And "all men are created equal" is insane falsehood, including all white men.
The major differences need to be addressed, admitted and acted upon.
This is why Nazism is so important.
An agreed plan and ideology to perfect this species and the planet. It is much more important than white nationalism or nations.
It is a Germanic master plan.
If you are not Germanic you can still join the plan and be a vital cog, if you are not even white you can still join the plan and be a vital cog and benefit greatly from it... but it is our plan and you will bow to us and the machinehead it originates from and call us master, just as most of Europe still does in the Germanic funded and propped up E.U and the entire world still does to the Germanic created Euro-American empire.
China. We are propping up your economy, not the other way round. You need us more than we need you.
Most American whites are Germanic, whether they are intelligent enough to admit it, is irreverent. Ditto the whites of Australasia.
Shaking off your tribe name and coming back to a REICH/REALM is vital.
Reforming an Anglo/American Germanic Empire or REALM/REICH is really the best and only option.
Meds do not work like Germanics. Not for hundreds of years.
Look at your countries. The climate plays a massive part, admittedly, hence the Boreal relocation.
Recreational activities to a true Germanic is another couple of hours of overtime after work. That is why we are the manufacturing powerhouses of Europe/America and you are a tourist destination.
Are you really down with the plan?
The plan if it needs spelling out for the gazillionth time is
"The perfection of the seed."
Step one of the plan is to secure Northern Europe, Northern Russia and Northern America/Canada whilst we still have the numbers, the southern zones are already clearly infected. But more importantly the Boreal Forrest region of the planet.
The Boreal Forrest region.
This is because the land masses below these lines will be devastated by global warming and catastrophic environmental changes in the coming future and are generally filled with the subhuman races, that simply cannot control, or look after themselves or their environment without the white man to guide.
Their resources are not theirs, they belong to the plan.
Let nature take its natural course and stand back from the northern afar
This is long game playing.
Incase you've not been paying attention, the Earth has now entered its 6th mass extinction phrase with approximately 50% of all plant and animal life gone in the last 50 years or will be by 2100. Obviously its hard to trust these statements, but we know it is fact that even something as mighty as the lion is now endangered.
Do i like speaking like a cold hearted psychopath.
Half and half. But we should not consider ourselves human anymore. We are the next stage or we should be aiming for it.
The "Ubermensch" or "Hyperhuman"
The godhead, the universe and nature does not cry and boohoo, it is not controlled by emotions, peace, love and conscience. It does not debate.
It is hostile, dominating...ravenous.
The 4 billion Africans and Semites need to be culled back point blank.
They will take us all down if allowed. Concrete fact.
The relatively useless negro savage needs no introduction and neither does Judaism or its bastard sect offsprings Islam and Christianity, the poisonous fangs from the same desert snakehead.
India/Asia will be raped by nature and are not the immediate threat if the Boreal is secured by us first.
Step 2. Is to genetically modify the human races (beginning with the Europeans) and enact a rigorous and brutal eugenics program.
I wish it was not so...but it is so.
60 million disabled Chinese "useless eaters" alone.
That is 3x the population of world renowned and envied utopian Scandinavia aka the Nordic model.
That is disgusting and completely unacceptable.
60 million cripples and retards, sat in a chair or bed pissing and excreting on themselves daily, ruining their families lives and living a nightmare one for themselves.
Lets spell it out loud and crystal.
Those identified as "life unworthy of life" (German: Lebensunwertes Leben), including dangerous criminal prisoners, degenerate, dissident, people with congenital cognitive and physical disabilities (including feebleminded, epileptic, schizophrenic, manic-depressive, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, deaf, blind), homosexual, idle, insane, and the weak, for elimination from the chain of heredity.
"Sparta must be regarded as the first Völkisch State. The exposure of the sick, weak, deformed children, in short, their destruction, was more decent and in truth a thousand times more humane than the wretched insanity of our day, which preserves the most pathological subject, and indeed at any price."
Hitler from Zweites Buch or "Second book"
Anything else other than long game, thousand year realm Nazism, is a road back to the road we are already down.
The sign posts on this road reads Ruin Thataway ---->!
The one before it read Dumbass!
The one before that read Racist! etc etc etc blah blah blah.
If you think this sounds insane you are not understanding the severity of the situation and do not appreciate the really truthful stuff i've just had to proof read out for it would really hurt.
This is alien Mr.Spock logic.
So how many of you are really with us or against us, the core Germanic white population and modern global creators?
What is your alternative plan...for the future of our lady Gaia....for she has just told you the basics of what needs to be done.
So Cold Zero are you with us or against us....?