Heather Mac Donald is an investigative journalist who has done some truly remarkable work in exposing the endless lies of the left. I must admit I’ve rather idolized this person for her bravery in usefully confronting the endless anti-White diatribe with hard (and hard-to-find) facts. That being said, my idolization of people doesn’t take the usual idiotic form of guru worship so common among the endless throngs of retards that populate our world. I simply appreciate—and feel a sense of debt.
Now imagine how irritated I was to click on one of her speeches on YouTube only to hear her refer to the “horrific injustice of slavery and Jim Crow,” or something similarly mindless. And many would say I shouldn’t dwell on that bit, but I think the failure of so many to dwell on that is exactly the point. For all the good she has done, it rather sounds as if Ms. Mac Donald would keep us on the road to hell (decrying the suffering the whole time) because she—even she—buys into the utterly ludicrous narrative that Blacks have been mistreated by Whites EVER.
And so it goes with virtually every public figure that I admire or border on admiring: Jim Goad at Takimag, Donald Trump, Steven Crowder, and several others. These are reasonably intelligent individuals—certainly without peer among their leftist opponents, which makes for some very entertaining argumentative beat-downs. And I’m even willing to grant that Donald Trump is in no position to voice such a thing as what I’m about to say, but I can tell that he is a true-believer, that ALL of them are true-believers . . . that Blacks are equal to Whites, or that they SHOULD BE TREATED as equal to Whites.
For leftists, this is as far as they needed to read. I’m “bad” because I dare to assert that the races are not equal—more specifically that the White race is superior to all other races on earth. Leftards have been conditioned like monkeys to sententiously repeat their special little religious mantras about equality and human uniformity and magic hate rays that make even rich Negroes do badly on tests. So if you’re one of these people, please let me address the other members of the audience and do me a favor by putting a gun in your mouth and blowing that shriveled sack of excrement you call your brain out through the top of your pointed head.
But whom does that leave? The blades are all sharpened, the armor is polished, and the enemy has left the gate unmanned, but nowhere in the wide world can we find even one person sufficiently intelligent to pick up his own sword without cutting off his own fingers. What a pack of bloody imbeciles! Sometimes I feel utter shame at how long it took me to see the truth, and then I reflect on how alone I am in what I can see.
I’d like to put aside the fact that evolution literally precludes the possibility of racial equality. Let’s spare ourselves the observation that the inventive history of the White race outstrips that of all other races COMBINED by about a thousand-to-one. I’d just like you to stop for a second and use information gathered by your own eyes. Just for a moment shut off the propaganda voice you let rule your consciousness from the back of your well-trained mind, and access your own direct personal experience for a moment. When in the course of your entire life have you ever seen any evidence, even one shred, that the races are equal? No evasions, no cherry-picking, no tu-quoque fallacies: Have you ever seen any evidence that the various non-White groups you have encountered, taken one race at a time or all at once, were a match for the majesty, cleverness, decency, and beauty of Whites?
Every philosophical ideal you hold dear in the world, whether you are a leftist or an actual human being, has come from our race: Civilization itself, environmental conservation, rejection of spousal abuse, the notion of human rights, every medium in which you have ever received information, the understanding of the movement of the heavens, democracy, the aspiration for personal greatness and worth, all of it, ALL OF IT, has come from the White race. THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO LET DIE AS YOU PRETEND IT MAKES YOU NOBLE TO SAY THE RACES ARE EQUAL.
And all of that is destroyed by the non-Whites. In China and Japan, individuals are relegated to the existence of being little more than mechanical surfs mass-producing for a soulless state. In any dealing you have with public officials, be they police or school masters, judges or businessmen, you can expect to have to pay a bribe to get “fair” treatment. Japan hides it a little better, but practices amakudari in selection of CEOs and has been repeatedly admonished for stealing patents and doing nothing to prosecute countless bribery cases. I mention these two nations because Asians are the closest thing to a decent race apart from Whites: the closest thing, but still a thousand light years short of it. They lie and they cheat and they steal constantly. They, like every other non-White race, swarm into White nations for a better life, bringing their corruption with them and destroying what we have, all while telling us how oppressive and hateful and vile we are.
How many people have you ever heard of who wanted to run away from a White nation for Japan or China? Honestly, have you EVER? What does that tell you?
My point here is that none of this is going to get any better until White people are hurting badly enough that they lose their fear of stating what they can see with their own eyes. We are forbidden to say our race is the best precisely because it really is the best. It simply isn’t brought up by even the most daring of anti-globalist personalities because it is the one objective fact that will unify all the inferiors in their rage and hatred of our achievements. But the really sad truth is that these “daring” nonconformists won’t admit it even to themselves.
Blacks were NEVER mistreated in America, never mistreated by the White race anywhere, not for even one day. Putting aside more leftist evasions like focussing on far-removed singular individuals who met a bad fate (though more often than not, even they got better than they deserved, like Negroes hanged for raping or murdering innocent people), the non-White races have always gained from us far, far, far more than we gained from them. Our interactions with them have always been to their benefit, and always they have cried crocodile tears and pretended they were wronged.
And slavery was never unjust to Blacks, Heather. Blacks are intellectual children, and violent, indolent, incompetent, and useless. They were taken from a life of horrific poverty, rampant disease, incessant warfare, and early death in Africa to a life of useful work, medical providence, and the same respectful care that was given to any tamed horse by his master, if not out of benevolence then out of a desire for consistent productivity. The only injustice in that slavery was to the White race. Slavery has been turned into yet another mythical holocaust where Blacks, supposedly provided for free in endless supply to evil White southerners, were daily whipped bloody, raped, and worked without sleep in deserts full of cobras until they dropped from exhaustion. This narrative is as far from reality as is describing a kids’ summer camp as a prison—or Bruce Jenner as a woman, for that matter.
Oh, and Africa had then AND STILL HAS NOW slavery. If we really think that’s so horrible, why aren’t we bombing Africa at this very moment? But we actually know better, don’t we. And the Middle East still has slavery. And the crap we buy from our “trade partners” in China is essentially manufactured by slaves, isn’t it. That’s why we buy it. Slave labor makes for cheap products—in both senses of the word.
But the Negroes received their food and lodging, a bit of alcohol now and again, and were allowed to get together and play music and party, and accumulate personal baubles just like everyone else. They simply weren’t allowed to leave, just like the average laborer right now in China or Mexico. But we aren’t bombing China and Mexico because we know it’s not really that bad, and what on earth would we do with them if we “freed” them from it?
The average person in Mexico has seen their enslavement as nothing but a blessing. Having a factory to work in, with air conditioning and a steady pay check beats the starvation existence they had on their overcrowded farms, trying to squeeze a survival out of the parched dirt. My objection to our factories moving to Mexico has nothing to do with this enslavement (i.e. EMPLOYMENT) of the Mexican people, but rather the horrific effects it has had on my own race.
What would the average Black slave have become if he had been freed? We have the answer to this: He would keep working on his original plantation for a paycheck that amounts to nothing more than the benefits he got when he was a slave, and his freedom had thus expanded to either going to work on another plantation for the same pay, or moving north and trying to mooch off the naive pity of the anti-slavery libtards of the time. Few took that last option because it was the unknown and required thought and effort. The opportunity to become a welfare parasite had to be brought to the southern Negro’s door by libfags from the north because Blacks are so inferior that they would have remained slaves forever rather than figure out how to live off other people’s tax money. Where in ANY of this is the “injustice” to Negroes?
Realizing the races are not equal matters because all the supposed injustice of “White privilege” is based on the unproven (and entirely false) assertion that the races OUGHT to all be entitled to the same things. In a world where liars and retards can claim children are equal to adults, the protective parent who won’t let his or her pre-adolescent have sex and drink alcohol becomes an “oppressor,” and the physically weak, ignorant child becomes the “oppressed.” In a world where devils and imbeciles declare that animals are equal to people, a barbecue becomes a “holocaust” and rats and roaches must be allowed to live in your home, in your cupboards, in your bed else you are guilty of “bigotry.” But in reality in both cases, the universe has a logical hierarchy and making unequal things equal is an act of cowardice or stupidity at best.
Attention Jim Goad and Donald Trump and Steven Crowder and Heather Mac Donald: Go outside tonight and look up at the moon. There’s a fifty-fifty chance it will be in your sky tonight whenever you read this, assuming that by some chance you ever do. Human beings have been to that world, have walked around on its surface, left flags, brought back to earth pieces of the heavens. And every last one of them was White: not Asian, not Jewish, not Middle Eastern. White.
You rightly pride yourselves on seeing past the PC brainwashing. When are you going to admit to yourself the reality that the races are not equal, and that one of them is clearly far better than all the others? There’s a world full of people watching you, daring to ask questions of themselves based on what you say. Maybe it’s time you found a way to get them to ask the one that really matters, but first you’ll have to ask it of yourselves.