard.

That those who will not work shall not eat comes from the Christian Bible. When the Europeans got lukewarm they forgot the written commandments and now they feed the lazy and the exploiters. Pigs have returned to their vomit apparently.

Fascist Canuck #racist stormfront.org

Well, it seems to me that there isn't much mixing in Europe as opposed to the arab and black populations just getting bigger very quickly

The longer it continues, they will start influencing politics more, demanding more, etc

I think the chance that arab and black muslims take over countries like sweden is much higher than making everyone mixed race

This could really backfire on the hook noses IMO

ElHammer #racist stormfront.org

Yes, I agree it's time to treat jews with contempt (along with many others I must add), and stick to helping our own.

Their religion is based on the fact that anyone who is a non-jew is practically vermin that should be enslaved, and that the world belongs to them and them alone.

It's high time that we rid this scum from white countries, and they can take all the non-whites with them

James Gregory #racist stormfront.org

Every Jew, during their various "festivities" such as Passover and Yom Kippur, curses all of Mankind. They stand and say, "Curse the goyim. Curse Mankind. Death to Mankind."

They have been doing this for 3,500 years, ever since they wormed their way out of Babylon.

Think about it: All the "friendly" and "nice" Jews that you have been told exist, all curse you and your religion and your country and your very existence, year after year, day in and day out.

The Jews are cockroaches and vermin, pretending to be "holy."

And all Jewish politicians do the same, joining their nest of fellow kikenvermin during Jewish "High Unholy Days" in cursing the very people who vote them into office.

DomTxn #racist stormfront.org

Take the time to study the Jewish faith. These people openly and proud declare themselves the Chosen People of God. They believe in their hearts and souls that they are better, smarter and granted by God dominion over every other race on earth. What else can you expect from these arrogant filth?

Stormfront #racist stormfront.org

(This is Stormfront's self-description.)

We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

DerekJack123 #racist stormfront.org

America was founded by whites, for whites. It is still majority white. I don't understand why every other race can have their own nation but whites can't? The Jews stole land, walled themselves in, and now have the balls to tell white nations that they must diversify.

I'm sorry.. I may be wrong in saying this. Maybe it is just frustration. But I'm really looking forward to when things hit a breaking point. It's time for a serious revolution in this country. It is time, before whites are wiped out. This is OUR nation. Not Mexicans, or South Americans, or f'ing Africans or Middle Easterners. OURS. PERIOD.

three in one #racist stormfront.org

You're not wrong! Niggras and muds are at war against White Americans, and behind them stands the historical destroyer of all nations, the plague that is killing White humanity: The Eternal Jew!!!

If White people were as vicious and as crime-prone as the niggras, there would be a slaughter such as the world has never seen. Niggra slums would be burned down, the jews and the asians who own the stores in niggra neighborhoods would be driven out, and the jewish wealth which they have stolen from honest decent White Christian people would be returned, with interest, to their rightful owners.

A revolution need not be violent, it can take place over a long period of time, and requires both education and the realization that change can only come when the evil-doers are thrown out and/or killed. America is in the midst of a non-violent revolution right now, but it can get more violent as more and more people get fed up with the status quo, and decide to take matters into their own hands.

At that point, the jewish hold on America will be broken and the jewish parasites and their niggra rat friends will go scurrying for safety, and there won't be any. I look forward to the day when hunting season is extended to the jews and the niggras, and there will be no bag limit. That will be the day when America returns to its White roots.

Snidely whiplash #racist stormfront.org

I worked in russia, and would have stayed had I not been married. When I was there they were liberalizing their gun laws to allow citizens the right to own pistols for their protection. Rifles and shotguns were already legal.

I'm no fan of representative government as it leads to the type of government we have today, and the type of society we have today. I have always believed in benevolent dictatorship (e.g., vIking societies) as perpetual compromise leads to a least common denominator style rule of idiots. The thing about a benevolent dictatorship is that it requires moral leadership; one that places the good of the whole above the good of the leader. Very few qualify as that type of person.

I like Putin because he is a no bs-type leader, but he is not especially moral ($200 billion dollar net worth in a uniquely poor country), and I'm not convinced he has his people's best interest at heart. Mother Russia's yes. His people's, not so sure.

I've always considered Russia to be a bastion for white people (hopefully, not the last). The Rus were viking descendants, and cold climes are where we originated, and what protects us from the untermensch. Purging the government of ex-communists, and jews, would be required for it to prosper. Given the proper environment (intellectual, and property rights, no federal reserve, minimal/no sovereign debt, no income tax, etc.) an all white society will out produce, and out prosper, any, and all other, nations.

DomTxn #racist stormfront.org

These slimy little Jews find their way into white organizations all the time. This is nothing new. They prance around feeding off the pride and honor of the group until it can no longer do them any good, then they admit that they were lying the whole time.

Then they have the gall to claim we are at fault for taking someone at their word. Don't let these animals get you down. Keep your head up and keep striving forward. We are right, and they are wrong. That's all there is to it.

ForeverWhiteMan #conspiracy stormfront.org

When we watch the video, he's telling his truth, he is a Homo. Likely he and other leading National Front organizers were homos. They were probably paid to infiltrate, spy, gain email lists and identities, by Jewish banker groups.

The very targets (self-perceived as such) of the NF or WN, will attempt to infiltrate. Just as Milo photographed Spencer giving a nazi salute in a dark bar.

This is why it is so very foolish to accept homos into the WN movement, in any facet, such as Donovan. We don't win the masses by having 2% of the population, the homos, being accepted into our WN. In fact the general public would hate us for it.

What better way to keep the NF small than by having an openly Gay organizer, that will distance the masses, the vast majority of the sane, hetero, public.

13Echo #racist stormfront.org

It first struck me as an all-too-familiar White-guilt apology piece for the 'wrongs' Europeans committed against the jews. But thinking deeper about it, it could also be citing a justification for what the jews are now doing in Europe, as THEY are the proponents of multiculturalism that is causing the Muslim immigration into once predominantly White Christian nations.

James Gregory #racist stormfront.org

The Jews have never been very interested in converts. They prefer killing off the native population of goyim and replacing us with Jews rather than accepting converts. The rabbis teach that a convert is like malignant sore upon Israel.

What converts they accept are turned into real monsters, worse than the Jews, themselves. For example, Jews are forbidden to have sex with their own mothers (unless they are less than nine years old, in which case it is perfectly okay). But converts are encouraged to screw their own mothers and sisters.

Even when the converts prove what "good and loyal Jews" they have become by having sex with their mothers, they are not considered to be "real Jews" until after ten generations.

Like Jesus taught, the Jews turn converts into twice the children of hell as themselves.

But for treason of someone pretending not to be a Jew, it's hard to beat Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This lying Jew got us into WWII and brought Jewish Communism into the USA.

James Gregory #fundie stormfront.org

Actually, Islam and Judaism are two heads of the same ancient monster. The Jews have, historically, been the allies of the Muslims. Both Jews and Muslims glory in the murder of Christians, whenever and wherever they can get away with it.

The Muslims believe the lies of the Jewish Old Testament and relegate Jesus to being a mere "prophet" who is a lesser light than Mohammad (mhrh). So, the Jews prefer to association with Muslims more than they prefer to associate with Christians. Islam is Judeao-Islam simply because the Muslims accept the OT as true but not accurately written. The Muslims re-write the OT fables with their own twist.

Modern archaeology proves that Judaism is a hoax. And since Islam is based upon Judaism, that too is proven to be a hoax.

But regardless of how false the OT is or the lies of the Jews and Muslims to contend with, Christians have the Truth of Jesus which transcends anything those two false religions have to offer.

Coldstar #racist stormfront.org

Talking about fake. That is what Jews are all about, being fake. They are deceivers all the way. However, I wonder if they themselves believe many of their own lies. Growing up as a Jewish child and being conditioned to believe that the world historically singles out Jews for persecution and hate "for no reason whatsoever", that has to have a very negative conditioning effect on them.

Jews grow up "knowing" that they are all "perpetually persecuted" and others get blamed for it, especially our White race and Christians. The most gullible goyim thought that by reshaping their own religion and by blending Judaism in with their own, they would appease Jews and "heal their hurt". As a result we have Judeo-Christianity. I would have to research if there also is such a thing as Judeo-Islam.

WhiteRights #racist stormfront.org

Muslim Arabs are not much different than Blacks. They want a White woman as a trophy girlfriend.

Our society is too dishonest to warn White women about Third World people.

White parents have to be brave enough to to this otherwise their daughters might make a decision that leads to them being raped, impregnated and abandoned or even left in a burning car as the cowardly scum saves his own hide.

w41n4m01n3n #racist #conspiracy stormfront.org

I'm pretty sure the Jews have infiltrated this site and are pushing all manner of ridiculous conspiracy theories from Flat Earth to Faked Moon Landings. They do this in order to hurt our credibility when it comes to other conspiracy theories that are spot on.

I think it would behoove us to focus on the three main conspiracies, which are very real: The Holohoax, 9/11 and White Genocide

Even if there are others that might be on to something, we have enough convincing to do when it comes to these three. And I would argue that these are also the most important ones to popularize, as the more people believe our interpretation of these events, the more it will hurt the Jews.

Amadeu #conspiracy stormfront.org

You don't have to take me seriously, and I am not sure.

But: I think nukes are a hoax, nuclear explosions don't exist. This rumor or as time will tell, truth is spreading more and more. I this is true those who rely on the myth must prepare and perhaps act.

If it is true that nukes don't exist then the whole strategical / theoretical military order falls apart, and the possibility for conventional wars will become greater.

No longer restrained by the threat from nukes or hydrogen bombs, more actors will be able to make their presence felt. Probably a new arms race will follow too.

Be sure to read this guy's explanation on the theory of nuclear explosions. He pays a million $ US if someone can prove him wrong.

13Echo #racist stormfront.org

Of course... The jews sincerely believe they will never be able to live peacefully in a host nation until it is multicultural. So what do they do? ... bring the wrath of the host nation upon themselves by attempting to make it to their own liking. The jew will never have peace. Their 'plight' will always be of their own making. No one shares in that blame like they do themselves.

Huginn ok Muninn #sexist stormfront.org

Did these women fall into these categories? Politician, Lawyer, Soldier, Police, Firefighter, School Teacher for boys past grade 2?

These are the roles in which men must not only dominate, but they must be an exclusive male domain, in order to maintain our society.

I have no problem with talented women being pilots or filmmakers, and certainly no problem with them being doctors and nurses.

Women have their roles in society, but protecting the nation is NOT where they belong.

Tenniel #sexist stormfront.org

I actually don't yet know anything about these two women, except that they are both women. Which fact, all by itself, raises two red (as in communist and feminist) flags for me.

Here's the principle, Dummy in the White House:

Women should NOT be placed in positions of power over White Men. That's the White Rule. I suppose, in all history, there may have been one or two justifiable exceptions to following that rule. But I suspect these two women are not among those exceptions.

Ann Coulter might be an exception, Dummy. For her, Homeland Security is defined as one thing: Stopping and Reversing Nonwhite Immigration into America. Why don't you fire the two leftist women you've just put in charge of the future White America -- and replace them with Ann?

Huh? Anyway...and so this Idiot in the White House surrounds himself with jews and women and cucks -- and he expects his White Base to believe he wants to and will Make America Great Again.

Oh well...

Huginn ok Muninn #sexist stormfront.org

Women are just as valuable and important as men are to a society, they simply fill different roles.

If women were off fighting wars, there would be nothing left to fight for.

You just have to throw off this feminist brainwashing that's been ingrained into the society for the past century, because it was never meant for any other purpose than our destruction.

ForeverWhiteMan #racist stormfront.org

Jew media often tries to make Stormfront and WN look like Hitler lovers. While many of us admire Hitler, in the historical context, for fighting the Jews, to keep pushing Hitler into contemporary contexts does what the Jew media does to WN constantly.

Not every current event is Hitler. WN are concerned about Whites and winning White rights in a civil manner. Jews constantly say WN is "Hitler".

"Oh look, Stormfront WN are constantly quoting Hitler, see they are Nazis." It is easy to spot the Jews in the mainstream media out there who try to make WN out to be "Nazis".

BlancaNieves #fundie stormfront.org

Re: Biological male wins major women's cycling event

Another "Duh!" moment.

The Olympic Committee decided a couple of years ago, I believe, that they would allow transgenders to compete as women, thereby signalling the death knell for women's sports. It was already getting bad when they started fast-tracking athletes for citizenship so that they could play for a different country and then they allowed professions to enter what was once a competition purely for amateurs. A steady drip-drip of declining standards and permitting the impermissible has eroded the meaning of the Olympics.

As already mentioned: all this will make women's sport a total joke. It's a very exceptional woman who can be a match for a man in physical endeavours and someone who will dress up as a woman in order to beat one in competition is a poor excuse for a man!

As for professional sports: back in the day a player would join a team and would stay there for life. Later players would occasionally be traded but now that's all you get and the amount of blacks playing on some European teams is jaw-dropping.

ADAMANT #racist stormfront.org

Actually this is not wholly accurate, most true establishment churches, not the "church of what's happnin' now" sorts that we see advertised everywhere, are still quite segregated. This fact is often lamented by the Big Media scumbags and "pollsters".

A Jewgle search will amply substantiate my claim.

Now, that said, make no mistake, the marxist subversives that too often these days serve as "minster", "pastor" and "priest" are certainly doing their filthy best to work in the "diversity" and sodomites

Frontkick #racist stormfront.org

I can honestly say i don't care myself. A Jew pushing out mixed race babies ? Our future for whites is looking brighter by the day The way I look at it is , just a dead mudsharking jew who was more than likely anti white And could you imagine if she had mixed mongrels ?

Remember that one Jew kid posing as white and writing that " white privilege" speech to his class?You won't see me cry a river , sorry By the way. Dogs can't be anti white and want our people replaced

diane1 #racist stormfront.org

Again, the standard warning to any white women who have the stomach to actually get within 10 feet of these hideous looking lower primates, is:

BEWARE you are hooking up with an unpredictable animal that belongs behind the bars of a zoo.

These negroes, whose breath by the way is horrific, are extremely jealous of white men because they sense that the white man is centuries more evolved.

Negroes are not blind but in fact are very aware of the superior nature and looks of the white man.

The white man does not have blubber lips, gorilla nostrils, an ape face and horrific breath and the negro is not blind to this fact.

Therefore if the negro's 'white trophy' so much as looks at a white man the uncaged ape is going to go off in her face and she will end up either maimed or dead exactly the same as if a rampaging gorilla were loosed upon her.

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