@DSC #158350
110% Agreed. Plus, what bothers me as well (aside from them only criticizing “new” & overly popular stuff) is the fact that their “critiques” consists almost exclusively of “it’s popular/new/different/woke so it SUX!!!!!” Almost never do they give any proper, thoughtful, or mature critiques, and it seems the only things keeping their channels afloat are their dumb “gimmicks” and their “hater fanbase”. Not their actual skill and intelligence, and certainly not their decorum…
P.S.: As a “new media” fan myself, even I think they’re taking it too far.
P.P.S.: It’s also why I prefer channels like Nostalgia Critic, CinemaWins, Linkara, Dominic Noble, SFDebris, etc. While, granted, they also have somewhat gimmicks and sometimes niche topics, they at least give actual proper, thoughtful, and mature critiques. Plus, they at least try to be objective in their reviews and DON’T act like “new media” is the only thing worth reviewing.
P.P.P.S.: Not to forget that these “new media haters” are the same moronic goldfish who (for example) hate on “New Trek” for being too “woke” when Star Trek has ALWAYS been very progressive and left leaning…
I’m sorry for this rant, DSC, but I actually think I hate them more than even you do.