Literally the only thing liberals dislike about the Nazis is that the Nazis attacked other western Europeans. If the Nazis had completed Generalplan Ost but left France and Britain alone, liberals would be praising and celebrating them (moreso than they already do) to this day. All the shit the Nazis did, European liberal democracies were already doing in Africa, in Asia, in Australia, and in North and South America. As the saying goes, “Hitler did to Europe what Europe did to the world.”
liberals would be praising and celebrating them (moreso than they already do) to this day.
If the Nazis had completed Generalplan Ost* but left France and Britain alone, liberals would be praising and celebrating them (moreso than they already do)
to this day.
*I still think that sounds funny ’cause in Norwegian, ost means cheese .
Trump was being a liberal when he said there were “very fine people on both sides” in Charlottesville?
If the Nazis had left the Soviet Union alone (which would never happen, but let’s grant that they did) or better yet teamed up with the Soviets, tankies would be giving “critical” support to Nazi Germany against Anglo-Franco-American imperialism.
“Literally the only thing liberals dislike about the Nazis is that the Nazis attacked other western Europeans.”
I’m okay with attacking Europeans if they deserve it. I’m not okay with attacking ANYONE for race, religion, sexuality, political ideology. And i don’t DISLIKE Nazis, I fucking hate them. We’re taught to, and it’s okay.
“European liberal democracies were already doing”
If they were doing that shit elsewhere, they weren’t liberal. Not by today’s yardsticks. You can’t hold today’s liberals accountable for what ‘liberal’ policies 70 years ago.
Or at least, you can’t pretend that today’s liberals agree with Nazis, based on what you think those liberals wanted.
Operation Sealion.
After the war Otto Bräutigam of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories wrote in his book that he had encountered a personal report by General Eduard Wagner regarding a discussion with Heinrich Himmler from February 1943, in which Himmler had expressed the intention for Einsatzgruppen to kill about 80% of the populations of France and England after the German victory. At another point, Hitler had on one occasion described the English lower classes "racially inferior "
No wonder Nazis are hated here in Britain, BeanBrain.
Especially by Churchill. Question: Was he a liberal?
Think very carefully before answering, OP.
Europe is glad that Operation Overlord actually happened, though. Clearly you're not.
Wow, what a total misunderstanding of liberals and non-tankie lefties…
We really don’t like when people are oppressed and/or murdered for immutable characteristics. Period.
I’m going to guess that this is at least in part about there having been pre-WW2 liberals who were eugenicists (mostly the type who supported involuntary sterilization of disabled people) and the Nazis did a lot to sour people on the concept.
It feels strange, though, how some people keep trying to associate fascism with the left. I mean, who on the left has actually ever venerated Hitler and Mussolini, then or now? You get a few tankies who are fans of Franco, but that’s not at all common even among that tiny subgroup, and that’s as close as it gets. Meanwhile virtually all of the fans of actual historical fascists are on the right. In addition, strong nationalism is a fundamental component of fascism, which has never been a popular idea on the left.
I realize that in most cases it’s an extremely shallow association which is barely more than “fascism = bad, liberals = bad, therefore liberals = fascist”, but it still feels strange.
@Anon-e-moose #154857
You mean the Churchill who oversaw the Bengal Famine that killed 3 million people? Who called Indians a “a beastly people with a beastly religion”? Yes, he’s a liberal, and the fact that he’s celebrated proves my point: liberals are fine with genocidal mass murderers as long as they’re not killing white Europeans.
@JeanP #154897
Oh, I know about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. What I was thinking of was more along the lines of the impossible: the Soviets and the Nazis formally joining together in the same way the Allies did, with them sharing intelligence and materiel and having their armies fight side by side.
Something like the “Berlin-Moscow Axis” in Hearts of Iron 4.
Ooo, look: after Googling its screename, senpai noticed us.
We need another quote to add that tag to, BeanBrain. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
@Anon-e-moose #154973
You brought up Churchill. Why don’t we see what he was up to while the Holocaust was going on?
“Rice stocks continued to leave India even as London was denying urgent requests from India’s viceroy for more than 1m tonnes of emergency wheat supplies in 1942-43. Churchill has been quoted as blaming the famine on the fact Indians were 'breeding like rabbits', and asking how, if the shortages were so bad, Mahatma Gandhi was still alive.”
The Indian famine killed 3 million, yet western liberals celebrate its architect as a hero. Do you see how this might give someone the idea that liberals place very little value on the lives of people who aren’t white Europeans?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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