Andrew Wallace #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The major Democratic cities are now dangerous, ugly Communist Hell-Holes with no redeeming value to America.

Even if these cities had value to the country, which they don’t, it would be unconstitutional for the federal government to fund them. Communism will soon run out of other people’s tax money by bankrupting Americans who work in other states, if we don’t stop them.

Communism will not permit private property rights, freedom, religion, or families.
It makes my blood boil when I see thousands of young black people (called “teens”!) destroying cities, looting, burning and attacking people with no reason or penalty!
This is the result of inadequate schools, brainwashing, no ethics or morals, no guidance from a family, no sense of responsibility. But what else can be expected when 70% of inner-city blacks have single mothers (many only 15 years old) who have babies for government checks and independence . Black men are obliging, since they pay for nothing and believe that if girls are old enough to bleed, they are old enough to breed. It has become their culture. Anyway, 50% of black babies are aborted. Now you know why the Democrats want legal abortion to satisfy those who act as their lab rats.

Is it any wonder that blacks comprise only 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crimes?

It is simply because many live under Communism and have no knowledge of right and wrong, which doesn’t forgive their conduct. It is why you see mostly black faces in the riots.
The residents of Sodom and Gomorrah were Saints compared to the ignorant, violent, brainwashed, and useless criminals in the Communist Inner-City Plantations.

Government officials are ALL traitors and cowards. They should all be prosecuted and deprived of their bribe money and benefits; they are a disgrace!

There is no hope for the Democrat cities because their ignorant residents continue to elect racist Communist demagogues who line their own pockets.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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