Marianne #transphobia

They only “think” and “feel” like women. But they obviously don’t know how women think and feel, so they are acting the way they think women think and feel.
They think we worry about being “misgendered” as much as they do. Although we don’t worry about it at all, they never really “pass” because there is always something that is a dead giveaway, usually the voice, but also man hands, huge feet, wide shoulders, narrow hips, skinny legs, course facial skin, Adam’s apple, male pattern baldness, and being someone you immediately feel your born in female compassion kicking in because they are so pathetic and really just so darn ugly.

I think of poor Jazz Jennings talking about his “seven inch deep vagina” and saying he “wants big boobies”. As much as they whimper about being afraid in the ladies room, they know they can overpower a woman if they want to. Yes, they are fools, but they can’t fool us all the time. I will be so glad to see them go away.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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