MakeMoralsGreatAgain #fundie #kinkshaming
Here I shall express what I believe a sexually moral society would do in case it is confronted with sexual deviants, or perverts, if you don’t want political correctness. Feel free to write in the comments other things such a society would have, and if you have any disagreements, tell me. Anyway, In a sexually moral society, anyone caught doing the act of pedophilia, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, and rape will be sentenced to death, and anyone expressing a desire to do so will be sent to special mental asylums for years. Anyone harboring somone who has done any of these actions or expressed a desire to do so will be punished as well. People who have fetishes, commit sodomy, engage in BDSM, or other acts deemed immoral and perverted will be sent to mental asylums, where therapists and psychologists will assist them. They will be able to leave the asylum, but only in the land surrounding it, which will be a park and a garden. Other anemities may be added around the asylum to make the patients more comfortable. There will be security camera everywhere to make sure they don’t act on their fetish or commit sodomy. Those caught doing so will lose the privilege to go outside until they have shown self-control over themselves. The goal of the mental asylums is to get rid of the patient’s fetish or desire to commit sodomy or BDSM. Patients will stay at the area for as little as 6 months, or as long as 2 years, depending on how they respond to treatment. Once they are deemed free from their fetish, they will be released and integrated back into society. Those caught doing the act of fornication, adultery, pornography, promiscuity, and masturbating excessively with fines or time in a special section of the mental asylum. Frequent violations result in staying at a mental asylum for up to a year. The media will teach the people from birth to shame and reject anyone caught doing any sexually immoral act, and they will be taught not to do sexually immoral acts as well, or else be reprimanded. It will be just like teaching the youth not to steal, bully, or lie. You know, with posters, advertisements, books, and cartoons. Visitors will be told of the rules, and they will face the same punishments if caught doing any sexually immoral act. This is what a sexually moral society would do, so that sexual purity and morality becomes the new norm. Thank you, and have a good day.