There’s no reason why it needs to be taught in public schools, especially since the LGBTQ community is increasingly reluctant to disavow predators and groomers in their midst.
They disavow them all the time. People like you just continue to move the goal post as to what constitutes "grooming." Right now, some of you seem to think it means telling children anything about alternative sexualities. It doesn't. Words mean things and this degeneration of the language is every bit as much your fault as it is that of your political enemies.
As miffed as they are at the notion that homosexuality and transgenderism is a slippery slope to pedophilia, they are rather slow (if not outright unwilling) to disavow things like Queer Kids Stuff, Drag Queen Story Hour, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir, etc. Or to support Florida’s anti-grooming bill.
Kids seeing men in dresses is not grooming. You know it, I know it, and the governor of Florida knows it. I dare you to define "grooming.*
They consistently botch any opportunity given to them to disprove the notion that LGBTQ and pedophilia are connected to each other...
What other class of people are expected to prove they're not pedophiles, and exactly how are they expected to prove it? This isn't even guilty until proven innocent so much as a technique older than the Spanish Inquisition for twisting words such that nothing a person can say will be sufficient to prove innocence.
Speaking of which, hey, OP, prove you're not a pedophile.
With that said, with homosexuality unable to carry human society the same way heterosexuality does, with the fact that homosexuality may actually be unhealthy, both for those who practice it, and potentially for society at large, gays should simply be grateful that society tolerates them at all, that they can cohabitate in peace without the police barging into their homes.
This poster has absolutely no regard for basic human rights, and nor for the US Constitution. Homosexuals should consider themselves lucky they aren't rounded up by the government? Despite the fact that would be illegal according to the Constitution of the United States?
And exactly why would homosexuals be called upon to "carry" society? I've dealt with overpopulation elsewhere on this board but I will abbreviate what I said, here: the world is overpopulated as it is. By far.
They should shut the fuck up and leave everyone else alone.
Because they have the same right to speech as you do.
That said, you can shut the fuck up anytime now. You're not being oppressed. You're not being imposed upon. You're just a whiny little bitch.