
ApparentlyImAHeretic #transphobia kotakuinaction2.win

Imagine your kid told you he needed wings. he identifies as a bird or some shit, and therefore needs wings to be able to fly. Being a parent wanting to indulge in your child's playtime, you buy your kid some Halloween wings, but the kid turns them down, and tells you he wants real wings! that being able to fly is part of his core identity, and without wings he can't live a happy life.

Do you A) invests tons of money into experimental surgery that just implants a pair of movable wings on your kids back, but the wings will never allow him to even glide because he weighs at least 60 lb and would need wings the size of a car.

Or B) Tell your kid the truth: that he is human and is not able to innately fly. if he wants to fly, he can take up piloting, or even a hobby like hang gliding or parachuting, but innate flight will never be possible. if he's really so distraught at this, invest in professional help to bring him back to reality.

Groomers would have us believe A is the better option.

Kotakuinaction2 #transphobia kotakuinaction2.win

"It’s a subjugation fetish. “Validation” means absolutely nothing to them, “if you don’t submit to the pronouns then you just killed the mentally ill troon”, “if you don’t take the shot you killed grandma”, every agenda they push is about forcing you to submit, not about being right or helping others. This is longhouse matriarchy in its purest form."

"It's about the hit of self-righteousness. "I am more virtuous than you. I am more enlightened than you.""

"No I think he's right about the submission.

They don't want to be women. They want to be monsters, and force you to call them women. They know they're evil. They know they're lying. They want to force normal people to submit."

fauxgnaws #dunning-kruger kotakuinaction2.win

The way I think about it is these people won't do 2 minutes of research to find out if they are wrong about something.

So that's the level of sympathy I have for them, under 2 minutes' worth.

When some lefty says "dictator on day 1" or "fine people" and I say hey you can find out you're wrong in 2 minutes by reading the actual quote and they don't do it they get no cares from me.

Gizortnik & Wizardslayer #dunning-kruger #pratt kotakuinaction2.win

They talk about Trump's rhetoric, while they've been living under what is very nearly a fascist state, as all of the claims they say he might do, are shit they are actively doing.

Sometimes I really try to have sympathy for them, but then they remind me that they think the shit they do to the rest of us, every day, is fundamentally evil; only because they are scared that someone, one day, might do it to them even though none of us ever do.

No one wants to put the retards of SNL in prison. However, more than a large swathe of the Left would like to put Steven Crowder in prison, or Nick Di Paolo in a fucking grave. They did put Dankula in jail; and it is now normal for comedians in the anglosphere to be fined tens of thousands of dollars for jokes.

I have no sympathy for you animals. Get the fuck out of the way.

So the left is terrified exactly because of that. They know if given absolute power all the horrid things they would inflict on political enemies. They think everyone is like them and So the next logical step is that if they lose they're all getting sent away.

Kotakuinactiom2 #pratt #wingnut kotakuinaction2.win

ACLU blog about Trump winning is full-on TDS insanity where they mind-read his 'real' intentions which are of course to be super-Hitler.

If he was even a quarter as based as his enemies say he is, we'd be in a much better position.

IMO, every intention that they accuse him of having, Democrats deserve to have done to them.

Bamboozler1 #transphobia #racist kotakuinaction2.win

We're told that "brudda boys" (fa'afafine/ladyboys essentially) were "always a prominent part of Aboriginal culture" despite there being zero evidence of this, prior to colonization...

Pretty sure that the hunter gatherers probably just killed/left the faggots to die, or at the very least ostracized them, but nonetheless, that's the shit (much like this) that is heavily pushed now, so... Yeah.

I can't imagine many "remote community"-living Abos would feel too happy about this, in the extremely unlikely event they even knew/heard about it, lol...

SpaceGeneral #pratt kotakuinaction2.win

The Right is suffering from a particularly dangerous delusion. In this fantasy, they are finally given the opportunity to be on a massive stage in front of the whole country if not world, with hundreds of millions of rational, decent, intelligent, calm, pragmatic, moral, and long thinking audience members. The Right finally gets a chance to bring all their charts and graphs and facts and proof and is able to put on such a show that is so compelling, so moving, so utterly convincing, while their leftist opponent just stands there and sputters with rage, that a new era of traditional conservatism sweeps the land and reigns for generations. The Right is constantly looking for this stage like Cortez and El Dorado. Every time their arguments are totally ignored, ever time the left laughs in their face, every time their accurate date is immediately drowns out like a fart in a hurricane by millions of screaming college kids on tiktok, they tell themselves something was missing. They didn't have the right stage or right audience, they didn't have the time or chance fully explain.

Imagine an old white guy in a Tweed suit standing at the lectern in a college lecture hall pointing at a chalkboard. The entire lecture hall is empty except for three or four people listening raptly. Outside the lecture hall a riot is taking place and thousands of rioters are pouring gasoline on the lecture hall getting ready to burn it down.

That is the real position the Right is in. They'll be spluttering about rules and decorum and how it's not fair to the very end. You want a picture of the future, imagine the stolen Nike clad foot of a sassy overweight black angry lesbian stomping on your face, forever. You will never, ever, when these people over with arguments, data, or facts. Anyone who even tries is a fool who deserves to be defeated. They need to be destroyed, not convinced. The vast majority of the right will never actually do it though, because they're still waiting for that rhetorical victory to end all victories. Like all the leftists are going to throw down their signs and bricks, take a shower, cut their hair, and then lift the right leaning speaker up on their shoulders with cheers of "now we finally understand!". It's never going to happen.

SoctaticMethod1 #transphobia #conspiracy kotakuinaction2.win

You know, if we didn't hear it was transphobic to demand repercussions for a tranny grooming minors, we wouldn't think trans was linked to pedophilia.

Like when was the last time you heard attacking some White pedo was racism towards White people? You're inferring it's a feature not a bug that trans have a higher chance of messing with kids..

Smith1980 #dunning-kruger kotakuinaction2.win

Yes you have people who call everything woke but it is a consequence of the companies constantly talking about representation and diversity. With lgbt stuff I used to not mind a gay character here and there but now I dont watch anything with that included although to be fair I tend to not watch anything past 2014. If I see a modern day movie with a black or female lead I wonder if it has some racial or gender related message.

Also tired of ignoring the key demographics because activists writers hate the fanbase or don’t even like the source material. Most people are not lgbt so why not market to that specific audience. If I lived in Nigeria I would find it odd if a large percentage of people in entertainment were Asian or white. I personally think there is a hyper obsession with diversity that ruins entertainment. Also like I said I’m not listening to black ppl younger than me talk about race.

bamboozler01 #homophobia kotakuinaction2.win

It's called "GayFL" by Rugby League fans for precisely this reason (and how "soft" the players are perceived as, generally), though honestly, the NRL isn't much better at this point...

"Worse" shit is said at local footy matches on a weekly basis, I assure you, from experience. But the AFL doesn't have full control of those, of course, and they're not televised, so we don't have to pretend to give a fuck, lol.

But seriously, what a bunch of faggot soft-cocks, as us fans of "bring back the biff" might say.

Unfortunately though, the AFL tends never to actually come out and say what was said, in these situations. They just let the rumour mill run wild. Like this seemingly much worse situation a couple of years back, where initially people thought it was something about the guy's sister having an abortion, and then it was "I hope your mother dies", and then we never found out what it actually was, but sounds like maybe it was more "mutual" sledging: https://archive.is/sUaaU

Regardless though, I think either of those options, for the above, are much worse than just calling a guy a fag or whatever, lol.

Yeah, they never do, with these types of incidents, because then people like you or I can make up our own minds and go "Meh, that's not that bad at all!"

They don't want that, so they never tell us.

But from having grown up here before "homophobic slurs" were a bannable offense, and also having spent enough time around footy players and the like, it was probably just "fag", or "faggot", or, at a stretch, "poof". I can't imagine it being anything more than one of those three, lol...

kotakuinaction2.win #elitist #fundie #pratt kotakuinaction2.win

You seem to have stumbled into this sub and mistaken it for one of those cucked "rational centrist" hives where they preen and fawn all over themselves for their willingness to lose honorably and allow the enemy to win so long as it's done above board.

You can cram that shit up your gaped asshole. We're in this to win. You're damn straight I want my values and my views and my side to win and dominate, and the enemy's values and views to be eradicated forever. I don't care who thinks that makes me a "hypocrite". It's not hypocritical to be in your trench firing your rifle at the enemy hoping your rounds will hit, while he's in his trench firing at his rifle at you and you're hoping his rounds will miss.

If something strengthens my side and harms the enemy, it is good. If something harms my side and strengthens the enemy, it is bad. I don't care if it's the same thing used in different way. The thing that matters is the result. Victory for us and our beliefs, the grave for them and theirs.

Failure to support representation of your values in media results in the disappearance of your values from media. Since it’s impossible to create a story beyond Dick and Jane reader primer level with no values, the disappearance of your values from media inherently means their substitution with someone else’s. To smugly argue against defending the existence of one’s values in media is dumb. To smugly argue that one should fight against their own values in media is worse than dumb—it is a reprehensible sort of cultural suicide.

That said, I do not extend you the courtesy of believing that you are merely a smug, dumb, culturally-suicidal fool. I strongly suspect there are values you’d be perfectly comfortable seeing defended and promoted in media, and that they are likely quite close to the evil being mocked here.

Lethn #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia kotakuinaction2.win

I mean that's some social justice drivel if you've ever seen it, what's funny is even on the comments pages I see the anime fans calling that shit out as well. If you ever see writing about how persecuted somebody is and that's all the story is about unless there's some kind of genuine backstory behind it it's usually a major red flag. I remember looking at the my anime list forums every now and then and it's funny how they really, really don't like the SJWs and often point out the dipshits are coming in from twitter to start fights.

No no, it's nothing to do with the fact that being LGBT has become a political label and the people who adopt it are fucking insufferable poisoning the well and causing drama wherever they go even in their own family, it's because they're gay. SJW writing always has some kind of theme revolving around persecution, they can never have characters being normal.

By the way, I know true anime/manga fans here have already made this point for the normies but there's a big difference in Japan between these sorts of genres 'featuring' gay people and what the SJWs are doing, a very big difference.

SomeRando #transphobia #sexist kotakuinaction2.win

Usually"? No, you fucking freak. When I was 9 I remember when we'd call eachother faggot, browse 4chan and Rotten.com, and rally around someone's dad's porno mags.. Girls were averse to our antics - there was absolutely no androgyny. Never was there a question of who was what in terms of appearance and behavior.

Stop turning kids into vegan cats.

Kotakuinaction2 #transphobia kotakuinaction2.win

'Rules For Radicals' Trenders Are Flooding A Utah Tip Line Over Bathroom Law


That's a weird way to say false police reports and cyber terrorism."

"Gotta do what Trump (one of his staffers, I think) did and make them pay an unrefundable $5 to deliver a tip to the hotline. Real violations will make it through and probably be waived afterward, and fake ones will pad the pockets of the state's admin. Trolls might think twice if they have to submit their CC details for spurious complaints."

bamboozler1 #homophobia #conspiracy #transphobia kotakuinaction2.win

Here is the wiki page for what happened:


It's been carefully rewritten to present the modern woke leftist version of the story, which, unfortunately, is also spouted by some of the people in that video (particularly the woman "historian" who may not have even been there, lol), but yeah, basically, the degenerates got banned, and took the licensee to court, so the brewery that owned the pub shut the place down with a week's notice, and then sent the cops in to smash it up...

Fuck the degenerates, and fuck the pigs. They can shift the blame all they want, but this was their fault, at least partly.

Reverse Stonewall, if you will.

Never, ever come between an Aussie and our booze (specifically beer), lol. That is almost the one occasion where we might actually get amped up enough to do shit like this (also our women, as shown by Cronulla, tbh)...