America is most certainly a country wide crime scene. It's where over a four year period the very concepts of human decency and logic were tortured, poisoned, defiled in every manner imaginable to only the most depraved of minds and only barely survived an attempted execution.
It's people exactly like you who held power and guess how many white people the personification of your self-serving ideology of hereditary exceptionalism has put in an early grave? Not by some scheme, camps, or extermination squads, but by giving you exactly what you wanted. And so you die of preventable disease, you drink bleach and anal bong horse dewormer out of superstitious distrust of medicine, you demonized the educated whose very job description was to save your asses because what they said made you feel bad, you sent CHILDREN to their deaths for your self-image, and despite being explicitly more concerned with money than human costs you managed to make exactly the worst decisions on every economic front as well.
And in the end while you were busy using the police as a cudgel to quell the uppity peasants who were somehow offended at being treated even worse than usual as you chanted an empty slogan about the law which was being broken in practice by its own enforcers you turned right around and pulled the racist classic of doing exactly what you pretended black people were doing: You marched into the streets with the intent of violence. And more than the expected false equivalence you actually tried to pin the blame on them while they were a thousand miles from you getting their heads stomped by police you promptly threw under the bus when the few who weren't allocated to reminding everyone of the social pecking order stood in the way of a wave of feces throwing thugs looting Capitol Hill and loudly announcing their intent to murder those therein and completely destroy the rule of law because the majority voted a way they didn't like.
You and fucking trash like you are the greatest possible threat to white people, culture of any description, and the future of our children. The only "white culture" you represent is one that can be summed up as "gibsmedat" and now you're ankle deep in what's left after you successfully got it and bit every finger off of what was "yours" in your all-consuming militant dedication to your game of keepaway but are trying to blame the people you took it from for how you’ve diminished yourselves. They now inherit the ball you dropped in the toilet to try and restore their home to the glory (or at least vaguely credible respectability) you claimed as a birthright invalidating their own and the unenviable responsibility of saving you from yourselves despite yourselves and your ongoing efforts to fuck it all up and try to portray your self-inflicted wounds as some kind of noble resistance that solidifies your entitlement to act like everyone owes you something.