Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut

The left tried to hide the Covenant School shooter’s diary, and now the reason why is clear.

Audrey Hale was a woman who identified as a man, aka transgender. She was brainwashed with leftist gender ideology.

She also bought the leftist lie that if kids aren’t trans’ed, they’ll kill themselves. (Not true.)

She believed the genocidal lie leftists use to frighten people into violence by telling minority groups that conservatives & Christians are trying to take away their human rights. (Obviously this is a lie.)

She also bought into Critical Race Theory, writing about self-embarrassment because she’s white. (Evil & false.)

So, she was a disturbed young woman, likely harmed by Big Pharma (autism), who fell prey to Queer Theory (trans), & was brainwashed with Critical Race Theory (she hated herself & white people). She felt her only recourse was revolutionary violence… because that’s what the left tells young people.

Obviously the left tried to stifle this. Every single external ideology that motivated this young woman to murder innocent children and their teachers… was indoctrinated into her by Democrats and leftists.

3:21 AM · Sep 4, 2024 · 34.7K Views
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