I had to check that this was real, what with all the spelling mistakes.
“Was their marriages in slavery?” Yes, but when you’re a slave you don’t have much choice.
“Were families and precious babies born (and I am talking about life itself) into or out of slavery?” That’s like defending rape. Actually, is is defending rape, and I bet she’d have an abortion if she got pregnant through rape. Also, Christians need to stop using the word ‘precious’. It makes everyone else think of either Gollum, or Chrissie Hynde saying “Fuck off”.
“Were slave owners ever known to be ‘GOOD’ to their slaves?” NO! They were keeping them as slaves, you stupid bitch!
“Were slaves ever known to LOVE their masters?” If they’d known nothing else. Or were completely broken, like Theon Greyjoy when he was Reek.
“Did generations of beautiful LIFE come from those who were sold into slavery, from Africa, and sold by Africans, make America the beautiful DIVERS culture it is today?” Well, is Europe better because of the Second World War? Should be be grateful to Communism because Milla Jovovich is beautiful? The mind boggles.
“Was it true that some slaves never wanted to leave theIr plantation because it had become their home? Were some slaves treated with love and respect by their masters?” See above.
If Huckabay was an undercover liberal she couldn’t have done any better.