
NoMoreWhiteGuilt #racist stormfront.org

She's another victim of (((MSM))), (((Hollywood))) and school "diversity", "tolerance," "race is just a social construct", "multiculturalism," "blacks are cool" brainwashing. If feel sorry for her and especially for her father who found his "little girl" beaten to death.... So sad. Whites build ... things and civilizations. Blacks destroy/ruin ... things and civilizations.

Frontkick #racist stormfront.org

I can honestly say i don't care myself. A Jew pushing out mixed race babies ? Our future for whites is looking brighter by the day The way I look at it is , just a dead mudsharking jew who was more than likely anti white And could you imagine if she had mixed mongrels ?

Remember that one Jew kid posing as white and writing that " white privilege" speech to his class?You won't see me cry a river , sorry By the way. Dogs can't be anti white and want our people replaced

Enzed #racist stormfront.org

The black suspected of doing the killing has been involved in other violent crime plus he broke into the victim's apartment on a previous occasion.

The more you hear about these crimes the more you realise why lynchings took place. It was to avoid repeat offending and sending a message to the young bucks to stay away from Whites.

Complete separation of the races is the best way forwards.

AussieEarlTurner #sexist stormfront.org

Such liberal tactics just call the opposition names! That will win the argument. Better still, you could just yell racist ! Then you'd definately win.

Just proved my point.

Men - regain your manhood. Who cares what women say or think. They will support us only when we are leading and winning. The second we start to lose our nations to brown Muslim invaders you can bet they'll be jumping in bed with Mohammed and packing his lunch for doing battle with us.

If we are to survive this war it's imperitave we shake off the chains of 'what modern women think of us'. If we care what they think there's no possible way we can force the third world hordes to leave our lands. They won't leave by asking them nicely, they must be driven to the cliffs and oceans at the point of a sword. Any attempt to resist deportation must me met with overwhelming force.

The time for caring is past.

Ocko #sexist stormfront.org

Seems the word 'science' is changing into what the word 'truth' meant in the past.

And I think it isn't correct in this case. For sure not (((political correct))) as Jews need women sacrificed for their (((God)))

Women do fight but they do it in a different way. In the extreme a men kills by physical violence, by gun, axing, beating etc.

A woman in the extreme might kill by poison of any other non-bloody way.

A men is using the mind or physical force to subdue one.

A woman uses her emotions. Her aim is to make someone feel guilty and then stop that behavior.

To send a woman into a combat zone where usually men fight is, as you would send a man into an area where women fight and demand him to act like a woman there.

A woman stops fighting when the emotion is exhausted and then the peace mode prevails, a woman then looks for conciliation or the former status quo.

A man doesn't stop so easy, as it is more principally, the issue has to be resolved in favor of the winner.

A woman isn't so much interested in winning, she wants to be understood and the problem solved in a satisfactory way for her.

To send women into a male battle zone is criminal.

StefanWDNP #racist stormfront.org

A poem I wrote about the Nordic Resistance Movement:

Men and women march
Under the sign of Tyr
By shield bearers flanked
Resolute, ranked
Undeterred, unashamed
An ideology untamed
Their dedication, unending
Their will, unbending
An inspiration to us all
A green parade
Like nature teeming forth
Bringing new hope from the north

Jovina74 #racist stormfront.org

Genocide is the price Whites pay for hosting Negroes. They respect nothing but their own selfish, repugnant image. Negroes should be banished; their inevitable regression into the hapless dull ape creatures televised around the entire world. Unfit for everything in civilisation, nothing white is sacred to them.

Jelennuie #fundie stormfront.org

It's the same constant brain-washing that has made the whole LBGT movement not only acceptable but has set them up as an elite group to be admired be cause of the "struggle" they have gone through. Why do feminist/women support it? Because it takes a lot of courage to go against what is popular.

In the case of Feminists for of theer self-asserting bluster, they are afraid that if they opposed the gay movement there would be a back-lash against them. The last thing the feminist movement wants is another movement to become more powerful than their own.

Ocko #racist stormfront.org

First of all kneeling is an act of submission. To kneel for the anthem then means submission to it. But Negroes want to express the opposite . so why do Negroes then use something confusing?

My guess is that the negro brain stored this act of kneeling when they deal with their 'owner' (funny that they call themselves so). Obviously some genetic memory is here at play. Whoever created the Negro race created them for slavery. As the kneeling is most likely in their genes.

if Nerves are not controlled they go down to a base level of existence. Any culture or civilization is only on the surface. Deep inside the negro is the animal which jumps out at any opportunity bringing evrtything down what they touch. To be a slave is the only form of a human being existence they can Upgrade from their animal existence. They make that public now for everyone to see

Bergvagabunden #racist stormfront.org

If every white stopped watching, and every white stopped playing, what would be left ? An empty stadium full of sub saharan Africans.

Whites and blacks are simply unable to coexist, period. People deny there will be a race war, well , as all of us here know, we're in one now.

It's just that it's starting to manifest itself in sports...

Monique40 #sexist stormfront.org

i as a devout Christian cannot say that i agree with women being active in political roles, 1 Timothy 2:11-12 says 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. for a woman to be active in politics is in direct contradiction with that law and is sinful, and i cannot support sin

MaryMag #fundie stormfront.org

Obviously none here and there are exceptions, but despite all the drawbacks allowing men to think just because they take hormones and cut their you-know-what off they're women there are so many actual women that fully support them.

Yet allowing this causes so many negative drawbacks: Female sports is ruined as we have seen where trans women are allowed to compete with real women. They like to act as if they can speak on "women's issues". They end up artificially inflating the "women" in different jobs/careers, it just goes on and on.

I realize there are leftist men that support this garbage as well, but undoubtedly this negatively effects real women in a multitude of ways and yet so many support it. I have spoken to some women about it and according to them they fully support it even when I list the negatives, several just calling me a bigot/hateful person etc. Not friends with them but it angers me to no end.

Coldstar #racist #fundie stormfront.org

You are right. It has already been determined in the Bible and in several places therein that God wants a separation of the races for all times. A final separation is forecast as well and quite clearly.

Rebellious self-appointed pastors who make up their own new version of sins will find themselves destroyed. Nobody should listen to these politically correct rebels.

It is very likely that they get funded by Soros type individuals while at the same time they pick the pockets of their misled parishioners.

SimpleSide #racist stormfront.org

If you ever don't want to do business with a jew/homosexual/or anyone just simply say that you don't do business with communists. If they can do to that white people by labelling them nazi, we can do that to them by calling them communists.

If they deny being a commie, say it doesn't matter, I think you are a commie and that you don't do business with people that promote hate.

Problem is the jews own all the payment systems, media platforms and social media, so they have the upper hand.

It is up to us to build our own platforms, thing is, we probably would never exclude people based on their ideology, because we value the principle of free speech, unlike the communists and jews.

DerekJack123 #racist stormfront.org

I would bet everything I own that Jews are behind all this nonsense going on in America. This is their end game to destroy the white race. No they don't need to destroy all of us. They already control the leftists and Antifa types.

Mark my words, within the next month there will be more deaths, mostly on the left. Probably perpetrated by some Jew, to lay more blame at the feet of white people. I'd say by October the latest we are in some form of open armed conflict in this country.

DomTxn #racist stormfront.org

While I feel bad for the people who will be directly harmed by the coming liberal Inquisition, I welcome it for the simple fact that it will finally light the fuse of the war we have all known was coming. I have no idea where the first shots will be fired, but they are coming. Yes people have been talking about the balloon going up for ages, but never before have we had to deal with this organized and concerted attempt to wipe white people from America.

Personally, I hope they keep right on tearing things down and destroying everything they touch. In fact I wish they would expand their scope and do something so monumentally stupid that it enflames the entire white populace. Get ready for it folks. When it happens there wont be any fence sitters. No, i'm not part of this. Your skin will be your uniform. Welcome to the race war.

Varietas Caucasia #racist stormfront.org

Jews evolved self-deception. When they see something "attacking" them, they have no self-concept in relation to the goyim that they could have been causal agents responsible for the accusation. The explicitly anti-white ones aside, like Tim Wise, most are, I believe, genuinely confused when you point out they run things.

Its their psychological blind spot. We have ours, they have theirs. Its what makes them so damned dangerous, because they injure you and when it causes blowback, they are so confused by HATEFUL BLINDING ANTI-SEMITISM (!!!) that their minds actually cannot make the connection. Yet, its crazy because they can talk about their own power with their fellow Jews, but when the Goyim point it out, their brains actually compartmentalize and process it entirely differently.

Its why they can never be us - they are too ethnocentric to be men of the West. They brains are miswired due to their parasitic evolutionary strategy with the additional liability of being semitic in genetic origin. It doesn't matter how high their IQ is or how many Jewish physicists there are, they are not individualists and only individualists can be Western.

AmericaFree #racist stormfront.org

Reminds me of the Book Of Revelation where it says you won't be able to buy or sell without the 'Mark of the Beast'. Jews are going to make it so anyone associated with any Pro-White beliefs is labeled a racist Nazi and will be blacklisted. You'll be put on a list and no one will hire you, buy from your business, and you'll be banned from most companies.

Jews will then strongly encourage everyone to race mix and those that don't will also be labeled a Nazi. If you don't go along with the Jewish agenda you'll be labeled a Nazi. I expect to see more false flag attacks blamed on 'White racists' in the near future.

Russ in the South #racist stormfront.org

I discovered Stormfront just last summer and my wife initially disapproved of Stormfront. Then, she saw that white nationalism was making me a better and more responsible and loving husband and father.

After months of my sending her an e-mail link every day about some black-on-white crime, she has pretty much become a white nationalist. She is especially sympathetic toward the plight of white folks in South Africa and wants to sponsor Boer families from South Africa who might want to emigrate to the U.S.

Whenever she sees me on Stormfront she now often asks, "What's new on Stormfront?" The other day she sent me an e-mail with a link to a National Enquirer article, "O.J. Simpson Fears for His Life after Skinhead beats Him for Bragging about His White Girlfriends."

You will be able to convert your GF if she is one of the "center-right," Republican mainstream, Fox News-type conservatives, as was my wife.
If her father has racial and political views even remotely similar to yours, you will eventually be able to convert her.

Encourage her. Be a nice guy and give her lots of positive reinforcement such as a hug or kiss every time you see her edging toward your way of political thought.

If she is a "moderate" or leftist, you're probably wasting your time. Dump her and start attending the local meetings of the Young Republicans in your area. Find you a similarly-minded GF there and convert her. Those girls will delight you.

Thecrucifier #racist stormfront.org

The best way to bring more young people to our ranks is putting the label of rapists in black man, witch as a matter of fact they are!!

Every young white man hates when they see a black thug with a gorgeous blonde.

And every young white woman cringe when they hear stories about white girls brutally rapped and killer by black man.

Mr. Punch #sexist stormfront.org

No one except a dumbass, or a fed or a Jew, will say Andrew Anglin is unintelligent. He created an incredibly popular web site which woke up a huge number of white people and drove the hebrews to distraction.

Pandering to women will never advance our cause. The vocal female elements of the community are mentally ill.

Women will be pleased when we turn the clock back to better times for white people.

Obviously individual women aren't going to like losing "rights" even when these are the right to screw up our countries - like turning men off marriage with divorce rape.

Various Stormfronters #racist stormfront.org

Google cancels domain registration for Daily Stormer

(Britannic Nationalist)
A big coordinated effort to frame White Nationalists as actual terrorists appears to be underway. Mass banning and purges by social media, calls for greater internet censorship of 'hate' and now all this wailing about 'White supremacist terrorism'.

I would not be surprised if we are formerly classed as terrorists even during Trump's term in office.

Wouldn't it be ironic (and potentially very detrimental) if White Nationalists were to be officially classed as terrorists within the next few years when a notable number of White Nationalists heralded Trump as the saviour of whites? I guess that would be Infinity-D chess?

Videos and articles about the survival of our people will be put alongside ISIS beheading videos and the like.

Who benefits?

It is in my theory that all this stuff will continue and whites will lose more things we cherish and hold dear. Then my friends, in the 2020s when there is nothing more to lose the KKK will experience a resurgence. Much like the 1920s. What is similar, the possibility of a roaring and expanding economy. America losing ground to China and becoming more insular (always a possibility) Even if we close our borders and reduce immigration what will happen, the leftists and normies will lose steam and no longer believe in america and the right will shine through.

Right now what do we have to look back to, the cucked out first world war was a hundred or so years ago. In the 20s what do we have to look back to? The Gatsby and the Klan. Period.

Well, ISIS is pretty universally loved by the Left, so that'll be very good news for us- Oh.... that's right, we're literally Hitler. How could I be so silly.

A few days ago, I made an offhand remark about not having seen the backlash, yet. I should have sat on my hands, instead. If Free Speech goes down in the US, it's over.

It's true because even with all the solid minded folks in eastern europe, they don't quite have free speech yet and they don't quite understand what it is yet either.

The people making the usual anglin remarks in that other thread really need to restrain themselves today.

Volodyamyr #sexist stormfront.org

I'm afraid I have no sympathy for her, or any white woman who sides with racial and religious aliens against white men, indeed their own people. They are defectives who must be purged from our kind. This crap can NEVER be unseen and un-experienced by white men, especially white men like me. White women are voting for ever larger, and more anti-white government, open borders and globalism in far greater numbers than those who are white nationalists. That's a fact. Those women, including members of SF, understand what awaits them if we lose control over our own lands.

If that makes me a misogynist, so be it. I utterly hate women like her, and I do not feel her death is any loss to our race. The fact is, when the waste matter hits the ventilators, and it will, these traitorous white women who voted for white genocide will not find in me a protector from the consequences of their willful treachery. I will do nothing to prevent them from reaping their just deserts. I will be hard pressed to protect myself and mine, not some witch who regards white men as disposable. Not all whites can be saved, and those like this Heather Heyer are among them. Beware liberal white women, you are on your own.

wisdomlost #racist stormfront.org

There's more to this than meets the eye. This guy appears to be Indian (from India). The average IQ of India is 82. Despite all the false media about smart Indians they are really quite stupid.

Much of the reason for their success is that they come over here with degrees from India in Medicine, computer programing etc. If you've ever met one of these cons as a physician you would realize that their average physician probably has an IQ about 30 points above their population...meaning around 112.

The average White college student could probably graduate from a medical school in India (if they weren't so biased) and make a good living here as a physician. With an average IQ of 82 India is probably handing out many university degrees to people whose IQ is below 100. Furthermore, if you understand regression towards the mean in genetics, the children of these Indian immigrants will have below 100 IQs (probably they will average around 90).

Google is known for hiring Indians. Yet, I will bet the Indians aren't doing as well as the Whites or Chinese and Japanese Asians.

So the idea that people are different is a direct threat to this Indian CEO. If the truth of how dim-witted Indians are every gets accepted at Google he and his Indian friends won't be able to get Google's "affirmative action" for him and his friends.

And people will begin to realize that an Indian with a PhD. is probably less intelligent than a White with a bachelors degree. Or an Indian with a bachelors degree is less intelligent than an average White with a high school diploma.

WhiteRights #racist stormfront.org

There is now proof of racial differences in form of genetic evidence.

The two and three allele version of the MAO-A gene, which is associated with violence, shows up much more often among Blacks than Whites. Crime statistics have Blacks committing about half the murders in the U.S. even though they are only 14 percent of the population.

It's been known for generations that Blacks have a smaller average brain size than Whites, but this truth has been brutally suppressed by the Jewish media, politically correct public schools and gutless politicians.

Ocko #racist stormfront.org

I read his manifest. It is a leftist paper trying do make political correctness to work. It's a very soft approach. No dismissal of PC.

It's just to slow down a bit.

Mentioning some truth but still drawing the wrong conclusions.

If he posted it on Stormfront I would take it apart. It's a tiny step in the right direction but won't change anything.

Google are just plain Jews here: deranged, mentally retarded and not knowing how to handle it properly. Jews don't think. They shoot themselves in the foot.

They are unable to make creative use of the manifest, their reaction is just plain commie ideology. A sure sign that they are losing.

'We are in front of an abyss. Let's take the next step'

Stupid is stupid does.

They only know how to destroy, they can't create.

All their ideas are wrong and prone to collapse.

millner #racist stormfront.org

Typically blacks and specifically black males look for areas of the World where they exert predatory power over the people there. I have heard how blacks have selected China in the past decades for it's supply of submissive women and easy lays which is the black mans number one priority in life.

There is also quite a big industry for black porn with asians among the black community. It would be no surprise if the black in the video was there on a porn shoot or perhaps is now so much a drug addict he can no longer work anymore.

Little do the blacks realize that Chinese regard blacks as uglier than apes, with a skin color the antithesis of beauty in that land.

The black man in the video clip was most certainly on some illicit street drug and has no problem scoring it as the Chinese underworld of drug dealers would love to have one of these drug hungry blacks as a regular client.

Prometheusaurus #racist stormfront.org


Racism is a natural occurrence. It has been proven over and over again that White children naturally gravitate to their own race and are put off by other races. It's only after extreme and continual brainwashing that we abandon this. Same goes with traditional roles and a myriad of other things.

So when we speak of "converting" a woman, all we really mean is restoring her to her natural self.

Also, there's a bit of devilish joy in watching a woman who would never criticize anything start pointing out the racial aspects of a story. Seeing her awaken, and knowing that you were the one who instigated it, is quite a great feeling. Don't miss out on this pleasure.

Ocko #racist stormfront.org

While he lived in Canada he challenged President Trudeau (daddy) and with a tiny budget produced a formidable result.

It was from him that I learned about the Holocaust lie. He is the one who made it widely public and put scientific methods to the exposing of Holocaust hoax.

A man standing and walking upright while under the most severe attacks by Jews. A man who stood for the truth and defense of NS-Germany. A modern day hero worthy of his fame.

He started the revolution and it is now all over the globe. His efforts is now the destruction of Jews. They lose on almost every front.

Ernst Zündel has done more than it was his duty. He might be the one who saved the world from Jewish insanity.

Rest in peace.

frag #racist stormfront.org

I went to college for 10 years while I was in the Army, to get a 4 year degree. I usually attended a state university, part time taking a couple of courses a semester.

What I found is that the multiculturalists who run universities were desperate to get the races to mix. They did not when left on their own. I graduated in the 90s , retired from the Army, and now work for a state university. Things today are different.

In my opinion, the root cause of the change is that the average white parent is conspiring with the multiculturalist faculty to emasculate white boys, and offer up their daughters on the altar of diversity. The university is not a place of learning, it is a place where the seeds of white genocide is being planted. Whites are taught that they are the problem with the world, and that the peasants of the world are noble.

Their is no real benefit to attending. I think we should stay away from university reeducation centers, and take over the trades. Your mind stays clear, and your wallet stays full.

Ruthless #racist stormfront.org

This is already happening at state schools. Blacks and illegals have free rides. White students have to pay. The core courses are on par with material I was introduced to in elementary school and fully grasped by middle school. I made more money with my very cheap trade degree than I ever did with my college degree. Let the blacks have their african studies degree.

Whites need to go back to dominating the trades again. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters, contractors, automotive techs, and machinists are how the middle class American dream was achieved. Not with Liberal Arts degrees. White women used to dominate nursing, teaching, beauticians, and secretaries. All of these jobs for both genders are now dominated by people of color.

Meanwhile white students are drowning in debt because the jews have brainwashed them into thinking a trade is beneath them. These "lowly" jobs allow hondurans in America to send home billions of dollars each year (about 30k per person) to account for 20% of honduras' GDP. Most of the illegals I know are working these trades earning 50-60k a year while whites are accumulating that much debt for a college degree that most will never use.

Unless someone is going to school for a STEM degree I would avoid the place. It is is becoming negroid safe haven. I've witnessed two black males have violent outbursts at school that involved damage to property and they weren't expelled. They were allowed to keep their football scholarships and assigned private tutors by the school so they wouldn't get "frustrated" again because they failed a test.

Jovina74 #racist stormfront.org

Black barb wire hair parched, dry...
perched upon greasy sweaty brow...

Pop out septic yellow eyes glaring...
Hairy flared nostrils pouring snot...

Fat tongue rolling across swollen lip.

Teeth and eyes only seen at night...
Oh what fright it is to see this sight...

Beneath emotional encroachment...
awaits battery, rape and murder...

recoil of an inability to be human.

ColdFire #racist stormfront.org

The Red Symphony

I see jews waving the red flag
To the Gulags the people they drag
They promised the people they would be free

It was all lies as the people now see
The Red Terror sweeps through all of Russia now

Reaching the Ukraine where their flields they plow
"These people are traitors !" Kaganovich cries
Now the Ukrainians should pay the price
All their harvest they confiscate
They confiscate everything that made these people great

I now see a famine ravaging the land
The Ukrainians die in masses at their hand

In Russia the terror also continues , red as blood
The jews devour everything like a flood

The people they promised to help they now murder at will

Through all of Russia goes a frightening chill

Is there enough blood for these jews , as they walk around, murder?

No, the Red Symphony is conducted even further ..
Leading to the biggest genocide in history
Yet they promised the people they would be free..

Those who trusted them did die, Bolshevism is a lie

Finally I see 60 million taken out ..
Out of Russia, a nation once proud ..

We must never forget the jews' deeds and their lies
Bolshevism is an act we all should despise

Gulag, Holodomor, genocide...

Yet their murderous ways even fill them with pride ..

The Red Symphony they conduct 'till today
Now people should see their murderous way

The victims of Bolshevism we must never forget
And its face .. Bloody and red ..

Proud Anglo-Saxon #racist stormfront.org

Katyn victims not addressed, Pearl Harbor planned by West
Bataan Death March inhumane, Normandy was insane

Income tax is null and void, Wilhelm Gustloff destroyed
Firestorm of Dresden, loss of freedom through UN

Nuremberg what a fraud, million POW’s killed abroad
Bombed King David hotel, “Lavon-Affair” didn’t go so well

Anne Frank ballpoint pen, Gulags killed millions of men
Martin Luther King a fake, Immigration: a great mistake

And the ladies say:

Let’s never forget our fallen men
No more disasters ever again

Together let’s expose their plot.
We must give it our best shot.

United we stand, divided we fall,
Proudly in unison, we’ll stand tall

USS Liberty attacked, the “Kosher Food Tax” is a fact
Whites banished to Siberia, Race-mixing new criteria

Feminists on the rise, whose read “The Thirteenth tribe”
Kosher slaughter kills morale, America lost its canal

Rumsfeld aided Saddam to power, Drug companies always devour
Jonathan Pollard Zionist spy, Kiss Beirut marines goodbye

Gulf-war syndrome Desert Storm, Satellite photo not true to form
Holocaust in our face, Soap, lampshades, what disgrace!

And the ladies say:

Let’s never forget our fallen men
No more disasters ever again

Together let’s expose their plot.
We must give it our best shot.

United we stand, divided we fall,
Proudly in unison, we’ll stand tall

Noah hide laws have no glory, neither does the Holocaust story
Gas chambers what a joke, luckily Fred Leuchter awoke

Ruby Ridge shot to hell, Blacks in South Africa rebel
Murrah building full of bombs, Ernst Zundel has no qualms

The media is controlled, Serbia was forced to fold
Matt Hale, NAMBLA, UCC, Why is everything off key?

No wreckage at the Pentagon, Building Number 7 was a con
Bulldozed Rachel Corrie, the wicked country isn’t sorry!

And the ladies say:

Let’s never forget our fallen men
No more disasters ever again

Together let’s expose their plot.
We must give it our best shot.

United we stand, divided we fall,
Proudly in unison we’ll stand tall

Biodiesel powers cars, White Sex Slaves have many scars
Electronic voting machines, “The Passion” made the movie-screens

Prison for Chester Doles, David Duke has great goals
Companies moving overseas, Mexicans invading without ID’s

WMD’s are in Iraq? The cabinet must be smoking crack!
Honest leaders are very rare, due to the “Kol Nidre prayer”

The Talmud has been exposed, War with Iran has been proposed
“Truth no longer a defense”, What the hell is this non-sense?

And the ladies say:

Let’s never forget our fallen men
No more disasters ever again

Together let’s expose their plot.
We must give it our best shot.

United we stand, divided we fall,
Proudly in unison we’ll stand tall

Hate speech a clever ploy, the Judges love to destroy
Depleted Uranium Dust, South Africa is now unjust

Denied access to websites, gay marriages are not right
The people are being disarmed, Stay alert or be harmed

Christmas is a dirty word, The Federal Reserve is absurd
Looting in New Orleans pays, Blacks setting French cars ablaze

Chinese dump the US dollar, Must we now live in squalor?
Now is the time to act, Our nations have been hi-jacked!

Sturmkrieger97 #racist stormfront.org

A simple question I pose is what must we do to help young Whites realize the important of their race and become White nationalists? The future belongs to the youth, and if the the White youths become engulfed in the Cultural Marxist idea that "race doesn't matter," then our cause will be dead.

I say this because even most young Whites who claim to be "conservative" have no care for their race. I went to a Baptist high school for three years, and I found that, despite the school being over 90% White, they still listened to rap music, dressed like negroes and acted like them when they weren't in school. The teachers and administrators, though they acted a lot better and didn't listen to negro music, still did not care about race, and even allowed negroes to work there.

When I went to public school for my last year of secondary education, things were even worse. Here, the young White students were trying their best to act like negroes and copy their culture. Even the Hispanics and mongoloid-types did the same thing.
My ultimate theory is that the reason young Whites are not trying to preserve their race and culture is because negro culture is the ultimate "pleasure." They enjoy the laziness, the drug use, and obnoxious music of that culture and won't let it go because "it's not cool."

They additionally don't want to be seen as "racist" because they are proud to be White and want to preserve a White nation, cause everyone knows the Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the Southern Poverty Law Center will use any means necessary to silence the voice of White Nationalism.
So, to those on this forum, how can we make White Nationalism appealing to youth? And how can we stop the Jewish world organizations from hampering our progress?

various stormfronters #racist stormfront.org

(Note: So, they now hate Spanish as well.)

Bull commits suicide after Spanish men light its horns on fire

A rather disturbing story coming out of Spain and just further evidence of Spanish bloodlust and endless love for violence at any turn. This time against bulls made to run in the annual running of the bulls festival in Spain.

Safe to say more than a few drops of Spanish blood in those savage gangsters and criminals so plentiful in Latino lands and of course in our own nation.

edit : well thank youtube for deleting the video clip just hours after it was posted there. For those who have not seen it , the bull basically impales itself with the burning horns to end the suffering , all while the lazy loser Armada men celebrate and dance in the street.

(concerned englishman)
Must have been an emo bull. What other kind of bulls commit suicide?

(Tattered Faith)
Pretty sick...

Everytime I've seen footage of that inane contest, I rooted for the bulls.

Same with the bullfights in mayheeco; nothing more pleasing than watching the bull gouge the stuffing out of that crud with the cape, instead of the other way around.

(civil warrior 2)
Wait...i thought the spanish were "white" according to you lot. You're talking about them as if they were Arabs or Mexicans.

This is cruelty worthy of the Jews. Many of those "Spaniards" who went to the New World then procreated with native women were Jews. They forced to convert to Christianity after the Muslims were all killed or expelled from Spain and were known as "Conversos." However, the Spaniards never forgot the Jews' role in the Islamic conquest of Spain, and they always remained suspicious of them. They regarded them as Christians by day, Jews by night. It's very likely those sick bastards have Jewish, Moorish or BOTH blood in their veins, and that is how they could be capable of this kind of cruelty.

It is surprising that a country that is a member of the European Union is permitted to carry out this level of ritualistic animal cruelty in the guise of entertainment.

They do this same kind of animal torture just south of the US border, in Mexico:

Agreed! I could never see ANYTHING REMOTELY acceptable in these savage displays ...............worthy of Arabs NOT Europeans!

Jay99 #racist stormfront.org

Race is rarely talked about at my school and when it is the teachers never say 'Race' or 'White' or 'Black' They just say minority and force more white guilt into our brains. We do religious studies but not Christianity. Every other religion apart from it and even the people who understand our race is dying don't care.

I've been in arguments with other students before and they just laugh and say "Your grandchildren will be Muslim". The youth of today are far to brainwashed and even if we can get the message across to them they won't care. They associate us with Hitler and the Nazi's because the school system tell them that to.

My school has like 600 people and maybe 20 of them are right wing but they still hates us and i would be the only one to consider myself White nationalist and from what I've seen across the rest of Scotland not many other young people like WN.

DeadBonesRising #racist stormfront.org


And "all men are created equal" is insane falsehood, including all white men.

The major differences need to be addressed, admitted and acted upon.

This is why Nazism is so important.

An agreed plan and ideology to perfect this species and the planet. It is much more important than white nationalism or nations.

It is a Germanic master plan.

If you are not Germanic you can still join the plan and be a vital cog, if you are not even white you can still join the plan and be a vital cog and benefit greatly from it... but it is our plan and you will bow to us and the machinehead it originates from and call us master, just as most of Europe still does in the Germanic funded and propped up E.U and the entire world still does to the Germanic created Euro-American empire.

China. We are propping up your economy, not the other way round. You need us more than we need you.

Most American whites are Germanic, whether they are intelligent enough to admit it, is irreverent. Ditto the whites of Australasia.

Shaking off your tribe name and coming back to a REICH/REALM is vital.

Reforming an Anglo/American Germanic Empire or REALM/REICH is really the best and only option.

Meds do not work like Germanics. Not for hundreds of years.

Look at your countries. The climate plays a massive part, admittedly, hence the Boreal relocation.

Recreational activities to a true Germanic is another couple of hours of overtime after work. That is why we are the manufacturing powerhouses of Europe/America and you are a tourist destination.

Are you really down with the plan?

The plan if it needs spelling out for the gazillionth time is

"The perfection of the seed."

Step one of the plan is to secure Northern Europe, Northern Russia and Northern America/Canada whilst we still have the numbers, the southern zones are already clearly infected. But more importantly the Boreal Forrest region of the planet.

The Boreal Forrest region.


This is because the land masses below these lines will be devastated by global warming and catastrophic environmental changes in the coming future and are generally filled with the subhuman races, that simply cannot control, or look after themselves or their environment without the white man to guide.

Their resources are not theirs, they belong to the plan.

Let nature take its natural course and stand back from the northern afar

This is long game playing.

Incase you've not been paying attention, the Earth has now entered its 6th mass extinction phrase with approximately 50% of all plant and animal life gone in the last 50 years or will be by 2100. Obviously its hard to trust these statements, but we know it is fact that even something as mighty as the lion is now endangered.

Do i like speaking like a cold hearted psychopath.

Half and half. But we should not consider ourselves human anymore. We are the next stage or we should be aiming for it.

The "Ubermensch" or "Hyperhuman"

The godhead, the universe and nature does not cry and boohoo, it is not controlled by emotions, peace, love and conscience. It does not debate.

It is hostile, dominating...ravenous.

The 4 billion Africans and Semites need to be culled back point blank.

They will take us all down if allowed. Concrete fact.

The relatively useless negro savage needs no introduction and neither does Judaism or its bastard sect offsprings Islam and Christianity, the poisonous fangs from the same desert snakehead.

India/Asia will be raped by nature and are not the immediate threat if the Boreal is secured by us first.

Step 2. Is to genetically modify the human races (beginning with the Europeans) and enact a rigorous and brutal eugenics program.

I wish it was not so...but it is so.

60 million disabled Chinese "useless eaters" alone.

That is 3x the population of world renowned and envied utopian Scandinavia aka the Nordic model.

That is disgusting and completely unacceptable.

60 million cripples and retards, sat in a chair or bed pissing and excreting on themselves daily, ruining their families lives and living a nightmare one for themselves.

Lets spell it out loud and crystal.

Those identified as "life unworthy of life" (German: Lebensunwertes Leben), including dangerous criminal prisoners, degenerate, dissident, people with congenital cognitive and physical disabilities (including feebleminded, epileptic, schizophrenic, manic-depressive, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, deaf, blind), homosexual, idle, insane, and the weak, for elimination from the chain of heredity.

"Sparta must be regarded as the first Völkisch State. The exposure of the sick, weak, deformed children, in short, their destruction, was more decent and in truth a thousand times more humane than the wretched insanity of our day, which preserves the most pathological subject, and indeed at any price."

Hitler from Zweites Buch or "Second book"

Anything else other than long game, thousand year realm Nazism, is a road back to the road we are already down.

The sign posts on this road reads Ruin Thataway ---->!

The one before it read Dumbass!

The one before that read Racist! etc etc etc blah blah blah.

If you think this sounds insane you are not understanding the severity of the situation and do not appreciate the really truthful stuff i've just had to proof read out for it would really hurt.

This is alien Mr.Spock logic.

So how many of you are really with us or against us, the core Germanic white population and modern global creators?

What is your alternative plan...for the future of our lady Gaia....for she has just told you the basics of what needs to be done.

So Cold Zero are you with us or against us....?

AliceOnAlert #racist stormfront.org

What would Attract More Women to WN? I think that perhaps, a gentle approach might be best. While it's easy to get up in arms, and take a more aggressive approach, you have a higher chance of success if you were to do something like holding workshops to the tune of, "Young women - Enjoy your European heritage and explore the culture and crafts of your people" as opposed to, "Young women - WHITE NATIONALISM NOW!"

We have to understand that the young women of today have a certain moral timidity, brainwashed my social and mass media that any deviance in opinion from EMBRACE DIVERSITY, CELEBRATE DEGENERACY would result in shame and isolation for them. By slowly surrounding young women with the glory of their heritage, and offering a supportive community, we can undo the mental bonds the Jew has placed on her.

Just my two cents!

various british stormfronters #fundie stormfront.org

(Note: Those guys just have no fucking sympathy)

UK: Inquest held for beautiful Polish teen found hanged in school toilets after bullying

Teenager, 16, was found hanged in school toilets after being bullied and called 'stupid Pole' by other pupils but her body wasn’t discovered for over 90 minutes after teacher didn’t spot anything wrong

(concerned englishman)
Dagmara's uncle Tomasz Dobek took her to hospital after she had hurt her hand in the PE lesson the day before she died.

He added: 'We saw two girls on the pavement and Dagmara said 'uncle, can you run them over'.

Sounds like she was a lovely girl with a typically grateful immigrant attitude.

Yeah and those two girls are most likely the ones who bullied her.

Many Polish people wouldn't expect any English to feel bad for what happened to this young lady.

(concerned englishman)
Wouldn't she have been better off at home instead of wanting to run our people over?

(English nobody)
She is blaming English folk for this immigrants death.

Anti-racism story. It's not nice but bullying happens to many kids at some point. No need to top yourself. Unless there were non-Whites involved it will be another ooooh, poor Poles in the UK thread. If she had been bullied for being fat nobody would care. There will be girls in Poland who kill themselves as well, it happens, unless we assume that Poland is so perfect and millions of Poles only leave as they feel wanderlust.

And supermodel, perfect 10, etc? Jeez, get a grip, it's a normal looking 16 y.o.

(This England)
This girl certainly seems to have had a rather fragile personality, one can only wonder what damage was done when her family of European Union economic mercenaries uprooted her from her native Poland at such a young age.

That's right. Easier for them to blame the English yet again though, rather than take any responsibility.

Another tragic case, sadly people from EE, driven to these islands by economics whilst seeking to retain their ethnic and cultural identity, simply do not fit in. We have polish neighbours, a young couple who keep their property well, aren't alcoholics, social scroungers, etc., they have never made any attempt to engage ourselves or any other neighbours in any way, very stand-offish, very arrogant and with an air of superiority ill fitting to a formally homogenous and close community. When children come along they will undoubtably have the same attitude as their parents, school and interaction with children here will be a difficult proposition.

This girl's death another stark reminder that multicultural societies simply do not work, a tragedy, like so many more, wholly avoidable had economically driven parents simply decided to remain in their homeland and raise children in an environment natural to themselves and their offspring.

Life is hard enough, no winners and another innocent and undeserving victim sacrificed on the alter of cosmopolitanism.


(English nobody)
So calling a Polish person a Pole and telling them to move back to Poland is racist and anti-White?.

(Britannic Nationalist)
Non-whites call Europe and the USA oppressive, bigoted and racist etc, yet millions of them want to live here.

Eastern Europeans, particularly Polish, call Britain and Western Europe bigoted, xenophobic and hateful and yet millions of them want to live here.

I'm noticing a pattern.

(concerned englishman)

She would have been better off at home.Then she would still be living.

Justice4Europe #racist stormfront.org

(NOTE: I have no idea which one of those two is a bigger retard, so I'll just go with the classic nazi)

Finally found time to dismantle some of the arguments. I have waited for writing the response until I got access to my PC, because I'm not going to write a wall of text on a smartphone or tablet. This is going to be fun.

(Communism got to Poland, because of Nazi Germany's great failure in the Operation Barbarossa.

Had Nazi Germany not had invaded Poland, and waited for a Soviet Westward offensive, then the Soviets would have been the bad guys, and a coalition including Poles could have flushed them out.)

NS Germany failed not only at Operation Barbarossa but at some other offensives because of treason from within. The so-called 'German resistance to Nazism' is the best example for treason. Out of the 70 German officers that were part of the anti-National Socialist coalition, who were even willing to conspire with our own enemies, the Allies, 55 were German aristocrats. Many of them ironically sympathised with Marxism, even though Marxism explicitly tries to wipe out the aristocracy of any country it infests, so they even were against the banishment of the KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands -- Communist Party of Germany) when Hitler came to power. A ban that wasn't the work of Hitler, by the way, but of Paul von Hindenburg, the Reichspräsident -- the German president who appointed Hitler as chancellor on January 30, 1933.

Now, there were multiple problems during Operation Barbarossa, mainly caused by, as already implied, treason from the aristocracy. The Germans had a very capable intelligence apparatus, and they did plenty of reconnaissance flights on Soviet territory.

Intelligence officers created very detailed maps of the Soviet Union that would have helped massively in the war effort. The problem though was that they did not release those maps. They also refused to notify the Führer and his general staff about the useful information they collected. The maps that were released, though, were misleading. For example, much of the information presented on them relied on maps from the year 1865. Dirt roads and the like which became impassable after rain and snow, were presented as modern, asphalted streets.

The intelligence service was also aware that the Soviets had very capable tanks, such as the KV-I, KV-II and T-34. The latter had bevelled armor which rendered German anti-tank guns next to useless. They did not inform anyone about it, so the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS made acquaintance with tanks they did not anticipate, which made things very chaotic as they were superior to the German tanks.

When Operation Barbarossa started Hitler and the general staff were only aware of 50 rifle divisions and 8 tank divisions. The intelligence serve knew the actual numbers beforehand: 269 divisions (of which 46 were tank divisions) & 18 brigades.

When Kalinin was conquered by the Germans, it would have taken only one more day to arrive in Moscow. Instead, the officers requested an attack on an unimportant city called Torzhok which was a hundred miles North of Kalinin.

Furthermore Hitler never wanted to conquer Stalingrad per se, what he wanted was to conquer the Caucasus as 80% of the oil refineries & the oil of the Soviet Union was there. Thanks to the treason of German officers the German army became splitted, so one part attempted to conquer the oil fields while the other part attempted to conquer Stalingrad, which was completely senseless and murderous. There was no point in doing so. Needless to say that both operations ended up failing.

There are many more examples of treason in regard to the Russia campaign, and of course the Normandy, and so on and so forth.

(All those so called peace offerings were German sided, why should Poland give territory to the Germans?)

Poland had no right to take lands that were majority German. This is simple logic. Hitler's peace offerings were not that German sided, in fact, much of it was at the expense of the German population. All he wanted was that Danzig returns to the Reich as well as a Autobahn and a railway line that would connect the city with German territory. The Autobahn and the railway line were supposed to be built by Poles with Polish materials so as to decrease the high unemployment rate of your country.

Germany already made a lot of concessions in regard to Eastern territories that were part of the German Empire but got lost with the establishment of the Second Polish Republic. Hitler went much further with those concessions than any of the Weimar politicians between 1919 and 1932; in fact, most of them wanted to bring an end to Polish sovereignty, which Hitler didn't want at all.

(So, Nazi Germany was a war mongering, hyper-paranoid state?

Oversimplification at its finest. Maybe you should re-read the part of the post you quoted; or better yet, re-read the entirety of the post because you keep making the same arguments, despite being presented with different views. It's like talking to a wall.

(What happened in Dresden is akin to what happened in Warsaw.)

No, not really. Dresden was a hospital city, and had about 50,000 prisoners of war. Half a million Germans, almost all of them being civilians, were senselessly killed in a night or two. The Warsaw uprising was, as the name already suggests, an uprising against the Germans... while the Germans and their allies fought a deadly war against bolshevism and, how I like to call it, 'democratic imperialism.'

(But, I suppose "Western Europeans" are just great spirited, peaceful people. sure.)

Very constructive of you.

But yes, you Poles are so poor. You are almighty and are eternal victims of 'Nazi' oppression. That you kicked out 11-12 million Germans from territories they have inhabitated for over 700 years was such a peaceful act by your people.

See? I can play the victim card too. But that's a different subject altogether. Stop playing the victim card, in other words; your people are just as guilty for outbreak of the worst war of all times as are the Allies.

(How were Nazi Germans not chauvinists?
They thought of a Dolichocephalic super Human Germanic Aryan, of non-Aryan Brachycephalic sub-Human Slavs.

Of course the exact opposite is true, Slavs have more Aryan DNA.

Furthermore Dolichocephalic is a primate trait.)

I bet you also believe that Generalplan Ost actually existed, and all the other made up bullsh*t for which there is no evidence whatsoever.

(Nazi Germans were expelling Poles out of Poland during WW2, so they did the exact same thing.)

I want to see evidence for the alleged expulsion of Poles on Polish territories in WWII. I have never heard of such an event, not even from the official historiography, and that's saying something.

WhiteWarrioress #racist stormfront.org

I still think that there's some hope for us. Unfortunately, my friends are all very liberal (read: brainwashed!) and lately I've been proactively trying to get them to wake up. I just throw a little phrase here and there, to make them think a bit and there's actually been some progress! Last week, I was hanging out with my friends during break and one of them actually said that blacks can be racist and derogatory towards whites and that one black guy had been racist to her. This led to a conversation about the BLM movement and how they're allowed to have that but there's no White Lives Matter for us.

So I do think that we can save at least some people in our generation but we might have to think of progress as being a series of smaller steps towards a goal rather than a giant leap. For example, it would be unrealistic for me to expect my friends to immediately call themselves white nationalists upon having a frank conversation about race. But by testing the waters first and slowly going deeper into more white nationalist territory, we can slowly rescue them from the Jewish controlled media brainwashing and get them to think for themselves. Whilst they may not call themselves white nationalists yet, they are at least on the right path.

Britannic Nationalist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: University courses that use the scientific method are hostile to women and minorities (not enough subjectivity)

In evolutionary terms this is not without some credibility. For most of our existence the male tribe members had to think more of the band or tribe as a whole and logically tackle the environment to increase survival, this is where the objectivity comes in. Whereas females were tasked with their own specific family units and rearing their own children and this is where the subjectivity comes in.

So while it's entirely reasonable to say both genders can think objectively and subjectively, I would agree with the idea that objectivity has historically been a more masculine approach while subjectivity has been a more feminine approach, and this takes place on a biological level.

As our entire educational and knowledge-gaining system has been controlled by men for thousands of years it revolves around the concept of objectivity, as it should. So I'm not that surprised that a feminist student would one day question even this standard which one might have assumed would be beyond reproach. They want to 'deconstruct' everything 'masculine' and 'patriarchal' so naturally even the concepts of logic and objectivity are in the firing line.

Oblakhan #conspiracy stormfront.org

PETA, In Defense of Animals, the National Wildlife Federation, and many many other organizations like them are an end around attempt to disarm America. If they can outlaw hunting they can then make the case stronger that there is no real reason for the ownership of any gun.

So called 'assault weapons' legislation is a direct assault on the right to keep and bear arms. The anti-hunting efforts are just a hidden assault on the 2nd Amendment by the NWO order left wingers. They have lost court cases on both issues numerous times, but the few cases they win give them the determination to never stop trying. They are determined to own not only the people of this country but the whole world.

millner #racist stormfront.org

Living in the city by the bay at present is like never before in my memory. The mall riot at Westfield Shopping Center recently just confirmed the out of control state of minority groups most especially blacks in the city.

Add to that the mind boggling actions of public agencies such as BART, all invariably run by a cadre of cuck white males, white hating white females, bull dyes and razor ladies (the tight haircut dykes usually with spiky hair dyed pink etc. when they feel really bold), smarmy latinos, black gay men, a transgender if they can get them in there, effete straight while guys who will do just about anything to stay at BART and keep their big salary, money grabbing asians, fake filipinos and a few grumpy group think russian. That will give you a fair cross section on what goes into a public agency in San Francisco.

Many of the decision makers at BART are usually Black anyhow. The few white execs at the very top are as cuck as you ever get. How else could they get to the top of that rotten heap without going along with the whole diversity is golden nonsense. Pirates in neckties as they say what needs to be said and worry about the last part of of the bonus and how is the Charles Schwab account looking for them.

Now, what is the most damaging element in the whole mix above?. Of them all, it is the Black women. Here in the Bay Area they feel particularly emboldened with a level of direct involvement to further their own race at any chance they can get. Some nasty ladies from what I have experienced. I had an experience wherein a fairly beefy white guy was being verbally harassed by a big black guy. All happening in a bank I worked as a tech consultant some years back. The white guy eventually complained of harassment and it was very personal insulting stuff. No excuse for it whatsoever. The blacks were of the belief their guy was just stressed lately and blamed the job and the system in general for his behavior. No honor or integrity in Black women and are truly the source of so much strife not just in this city but worldwide.

I would be almost certain the pressure was placed on the powers that be in BART by black employees to withhold these videos. To sit through meetings watching the offending videos of young blacks who look like their own children or relatives and to see it day after day must be embarrassing to Black women. The gay blacks and the black women work together to be a fairly considerable force in many office environments in the Bay Area.

YT88 #racist stormfront.org

The common man is not qualified to make important decisions. Voting is good though because it allows us to remove unpopular leaders from office without killing them. We should not let people vote if they don't pay taxes or are not white or were born in another country.

Hibernia89 #racist stormfront.org

Adolf Hitler was a living god. He was the embodiment of the will of all Aryan peoples, focused in the clay and spirit of one man. Adolf Hitler WAS Germany, Adolf Hitler WAS the Aryan Race. He was the Stuka pilot, the SS soldier holding fast against the Bolsheviks, he was the infant sleeping with its head on its mothers breast, he was the children playing on the tree swing in the back yard, he was the Appalachian teenager hunting racoons with a .22, he was the dairy farmer milking cows in the morning, he was the Russian peasant baking bread on Sunday. He was everything good and proper and pure and Aryan.

youngwhitemale5 #racist stormfront.org

The question I got thrown in school today, I was asked: "So would you rather races of people lived separately rather than together?" I responded yes.

I was literally just branded a "f**king racist" immediately by one of my black classmates.

Do these people not have the intellectual capacity to understand that racism is different from separatism?

RACISM: My race is superior to yours!
SEPARATISM: My race should live separate to yours!

They really don't get it at all.

What is the future for us Whites with these kinds of intellectual retards set to take the reigns of our future?

Starrynova and Aine #racist stormfront.org

(Starrynova): Such a nasty experience today. A black female and her friend began screaming at me as I was walking down the subway station staircase (very long and slow line) for taking a look over the rail!! It took a good 3 seconds max, and only because I had no idea where the shuttle bus was, and I was in no way holding up the line. They just kept screaming profanities at me for a good 5 min and laughing. I live in one of the best neighborhoods in the city and it's still ruined.

It's reminiscent of my experience at the DMV. Very long story, but when they actively refused to let me support my elderly grandmother with a heart condition there with her English, I ended up having to call the cops. The security coons by the entrance were just standing there laughing in our faces, (common theme when I'm confronting them) at our obvious distress. Just pure evil, I can't even call them animals. I'm going to have to be there before the year is up, and I wonder what I can/should do.

(Aine): I'm sorry. I know what those situations can be like...that feeling of anger and helplessness.
They truly do love reveling our ancestor's faintness of heart when it came to granting them equal rights.
It's often mind boggling to think that less than a century ago, such behavior would cause them to meet a severe punishment...but today, they're free to flaunt their aggression and animosity whenever the urge strikes.

Merlin #fundie stormfront.org


Do you want to do what is natural (according to nature), or what is unnatural (against nature)?

Do you want to be on the side of right, or an offense?

Do you want to do something to make your ancestors proud, or be an embarrassment?

What is your opinion of sexually transmitted diseases?

Are you seriously expecting to come here and have us embrace you? Our opposition to homosexuality is clear.

You have been effected by all the pro-gay propaganda. Turn off the tv and get your mind straight (pardon the pun). We need you here, present, in reality.

It is time to decide. Which path will you choose?

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