There is no such thing as bisexuality.
It’s called being selfish.
Oh that totally original argument! Yuck…
So we’re being selfish if we’re not who you want us to be? Or do you think being bi means we’re having threesomes all the time, and once someone has a threesome with a bi person, they’re used up and you can’t date them anymore?
Sounds like you’re the selfish one, Laura…
Not all bisexual people are polyamorous (and vice-versa), and polyamorous people being “greedy” requires a framing which implies that being in a romantic or sexual relationship as inherently selfish. But the kind of people who think that way are also usually the kind of people who demand that everyone pair up and breed, and that *not* doing this is what’s selfish, which doesn’t seem very coherent as a whole.
That makes like no sense to me whatsoever. If anything, being bi would be less selfish than being heterosexual, right? Since you’re not limiting yourself to having sex with either men or women? I dunno, I’m not entirely sure that makes sense either, lol.
…Thinking about it a bit more, I realized that what she might be imagining is a FMF throuple. If so, then she’s one of those people who think of straight/gay/bi as descriptions of relationships, not sexual orientations: you’re “straight” if you’re with an opposite-sex partner (or your last relationship was, or you haven’t dated yet), “gay/lesbian” if with an same-sex partner, and “bisexual” only if you’re in a relationship with two other people (which, as I stated previously, is a form of polyamory). Also in this context “polygamy” (they never use “polyamory” that I’ve seen) usually means one man and two or more women all in a relationship together, usually imagined/depicted as three women. This isn’t how most people use those words, yet I’ve seen this concept pop up multiple times throughout my life, and always by people who aren’t in such relationships themselves.
The reason why FMF specifically is because, from a fundie point of view, the women “belong” to the man, so the man is “laying claim” to two women instead of one, taking one of them away from some other man. (Also the possibility of MFM never seems to enter their minds.) That might be how it works in polygamous fundie cults, but neither most bisexual nor most polyamorous people think anything like that nor structure their relationships with those ideas in mind (it seems to be a common belief among poly people that no one can “own” or “claim” anyone else, for example), nor is the “throuple” structure (in the specific sense of three people all in a relationship with each other) even the most common way of going about things.
[Edited to fix a dumb error, as pointed out by Malingspann]
@Zinnia #192638
you’re “straight” if you’re with an opposite-sex partner (or your last relationship was, or you haven’t dated yet), “gay/lesbian” if with an opposit same-sex partner, and bisexual only if you’re in a relationship with two other people
I think the Ancient Greeks might disagree with you.
And yes, there’s people attracted to both genders.
It’s called being selfish.
Says the one who threw a tantrum over having her blue checkmark removed, and that's before Elongated Muskrat bought Twitter.
So who's the selfish one, OP?
@TFAltHist #192812
if you’re fucking men AND women, then they’re not fucking other women or other men. You’re selfishly claiming both of them as YOUR partners.
Marking them as your territory.
So Laura’s not just in competition with other women for the hot guys, she’s also in competition with the gay men for the same guys and the ‘allegedly’ bi men for the same guys.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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