cockroach #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #racist #transphobia

Freedom= being a faggot with aids, women being whores, black people stealing stuff.

Democracy= two same parties that worship Jews

When you look at all the dictatorships they look much better.

North Korea

No lgbt, no whores, no diversity.

“But communist 1984 Animal Crossing!!!” No one gives a shit about communism scare anymore sorry. We all know it’s the Jews that are the problem now. I don’t give a fuck if the government owns the means of production.

“Bbbut the lower standard of living. You don’t get to have cool stuff.”

How good is the standard of living in America? Everyone lives in shitty apartments with roommates and can barely afford their car. What is so great? I guess you can buy more consumerist goods. Are you really happy here though? It’s not that great.

“Muh evil dictator no elections.”
Dictators are like kings that actually care about the greater good of their country. When you have different parties and elections you get all these Jews that don’t give a shit about their country or people and just want to make money.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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