Kajm #crackpot deviantart.com

When George Lucas- as I understand it - created Star Wars, he intended it to be Massively political.

One of his criticisms (of the US, I would imagine) was that the military was designed to put 'brown' people on the front line. ie, the US was being racist / protecting its white population. So in the production, the Storm Troopers of the Empire are all Hispanic...

Again, correct me if I am wrong.

Now, look at things:

The Left demonizes 'whiteness' all over the map.

They are forcing 'white supremacists' out of the military. To what extent this is happening, I do not currently know.

Who does that leave to put on the front lines? 'brown' and 'black' people.

I have to imagine the military is still primarily white, of course.

But Good God. Was Lucas actually thinking of the Dem / Left / Socialist racists, when he was writing his scripts?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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