Wouldn't be better for wellbeing of clients to amputate eyes of prostitutes and put artificial ones instead?
Clients of prostitutes may be not good looking men, and that may result in decrease of service quality by prostitutes doing her job worse (or even refusing at all), and ugly men feeling insecure and being insulted and receiving emotional damage, if see prostitute looking at them with disgust
Alright- alright, let my try to fix this:
“Wouldn't be better for wellbeing of humans everywhere to lobotomize incels and put them to work as hard labour instead?”
1) Knowing a man who is not conventionally attractive and who frequented prostitutes in his younger years, he reported that he got as good as he gave. In other words, if he treated the sex workers like human beings, they treated him with respect and provided, for lack of a better term, good service.
2) @Timjer : There there's nothing behind that idiot's eyes to lobotomize.
If people are turning the OP down for sex, it's not because he's ugly on the outside. It's because he thinks other human beings exist solely for his gratification and the gratification of those who share his aims.
What a disgusting piece of shit.
“Clients of prostitutes may be not good looking men, and that may result in decrease of service quality by prostitutes doing her job worse”
Wait, what do you expect for a $10 blowjob? How much can ‘service quality’ drop before you’d demand your money back?
Thing is, bubbles, as long as she has control over her body, that includes her pussy and who’s allowed to stick something in it, AND her eyes, and who’s allowed to pluck them out.
So sad that seeing women as humans means they can turn you down for sex. We’re not going to redesign society in favor of your libido, though.
<@Sasha > #127657
I doubt any amount of money in the world would be enough for any prostitute to stomach the upfront abuse and complete misunderstanding of the service being provided and even if one is willing to endure physical and mental degradation to a point that’s certainly not going to drown out all the red flags concerning their safety in the immediate future if they associate with these obsessive, hateful, delusional time bombs who actually just get worse when they’re indulged or treated with anything resembling kindness or just given the benefit of the doubt and a chance to prove they’re not all so bad as they seem.
If physical ugliness were in the same solar system as their problems a wad of cash and knowing when to just shut the fuck up would make soliciting a prostitute a simple act. It’s what’s your every other sense than your eyes will convey that will tell a woman she’s staring down bad news and unlike more functional psychopaths these bloodbags can barely bother with superficial affectations of personality and certainly don’t convey them convincingly.
Going by the same logic, should male employees be castrated? After all, that would certainly cut down a lot on sexual misconduct, as well as reducing family-related productivity loss.
You’re not entitled to maim other human beings solely for your conveniance. Furthermore, these prostitutes aren’t concerned with physical ugliness but moral one: you’re an odious, rotten and disgusting person viewing other human beings as only props for your enjoyment.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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