Concerned Residents of Florida #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy
How is it that ever since Ron DeSantis became governor, Florida has been targeted with more geoengineered hurricanes than any other period in recorded history?
We are sending this letter to every member of the Florida State Legislature in advance of Tropical Storm Debby making landfall in the Panhandle.
What follows are just a couple of exposés about similar superstorms that hit Florida hard during the last 5 years. Both of them had all the classic signatures of perfectly controlled hurricanes.
An Urgent Open Letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis
HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Aimed at
the Florida Panhandle to Swing the 2018 Election to Andrew Gillum
By the way, if any of you members of the
state government are not aware of the massive and non-stop chemical geoengineering operations conducted in plain sight throughout the skies across Florida, why don’t you know?
Much more importantly, why have the many state reps, who have received these letters over the years, chosen to be oblivious to the greatest threat to the state of Florida—weather warfare.
So, if you any of you folks still claim ignorance of the regular geoterrorist attacks perpetrated against the Sunshine State at this late date, you have no right representing the people of Florida.
Now we have Tropical Storm Debby barreling right towards Tallahassee just as the last few have done. Do you not see the new hurricane pattern being purposefully fabricated by the NWO geoengineers?
Especially that many of these frankestorms are aimed right at highly strategic Florida locations during the months before Election Day? What better way to create chaos, confusion and conflict in those voting precincts where elections are won and lost in Florida.
Well, are you aware of these electoral machinations and criminal conspiracies?
If so, what are you all going to do about it?
Concerned Residents of Florida