
Lavendercelt #sexist stormfront.org

It is designed to destroy families. Extreme feminist philosophy wants to destroy the nuclear family and make women like men. Hardcore extreme feminists want to move toward genderlessness. Its important to realize that hardcore feminism is driven by lesbianism. The hatred of men and children, and the adoration of that national blood orgy that is abortion is what drives them. It just my opinion, but feminism is driven by women who are mentally ill and feel so personally slighted that anything that is denied to them is a denial of their "rights."

Most women (at least most of the women I know) are pretty much normal, love their husbands and families, etc, and just live their lives. Feminist philosophy means little to them, and when the averag woman comes face to face with what feminism really is, they abhor it. Its not normal. The problem is that these feminists have co-opted the right to speak for all women and they don't.

AmericanRobin #racist stormfront.org

Most articles from the juden media when commenting on Whites becoming a minority in their homelands.
They gloat about it.

Gleefully cheering on White Genocide as if it is the triumph of the century.
And to the majority of non-Whites it is.

Just wait until the civilized first world that Whites built crumbles into the $hithole.
Like these parasitic destroyers made of their own countries that they ran from.

DomTxn #racist stormfront.org

This is not bold. This is a perfect example of the kind of rampant stupidity running through the black community. Young blacks believe with all their hearts and minds that they are bulletproof. They sincerely think that no white man can or ever will punish them for their arrogance. I wish to God that there were still a few old blacks alive. Ones who could clue them in on the truth. Ones who remember the Big Boss Man.

That mean ass white Man who would not tolerate any crap. Let a black snake whip crack on the backs of a few of these mouthy spooks and it would be positively amazing how their actions and attitude toward whites would change. There wouldn't be anymore of this profanity splattering around in our cities. It would be all Yassuh, Nosah Mistah white man suh. Let me be blunt. I do not want blacks to like me or get along with me. I don't need them involved in my life in any way. All I want is respect. If you wont respect me for being a white man, you will damn sure respect me for being a Bad Ass white man.

Jay99 #conspiracy stormfront.org

No matter where you go you will be subjected to Jewish brainwashing and most people live their entire life without even realizing it. I've just recently woken up to it myself. It seems so obvious now. The jews have such a strong hold on our countries i went through 4 years at high school doing history 6 months of studying the Romans and another 6 studying Slavery (I might add only whites enslaving Blacks we didn't learn anything else about slavery) the rest we studied WW1 and WW2 and basically all anti German/the Nazi's and pro jew.

It seems so clear now to me about the holocaust but at the time i was studying it i was so blind but that was because we are been brought up in a society were we are not allowed to question things against others. I never learned any proof to the holocaust just that a bunch of jews died and Hitler was to blame. That's a problem i have just now. My mind has to sets it seems. My current one in which i have woken up and know the truth but then i have another one my old one were no matter what i think my mind automatically goes to the old one and makes me think negative. The main reason i don't tell a lot of people about my views is because my old mind takes over. I'm thinking positive i will show them the truth and hopefully wake them up to but then my other mind takes over it automatically tells me what i belief is racist and that i shouldn't do it. It just angers me that we are putting trust in the education system and they are brainwashing us into these beliefs that even when i know its not true. I still think about it before making any decision. It's got such a strong grip on my mind and i know its going to take a bit of time to get passed it and that time will come.

I just can't stand it anymore it annoys me so much that people don't see whats happening and even if i try and say anything to my friends they call me racist and a Nazi. The future is not bright for My country or my Race both are just slowly dying and i hate that we see people aiding to the death (teachers) and we can't stop them. I firmly believe that the only way forward is through strength and power. We can't win a vote with the people currently running our country they won't let it happen. They won't let a party who actually stand up for the white people have their voices heard. The only possible way i see us coming out on top is through violence showing them that we aren't going to allow our races death. Words don't hurt these evil rulers of our once great nations. I honestly hope when we win we can tell the kids of the future how evil these jews really were and see how they like it.

Merlin #racist stormfront.org

Yup, she sure seems nice enough. Maybe one day you'll have kids who will kinda look like you, but really won't. Maybe one night quietly lying in bed you will hear the faint sound of your ancestors rolling in their graves because you dumped on your heritage, dumped on what they fought for, and dumped on them.

It is not ok to just date for a while either. That shows a lack of integrity, and a lack of leadership. You must be an example to others, and holding hands with the non-White girl shows others that is ok. Weaker people may follow your path, and thus you contribute directly and indirectly to our destruction.

Lord Jim #racist stormfront.org

The Negro love for friend chicken is legendary. Even in the "Old South" Humans were puzzled by the Negros’s insatiable desire for the "throw-away" parts of slaughtered animals that were normally fed to hogs. To understand this behavior better, one must realize that the Negro was never a hunter - it lacked the cunning and organizational abilities to do so, rather these disgusting Simians looked for food wherever they could find it - often waiting until something died or was killed and scrounged the remains of the picked-over carcass.

The prime competition for these remains was of course large winged birds such as Vultures. Armed with sharp beaks and claws, these foraging bands of Negros routinely got their asses kicked by flocks of scavenging birds - and they had to wait and dine on whatever was left over once the other superior carnivores finally had their fill. For Negros to enjoy the prime part of the kill, such as entrails and vital organs, was an impossible dream - so imagine their shock and joy when they became domesticated and were fed such delicacies as Hog Jowls and Chitterlings by their Masters!

Often times Negros would leave their young unattended (a tradition that continues today!) and they would be carried away by predatory birds. So deep is the Negro hatred for birds, that is genetically programmed into their DNA. Negros are simple minded animals, and the sight of seeing their former avian rivals now quartered and fried is too much for them to resist. Negros will stuff as much fried chicken down their gaping Simian maws as they can to commemorate their "victory" over their former winged enemies of the sky!

Jovina74, RebRanger, and whiterules46 #racist stormfront.org

(Jovina74): The real plague 'black death' came to our shores on merchant ships chartered by gentile hating Jews.

(RebRanger): I would respect blacks if they returned to their own country. They have proven that they cannot function in a White society, so they should pack up and leave. Even Abraham Lincon wanted to solve the "Negro Problem" by deporting them to colonize new places. Lincon, contrary to popular opinion, revealed a high level of disdain of the newly freed slaves, showing that even the "great emancipator" himself thought that the nearest 'hood should be several hundred miles away.

(whiterules46): It was better off when they were slaves...the white race had a control and hold of things..there was order...there was peace, beauty, love and care in this wonderful America...as for the black man....yes...totally inferior and useless, under these circumstances..

Lord Jim #racist stormfront.org

Negroes had ample opportunities to earn that respect, and squandered them all with their innate feral and feckless behavior.

Whites are descendants of Europeans who had created a majestic civilization. Negroes are tribal people with no written language and virtually no intellectual achievements. Acting on a policy that was not fair to either group, the government released newly freed Negros into a white society that saw them as inferiors.

Decade after decade the problems persisted but the social justice warriors never gave up. They insisted that if they could find the right formula cohabitation would work, and concocted program after program to get the result they wanted. They created the Freedman’s Bureau, passed civil rights laws, tried to build the Great Society, declared War on Poverty, ordered race preferences, built housing projects, and tried midnight basketball.

Their new laws intruded into people’s lives in ways that would have been otherwise unthinkable. They called in National Guard troops to enforce school integration. They outlawed freedom of association. Over the protests of parents, they put Caucasian children on buses and sent them to Negro schools and vice versa. They tried with money, special programs, relaxed standards, and endless handwringing to close the “achievement gap.” To keep Caucasian backlash in check they began punishing public and even private statements on race. They hung up Orwellian public banners that commanded Caucasians to “Celebrate Diversity!” and “Say No to Racism.” Nothing was off limits if it might salvage the idea that Negros and Caucasians are equal on all levels.

Through the years, too many Negros continue to show an inability to function and prosper in a culture unsuited to them. Detroit is bankrupt, the south side of Chicago is a war zone, and the vast majority of black cities all over America are beset by degeneracy and violence. And Negros never take responsibility for their failures. Instead, they lash out in anger and resentment.

Across the generations and across the country, as we have seen in Detroit, Watts, Newark, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, and now Ferguson, rioting and looting are just one racial incident away. We are told we just have to try harder. More money, time, understanding, programs, and/or more opportunities are needed.

But nothing changes no matter how much money is spent, no matter how many laws are passed, no matter how many Negro geniuses are portrayed on TV, and no matter who is president. Some argue it’s a problem of “culture,” as if culture creates people’s behavior instead of the other way around. Others blame “white privilege.”

BUT, when America threw open the flood gates to the Third World, immigrants from Asia and India–people who are not Caucasian, not rich, and not “connected”–have quietly succeeded. While the children of these people are winning spelling bees and getting top scores on the SAT, Negro “youths” are committing half the country’s violent crime–crime, which includes viciously punching random Caucasians on the street for the thrill of it that has nothing to do with poverty.

After some 60 years of failure, squandering trillions of their tax dollars, Caucasians are exhausted with the failure to turn Negroes into productive people. They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, the bottomless pit of grievances regardless of the money given away, the excuses, and the reflexive animosity.

three in one #racist #fundie stormfront.org

My parents (both now dead, may they rest in peace) were both ardent Christians who brought me up to love our Lord Jesus Christ and to hate His persecutors, the evil Jews.

My dad hated the Jews because he had dealings with them in business and they invariably cheated him and ultimately ruined him financially. Part of that was his fault, because he had a Jew accountant who he trusted, who cooked his books and siphoned off his money. Of course, my dad couldn't prove that because the Jew had a Jew lawyer who lied to the judge, who was also a Jew. That's what happens when a Christian tries to fight the Jew in the courts.

My mom despised Jews because they killed Jesus and because they are against Christianity and are attempting to take over the world and enslave or kill White Christians, and they are well on their way to doing just that.

I also hate Jews, but not so much because of my parents' views, but because of my own encounters with that satanic tribe. Really, the Jews are the cause of most of the world's problems, which they have been since well before they killed their own Messiah, and we would be much better off if the Jews were sent to hell to be with their father, the devil.

intelligentsia #racist stormfront.org

Saw this thread on the main page and thought I'd contribute! I was lucky enough to go to an all-white primary school, and the secondary school I went to only had ONE black kid! Doing anything remotely construed as "gay" got you a severe kicking, and immigration was something we never experienced as kids. There was none of this modern BLM, pro-gay, flag-waving BS. Oh to go back...

Even back then, blacks were distrusted and kept at arms length. But people kept their views very quiet, nobody openly criticised uppity blacks or called them out for their bad, entitled attitudes towards life. So, being a bookworm, I read LOADS. I immersed myself into the world of the Ku Klux Klan, civil rights, the notions of white supremacy and the REAL history of slavery. It all helped shape my opinions, I just wish I'd had someone to help guide me in the right direction as a lot of my attitude was initially tentative and slow-forming. But, when I hit the world of work - BAM. I saw it all for myself.

I saw blacks being promoted to senior positions by whites as visible "equality" measures, but the blacks, instead of continuing to promote equality, only promoted more blacks. In my first role as security, I was told that black workers smoking cannabis on the job wasn't illegal, it was just "a black cultural thing" that I "wouldn't understand". Once, a black girl stubbed her lit cigarette out in my face, then I was accused of racism for shoving her away! She fell over due to the force of my push, so I lost my job! The police did nothing when I reported it. Once I went to a restaurant with my girlfriend and two blacks made crude, sexual comments to her, licking their lips like animals. I've never experienced such violent, aggressive or sexual behaviour from whites, ever. Don't even get me started on the middle-Eastern immigrants I started to meet!

I figured enough was enough. Internet research led me to lurk here sporadically, and I've continued reading, learning, and slowly participating in spreading the word and helping others when and where I can!

Jay99 #racist stormfront.org

I was preparing for an essay in English class on Friday i was looking up ideas and taking notes on what to do. First i wanted to do my favorite football team and write about them but unfortunately my teacher said "Because of Sectarianism in Scotland we cannot allow you to do that". So i was already angry since i had spent the last 45 minutes taking notes on that. So i thought for a while and didn't have a clue what to do but somehow i went from football to White nationalism. My teacher suggested i do a comparison between WN and BLM but there was no way i was doing that. So i thought for a bit and finally decided to do. How there is a difference between being a WN and being a White Supremacist. So i wrote down a few things i know and the day was up.

My teacher had no problem with it at the time and i thought well at least when i read it out in front of the class i can change a few students minds but then on Sunday at like 12:00pm my mum gets an email saying I've had further problems with being racist and that the school will not tolerate it and my parents are already constantly questioning me now this the school just don't sit back they like inflicting arguments on people. They said in the email. "Educate your son on minorities" Well whites are a minority in this world so me studying White nationalism surely passes that.

They have no time for white kids. Always making adjustments for the other 5% of the kids. You want to eat Muslim Food. We will start serving Muslim food in the cafeteria. If you want us to teach Islam instead of Christianity we will. They are taking over our country without even firing a shot. Our schools are falling at their knees waiting on their next request. There is nothing happening to stop it. My nephew is 2 and the way i see it she will be going to school in a burka because that will be the new school uniform soon.

ZenTheSkinhead #racist stormfront.org

So I attend a decent vocational school. The other day I was walking in the hallway when I spotted a shirt that said "Black and Proud" (Basically looked like this). I kept walking and was thinking "Okay, well if that's allowed then I'll wear my shirt". So the next day I wore my "100% White 100% Proud" shirt. I was about to pass the black guy who wore that other shirt the day before, but he sees my shirt and starts chimping out. He got in my face and began yelling a bunch of gibberish at my face and proceed to call me a "cracker". I tried to ignore him at first, but he was creating a scene and wouldn't move; so I instinctively said to him "Get out of my way, n*gger".

He said "**** you" and went and reported me to the office. I got called down to the office later that day. The principal told me I am not allowed to wear my shirt. I explained to them that the black kid wore the Black and Proud shirt, and instead of listening to me so they could address that with him, the principal changed the topic to what I said to the black kid. I told the principal about the kid getting in my face and calling me a cracker, and right away the principal said "Okay, have a nice day". I am sick of this double-standard bull**** in today's society. Blacks get away with too much ****.

Jay99 #racist stormfront.org

So i was just wondering is it the same for everyone.washing lies but its actually getting out of control where i am because today at school (or yesterday depends when i finish typing this) We had speakers in from the local mosque to talk to us about Islamophobia but basically it was a joke. For the first 20 minutes they just a i know that no matter where you go you will be subjected to brainttacked Whites and justified recent terrorists attacks by bringing up events that happened more than 50 years ago. I learned pretty quickly that it wasn't about Islamophobia it was just Anti White Propaganda. They went onto talk to us about how we should come out to them after the talk if we were Islamophobic and that it was just because we were angry and depressed at our current life.

I am angry i am depressed but that's only because i look at my great country with a great historic past being ruined by terrorists who call themselves refugees. I couldn't believe many people at my school buying it and looking happy that they came and its only going to get worse not going to be long before my school start teaching Arabic. Which by the way the speakers suggested the kids should start to get used to. Why should i get used to a foreign language that i don't care about nor do i have any interests in learning it. The thing that annoyed me mostly but is that my school is like 95% White Why do we care about Islam. It's bad enough having a mosque in my town but now their trying to infiltrate the School to. I toke RME on this year unfortunately I'm not allowed to do it anymore but we had 4 classes per week.

Phoenix1933 #conspiracy stormfront.org

Re: Trump pulls USA out of Paris climate deal

(If you claim to be an educated and cognitively aware member of the White race, and yet cannot identify the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change in today's environment, then do everyone a favour and give yourself an uppercut. Seriously.)

You're the one who's full of BS. You presented no evidence or logic or anything valid. You only spewed a lot of insults and emotions. If the evidence is so overwhelming then why didn't you present any of it? You talk like a libtard communist. You're not going to convince me of anything just by writing several paragraphs of nothing but insults. Do you even know any of the evidence that you claim is so overwhelming? I've listened to some videos debunking so-called "climate change." And I also have a scientific personality, which means I tend to take a scientific approach to many things. My personality type is INTJ and you can read about INTJ's. I've always loved science and I know that "climate change" is BS that was designed by the jews as a trick to promote their world government plans. I've taken classes in physics, chemistry, calculus, and other advanced math subjects. You're calling the wrong person an ignorant hick.

There actually isn't any good evidence for a "climate change" problem.
You say there's so much great evidence for it but obviously, you don't even know what you're talking about.

Here's one huge thing to consider: If climate change is so real and so catastrophic, then WHY are they allowing China, India and other countries to keep increasing their pollution until 2030 in the Paris Accord? If it were so real and so bad, then the leaders of the world would take this thing seriously and demand that all major polluting nations drastically cut their pollution. But they're NOT taking it seriously. They never have!

I saw an episode of Nova well over 10 years ago. They said we had 10 years to reverse global warming or else the Earth would be irreversibly doomed. The disaster never happened. Also the idea of Global Warming turned out to be wrong, so they changed the name to "Climate Change," which is an idiotic, meaningless name since climate always changes.

Hungry Brain #racist stormfront.org

Jews must be laughing right now. Misery loves company, and now England is getting some misery that the Israelis have had to deal with for years. Not only that, but the focus of everyone's anger will be on the hajis, rather than the Jews who let these cockroaches into England to begin with. Who do you blame? The man who sics his dog on you, or the dog?

What did the English ever do to the Jews to deserve this? Jews believe the Holocaust tale, you know, the one where the UK saved them from getting stuffed into ovens. Either they don't believe that story, or they are the most ungrateful people of all time.

I don't know how all of this is going to unfold, but if England doesn't get rid of its Jews, it will cease to exist.

cosmicgirl #fundie stormfront.org

Re: Malleus Maleficarum : Redheads are prone to be Witches , Vampires and Werewolves

i myself tend to give more credit to the theory that blondes and redheads are more recently, or have a more persistent genetic origin, from off-world. iirc, redheads and most natural blondes (especially platinum blondes) are found to be RH- and/or of the O blood type, among other traits not found in any other earthling human populace group.

As such, i would propose that (natural) redheads and platinum blondes are rather better off being genetically prized, not persecuted, for they are the White races most delicate treasures. We should be having lots and lots of red-headed, blue eyed, RH negative and O-blood-type, pale as a goth ever was, children.

Germanican #racist stormfront.org

If the "Holocaust" would have happened historical research on that matter would be encouraged and not verboten and punished by up to 5 years of jail !The Holocaust is the biggest lie ever !
As there is no historical proof that a single jew got gassed !
The Holocaust the new western religion to enrich a few greedy jews and put the white man down who pays for all this nonsense...
A lie to enrich the jew and occupy Palestine and commit genocide of the Palestinian people which is the biggest crime going on in the world today !
Good for Estonia to put an end to this B.S. that is going on now since 1948 when the great terror state israHell was founded...
Enough is enough !
Holocaust is fake history as man made global warming is fake science.
2 religions invented by jews to make a lot of money !

14words_of_truth, WhiteRights, and DerekJack123 #racist stormfront.org

(14words_of_truth): Yesterday there was no mention in the news report that the little girl killed was white, if the species had been reversed it would be the biggest news story in the world right now.

The African and the mudshark should not be going to prison, they should be going to the gallows.

The biggest question is, what kind of a woman is that grand mother?

She raised up a daughter to be a low life mudshark, what will she do to the grand children now?

Childhood is hell on Earth for a lot of innocent little white children right now.

(WhiteRights): The second a White woman brings some Third World trash home as her new boyfriend, she should lose custody of any White kids she may have.
Let her go down the Nicole Brown-Simpson road all by herself.

(DerekJack123): I have no sympathy for coal burning mud sharks. The little girl on the other hand didn't get to choose her whore mother. I feel bad for her.

I never could understand the attraction white women see in blacks. Is it the myth of "size"? Is that why only white whores and fat pigs are the ones attracted to them? Because I can't see it being anything else. Is it their intelligence? Work ethics? Can't be... plus they stink.

Tin Omen, Soldat1gott, and WhiteRights #racist stormfront.org

(Tin Omen): And throughout his career, at all times, he's been just another sportsball black dude on screens across America.

Two words: So. What.

Speaking of Tiger Woods appearing on screens--nobody looks good after being picked up for a DUI in the wee hours of a Monday morning, but that godawful mugshot seemed immediately familiar to me. Then I remembered where I'd seen it before. There are about a thousand permutations of that same face posted on this very site, in the threads about guys being picked up for shanking and/or raping old ladies, or murdering infants, or brutally beating White women.

That mugshot ought to bring it home to you: when you strip away all the bells and whistles, all you have in Tiger Woods is nothing more than another mixed-race mongrel.

Far, far goddamned cry from a Greek tragic hero.

(Soldat1gott): It does not matter what "Tiger" or any of the other magic negro's do. They have become icons of the American idiot culture. Think of all the muds on the jewtube or talmudvision that millions of Americans worship. Every weekend it's the ball chasers, every commercial is black man white woman, every classic movie franchise that was white is now becoming black. Never mind how many hundred of thousands of citizens have been murdered by blacks. Every time I watch the local news, all I see is black violence, but when the local officials are asked to address the problem their response is always " It's a complex issue". Which means they are going to do nothing because they are afraid of the idiot culture who voted them in.

(WhiteRights): They get seriously screwed up by not belonging to an identifiable group.

Remember that half-Asian guy, Elliot Woods who killed seven people in Santa Barbara.

There was a mulatto in Oregon, who shot nine people.

It was a huge mistake to elect the mulatto Obama. He clearly hated White people and was letting the Third World invade America as punishment for all his personal problems.

BulldogRevolver #fundie stormfront.org

I concur with your opinion fully. Minus her being black for a minute, it was nothing to do with her race in this matter but her religion. As much as there is a war on race there is also a war on religion and morality. It's all about destroying what is good, and whatsoever your opinion is on religion you got to admit deep down it's the best one out of the lot! You want Islam instead? Knock down a few historic splendid Godly Cathedrals for a few ungodly ugly mosques? We WERE a Christian nation once and I know some like to erase that from the history of our ONCE "Great" Britain. One of the reasons it was so Great was because this country had some sort of faith/hope to wake up to every morning, counted their blessings from the biggest to smallest of things to be thankful for it and believed striving to carry on for the very best in life.

Look at it now? They have done a great job making this country one of the most atheistic, cold/heartless, unmoral, vile/disgusting and not to mention laughable places you could ever find on a map!
Someone told me once and described us very well that we (British) have no shame! It's true! We don't! It's sad! That's why a lot of people seem not to like us because we have no self-respect. We don't even get on with our own for crying out loud!
While the religion of Islam multiplies, Christianity declines.
It's a punishment for our lack of faith.

Idaho72 #racist stormfront.org

I can respect a black person, as far as trying to better themselves, get an education, not being a leach on society, but with that said, they always revert back to their old ways. They want to hang on to the, "You white people owe me, because you enslaved my people." They can scream anything they want about how white people have wronged them, but if a white person says anything, they are immediately labeled a racist. We have given them special treatment, privileges, protection, and where has it gotten us? Things are worse off now, then they were back when blacks were slaves. There wasn't the crime rates we are seeing now. Blacks have only themselves to blame. They, and only they, are responsible for the breakdown in the black home. They are responsible for the continued hatred that is doing nothing more than preventing them from being a productive member of society.

Red Baron #racist stormfront.org

I have a friend that is a college math professor. I asked him if he thought that the big bang theory was a Judeo-Christian concoction. He told me that it was first fabricated by a monk astronomer after being ordered by the pope to create a theory that supported the Biblical story of creation. Later on a Russian Jewish astronomer resurrected the monk’s theory to promote his faith.

I asked him if he ever went over the mathematics of the theory and he said no but a mathematician friend of his in another country did and wrote a number of papers about the mathematical mistakes, bad assumptions, and deliberate manipulations of the theory to fit the religious dogma. The professor further said that The Big Bang Theory is a Judeo-Christian conspiracy and anyone including his mathematician friend that questions it, is ostracized by the scientific community.

He said black holes are a part of this fabrication and are scientifically untestable due to their physical characteristics (they can't be seen, give off no radiation,etc) which makes black hole theory just another religion.

three in one #racist stormfront.org

Jews always cause their own problems by being nasty and mean and following their satanic instincts to harm Gentiles through robbery, wage-slavery and actual murder. The jews killed Jesus Christ, and they have been trying ever since to kill His followers. When the Christians (and others) rebel against jewish control and rise up against their jewish oppressors, the jews scream and whine about "anti-semitism," as if they are the victims and not the cause of the hatred against them. It's way past time for we Christians and others to recognize that the jews are the spawn of Satan and do what needs to be done to control them for our own protection.

Lasting Legacy #racist stormfront.org

Early reports indicated that about half the victims were under 18 but I haven't seen that being reported more recently. I would rather leftist adults get killed if these things have to happen rather than kids who have no control over immigration policy.

Hundreds of people were at that concert. The survivors will surely be traumatized and many will think that it could have been themselves to get killed. Many will have been injured while others will have lost their friends, siblings, children... It's one thing to kill adults, but the killing of children really has a powerful effect on people, especially parents.

If there is one good thing to come out of this is that hopefully, many children and teenagers as well as the parents of some of the kids who attended that concert (who are alive or not) will maybe not be so willing to support open borders or call the nationalists evil-nazi-racist-fascist-xenophobic-bigots when they advocate to close the borders and stop immigration.

In many countries, it is the youth that are driving the rise of nationalists and I think that events like this will just further the racial awakening of our youth. Smart, far-seeing children will wonder about the effects of mass-immigration and what type of future they will have if non-Whites become a larger portion of our populations.

Once again, I'm absolutely not condoning this but it does help our cause and proves us right. After all, more of us will have to die before we collectively choose to survive.

You Fail Evolution Forever Award

Each one dumber than the next

14Portuguese88 and Tenniel and FreeByrd #racist stormfront.org

(14Portuguese88): It's breathtaking how most people believe that the White Race (and all the other races) came from Negroes and that we are basically Black people with White skin. Obviously, most of these people don't even have a basic knowledge about Anthropology nor do they even care about it.

(Tenniel): The White race is the most generalized race, proving, in itself, that the White race is the oldest race -- AND was the first modern human (negroes never made it to modern human/orientals did). (Micro-)evolution (probably the only kind of evolution) goes from generalized to specialized -- NOT the other way around. Negroes and Orientals are SPECIALIZED adaptations to their environments -- one heat-specialized, the other cold-specialized.

(FreeByrd): I agree with most of what you say here, except the part about the White race being the oldest of races. That isn't the way evolution works. The youngest species is usually the most advanced of the species, with the oldest being the least advanced. An I believe we all agree that the negro is the least advanced of any of the human family. Only slight more advanced than a chimpanzee.

Note: don't hold me to that last part. I'm not 100% that I haven't wronged the chimp with that statement.

As for what you propose about mongoloid and negros being a specialized species. Yes, I can see that. The negro never really does well out side his native environment of Africa. I've even go so far as to propose that the negro is at his end of his understanding of an advanced civilization. Soon as our technological and social advancement will be beyond their ability to understand. Nature has slated the negro for extinction.

Yes, I know we are supposed to keep that White Supremacist stuff under the table. By hey, lets not kid ourselves.

Nick Smith #racist #conspiracy stormfront.org

When Sean Spicer made a statement that Hitler didn't use gas the jews didn't like that for obvious reasons. Because they have been telling us for over 50 years that Hitler gassed 6 million jews to death. But when Spicer made his statement the jews only compained about the fact that he made the statement and they steered clear of getting into the argument whether or not gas was used. The reason of course is because if jews started to argue that gas was used the holocaust revisionists that have studied those camps would come up with proof that gas was not used. The jews are walking a fine line now on what they can say and can't say lest they start an argument whether or not the holocaust happened. Jews are on the defensive now that revisionists have spent so much time investigating the camps where the alleged gassing and murder of millions was supposed to have taken place and have caught jews in a massive lie.

StardustLuna #racist stormfront.org

I have a niece who's mother brought her up to 'be friendly' to black people. And now she's been raped by two black men.

I am afraid of black people. They're extremely loud in places they shouldn't be, they're rude and in your face. Do they not see that this behavior is aggressive? Maybe they do and don't care because they get away with murder since they're oh so oppressed that they never learned how to behave and tell some sob story to the jury and get off on whatever charges were against them.

Honestly, quit calling us racist because we're trying to keep from being killed, or worse, raped by black people. Learn how to behave like a human being and leave us alone.

WhiteUSA #racist stormfront.org

The analysis of racial quality of East Asians would be incomplete without addressing their very strange physical appearance

It turns out that the epicanthic fold that gives Asians their trademark mongoloid look, as undesirable as it is, is not the most embarrassing aspect of their phenotype. Much more problematic is their anatomy.

East Asian populations have two striking features:

#1 The line separating males and females is blurred because Asian males have feminine features.

#2 Asian men look like children and have child-like physiological features.

For example, apocrine sweat glands of male adults are underdeveloped, as is the case with babies, due to Asian-specific dysfunctional gene.

Mongoloid men have hardly any body hair or facial hair, the quintessential attributes of masculinity. Their sexual development is retarded.

East Asian women have boyish look and subdued attributes of femininity.

Westerners often fantasize that Japanese females as some feminine, submissive geishas with snow-white skin

But the sobering reality is that Japanese women, stripped of a thick layer of white powder, are androgynous, annoying and grotesque, just like Yoko Ono

Have the twin problems plaguing Asians: (1) adults who look like children and (2) men who look like women, been addressed in literature?

Yes, East Asians have troubling anatomical features because they suffer from neoteny.

Is neoteny, or stunted development unique to East Asians?

No, it is observed among Amerindians and mestizos as well, due to their genetic proximity to East Asians.

That is why mestizos have hardly any body hair and often little facial hair, giving them their trademark feminine look.

We conclude:

East Asians, Amerinidians and mestizos are not only intellectually, culturally and aesthetically inferior compared to the white race, but also profoundly neotenized, paedomorphic subsets of humanity.

Puddintane and Caradoc #racist stormfront.org

[Comments under "Prince Phillip: please fight White Genocide"]


I'm not sure what that means exactly.
The queen has always supported White genocide.

'Fraid so. Her Britannic Majesty loves her "Commonwealth of Nations".

Free holidays at taxpayers' expense, all those adoring natives, all those tax havens . . .

EIIR is either an expensive kept woman or a race-traitor.

She cares not for England or the English - that much is plainly apparent.

Purple Girl #racist stormfront.org

[OP of "How can we stop nosiness and forced, unwanted help from Blacks?"]

From observations, Black and low class people are more likely to force unwanted help on others and treat others like they are stupid. I don't know why they do that, and why they are too stupid to ignore strangers. If we Whites are their enemies, wicked, evil, racists, etc., they why are so desperate to force help on us, interact with us, treat us like we are stupid, etc? If they would care ONLY about themselves or at least people of their own color, then there would be less hatred and resentment between the races.

To be clear, forced help is when someone forcing something on you without your prior consent and no way to opt out. It's not the same as offered help. Nor for the purposes of this thread are we discussing emergency help. If someone is trapped in an unsafe location (eg., a crashed car or burning building) or drowning, then by all means, rescue them to a reasonable extent that's possible. Nor does the term "forced help" include things that are so customary or minor that nobody can reasonably reject, such as removing obvious litter from someone's yard, clearing a driveway, free refills in a restaurant, etc.

Here's an example. Jennifer* needed to go to court a couple of weeks back. She had her heart set on checking the door herself and not knowing whether they were open or closed until she reached the door and read it, maybe even pulled at the door. Now how would that harm anyone else? How is that ANY Black person's damn business? What harm would it do for Jennifer to walk the full distance, unassisted? It wouldn't have relieved her of even a pound of her 20-25 pounds of excess weight. No sooner than she got there and started walking in that direction, some Black woman told her that they court was closed. To Jennifer, it was not the fact of checking it herself that was important, though she certainly verified that in front of the nosy, meddling Black woman who was too rude to ignore strangers and trust others to run their own lives. No, for Jennifer, it was about the principle of the matter and the chance to live life as an adventure. It was important for her to not know until she discovered it herself, using her own effort.

So how can we stop such things and force Black strangers to ignore us and see us as irrelevant? If their lives truly mattered, then why must they meddle in ours?

* - Name changed to protect the innocent.

Transilvanian #racist stormfront.org

Gypsies are literally the scum of the Earth. Close to 100% of them lie, steal, cheat or are otherwise criminals, nearly none have ever done a second of work, they marry and molest their own children and many have been known to mutilate or dismember their own children in order to seem more pitiful, thus earning them more begging money from gullible Whites.

They're the purest form of parasite; even Jews at least put some effort into their parasitic behavior against Whites by being doctors or lawyers or whatever the hell; Gypsies do absolutely nothing that isn't criminal.

Tenacious & 14words_of_truth #racist stormfront.org

I've always believed there was more to the Emperor Qing's decision to burn the books in 200BC than meets the eye. He deliberately destroyed the history books to conceal (in my view) the fact that European, or at the very least Eurasian people were a faction (s) of Northern China (until their defeat) and had colonies elsewhere in the theater of conflict.

The old history of our people says that China and Japan were both white homelands, with the difference being that there was a massive white flight out of China, but not out of Japan.

The Japanese are a mix of the invading savages plus the original settlers who were Nordic. The Chinese are a mix of the white children they stole and raped and the invading savages.

There are pyramids built by white folks in China and white mummies. The brown Chinese invaders don't want the real history known, and have even buried some of the pyramids claiming they are only hills.

Some of the mummies are dressed in Scottish style kilts.

TrumpandPepe #racist stormfront.org

Was Ceasar really killed for betraying Rome to Jews?

A pal of mine into Roman history and redpilled told me that Ceasar sold his country out to Jews and thats why they murdered him.

I have read sources that say the Jews cried for days after Ceasar was killed and that they backed him in his war against Pompey. and of course Augustus loved Jews like his Uncle did..

So what do you think

Sieg Heil 14-88

Fading Light #racist stormfront.org


Heather Mac Donald is an investigative journalist who has done some truly remarkable work in exposing the endless lies of the left. I must admit I’ve rather idolized this person for her bravery in usefully confronting the endless anti-White diatribe with hard (and hard-to-find) facts. That being said, my idolization of people doesn’t take the usual idiotic form of guru worship so common among the endless throngs of retards that populate our world. I simply appreciate—and feel a sense of debt.

Now imagine how irritated I was to click on one of her speeches on YouTube only to hear her refer to the “horrific injustice of slavery and Jim Crow,” or something similarly mindless. And many would say I shouldn’t dwell on that bit, but I think the failure of so many to dwell on that is exactly the point. For all the good she has done, it rather sounds as if Ms. Mac Donald would keep us on the road to hell (decrying the suffering the whole time) because she—even she—buys into the utterly ludicrous narrative that Blacks have been mistreated by Whites EVER.

And so it goes with virtually every public figure that I admire or border on admiring: Jim Goad at Takimag, Donald Trump, Steven Crowder, and several others. These are reasonably intelligent individuals—certainly without peer among their leftist opponents, which makes for some very entertaining argumentative beat-downs. And I’m even willing to grant that Donald Trump is in no position to voice such a thing as what I’m about to say, but I can tell that he is a true-believer, that ALL of them are true-believers . . . that Blacks are equal to Whites, or that they SHOULD BE TREATED as equal to Whites.

For leftists, this is as far as they needed to read. I’m “bad” because I dare to assert that the races are not equal—more specifically that the White race is superior to all other races on earth. Leftards have been conditioned like monkeys to sententiously repeat their special little religious mantras about equality and human uniformity and magic hate rays that make even rich Negroes do badly on tests. So if you’re one of these people, please let me address the other members of the audience and do me a favor by putting a gun in your mouth and blowing that shriveled sack of excrement you call your brain out through the top of your pointed head.

But whom does that leave? The blades are all sharpened, the armor is polished, and the enemy has left the gate unmanned, but nowhere in the wide world can we find even one person sufficiently intelligent to pick up his own sword without cutting off his own fingers. What a pack of bloody imbeciles! Sometimes I feel utter shame at how long it took me to see the truth, and then I reflect on how alone I am in what I can see.

I’d like to put aside the fact that evolution literally precludes the possibility of racial equality. Let’s spare ourselves the observation that the inventive history of the White race outstrips that of all other races COMBINED by about a thousand-to-one. I’d just like you to stop for a second and use information gathered by your own eyes. Just for a moment shut off the propaganda voice you let rule your consciousness from the back of your well-trained mind, and access your own direct personal experience for a moment. When in the course of your entire life have you ever seen any evidence, even one shred, that the races are equal? No evasions, no cherry-picking, no tu-quoque fallacies: Have you ever seen any evidence that the various non-White groups you have encountered, taken one race at a time or all at once, were a match for the majesty, cleverness, decency, and beauty of Whites?

Every philosophical ideal you hold dear in the world, whether you are a leftist or an actual human being, has come from our race: Civilization itself, environmental conservation, rejection of spousal abuse, the notion of human rights, every medium in which you have ever received information, the understanding of the movement of the heavens, democracy, the aspiration for personal greatness and worth, all of it, ALL OF IT, has come from the White race. THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO LET DIE AS YOU PRETEND IT MAKES YOU NOBLE TO SAY THE RACES ARE EQUAL.

And all of that is destroyed by the non-Whites. In China and Japan, individuals are relegated to the existence of being little more than mechanical surfs mass-producing for a soulless state. In any dealing you have with public officials, be they police or school masters, judges or businessmen, you can expect to have to pay a bribe to get “fair” treatment. Japan hides it a little better, but practices amakudari in selection of CEOs and has been repeatedly admonished for stealing patents and doing nothing to prosecute countless bribery cases. I mention these two nations because Asians are the closest thing to a decent race apart from Whites: the closest thing, but still a thousand light years short of it. They lie and they cheat and they steal constantly. They, like every other non-White race, swarm into White nations for a better life, bringing their corruption with them and destroying what we have, all while telling us how oppressive and hateful and vile we are.

How many people have you ever heard of who wanted to run away from a White nation for Japan or China? Honestly, have you EVER? What does that tell you?

My point here is that none of this is going to get any better until White people are hurting badly enough that they lose their fear of stating what they can see with their own eyes. We are forbidden to say our race is the best precisely because it really is the best. It simply isn’t brought up by even the most daring of anti-globalist personalities because it is the one objective fact that will unify all the inferiors in their rage and hatred of our achievements. But the really sad truth is that these “daring” nonconformists won’t admit it even to themselves.

Blacks were NEVER mistreated in America, never mistreated by the White race anywhere, not for even one day. Putting aside more leftist evasions like focussing on far-removed singular individuals who met a bad fate (though more often than not, even they got better than they deserved, like Negroes hanged for raping or murdering innocent people), the non-White races have always gained from us far, far, far more than we gained from them. Our interactions with them have always been to their benefit, and always they have cried crocodile tears and pretended they were wronged.

And slavery was never unjust to Blacks, Heather. Blacks are intellectual children, and violent, indolent, incompetent, and useless. They were taken from a life of horrific poverty, rampant disease, incessant warfare, and early death in Africa to a life of useful work, medical providence, and the same respectful care that was given to any tamed horse by his master, if not out of benevolence then out of a desire for consistent productivity. The only injustice in that slavery was to the White race. Slavery has been turned into yet another mythical holocaust where Blacks, supposedly provided for free in endless supply to evil White southerners, were daily whipped bloody, raped, and worked without sleep in deserts full of cobras until they dropped from exhaustion. This narrative is as far from reality as is describing a kids’ summer camp as a prison—or Bruce Jenner as a woman, for that matter.

Oh, and Africa had then AND STILL HAS NOW slavery. If we really think that’s so horrible, why aren’t we bombing Africa at this very moment? But we actually know better, don’t we. And the Middle East still has slavery. And the crap we buy from our “trade partners” in China is essentially manufactured by slaves, isn’t it. That’s why we buy it. Slave labor makes for cheap products—in both senses of the word.

But the Negroes received their food and lodging, a bit of alcohol now and again, and were allowed to get together and play music and party, and accumulate personal baubles just like everyone else. They simply weren’t allowed to leave, just like the average laborer right now in China or Mexico. But we aren’t bombing China and Mexico because we know it’s not really that bad, and what on earth would we do with them if we “freed” them from it?

The average person in Mexico has seen their enslavement as nothing but a blessing. Having a factory to work in, with air conditioning and a steady pay check beats the starvation existence they had on their overcrowded farms, trying to squeeze a survival out of the parched dirt. My objection to our factories moving to Mexico has nothing to do with this enslavement (i.e. EMPLOYMENT) of the Mexican people, but rather the horrific effects it has had on my own race.

What would the average Black slave have become if he had been freed? We have the answer to this: He would keep working on his original plantation for a paycheck that amounts to nothing more than the benefits he got when he was a slave, and his freedom had thus expanded to either going to work on another plantation for the same pay, or moving north and trying to mooch off the naive pity of the anti-slavery libtards of the time. Few took that last option because it was the unknown and required thought and effort. The opportunity to become a welfare parasite had to be brought to the southern Negro’s door by libfags from the north because Blacks are so inferior that they would have remained slaves forever rather than figure out how to live off other people’s tax money. Where in ANY of this is the “injustice” to Negroes?

Realizing the races are not equal matters because all the supposed injustice of “White privilege” is based on the unproven (and entirely false) assertion that the races OUGHT to all be entitled to the same things. In a world where liars and retards can claim children are equal to adults, the protective parent who won’t let his or her pre-adolescent have sex and drink alcohol becomes an “oppressor,” and the physically weak, ignorant child becomes the “oppressed.” In a world where devils and imbeciles declare that animals are equal to people, a barbecue becomes a “holocaust” and rats and roaches must be allowed to live in your home, in your cupboards, in your bed else you are guilty of “bigotry.” But in reality in both cases, the universe has a logical hierarchy and making unequal things equal is an act of cowardice or stupidity at best.

Attention Jim Goad and Donald Trump and Steven Crowder and Heather Mac Donald: Go outside tonight and look up at the moon. There’s a fifty-fifty chance it will be in your sky tonight whenever you read this, assuming that by some chance you ever do. Human beings have been to that world, have walked around on its surface, left flags, brought back to earth pieces of the heavens. And every last one of them was White: not Asian, not Jewish, not Middle Eastern. White.

You rightly pride yourselves on seeing past the PC brainwashing. When are you going to admit to yourself the reality that the races are not equal, and that one of them is clearly far better than all the others? There’s a world full of people watching you, daring to ask questions of themselves based on what you say. Maybe it’s time you found a way to get them to ask the one that really matters, but first you’ll have to ask it of yourselves.

clocktower #racist stormfront.org

Re: Negro attack Chinaman that 'insulted' him.

Mr. Chang meet the negro. It feasts on watermelon, KFC, sugary liquids known as "Drank" which can come in grape, orange, or red flavor, and malt liquor. The negro tends to get violent whenever it feels disrespected or slighted.

The female negros are known as Shaniquas which are even louder and more violent than the negro male. Shaniquas are overweight creatures whose big booty attracts the negro male that is unable to get a White womanz or fail to settle for a mestiza. Jews and White beta cuck latent homosexuals are also natural allies to the Shaniqua. Notice the fake hair or weave that the Sahniqua wears to complete the negro mating ritual.

One must take care when approaching the negro. Fortunately negros sleep in so you can safely walk around during the morning and early afternoon hours. Negros will stay away from libraries, places of employment or any place they are unable to steal from and where the furniture is bolted down.

Tremley #racist stormfront.org

"The White race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren icefields. It has been responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the harnessing of electricity, flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, the lightbulb, photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope, computers, and millions of other technological miracles.

The White Race has discovered countless medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc. Its members have included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Cabot, Edison, Graham Bell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon thousands of other notable achievers.

Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black African Negro has invented nothing.

1). Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure-blooded Negro)

2). He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him)

3). His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head. For shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable.

4). He never build a house although there were millions of board feet of lumber at his fingertips; he never built a table or chairs; he never built a chest of drawers, a dresser; he never built a bed, or desk; he never built a kitchen, never built a stove; he never formed a brick, until he saw the white man do it; he never made a knife, spoon, fork, dish, glass, cup, or any of the other things to eat with; he never built a building; created a money system; he never discovered how to doctor those who were sick except with a few natural remedis that he accidently found; he never built a fireplace to cook and warm himself with; he never weaved a piece of cloth, nor made a shirt, pants, dress, bed clothes, sheets, spreads, quilts, or anything of the sort; he never built an automobile, an airplane, a train, a bus, truck, tractor; he never farmed anything until the white man showed him how, and then when the white man left he let the tractors that he had been given sit and rust away, and the fields unplowed; he never dug a well to produce water for his crops, family, friends and etc., but when the white man came and dug the wells and installed the pumps they used the water with glee, but when the white man left and the pump wore out instead of fixing it they went to the city and begain begging the white man for more food and water."

Vikingsong #conspiracy stormfront.org

(referring to hate crimes committed against poles in Britain after Brexit)

Some of you really are a Jew's wet dream. Eastern Europeans are not being attacked in the UK. It's funny how you cherrypick at what stories you believe (or don't believe) in the Zionist owned media, isn't it?

Whenever the Muslims committ another terrorist attack or another Islamic rape gang has been exposed the media reports that Muslim women are having their hijabs ripped off their heads. Then, lo and behold, immediately after the EU referendum the media is reporting that Poles are being "attacked." And you believe it.

Well done, goyim. Well done.

Still Here #fundie stormfront.org

[OP of the thread "Are the men of the German armed forces of WWII the finest assembly of white men ever?"]

The thousands of pictures and accounts I have pored over show me the most handsome, courageous and noble souls I have ever seen or heard of. The sheer overwhelming odds they held steadfast against for time thought impossible. The fine uniforms, weapons and machines they utilized compliment the supreme discipline, determination and skill of the men wielding them.

Not just the Germans either, Scandinavians, Walloons, Flemish, French, Italian, Croatian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Russian men gave their blood that we might have a Europe free of the central banking system and enslavement of Communism.

And they had no reward. After that most bitter of all struggles if they were one of the very lucky ones to survive and escape retribution and capture, they found themselves unwanted, unheralded, tormented and generally everyone would prefer to forget about them, apart from how terrible they were.

If a free white nation ever happens again, then these many millions of brave souls must be commemorated highly for their selfless and hopefully not futile sacrifice.

fading light #racist stormfront.org

Even if the Amerindians were the first humans on this continent (which I find increasingly unlikely as the evidence mounts), that does NOT--by ANY rational argument--give them claim to every last square inch of dirt here.

There were most certainly unfortunate incidents involving unscrupulous Whites--Cortez, for example, but this was not typical. What generally happened was that we built a village and they tried to rob it by force. We figured out what had to be done very quickly: We defended ourselves from the savages. We made numerous treaties and our own frontiersmen would build right up to the agreed line, but the savages would relentlessly cross it, murdering, raping, and robbing. So nobody living on the frontier had any sympathy for them and understandably so. We would counterattack and end up with more land and a new treaty, start building again and the whole process would repeat.

And now the remaining large pool of Amerinds (Mexicans) CONTINUE to cross the treaty line at will to take what they want. It's in their genes. We should take every last Amerind living in this nation and repatriate them to Mexico, and if we can't get them to stop crossing our border illegally, it's high time we went on another butt-kicking campaign. So do go find a White person from southern Arizona and ask them about the "noble savages" living on their border

nick-forster #racist stormfront.org

Asian fetish propagated by Jews has charmed Whites. Sorry, but Asians are the vilest race to have crawled on the face of the Earth. They are ruthless social climbers who just initially seems benign, harmless and invisible. But shows their true colour once they cross a critical mass. Vancouver is a typical example. Mass immigration have left Vancouver unrecognisable. And these Chinks bring their entire Asian village from their cesspit homeland.
Asian gene is so strong that White-Chink biracial babies completely take Asian facial features. That ugly moon-like round face, massive cheek-bones, alien like slit eyes, wide nose, smudged in face. Their women chase White men till death. And these White simpletons (mostly Beta guys) fall prey to the carefully planted media propaganda that Asians are new definition of feminine beauty. Their smaller frame and low bone ossification retains a stick like girlie structure, which provides sexual kick for many men. But their face are really the ugliest thing possible.

Even Latina, Arab, Persian and North Indian women look lot more attractive than these androgynous Chink gooks. Drive these vermins out ASAP.

Mr Punch #sexist #racist stormfront.org

Re: 'Get a job!' Danish minister lashes out at Muslim youths accused of harassing bar owners

Well done, but women like her emasculated their own men. When I lived in Europe I noticed women in feminist countries like Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands were always desperate to be ****ed by foreign men.

In the Netherlands, for example, they have a problem with Turk and Moroccan "lover boys" who have hypnotic control of young, young girls. This sounds a joke but it is a serious a problem, where these Pakis turn the girls into whores.

Once women help kikes destroy their men folk they replace them with any primitive who knows how to put a woman in her place. A woman always returns to being treated like property. At least white men treated white women like valuable property. Women won't have votes in 100 years whether the Muslims win or not. The equality experiment is over.

Citizen12 #racist stormfront.org

I would have told the stupid bitch to take her mutt brat and go and live in Africa if she loves Coons so much. I would have told her only 130 odd years ago they were facing down our rifles with their spears and animal skin shields. I would have pointed out the blackest areas on earth are always the ****test, that's why the Black race of parasites latch onto white countries. In this country, Brixton, Peckham, Lewisham, Hackney and Tottenham are the crime ridden cesspits because they are filled with Blacks. Or Detroit or Baltimore or Chicago in America.

This cult of N igger worship built on blind lies has to stop. They are miserable, worthless creatures who should have done the rest of the world a favour and died out a long time ago.

The fact that they are now mixing with whites and have way more numbers than us and are growing like a big Black tumour in all our countries is atrocious for the white race and the world at large.

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

Re: Paul Craig Roberts: "Somnolent Europe, Russia, and China"

Not true. The globalist jews (and that's who the "U.S." is in Roberts' essay) did NOT neutralize America's nukes before their takeover of America.

They GRADUALLY/SLOWLY/PIECE BY PIECE took control of the internal fulcrums of power of America. America was defeated by the jews from within. And that, according to Roberts, is what they are now in the process of doing to Russia and China. They can and plan and, maybe, are defeating Russia and China FROM WITHIN -- nukes or no nukes.

Now America may succeed, like the Phoenix, in arising again from America's ashes. Perhaps Donald Trump can help and is helping to get that process started at last.

Ultimately, the ONLY defense against the spreading jewish globalist world tyranny is for America and Europe and Russia and China to throw the jews -- ALL OF THEM EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD -- into a DE-NUKED DE-MILITARIZED Israel or into their own already created, undisputed, non-nuclear non-military country within Russia: the Jewish Autonomous Oblast

And wall them in forever (or until the parasites die out of natural causes -- or are sterilized out of existence).

The only humane Final Solution to the world's Jewish Problem.

That necessary solution needs to be talked about openly. To get that meme out of the closet and into the open ether-sphere and into human consciousness -- so that it can become a realistic long-term global goal.

Jason Colin #racist stormfront.org

(What do you mean by "odd acting people"? Otakus/hikikomoris? If so, then how are the reasons hidden from the public?)

Japan is a Zionist controlled entry way into asia accepting of the LGBT agenda before the AGenda even really started in the west without even excuses that are made up to justify it, has a high murder rate covered up by saying they are suicides because the suicide rate is so high and they abrely do autopsys. Threaten people to plead guilty to crimes. Filled with child sexualization and some of it is legal in terms of age. Real life and in media. They act nuts and demand things in other asian countries they aren't even from and constantly instigate and start fights because they think they are better than everyone. And the government keeps the country disorganized by allowing everyone to be drawn in my all these immoral and shutting the country off from the rest of the world.

TND #fundie stormfront.org

(We are not "owed" anything. We as a society must make sure that these needs are met for all Whites. But nobody is "owed" friendship and sexual intimacy, for example. No woman "owes" me sex.)

Men need sex whether they are owed it or not. It is a basic need just like talking to someone and all men are owed it.

Women as I now assume you are one, say that men are not owed sex for the listed reasons.

1. Women say this hope to stop males from wanting sex. They don't comprehend that men need sex whether they're entitled to it or not, but that's not what feminists believe, they believe sex is some big conspiracy made by the patriarchy to oppress women and if men just learned they aren't entitled to sex, they wouldn't want it anymore.

Men aren't entitled to sex or love from us! = Feminism speaking.

You aren't entitled to a girlfriend! = Feminism speaking

ColdFire #racist stormfront.org

The NWO always makes the true victims into bad guys ....
Take two examples:

The American South and National Socialist Germany ..

As for the American South , it is my belief that it was an economic war , the North at that time wanted the wealth of the South rather than the claim that the war was fought because of slavery ..

It is a fact that here also the NWO was at work ( the Rothschild bank in London financed the North and the Rothschild bank in Paris the South .. ) ..

After the war the South lay in ruins yet they are always portrayed as the bad guys from that time ..

As for National Socialist Germany ..
It was provoced from all sides by agessive gestures on the Reich to say nothing about the lies about the ongoing of the War ( Poland attacked first as well as there were signs of agression by the Soviet Union .... )

Somehow it is amazing how the NWO always manages ( mostly by historical lies ) to paint the true VICTIMS of a war as the sole ones responsible ..

"History books are written by the winners"

Has anybody else noticed this trend ?

Britannic Nationalist #conspiracy stormfront.org

I don't intend to start a debate on the moon landings. All I would say is that, having looked at both sides, I find there to be some glaring inconsistencies and issues with the official story and secondly, as I said above, it's very strange no one else has been up there since. Including the US.

I'm sure the title of being the second country to land on the moon is not that shabby and would be sought after by others. However, here we are almost half a century later and not a soul has been up there since even though it should be a lot easier to do now. Strange.

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

I've read that America is also selling its territory and resources to China -- to pay down the tremendous debt owed to China -- thanks to the Fed and the jewed American government.

China will be (or perhaps is) building cities in America -- for its Chinese citizens. These territories will have Chinese sovereignty.

This shouldn't be too surprising. The EU is giving Europe to muslims and negroes and pakis. These territories are already operating outside of European law and under Islamic sharia law. They are sovereign hostile conquered territories within Europe -- and they are steadily growing in number and size and population.

So I've read.

Life gets fun for White countries when those countries have been conquered by the alien racially-hostile jew.

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

As I've said fairly often (though it usually gets quickly deleted on SF because, though absolutely indisputably correct and an important understanding for men and women alike, it is rather too politically-incorrect)...

White women without their White men are lost little rowboats adrift on a stormy darkening sea.

They NEED -- AND WANT -- to be controlled and directed by their men.

Indeed, any male animal who will control and direct them will do. Even a subhuman retarded male ape. They don't really care what they're told to do -- just that they're told to do it.

The OP video image reminds me of the photo image seared into my consciousness of fully uniformed-up White U.S. Marines holding umbrellas over the dry empty nappy heads of the negro homosexual Barack Obama and his transgender "wife," Michael, on a rainy day in DC as the two silly apes were escorted into their waiting White-chauffeured bullet-proofed black limousine (designed and built by White men).

Jewish inversions and perversions of the Natural Order.

TND #fundie stormfront.org

No doubt VACCINES CAUSE Autism. and No way in hell will I ever willingly take that poison.

My niece was perfectly fine when she was born. Now she has some type of autism. NO ONE in my family has it. So it can't be hereditary. How come my nephew doesn't have the same thing she has? Granted, I haven't done much research on it but I've always been skeptical of the vaccines and everyone should be. Can an unhealthy pregnancy give off autism?

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