Aw, he's got the shapes mixed up, can't even make a TFS Popo joke.
And, oh boy, more numerology bullshit. Let's see, 4 =/= square. Why would it? What, are Mississippi State Troopers "double squares and compasses" because there are 4 S's amd I's and 3 P's and T's? Picking out instances of 4 and 3 different numbers and/or letters in multiple words is easy, but would be everywhere without any super evil plot.
Besides, there is a whole list of quadrilaterals not including squares. The rhombus, trapezoids, parallelograms, rectangles, and kites are all different shapes that include four sides. Why a focus on squares? Is that the only one you know?
4 and 3 for square and compass? The hell does that mean? How would a compass, notable for working with the poles to help guide movement in FOUR cardinal directions equal three? And a drawing compass has no real connection to three either. Why are these people always so dumb?
Monsanto doesn't make infertile plants, as far as I am aware. I might be remembering wrong, but they would sue people who kept or collected scattered seeds or were cross pollinated by their plants to "protect their brand." I might be mixing up details, feel free to correct me. But, either way, this person is so inept they can't even go after a scumbag company properly.
So this idiot is either wrong or mind bendingly stupid for everything they say. Par for course, but gah.