(Note: Comments in reaction to article "Women Are Nature’s Greatest Nationalists", submitted right before this.)
Basically, in the face of invading organisms, women are(due to evolution) more prone to subconciously grasp the danger, and they warn their men to take action and protect them. As in Eastern Europe.
If the men dont heed the call, and the wind changes in favor of the invaders, then the women are changing sides, and betray their tribe. Exactly what is happening in the westernized European nations.
Bottom line: Men failed to heed their Female's call for help. Females betray them for afroasian invader males.
Worth discussing.
Well, we have two options:
A) Accept the observable reality that humans behave like refined social animals, where males must protect females, and in failing doing so, females will betray them in the blink of an eye.
B) Accept that humans are refined social animals with something else in their armory: Reason. The weapon that can make a reasonable female stick with her male, despite him being weaker and having some troubles, due to external conditioning. But, this option would entail, that females have higher capacity for reason, instead of sentiment/instinct behavior.
I know which one is true, at least for the vast majority of the population
My opinion differs. The women have the societal power and view other women as competitors and other men as potential upgrades as mates.
Most thought are self involved and do not include the community.
Men are hard wired to be alert and aware of threats as it is our responsibility to protect the women. If the women see a force they think will defeat them then they will betray their tribe. If the women shun those wishing to protect them then they are submitting to the other side already. Part of a man's duty is to protect women from themselves, many women I have spoken to agree with me on this.
Testosterone is what makes us more like our beloved pit bulls. Determined and relentless in battle. Without this we would submit like the ottoman eunuchs.
What is best in life? - To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!
Remember, this is what your enemies are thinking.
I wouldn't call it women betraying men, when men fail them.
When men ignore womens plea for help when the nonwhites invade, it is men who have betrayed women leaving them with no options other than to survive as best they can.
Men are poisoned. They are not acting like they should be. They are sick. Is that a reason for the females to bail on them? Maybe, if we were only animals. If we are only animals, and nothing more, then our females should breed with africans/arabs since they show more agressiveness, a trait highly valued by natural order.
In before this thread turns into a misogynistic cluster$&*% and gets punted
Not intended to do so.
But we must decide: Do we accept ourselves as mere animals with defined behaviors based on evolutionary traits? Or are we something more. Something that can guide these traits using Reason?
If we are the former, then our females have no factual benefit of breeding with us.
If we are the latter, then our females must use reason to combat their inner instincts to seek highly aggressive(but with considerable lower intelligence/ingenuity) males.